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2014 (17)

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A New Era for Moroccan Feminism : A new generation of activists and alternative methods of activism
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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The feminist movement in Morocco is a well-established and -organized entity and on the top of that a unique successful story of women’s progress in the MENA. Together with a substantial amelioration of women’s status, the movement initiated a wave of gender-sensibilisation and democratization of the public sphere. The amendment of the Mudawanna in 2004 - Morocco’s family - is considered the flagship of their endeavors. Through advocacy work and strategic political moves, they have become a historical respected actor within civil society. Dynamics of globalization and democratization have drastically changed Moroccan society, giving rise to a young and educated generation, which aspires a better future for themselves and their society. Their discontents with the current regime and politics, combined with the changes in the Arab region, resulted in a protest called the 20th February Movement. Although not explicitly a feminist organization, this heterogeneous movement incorporates gender-equality in their organizational structure, and inscribes women’s rights in a broader demand for a free democracy. The spirit of the movement gave rise to a variety of youth initiatives that focalize on individual liberties, which include women’s issues. This study tempts to investigate the new generation of activists, and examine how they relate to the feminist movement and its components. Women’s issues, before solely treated by the traditional feminist movement, are now appropriated by actors who have emerged outside of the movement. While Moroccan feminists have always defined women’s issues as the pre-requisite for a democratic society, the new generation inscribes this in a larger spectrum of demands for individual liberties. The different conceptions on how to approach gender-equality in order to achieve a societal change, creates a tension between the two generations. The generational gap is deepened due to a difference in working methods, as the actions of t...


(In)Visible Migrants : Identity and Aspirations of Young Vietnamese in the Czech Republic
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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During the Communist era, a series of bilateral agreements between governments launched a wave of migration from Vietnam to the Czech Republic. Nowadays, Vietnamese migrants form a significant proportion of foreigners residing in the country. The first generation, despite having lived in the Czech Republic for often more than twenty years, are not integrated and lead parallel lives in Vietnamese communities and marketplaces. They are tolerated, but largely ignored by the Czech public who have very little knowledge of the Vietnamese culture and there is very little communication despite frequent contact. The situation is different for the Vietnamese youth, who are characterized by high levels of cultural knowledge and master the Czech language. They attend Czech schools and universities, interact with their Czech peers and find Czech partners. This generation call themselves the banana children – yellow on the outside and white on the inside, referring to their culture and identity dualism, their place of in-betweeness and their constant struggle to belong. In my thesis I explore the narratives of the banana children and their experiences of lives on the border of two worlds.


State Violence and Criminal Bodies : The experiences of Central Americans Asylum Seekers in Mexico
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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This study examines Central Americans experience of violence in Mexico. In the context of forced migration, the Central America North Triangle (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) has emerged with high number of asylum seekers in all neighboring countries. Furthermore, this region has been declared as the most dangerous in the world, which is often linked to gangs’ violence. Thus, among such discourses and experience of violence, people have fled in search for protection in different countries. In this scenario, Mexico has emerged as a country of destination and transit for those people. Marked by different migratory flow, the country has been challenged to promote decent conditions for migrant and refugee protection. However, it has been observed the criminalization of migration and emergence of non-state actors that have taken advantage of this structure to make those precarious live a form of profit.In attempting to understand the challenges and State responsibility in the production of violence against asylum seekers, this study seek to establish a meeting point between their migratory experience and States protection discourses. In this purpose, it was conducted an ethnographic study focus on asylum seekers whole journey around different status, dispositive and threats. Finally, it is considered the critical state's role in the production of violence and lack of asylum seekers protection. Thus, this research considers that the production of structural violence against asylum seekers in Mexico has not only jeopardized asylum seekers protection, but also provided new forms of precarity and violence.


Desert Retreat and Urban Protest : The Subaltern Public Retreat as a Strategy of Vocality and Engagement for Middle Class Coptic Orthodox Youth
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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Abstract: This thesis is based upon three months of fieldwork conducted with middle class Coptic Orthodox youth in Cairo, Egypt, from June through September of 2013 in the heart of the political confrontations that dominated the international media and the world's attention. As the media focused on the broader political upheavals, the author lived and studied the everyday social lifeworlds of middle class Coptic Orthodox youth in Cairo. This thesis offers an analysis of the construction of Coptic identity and how it intersects with the construction of Egyptian nationalism. Set against the backdrop of the 2013 protests that led to the overthrow of Mohammad Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood government just a year after its election, it examines what the semiotic strategies they employ to preserve and construct their identities while simultaneously claiming a common Egyptian identity. It explores both the religious formation and political navigation of these young Egyptians from their trips to desert monasteries back to their social lives in the cities. This presents a deep analysis that looks at the way in which “Coptic” identity is conceptually and practically constructed along with “Egyptian” identity, with each identity being a part of the other. It identifies the churches and monasteries as locations of an alternate subaltern public space that forms the nexus of Coptic community, and suggests that their active political engagement was conceptualized apart from that nexus in the engagement of their active agency in constructing an Egyptian identity while maintaining Coptic identity. This is accomplished through patterns of pairing Coptic identity with transcendent symbols and of constructing a narrative of difference against the boundary of the Muslim 'other'. It argues that particularly Coptic narratives identity are backgrounded and retreat into the space of a “subaltern public” in order to make room for political agency in engagement with pub...


Je travaille donc je suis Belge? : Een onderzoek naar de manier waarop nieuwkomers en beroepskrachten in de integratiesector arbeid bekijken als een voorwaarde van een 'goede' integratie.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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Uit cijfers van de stad Antwerpen (2014) blijkt dat meer dan 78000 mensen als nieuwkomers in Antwerpen wonen en leven. Deze groep mensen leven steeds in een verschillende leefwereld, maar hebben wel één gemeenschappelijk doel. Dat gemeenschappelijke doel is het vinden van een plek waar ze kunnen leven en zich veilig kunnen voelen. Om deze plek te vorm te geven, speelt arbeid een belangrijke rol. In deze thesis wordt de vraag gesteld, waarom arbeid belangrijk is voor deze groep mensen. Is arbeid belangrijk voor het beleg op hun boterham te verdienen? Draagt arbeid bij tot een betere integratie? Trajectbegeleiders spelen een belangrijke rol in het leven van deze groep nieuwkomers. Net zoals alle andere mensen zijn trajectbegeleiders mensen met verschillende ideeën, interesses en visies op het uitoefenen van een job en arbeid. In deze thesis zal eveneens gepeild worden naar hoe trajectbegeleiders het hoe en het waarom van arbeid bekijken. In deze thesis is dan ook de hamvraag of trajectbegeleiders net zoals nieuwkomers naar het begrip arbeid kijken.Vanuit de positie van deel van de ontvangende maatschappij, werden de gestelde vragen onderzocht. Maar eerst maakt de lezer kennis met het theoretische oeuvre rond integratie en de link tussen integratie en arbeid. Dit gebeurt aan de hand van de definities, theoretische inzichten rond de koppeling arbeid en integratie, een juridisch en historische context van inburgering in België. Hieraan gekoppeld worden de settings, de methodologie van dit antropologisch onderzoek toegelicht. In het tweede deel wordt het integratieproces van de nieuwkomers en de rol van arbeid in dit proces besproken. In het derde deel worden de hindernissen tijdens het zoeken naar een plek op de arbeidsmarkt opgelijst. In het vierde deel wordt dan gekeken naar de persoon van de trajectbegeleider. In het bijzonder zal nagegaan worden welke rol hij speelt in het integratieproces. Tenslotte volgt achteraf een algemene conclusie en aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek.


De Ervaring van ‘Thuis’ in een Asielcentrum : Een Etnografie van het Asielcentrum in Kapellen
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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Deze masterproef betreft een etnografie van het asielcentrum in Kapellen. Hierbij wordt de vraag gesteld op welke manier de bewoners van het centrum een gevoel van thuis ervaren. De asielzoekers worden aanzien als mensen die op actieve wijze een gevoel van thuis reconstrueren. Thuis wordt hierbij dus niet aanzien als een statisch gegeven maar als iets met een processueel karakter. De ervaring van dit thuisgevoel door de bewoners wordt aan de hand van drie thema’s aangetoond. Het eerste thema betreft de negotiatie van plaats en ruimte in het asielcentrum. We zien hier hoe een gevoel van thuis op meerdere plaatsen gelokaliseerd kan worden en hoe publieke en private ruimten voortdurend genegotieerd worden in het centrum. Het tweede thema is de rol die het bereiden en consumeren van voedsel speelt bij het vormen van sociale relaties en bij het ervaren van een thuisgevoel. Het laatste thema betreft het gebruik van sociale media om de band met familie en vrienden in het land van herkomst te onderhouden. Daarnaast zien we dat deze sociale media een belangrijke rol spelen in het dagdagelijkse leven van de bewoners in het centrum. Ik concludeer dat er in het asielcentrum van Kapellen wel degelijk sprake is van de reconstructie van een thuisgevoel.


Comme tout le monde? : Discipline, empowerment and syncretic subjectivation within the 'Villages de l'insertion' for Romanian 'Roma' families in Lille Métropole
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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The ‘villages de l’insertion’ are recent local public and integration policies designed specifically for ‘Roma’ migrants from Eastern Europe in an attempt to regulate the ‘question rom’ in several cities of France. They have been criticised by academic actors and ‘Roma associations’ as disciplinary and assimilatory structures of power, erasing a ‘Roma way of life’ and annihilating their freedom. This paper will attempt to focus on the perspective of the beneficiaries, asking how they experienced and made sense of the power apparatus they were the objects, but also the subjects, of. It is in this perspective that ethnographic fieldwork has been conducted within the AFEJI in Lille, an association that has been commissioned by the local authorities to create the villages from 2007 onwards. Based on participant observation as well as semi- and unstructured interviews, this research asks whether the ‘villages de l’insertion’ in Lille can be defined as disenabling spaces of passive assimilation.


America's Hometown : Representation and boundary making in rural America
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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My research looks at the way one rural town is representing itself via their interpretation of the American dream, nostalgic longing and the expectations of small towns via outside representation. Research questions that I intend to answer are: what discourse is continually used by different individuals to describe the larger community that they interact with and how is that influenced by the American dream and nostalgia? I am interested in the way “we” is used as a point of reference and how insiders and outsiders are clarified in this small, ‘tight-knit’ community. By ‘tight-knit’ I refer to the stability of families and last names as described by the community, and to the strict boundaries as understood by outsiders. The American dream is interesting because while it necessitates individual agency, it also requires collective mobilization and adherence in order to be a tangible concept. The morals underlying the American dream also have a collective or community affect and define individual goals. How is identity (both communally and individually) constructed through nostalgia of rural American imagery? Discourse rooted in the past must shape the way the present is experienced and the future is thought about. I try to explain how nostalgic longings, in its various forms, along with the American dream discourse has determined the affective representation of the community as well as position insiders and outsiders.


Ethno-Religious Coexistence Under Stress in Post-War Sri Lanka : Tensions Between the Sinhala Buddhist Majority and the Muslim Minority
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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The current president Mahinda Rajapaksa said: “we have removed the word minorities from our vocabulary”, implying that he managed to bring peaceful coexistence to his people. His speech is in line with the prevailing discourse of reconciliation since peace came in 2009, after more than two decades of civil war. However, violent confrontations between Sinhala Buddhists and mostly Muslims startled Sri Lanka in 2013 and still linger today. With this research I review these tensions and determine that there is not just a hitch in the relationship between both. Two processes, ‘othering’ and ‘autochthony’, have respectively mobilized the Muslims and Sinhala Buddhists. I am of the opinion that the two lengthy processes might jeopardize the peaceful coexistence on the island.In order to understand the current relationship of the groups involved, one needs to look into the past of both. It is for instance surprising that while Muslims have settled on the island from the 7th century onwards, they are not more than a footnote in the main history books of Sri Lanka. In fact, nowadays they still feel invisible or even discriminated against. They feel like fremdkörper because their identity is often only recognized by the majority in terms of stereotypes. To oppose this so called othering, the Muslims for example want to reaffirm their own cultural identity. In addition, they have even consciously differentiated themselves from the other ethnic groups by becoming one themselves (ethnicization). So due to the process of exclusion, they set their boundaries and stand up for themselves. The Sinhala Buddhists on the other hand fear that their ethnicity, culture, religion and privileged position in Sri Lanka are endangered. As sons of the soil they declare themselves the autochthon people of Sri Lanka and yearn for the uncomplicated past, which is an illusion.


Vrijetijdsbeleving van Jongeren in Brussel : Belang van interculturaliseren?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen

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Brussel evolueert alsmaar meer naar een superdiverse samenleving waar extreme versnippering, hybriditeit en een complexe heterogeniteit onder de bevolking een realiteit is. De mengelmoes van etniciteiten, culturen en sociale klassen zorgt voor de aanwezigheid van verschillende werelden, maar die vooral naast elkaar lijken te bestaan. In het stadscentrum is een strikte etnische en sociale stratificatie zichtbaar op enkele buurtpleintjes waar jongeren hun vrije tijd spenderen. Vooral een bepaalde etnische groep lijkt zichzelf te isoleren, of wordt door anderen uitgesloten van gemengd pleingebeuren. Valt de constatatie op de pleintjes door te trekken naar algemene vrijetijdsbeleving bij Brusselse jongeren? Is er genoeg sprake van interculturele vrijetijdsbeleving bij jongeren in Brussel en welke problemen of noden ondervinden jongeren hierbij? Uit het veldwerk op de buurtpleintjes blijkt bovendien het belang van sport als intercultureel bindmiddel en het bestaan van een gedeelde Brusselse identiteit onder jongeren. Hoe kan sport interculturaliteit bevorderen en wat is de invloed van hybride, multiculturele Brusselse identiteiten op grensafbakening, beeldvorming bij jongeren en het bouwen van bruggen met de ‘ander’?


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