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Synopsis van het Belgische arbeidsrecht
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789400004948 940000494X Year: 2014 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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In deze zesde editie van de Synopsis van het Belgische arbeidsrecht komen de meest courante topics uit het individuele en collectieve arbeidsrecht aan bod: ontslag, ziekte, zwangerschap, de sociale dialoog, staking enz. Het onderscheid tussen arbeiders en bedienden werd in 2013 door de wetgever weggewerkt en vooral dat heeft zijn sporen nagelaten in deze uitgave.Dit (hand)boek bevat geen uitweidingen over zeer specifieke juridische problemen, maar geeft een helikopterzicht. Het aantal voetnoten werd dan ook bewust beperkt. De beknopte bibliografieën die op verschillende plaatsen in het boek werden opgenomen, zijn echter een perfect beginpunt voor verder opzoekwerk. Tevens werd een lijst opgenomen van nuttige websites.(

Organiser sa veille sur Internet : au-delà de Google... Outils et astuces pour le professionnel.
ISSN: 17649943 ISBN: 9782212139457 2212139454 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris Eyrolles

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Définissez vos objectifs et mettez en place un plan de veille. Interrogez efficacement les divers moteurs de recherche et trouvez tous types de contenus (images, sons, vidéos, PDF, présentations...). Explorez la blogosphère et les microblogs, surveillez l'actualité, pistez les experts et suivez les tendances du Web. Personnalisez votre recherche (Rollyo, Yahoo! Pipes...) et filtrez les informations. Automatisez votre veille grâce aux flux RSS et aux agrégateurs (Netvibes, Google Reader...). Apprenez à évaluer l'information. Classez et représentez visuellement vos trouvailles grâce au Mind Mapping. Organisez et partagez vos trouvailles grâce au Social Bookmarking (Diigo, Delicious...). Diffusez votre veille sur un blog ou sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr...)

Arbeidsrecht toegepast
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789400005204 Year: 2014 Volume: *7 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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Dit praktische handboek stelt het Belgische arbeidsrecht op een overzichtelijke wijze voor. De auteurs blijven daarbij stilstaan bij de belangrijkste topics, zonder zich te verliezen in al te verregaande details. Concrete voorbeelden en veelvuldige verwijzingen naar de rechtspraak maken de meest ingewikkelde materies aanschouwelijk.

Loonbeslag en loonoverdracht : praktische richtlijnen
ISBN: 9789048617777 9048617774 Year: 2014 Publisher: Brugge : Die Keure,

Kids Codex. Boek V : Arbeidsrecht; Sociale zekerheidsrecht; Gezondheidsrecht.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782804469412 Year: 2014 Volume: 5 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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HOOFDSTUK 1. Minderjarigen en het arbeidsrecht : A. Internationaal / Europees recht. B. Intern recht : 1. Bevoegdheden inzake arbeidsrecht - 2. Combinatie werken en leren - 3. De minderjarige werknemer - 4. Arbeidsreglementering - 5. Bescherming van jongeren op het werk - 6. Bescherming van stagiairs - 7. Schorsingen arbeidsovereenkomst omwille van minderjarigheid - HOOFDSTUK 2. Minderjarigen en het sociale zekerheidsrecht : A. Internationaal / Europees recht. B. Intern recht : 1. Bevoegheden - 2. Toepassingen en bijdrageregeling - 3. Kinderbijslag - 4. Gezondheidszorg - 5. werkloosheid - 6. Arbeidsongevallen en beroepsziekten - 7. Maatschappelijke integratie en leefloon - 8. Maatschappelijke dienstverlening - HOOFDSTUK 3. Minderjarigen en het gezondheidsrecht : A. Internationaal / Europees recht. B. Intern recht : 1. Bevoegdheden - 2. Rechten van minderjarige patiënten - 3. Minderjarige psychiatrische patiënten - 4. Minderjarigen en zorginstellingen

Reading the rabbis
ISBN: 9789004254688 9789004255739 9004255737 1306318874 9781306318877 9004254684 Year: 2014 Publisher: Boston Brill

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In Reading the Rabbis Eva De Visscher examines the Hebrew scholarship of Englishman Herbert of Bosham (c.1120-c.1194). Chiefly known as the loyal secretary and hagiographer of Archbishop Thomas Becket and enemy of Henry II, he appears here as an outstanding Hebraist whose linguistic proficiency and engagement with Rabbinic sources, including contemporary teachers, were unique for a northern-European Christian of his time. Two commentaries on the Psalms by Herbert form the focus of scrutiny. In demonstrating influence from Jewish and Christian texts such as Rashi, Hebrew-French glossaries, Hebrew-Latin Psalters, and Victorine scholarship, De Visscher situates Herbert within the context of an increased interest in the revision of Jerome's Latin Bible and literal exegesis, and a heightened Christian awareness of Jewish 'other-ness'.

The Family of Abraham : Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Interpretations
ISBN: 9780674050839 0674050835 0674419944 0674419952 9780674419940 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press,

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The term "Abrahamic religions" has gained considerable currency in both scholarly and ecumenical circles as a way of referring to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In The Family of Abraham, Carol Bakhos steps back from this convention to ask a frequently overlooked question: What, in fact, is Abrahamic about these three faiths? Exploring diverse stories and interpretations relating to the portrayal of Abraham, she reveals how he is venerated in these different scriptural traditions and how scriptural narratives have been pressed into service for nonreligious purposes. Grounding her study in a close examination of ancient Jewish textual practices, primarily midrash, as well as medieval Muslim Stories of the Prophets and the writings of the early Church Fathers, Bakhos demonstrates that ancient and early-medieval readers often embellished the image of Abraham and his family--Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, and Isaac. Her analysis dismantles pernicious misrepresentations of Abraham's firstborn son, Ishmael, and provocatively challenges contemporary references to Judaism and Islam as sibling religions. As Bakhos points out, an uncritical adoption of the term "Abrahamic religions" not only blinds us to the diverse interpretations and traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam but also artificially separates these faiths from their historical contexts. In correcting mistaken assumptions about the narrative and theological significance of Abraham, The Family of Abraham sheds new light on key figures of three world religions.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam : collaboration and conflict in the age of diaspora
ISBN: 9789888208272 9888208276 9888313126 Year: 2014 Publisher: Hong Kong Hong Kong University Press

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Islam, Christianity, and Judaism share several common features, including their historical origins in the prophet Abraham, their belief in a single divine being, and their modern global expanse. Yet it is the seeming closeness of these "Abrahamic" religions that draws attention to the real or imagined differences between them. This volume examines Abrahamic cultures as minority groups in societies which may be majority Muslim, Christian or Jewish, or self-consciously secular. The focus is on the relationships between these religious identities in global Diaspora, where all of them are confronted with claims about national and individual difference. The case studies range from colonial Hong Kong and Victorian London to today's San Francisco and rural India. Each study shows how complex such relationships can be and how important it is to situate them in the cultural, ethnic, and historical context of their world. The chapters explore ritual practice, conversion, colonization, immigration, and cultural representations of the differences between the Abrahamic religions. An important theme is how the complex patterns of interaction among these religions embrace collaboration as well as conflict--even in the modern Middle East. This work by authors from several academic disciplines on a topic of crucial importance will be of interest to scholars of history, theology, sociology, and cultural studies, as well as to the general reader interested in how minority groups have interacted and coexisted.

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