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KU Leuven (4)

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2014 (4)

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Preferences for types of cattle management by agro-pastoralist households: A choice experiment in Senegal
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

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It is thought that cattle husbandry will become more intensive, pushed by the increasing demand for animal products. The preferences for types of cattle management by households in the Saint Louis region, Senegal, under the hypothetical condition of further diminishing grassland availability, are investigated. Several times the respondents are asked to make a choice between different types of cattle management of which one always is: 'I do not buy industrial feed and accept the negative consequences on my herd.'. Different statistical models are used to analyse the data. The results give information about the ongoing intensification process of cattle husbandry in the Saint Louis region, where common land is rented by agricultural export companies. Preference differences are studied as well, resulting in the division of the households into three groups. About 40% of the households have a large herd and a strong preference for further herd size increase. About 20% of the households are beef producers that sell according to the demand. The remaining 40% are mostly interested in higher milk production to provide in daily survival needs. Surprisingly, the choice for a type of cattle management is not influenced by the price of industrial feed. Consequently the Senegalese government could reallocate the money put in feed subsidising to other projects such as the provision of basic and livestock related education (especially for households of the Peulh ethnicity and for households not living within the Senegal Delta), or the establishment of dairy plants (especially for fresh milk of poorer women). Besides, partnerships between the Senegalese government and agricultural companies can result in effective projects supporting the intensification of cattle husbandry.


Assessment of women's preferences for wage employment contracts in horticulture export chains: a choice experiment in Senegal

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This thesis contributes to the scarce literature about employees' preferences for specific attributes in their labor contract, with a case study for the Senegalese horticulture export sector. The horticulture export sector in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has grown tremendously (McCulloch & Ota, 2002). Since the production of most of the exported produces is very labor-intensive, a major consequence of the emergence of the horticulture export industry for rural societies is that large numbers of mostly unskilled female workers are drawn into labor-intensive rural wage employment (Dolan & Sorby, 2003). We used an unlabeled choice experiment to reveal, analyze and quantify the preferences rural women have for different aspects of a labor contract. Our case study focuses on women between 18 and 40 years old who do not have any experience with wage employment, but who live nearby a horticulture export company's new plantation site, which is planned to open within 4 year. This new plantation site will need 600 new flexible daily workers of which almost all will be filled in by women living in the neighboring villages. A multinomial logit model, a mixed logit model and a latent class model are used to analyze the preference heterogeneity in our data. The main conclusion of this choice experiment is that overall, women have a high preference to accept a labor contract in the horticulture export sector, mainly because they think and hope it will increase their independence. We found that women living in remote rural areas are very eager to be wage employed, since there are no other off-farm working opportunities. We advocate for the provision of extra services to the workforce, even though most of them are informal, daily and seasonal laborers. Literature also pointed out that these benefits, for women even more than for men, could be helpful to combine both unpaid caring work and paid off-farm employment.


Assessment of smallholders' preferences for participation in Fair Trade contracting: a choice experiment in Benin

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Fairtrade aims to strengthen smallholders' market position while insuring an ethical and healthy work environment. Fairtrade certifies producers' organizations in order to reach these goals and make sure that certified products are of good quality. Nevertheless few studies have researched how smallholders in developing countries value western based conditions and related contract terms. The preference of farmers towards different contract characteristics whereof some Fairtrade characteristics is estimated in this master thesis. 304 Beninese rice farmers were interrogated for this aim. There was asked about their preference towards contract characteristics whereof the prohibition of childlabour, regulations concerning herbicide use, the presence of a social premium for the producers' organization and pre-financing are typical Fairtrade certification terms. The results revealed a high average preference to sell their rice on the local market instead of participate in a contract. When a farmer chooses the contract option, he prefers a higher price, a premium for the producer organization, pre-financing for inputs, inputs on credit and training on herbicide use. They would accept also contracts that limit the amount of fertilizer used (in line with their specific experience with this practice) in comparison with contracts that impose a total ban on chemical fertilizer. The prohibition of fertilizer and to a lesser extend the prohibition of child labour are the main barriers for smallholders to participate in a contract. Not every farmer has the same preference towards a certain contract. Farmers experienced with contracting who live close to the market prefer contracts that provide pre-financing over contracts that deliver inputs on credit, while farmers who live further from the market and have no contract experience prefer contracts that deliver inputs on credit. More adapted contract schemes are necessary because the preference for different contract characteristics differs among smallholders. Firms and NGOs that want to implement a contract can offer pre-financing to smallholders that live close to the market, while presenting contracts that deliver inputs on credit to smallholders that live further from the market. In this way smallholders' needs are better fulfilled while the firms' offers are used more properly and thus more efficient.


Effects Of Horticultural Farming On Good Agricultural Practices In Peru
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

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Deze thesis situeert zich in de thema's van voedsel export en armoede. Deze zijn dan ook zeer actueel dankzij de steeds voorschrijvende globalisering en toenemende bevolkingsdruk op voedselproductie. De wereld wordt kleiner en kleiner. Wie heeft in de winter nog nooit boontjes van Kenia of asperges van Peru zien liggen. Grote internationale bedrijven produceren vaker en vaker landbouwgoederen in het Zuidelijke halfrond om ze dan uit te voeren naar het Westen. De publieke opinie kijkt met argus ogen naar deze trend. Krijgen landbouwers van het Zuiden wel een eerlijk loon voor hun werk, hierbij herkennen we zeker de stelling van Fair Trade en Oxfam. Buiten het krijgen van een waardig inkomen, kan er gekeken worden naar effecten zoals de uitsluiting van boeren van landbouwgronden, het mogelijk vergaren van kennis door op een of andere manier in contact te komen met buitenlandse concerns. Dit onderzoek draagt bij tot het vaststellen van het laatste. Er werd gefocust op zes goede landbouwpraktijken; gewas rotatie, wieden, pesticiden, meststoffen, bodemanalyses en geïntegreerde ziektebehandeling. In het gedane onderzoek kon er een positieve conclusie getrokken worden over het mogelijk vergaren van kennis door middel van een huishoudlid die tewerk gesteld is in de voedselexportketen als fruit- en groenteteler. Er is ook een zeker geografisch verband met het aantal gekende en toegepaste landbouwpraktijken. Maar er werd vooral vastgesteld dat de fruit- en groententeelt voor export een significant positieve invloed had op de kennis van landbouwpraktijken en in veel mindere mate is dit van tel op de toepassing ervan.


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