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Various experimental techniques have been advanced in recent years to measure non-equilibrium energy transformations on the microscopic scale of single molecules. In general, the systems studied in the corresponding experiments are exposed to strong thermal fluctuations and thus the relevant energetic variables such as work and heat become stochastic. This thesis addresses challenging theoretical problems in this active field of current research: 1) Exact analytical solutions of work and heat distributions for isothermal non-equilibrium processes in suitable models are obtained; 2) Corresponding solutions for cyclic processes involving two different heat reservoirs are found; 3) Optimization of periodic driving protocols for such cyclic processes with respect to maximal output power, efficiency, and minimal power fluctuations is studied. The exact solutions for work and heat distributions provide a reference for theoretical investigations of more complicated models, giving insight into the structure of the tail of work distributions and serving as valuable test cases for simulations of the underlying stochastic processes.
Physics --- Plasma physics --- Statistical physics --- Thermodynamics --- Matter physics --- thermodynamica --- molecuulfysica --- plasmafysica --- theoretische fysica --- fysica --- atoomfysica
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The propagation of light in 'dense media' where dipole-dipole interactions play a role is a fundamental topic that was first studied in the work of Clausius, Mossotti, Lorenz and Lorentz in the latter half of the nineteenth century. However, until recently there remained some areas of controversy: for example, whereas the Lorentz model for a gas predicts a resonance shift, a discrete dipole model does not. This thesis makes the first combined measurement of both the Lorentz shift and the associated collective Lamb shift. This clear experimental result stimulated new theoretical work that has significantly advanced our understanding of light propagation in interacting media.
Physics --- Plasma physics --- Optics. Quantum optics --- Electromagnetism. Ferromagnetism --- Matter physics --- molecuulfysica --- plasmafysica --- elektrodynamica --- fysica --- atoomfysica --- optica
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Since the discovery that atomic-size particles can be described as waves, many interference experiments have been realized with electrons to demonstrate their wave behavior. In this book, after describing the different steps that led to the present knowledge, we focus on the strong link existing between photon and electron interferences, highlighting the similarities and the differences. For example, the atomic centers of a hydrogen molecule are used to mimic the slits in the Young's famous interference experiment with light. We show, however, that the basic time-dependent ionization theories that describe these Young-type electron interferences are not able to reproduce the experiment. This crucial point remains a real challenge for theoreticians in atomic collision physics.
Quantum mechanics. Quantumfield theory --- Plasma physics --- Optics. Quantum optics --- Matter physics --- Physics --- molecuulfysica --- quantumfysica --- plasmafysica --- elektrodynamica --- fysica --- atoomfysica --- optica
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Bouw van de materie, molecuulfysica,atoomfysica,kernfysica,isotopen,elementaire deeltjes --- Elementaire deeltjes --- Higgsdeeltjes --- Fysica --- Donkere materie --- Heelal --- Donkere energie --- Elementair deeltje --- Higgsdeeltje
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Our understanding of nature, and in particular of physics and the laws governing it, has changed radically since the days of the ancient Greek natural philosophers. This book explains how and why these changes occurred, through landmark experiments as well as theories that - for their time - were revolutionary. The presentation covers Mechanics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Relativity Theory, Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics. The book places emphasis on ideas and on a qualitative presentation, rather than on mathematics and equations. Thus, although primarily addressed to those who are studying or have studied science, it can also be read by non-specialists. The author concludes with a discussion of the evolution and organization of universities, from ancient times until today, and of the organization and dissemination of knowledge through scientific publications and conferences.
Science --- History of physics --- Quantum mechanics. Quantumfield theory --- Plasma physics --- Matter physics --- Physics --- thermodynamica --- molecuulfysica --- eenheden --- quantumfysica --- plasmafysica --- popularisering wetenschap --- wetenschap --- wetenschappen --- fysica --- atoomfysica
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The book gives an introduction to the field quantization (second quantization) of light and matter with applications to atomic physics. The first chapter briefly reviews the origins of special relativity and quantum mechanics and the basic notions of quantum information theory and quantum statistical mechanics. The second chapter is devoted to the second quantization of the electromagnetic field, while the third chapter shows the consequences of the light field quantization in the description of electromagnetic transitions.In the fourth chapter it is analyzed the spin of the electron, and in particular its derivation from the Dirac equation, while the fifth chapter investigates the effects of external electric and magnetic fields on the atomic spectra (Stark and Zeeman effects). The sixth chapter describes the properties of systems composed by many interacting identical particles by introducing the Hartree-Fock variational method, the density functional theory, and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Finally, in the seventh chapter it is explained the second quantization of the non-relativistic matter field, i.e. the Schrödinger field, which gives a powerful tool for the investigation of many-body problems and also atomic quantum optics. At the end of each chapter there are several solved problems which can help the students to put into practice the things they learned.
Quantum mechanics. Quantumfield theory --- Plasma physics --- Statistical physics --- Matter physics --- Physics --- EMI (electromagnetic interference) --- molecuulfysica --- quantumfysica --- materie (fysica) --- plasmafysica --- quantummechanica --- fysica --- atoomfysica
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The second edition of "The Chemistry of the Superheavy Elements" provides a complete coverage of the chemistry of a series of elements beginning with atomic number 104 – the transactinides or superheavy elements – including their nuclear properties and production in nuclear reactions at heavy-ion accelerators. The contributors to this work include many renowned scientists who, during the last decades, have made vast contributions towards understanding the physics and chemistry of these elusive elements, both experimentally and theoretically. The main emphasis here is on demonstrating the fascinating studies involved in probing the architecture of the Periodic Table at its uppermost end, where relativistic effects drastically influence chemical properties. All known chemical properties of these elements are described together with the experimental techniques applied to study these short-lived man-made elements one atom-at-a-time. The status of theoretical chemistry and of empirical models is presented as well as aspects of nuclear physics. In addition, one chapter outlines the meanderings in this field from a historical perspective and the search for superheavy elements in Nature.
Nuclear physics --- Physicochemistry --- Nuclear chemistry --- Organic reaction mechanisms and kinetics --- Chemistry --- thermodynamica --- stralingschemie --- quarks --- deeltjesfysica --- chemie --- atoomfysica --- kogellagers --- fysicochemie --- Superheavy elements.
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This volume collects research findings presented at the 8th Edition of the Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA-2012) International Conference, held in Barcelona, Spain on June 26-29, 2012. The contributions cover research work on methods and fundamentals of theoretical chemistry, chemical reactivity, bimolecular modeling, and materials science. Originally published in the journal Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, these outstanding papers are now available in a hardcover print format, as well as a special electronic edition. This volume provides valuable content for all researchers in theoretical chemistry, and will especially benefit those research groups and libraries with limited access to the journal.
Plasma physics --- Matter physics --- Physics --- Surface chemistry --- Chemistry --- Materials sciences --- Computer. Automation --- molecuulfysica --- materiaalkennis --- plasmafysica --- oppervlakte-onderzoek --- chemie --- informatica --- atoomfysica --- Electronic structure --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical
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Chemical reactions and growth processes on surfaces depend on the diffusion and re-orientation of the adsorbate molecules. A fundamental understanding of the forces guiding surface motion is thus of utmost importance for the advancement of many fields of science and technology. To date, our understanding of the principles underlying surface dynamics remains extremely limited, due to the difficulties involved in measuring these processes experimentally. The helium-3 spin-echo (HeSE) technique is uniquely capable of probing such surface dynamical phenomena. The present thesis extends the field of application of HeSE from atomic and small molecular systems to more complex systems. Improvements to the supersonic helium beam source, a key component of the spectrometer, as well as a detailed investigation of a range of five-membered aromatic adsorbate species are presented. The thesis provides a comprehensive description of many aspects of the HeSE method - instrumentation, measurement and data analysis - and as such offers a valuable introduction for newcomers to the field.
Measuring methods in physics --- Plasma physics --- Solid state physics --- Matter physics --- Physics --- Surface chemistry --- Physicochemistry --- Chemical laboratory practice --- Organic reaction mechanisms and kinetics --- procescontrole --- thermodynamica --- molecuulfysica --- laboratoriuminstrumenten --- plasmafysica --- oppervlakte-onderzoek --- meetkundige instrumenten --- fysica --- atoomfysica --- micro-elektronica --- elektrische meettechniek --- kogellagers --- fysicochemie
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The application of molecules in technological devices hinges on the proper understanding of their behavior on metallic electrodes or substrates. The intrinsic molecular electronic and magnetic properties are modified at a metallic interface, and greatly depend on the atomic configuration of the molecule-metal bond. This poses certain problems, such as the lack of reproducibility in the transport properties of molecular junctions, but also offers the possibility to induce new charge and spin configurations that are only present at the interface. The results presented in this thesis address this issue, providing a comprehensive overview of the influence of molecule-metal and molecule-molecule interactions on the electronic and magnetic properties of molecules adsorbed on metallic substrates. Using metal-phthalocyanines (MePc), a commonly used metal-organic complex as a model system, each chapter explores different aspects of the interaction with silver surfaces: the local adsorption geometry, self-assembly, the modifications of the electronic and magnetic characteristics due to hybridization and charge transfer, and finally the manipulation of molecular charge and spin states by electron doping using alkali atoms moved with the STM tip.
Plasma physics --- Optics. Quantum optics --- Electronics and optics of solids --- Matter physics --- Physics --- Theoretical spectroscopy. Spectroscopic techniques --- Descriptive organic chemistry --- molecuulfysica --- organometalische verbindingen --- plasmafysica --- spectroscopie --- microscopie --- fysica --- atoomfysica --- transistoren --- halfgeleiders --- microwaves
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