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Iedereen is geïnteresseerd in de diversiteit bij de mens, in ziekte en gezondheid, uiterlijke en innerlijke kenmerken en gedrag; de verschillen tussen individuen en groepen, hoe die tot stand komen en hoe we daar mee om gaan. De biologische antropologie is een holistisch en interdisciplinair vakgebied waar de diversiteit bij de mens vanuit een natuurwetenschappelijk perspectief bestudeerd wordt. Alles draait rond evolutie: alle natuurwetenschappelijke vakdomeinen die bijdragen tot een beter begrip van evolutie en diversiteit worden in de bio-antropologische analyse opgenomen. Dit boek geeft een inleiding op de biologische antropologie en beschrijft en verklaart van daaruit diversiteit bij de mens. De toepassing van bio-antropologische kaders op de verklaring van sociaal gedrag is een ingewikkelde maar fascinerende studie op zichzelf. Zodanig dat specifiek voor de studie van sociaal gedrag vakdomeinen ontstonden zoals de sociobiologie, de sociale biologie, de evolutiepsychologie en de gedragsgenetica. Ook die domeinen worden in dit boek toegelicht. In het bijzonder wordt in gegaan op de relatie tussen biologische vakgebieden en de studie en analyse van antisociaal of afwijkend gedrag. De bio-sociale analyse van criminaliteit is een actueel en zeer interessant vakgebied dat veel potentieel biedt om tot een totaalbeeld op gedragsverschillen te komen. De lezer krijgt niet alleen deze inzichten mee maar ook een vertoog en pleidooi tot een genuanceerde en fundamentele kijk op deze
Antropologie --- Evolutieleer --- Criminologie
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Criminologie --- Histoire --- Aspect politique --- Histoire.
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Corporate Criminal Liability is on the rise worldwide: More and more legal systems now include genuinely criminal sanctioning for legal entities. The various regulatory options available to national criminal justice systems, their implications and their constitutional, economic and psychological parameters are key questions addressed in this volume. Specific emphasis is put on procedural questions relating to corporate criminal liability, on alternative sanctions such as blacklisting of corporations, on common corporate crimes and on questions of transnational criminal justice. .
Criminology. Victimology --- Law --- recht --- criminologie
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Qu’est-ce que la psychologie criminologique ? Une discipline nouvelle, en pleine expansion, à l’intersection de la psychologie, de la sociologie et du juridique. Son objectif : aider à comprendre et expliquer les situations violentes et criminelles.Les auteurs de cet ouvrage retracent l’émergence de cette nouvelle discipline, à travers un rapide parcours historique. Méthodologies et pratiques sont expliquées. Quelles sont les dynamiques du passage à l’acte ? De quels outils cliniques disposent les experts ? Comment évaluer le traumatisme et accompagner les victimes ? Avec l’analyse des faits délinquantiels, les questions de responsabilité et de vulnérabilité sont interrogées dans différents champs comme les violences familiales, l’inceste, les violences scolaires ou urbaines, les crimes, les violences de l’adolescent.Des cas précis, des vignettes cliniques permettent d’aider les psychologues et criminologues cliniciens à analyser, évaluer des situations et des personnes pour préconiser des types d’intervention. Peu d’ouvrages synthétiques abordent le passage à l’acte violent ou criminel en utilisant les modèles de la psychologie dynamique. Ce livre constitue un véritable outil d’étude et de travail innovant
Criminal psychology --- Criminology --- Psychologie criminelle --- Criminologie
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Language and the Right to Fair Hearing in International Criminal Trials explores the influence of the dynamic factor of language on trial fairness in international criminal proceedings. By means of empirical research and jurisprudential analysis, this book explores the implications that conducting a trial in more than one language can have for the right to fair trial. It reveals that the language debate is as old as international criminal justice, but due to misrepresentation of the status of language fair trial rights in international law, the debate has not yielded concrete reforms. Language is the core foundation for justice. It is the means through which the rights of the accused are secured and exercised. Linguistic complexities such as misunderstandings, translation errors and cultural distance among participants in international criminal trials affect courtroom communication, the presentation and the perception of the evidence, hence jeopardizing the foundations of a fair trial. The author concludes that language fair trial rights are priority rights situated in the minimum guarantees of fair criminal trial; the obligation of the court to ensure fair trial or accord the accused person a fair hearing also includes the duty to ensure they can understand and be understood.
Criminology. Victimology --- Law --- Linguistics --- recht --- criminologie --- linguïstiek
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This book examines selected legal complexities of the notion of torture and the issue of the proper foundation for legally characterizing certain acts as torture, especially when children are the targeted victims of torture. ICC case law is used to highlight the International Criminal Court’s reluctance in practice to prosecute as a separable offence the crime of torture as set out in one or more of the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute where children are the particularized targets as part of a common plan during armed conflict. Also addressed is the failure of the ICC to consider that the young age of the victims of torture (i.e. children) should be an aggravating factor taken into account in determining the ICC sentence for those convicted of the torture of civilians, including children, in the context of armed conflict as part of a common plan. The six UN-designated grave crimes against children (including child soldiering for State or non-State forces perpetrating mass atrocities, and sexual violence perpetrated on a systematic and widespread basis against children including child soldiers), it is argued, are also instances of the torture of children as part of a common plan such that separate charges of torture are legally supportable (along with the other charges relating to additional Rome Statute offences involved in such circumstances). Useful legal perspectives on the issue of the torture of children in its various manifestations gleaned from the case law of other international judicial forums such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the ICTY are also examined.
Criminology. Victimology --- Law --- recht --- criminologie --- seksueel misbruik
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Mai Sato examines public attitudes to the death penalty in Japan, focusing on knowledge and attitudinal factors relating to support for, and opposition to, the death penalty. She uses a mixed-method approach and mounts quantitative and qualitative surveys to assess Japanese death penalty attitudes. The author’s main findings show that death penalty attitudes are not fixed but fluid. Information has a significant impact on reducing support for the death penalty while retributive attitudes are associated with support. This book offers a new conceptual framework in understanding the death penalty without relying on the usual human rights approach, which can be widely applied not just to Japan but to other retentionist countries. Contents · Public Attitudes towards the Death Penalty · Critical Examination of the Japanese Government Survey · Experimental Survey Examining the Impact of Information on Support for the Death Penalty Target Groups · Researchers and students in the fields of sociology, law, political sciences, criminology, socio-legal studies, Japan studies and Asian studies · NGOs, policymakers, civil society The Author Mai Sato completed her PhD at King’s College London in 2011. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for Criminal Policy Research, Birkbeck, University of London, and a Research Officer at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford.
Social sciences (general) --- sociale wetenschappen --- criminologie --- Japan
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Since after the Second World War, the crime of aggression is – along with genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – a “core crime” under international law. However, despite a formal recognition of aggression as a matter of international criminal law and the reinforcement of the international legal regulation of the use of force by States, numerous international armed conflicts occurred but no one was ever prosecuted for aggression since 1949. This book comprehensively analyses the historical development of the criminalisation of aggression, scrutinises in a detailed manner the relevant jurisprudence of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals as well as of the Nuremberg follow-up trials, and makes proposals for a more successful prosecution for aggression in the future. In identifying customary international law on the subject, the book draws upon a wealth of applicable sources of national criminal law and puts forward a useful classification of States´ legislative approaches towards the criminalisation of aggression at the national level. It also offers a detailed analysis of the current international legal regulation of the use of force and of the Rome Statute´s substantive and procedural provisions pertaining to the exercise of the International Criminal Court´s jurisdiction with respect to the crime of aggression, after 1 January 2017. A first monograph on the crime of aggression written by an author from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for an international audience, the book assembles the normative experience of States representing the major legal systems of the world, and will be useful to practitioners, academics and students of international law.
Criminology. Victimology --- Law --- History --- geschiedenis --- recht --- criminologie
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Criminologie. --- Economische criminaliteit. --- Fraude. --- fraude. --- Nederland.
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