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L'éthique de la redistribution
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782251390598 2251390596 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: les Belles lettres,

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« En 1951, tournant le dos à son itinéraire l'ayant mené du socialisme national jusqu'à la collaboration idéologique avec Vichy, Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987) publie au Royaume-Uni et en anglais The Ethics of Redistribution. Dans le prolongement de Du pouvoir (1945) qui lui avait valu une renommée internationale de penseur politique, cet opus, inédit en français, développe avec une sobre alacrité une critique de l'extension du "Minotaure" que représente l'institution naissante de l'Etat-providence par le biais de la redistribution massive des revenus. Sa thèse : un inquiétant transfert des pouvoirs de décision des individus s'accomplit ainsi au profit de l'Etat, toujours plus omnipotent. Jouvenel met à mal le mythe d'une redistribution ne sollicitant que les plus riches. La logique fiscale conduit nécessairement à ponctionner aussi les classes moyennes. Une analyse singulièrement iconoclaste et prémonitoire. »

Safety nets and benefit dependence
ISBN: 1784411108 9781784411107 1781909369 1322081794 9781781909362 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bingley, England : Emerald,

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Patterns of transitions into and out of benefit receipt are important measures of the effectiveness of social protection system, which play a important role in response to economic downturns. This volume contains new research on the dynamics of social insurance, including articles that provide evidence on benefit dependence from various countries.

Community-based conditional cash transfers in Tanzania : results from a Randomized trial
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1464801428 146480141X Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, DC : World Bank,

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Given the success of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs elsewhere, in 2010 the Government of Tanzania rolled out a pilot CCT program in three districts. Its aim was to see if, using a model relying on communities to target beneficiaries and deliver payments, the program could improve outcomes for the poor the way centrally-run CCT programs have in other contexts. The program provided cash payments to poor households, but conditioned payments on complying with certain health and education requirements. Given scarce resources, the Government randomly selected 40 out of 80 eligible villages

Last-resort income support for the poorest : a review of experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1464802378 1464802386 Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, DC : World Bank,

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This study reviews the role and workings, with their strengths and weaknesses of last-resort income support (LRIS) programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It draws on a combination of household survey and administrative data for a large group of countries and detailed case studies for a smaller number of countries that span the spectrum of the income range in the region. It thus combines the value of wide, comparable multi-country work with that of in-depth, country-specific probing on key themes. The experiences of LRIS programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have demonstrated the te

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