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Astrologie antique. --- Astronomie antique. --- Astrologie --- Astronomie --- Histoire.
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Applied astronomy --- navigatie --- astronomie
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The interaction of radiation with matter is a fundamental process in the universe; in particular, the absorption and scattering of radiation by matter (the opacity) govern the formation, evolution, and structure of stars and planets. But opacity is also important in many terrestrial applications in which radiation is the dominant means of energy transfer, such as controlled nuclear-fusion, laser ablation, atmospheric entry and reentry, and the "greenhouse" effect. This book covers all aspects of opacity and equations of state for plasmas, gases, vapors, and dust and emphasizes the continuous transformation of phases and molecular compositions with changing density and temperature under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) while preserving the basic abundances of the chemical elements in a mixture.
Astronomy --- Physics --- thermodynamica --- kernenergie --- fysica --- astronomie
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The outstanding question in astronomy at the turn of the twentieth century was: What are the stars and why are they as they are? In this volume, the story of how the answer to this fundamental question was unravelled is narrated in an informal style, with emphasis on the underlying physics. Although the foundations of astrophysics were laid down by 1870, and the edifice was sufficiently built up by 1920, the definitive proof of many of the prescient conjectures made in the 1920s and 1930s came to be established less than ten years ago. This book discusses these recent developments in the context of discussing the nature of the stars, their stability and the source of the energy they radiate. Reading this book will get young students excited about the presently unfolding revolution in astronomy and the challenges that await them in the world of physics, engineering and technology. General readers will also find the book appealing for its highly accessible narrative of the physics of stars. “... The readers will find Dr Srinivasan, an internationally acclaimed leader in this enterprise, to be a clear and enthusiastic guide to the wonders and mysteries of the cosmos.” Lord Martin Rees Astronomer Royal Master of Trinity College, Cambridge “I know of no comparable book in the present-day literature that so successfully conveys the excitement of the development of ideas pertaining to the physics of stars, including the newest discoveries, and at the same time explains the fundamentals so well.” E. P. J. van den Heuvel Professor of Astrophysics Winner of the Spinoza and Descartes Prizes University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Astrophysics --- Astronomy --- Physics --- astrofysica --- fysica --- astronomie
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This volume is devoted to one of the fascinating things about stars: how they evolve as they age. This evolution is different for stars of different masses. How stars end their lives when their supply of energy is exhausted also depends on their masses. Interestingly, astronomers conjectured about the ultimate fate of the stars even before the details of their evolution became clear. Part I of this book gives an account of the remarkable predictions made during the 1920s and 1930s concerning the ultimate fate of stars. Since much of this development hinged on quantum physics that emerged during this time, a detailed introduction to the relevant physics is included in the book. Part II is a summary of the life history of stars. This discussion is divided into three parts: low-mass stars, like our Sun, intermediate-mass stars, and massive stars. Many of the concepts of contemporary astrophysics were built on the foundation erected by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar in the 1930s. This book, written during his birth centenary, includes a brief biographical sketch of the brilliant scientist, which readers will find fascinating. Reading this book will get young students excited about the presently unfolding revolution in astronomy and the challenges that await them in the world of physics, engineering and technology. General readers will also find the book appealing for its highly accessible narrative of the physics of stars. This book is a companion volume of “What are the Stars?” by the same author. "I know of no other book on the evolution of stars of a similar scope and breadth that is so accessible for undergraduate students." E P J van den Heuvel Professor of Astrophysics Winner of the Spinoza and Descartes PrizesUniversity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands .
Astrophysics --- Astronomy --- Physics --- astrofysica --- fysica --- astronomie
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Lange tijd werd de aarde gezien als iets wat onveranderlijk is. Zo'n vijftig jaar geleden ontdekten geologen dat de continenten juist voortdurend in beweging zijn. Later kregen we de eerste foto's van de aarde vanuit de ruimte te zien. Nu kunnen we eindelijk de aarde als geheel én in detail waarnemen: het bos én de bomen. Dit deel uit de reeks Elementaire Deeltjes gaat in op deze ontdekkingen en biedt een introductie op de verschillende processen die onze planeet beheersen.
Geology. Earth sciences --- Geography --- aarde (astronomie)
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Space astronomy --- Astronomie spatiale --- Système solaire --- Solar system. --- Astronomie spatiale. --- Système solaire. --- Système solaire.
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Meteor showers are among the most spectacular celestial events that may be observed by the naked eye, and have been the object of fascination throughout human history. In “Meteor Showers: An Annotated Catalog,” the interested observer can access detailed research on over 100 annual and periodic meteor streams in order to capitalize on these majestic spectacles. Each meteor shower entry includes details of their discovery, important observations and orbits, and gives a full picture of duration, location in the sky, and expected hourly rates. Armed with a fuller understanding, the amateur observer can better view and appreciate the shower of their choice. The original book, published in 1988, has been updated with over 25 years of research in this new and improved edition. Almost every meteor shower study is expanded, with some original minor showers being dropped while new ones are added. The book also includes breakthroughs in the study of meteor showers, such as accurate predictions of outbursts as well as comet and meteor observations from the 6th century to the 17th century that were not published in the first edition. It holds all of the information needed to inspire a new observer or provide deeper knowledge to the long-time enthusiast.
Science --- Space research --- Astrophysics --- Astronomy --- Physics --- astrofysica --- popularisering wetenschap --- kapitalisme --- fysica --- ruimte (astronomie) --- ruimtevaart --- astronomie
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What happens at the end of the life of massive stars? At one time we thought all these stars followed similar evolutionary paths. However, new discoveries have shown that things are not quite that simple. This book focuses on the extreme –the most intense, brilliant and peculiar– of astronomical explosions. It features highly significant observational finds that push the frontiers of astronomy and astrophysics, particularly as before these objects were only predicted in theory. This book is for those who want the latest information and ideas about the most dramatic and unusual explosions detected by current supernova searches. It examines and explains cataclysmic and unusual events in stellar astrophysics and presents them in a non-mathematical but highly detailed way that non-professionals can understand and enjoy.
Science --- Space research --- Cosmology --- Physics --- astrofysica --- popularisering wetenschap --- fysica --- ruimte (astronomie) --- astronomie --- kosmologie
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Amateur astronomers of all skill levels are always contemplating their next telescope, and this book points the way to the most suitable instruments. Similarly, those who are buying their first telescopes – and these days not necessarily a low-cost one – will be able to compare and contrast different types and manufacturers. This revised new guide provides an extensive overview of binoculars and telescopes. It includes detailed up-to-date information on sources, selection and use of virtually every major type, brand, and model on today’s market, a truly invaluable treasure-trove of information and helpful advice for all amateur astronomers. Originally written in 2006, much of the first edition is inevitably now out of date, as equipment advances and manufacturers come and go. This second edition not only updates all the existing sections but adds two new ones: Astro-imaging and Professional-Amateur collaboration. Thanks to the rapid and amazing developments that have been made in digital cameras it is easily possible to image all sorts of astronomical objects and fields. Selecting the right device for a variety of purposes can be an overwhelming task in a market crowded with observing options, but this comprehensive guide clarifies the process. Anyone planning to purchase binoculars or telescopes for astronomy – whether as a first instrument or as an upgrade to the next level – will find this book a treasure-trove of information and advice. It also supplies the reader with many useful hints and tips on using astronomical telescopes or binoculars to get the best possible results.
Science --- Space research --- Astronomy --- Physics --- popularisering wetenschap --- fysica --- ruimte (astronomie) --- astronomie
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