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Managing the demands of the workplace and the responsibilities of the rest of your life can be tricky, especially when you're a driven leader who wants to succeed. This book will show you how to successfully establish and manage work-life boundaries so that you can be more successful at work and at home.
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II faut adapter le travail à l'homme et non plus voir l'homme s'adapter à tout prix à son travail. Beau principe ? Plus qu'un principe, il s'agit d'un article du Code du travail. Fort peu connu et si mal appliqué. La définition du temps d'emploi, exemple parmi d'autres, reste une prérogative majeure des employeurs. Les salariés sont contraints de s'adapter aux rythmes que ces derniers leur imposent. Ainsi, le temps partiel choisi n'est-il véritablement de droit que dans quelques cas restreints : pour «changer des couches», c'est le congé parental d'éducation, ou pour «s'en remettre une couche», en créant une entreprise. La seconde option n'a pas vraiment la faveur des auteurs de ce livre... Eux-mêmes déserteurs du temps plein, ils affichent un goût très modéré pour la fable du «travailler plus» et préfèrent à la création d'entreprise celle de coopératives d'inactivité. À rebours des discours dominants mais en phase avec les aspirations d'un grand nombre de salariés, ces chantres de la valeur temps libre contestent joyeusement le primat accordé au marchand et à l'économie. Leur plaidoyer pour la reconnaissance d'un véritable droit à l'inactivité (entendu comme temps libéré à consacrer à... ce que bon vous semble) constitue une des déclinaisons concrètes d'une ambition plus grande, qui vise à repenser la place du travail dans notre société et à remettre au coeur du débat l'émancipation des individus et la justice sociale.
Hours of labor --- Part-time employment --- Work-life balance
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Stop struggling in a job interview process that is inherently flawed and lacks authenticity. Don't remain stagnant in your career because others seem to have "what it takes" and you don't. Most others don't have "it" either because the work culture is not conducive to surviving, much less thriving. Stop participating in the mind-bending games and drama that clutter up the corporate work culture and the job interview process. Both are riddled with dysfunction, and the sooner you understand this, the quicker you can rise above them. Above all, stop trying to say and do the "right things" and discover how to authentically resolve all your job search and career struggles for good.It's time to understand and rise above these dysfunctional workplace dynamics that are killing your soul and spirit. The "fake it to make it" work culture is a massive epidemic that forces most of us to disengage from ourselves and struggle to feel adequate at work. Because of this, our primary objective at work isn't to better the company but simply to survive in the workplace and keep our jobs safe.Why Can't I Be Me? explores the mysterious and disturbing corporate work culture, focusing on why, as a job seeker and an employee, you feel pressured to "fake it to make it" to be hired and succeed at work, and how you can rise above it and thrive. Based on the author's personal story, combined with her expertise in Human Resources management, Why Can't I Be Me? will take you on an enlightening journey through the job interview process and the corridors of the typical corporate work environment, where you will learn exactly what goes on between those walls and why.* Understand the flawed process known as job interviews and why much of the information shared in such meetings should be taken with a grain of salt* Gain a comprehensive understanding of the "fake it to make it" work culture, why it's not even conducive to meeting the needs of the average employee, and why it's filled with dysfunctional games and drama* Discover your role in these games while gaining tremendous insight into why you say and do the things you say and do in the first place* Learn how to rise above the "fake it to make it" work culture and free yourself from the chains that bind you into a life where you consistently feel inadequate, insecure, and incompetentYou will then be taken on a journey "back home" to yourself. The result is a profound experience that provides the answers you have been searching for your entire career.A passionate Human Resources expert, Jessica Simko exposes this work culture for what it truly is: exhausting, demanding, and stressful. Little is talked about on this subject, but armed with the insights found in Why Can't I Be Me? you will discover how to authentically develop and integrate your work life and "real" life into one thriving entity and finally find real happiness in your career.
Work-life balance --- Self-actualization (psychology) --- Business & economics --- Self-help
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Väter heute wollen mehr sein als nur finanzielle Ernährer und Verantwortung auch bei der direkten Fürsorgearbeit ihrer Kinder übernehmen. Ungeachtet dieses egalitären Anspruchs überwiegt in den meisten Familien in Deutschland allerdings eine überwiegend traditionelle Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit. Auf einer explorativen Spurensuche nach den „neuen Vätern“ beleuchtet Johanna Possinger Gründe für diese Lücke zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit und widmet sich der in der Familienforschung noch unzureichend beantworteten Frage, wie sich Väter während, aber auch unabhängig von der Elternzeit an der Fürsorgearbeit für ihre Kinder beteiligen. Die Autorin setzt an der Perspektive der Väter selbst an und untersucht, wie diese ihre Verpflichtungsbalance zwischen Beruf und Sorgearbeit organisieren, auf welche Hindernisse sie dabei stoßen und welche Strategien sie zur Bewältigung ihres Vereinbarkeitsdilemmas entwickeln. Der Inhalt · Väter und familiale Care-Arbeit · Methodisches Vorgehen · Ergebnisse der Datenerhebung Teil I: Care-Arrangements zwischen Traditionalität und Modernität · Ergebnisse der Datenerhebung Teil II: Einflussfaktoren direkter Sorgearbeit bei Vätern · Ergebnisse der Datenerhebung Teil III: „New Male Mystique“? Konflikte und ihre Bewältigung im Spannungsfeld Die Zielgruppen · Dozierende und Studierende der Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft und Sozialen Arbeit · ExpertInnen in der politischen Administration und der betrieblichen Personalentwicklung Die Autorin Johanna Possinger ist Leiterin der Fachgruppe „Familienpolitik und Familienförderung“ am Deutschen Jugendinstitut e.V. in München.
Social sciences. --- Social Sciences, general. --- Fathers. --- Work-life balance. --- Work and family.
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“Look! There in the playground -- with the stroller and diaper bag! It's Superdad! Yes, it's Superdad—the most involved fathers in American history. And with this careful, compassionate and also critical group portrait, Gayle Kaufman has finally told their story. If you think men aren't changing—or if you think they somehow get neutered if they are changing—you need to read this book.”—Michael Kimmel, author of Guyland In an age when fathers are spending more time with their children than at any other point in the past, men are also facing unprecedented levels of work-family conflict. How do fathers balance their two most important roles—that of father and that of worker? In Superdads, Gayle Kaufman captures the real voices of fathers themselves as they talk about their struggles with balancing work and family life. Through in-depth interviews with a diverse group of men, Kaufman introduces the concept of “superdads”, a group of fathers who stand out by making significant changes to their work lives in order to accommodate their families. They are nothing like their fathers, “old dads” who focus on their traditional role as breadwinner, or even some of their peers, so-called “new dads” who work around the increasing demands of their paternal roles without really bucking the system. In taking their family life in a completely new direction, these superdads challenge the way we think about long-held assumptions about men’s role in the family unit. Thought-provoking and heartfelt, Superdads provides an overview of an emerging trend in fatherhood and the policy solutions that may help support its growth, pointing the way toward a future society with a more feasible approach to the work-family divide.
Work-life balance. --- Work and family. --- Fatherhood. --- Fathers. --- Life-work balance --- Time management --- Quality of life --- Work --- Work and family --- Families and work --- Family and work --- Families --- Dual-career families --- Work-life balance --- Parenthood --- Dads --- Men --- Parents --- Househusbands
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Work and family --- Work-life balance. --- Travail et famille --- Conciliation travail-vie personnelle --- Research --- Recherche --- Work and family. --- Research.
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Etude sur les rapports entre activités professionnelles et pratiques de temps libre et de loisir dans une société où ces deux temps sociaux structurants et a-priori concurrents voient leurs frontières s'estomper.
Leisure --- Work-life balance --- Industrial sociology --- Loisir --- Conciliation travail-vie personnelle --- Sociologie industrielle --- Social aspects --- Aspect social
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How work and family lives can be effectively managed has been a hot topic of public debate in recent years. This Handbook integrates current thinking and research evidence regarding how professionals navigate multiple life roles to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment. Drawing on the expertise of top work - life scholars, the book offers a comprehensive treatment of the challenges and benefits encountered in work - life integration. The topic is approached from multiple angles, including how technology, family structure over the lifespan, work organizations' cultures and policies, and national
Work-life balance --- Work and family --- Quality of Life --- Business & Economics --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- Work and family. --- Quality of work life.
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While more mothers are increasingly occupying institutions of higher learning, they still struggle to make headway in a world that privileges a commitment to countless hours of scholarly research and study. Despite some advances in institutional policy, these women continue to feel isolated and the need to strive for respect.Featuring forthright testimonials by women who are or have been mothers as undergraduates, graduate students, academic staff, administrators, and professors, this volume intimately portrays the experiences of women at various stages of motherhood while theoret
Women in higher education --- Work and family --- Working mothers --- Work-life balance --- Life-work balance --- Time management --- Quality of life --- Work --- Education, Higher
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Menschen mit Demenz und ihre Familien brauchen Angebote der teilstationären und stationären Versorgung, die rasch und unkompliziert helfen. Dieses Buch bietet echte Lösungen, die ineinander greifen! Die 50 Tipps ergeben einen Handlungsleitfaden, mit dem Pflegekräfte ihr spezielles, angemessenes und fein abgestimmtes Konzept für die Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz umsetzen können - von der Ausgangsanalyse bis zur praktischen Reorganisation der Arbeitsfelder. Der Leitfaden ist in acht Kapitel gegliedert, aus denen sich der Gesamtprozess wie ein Puzzle zusammenfügt. Viele Literaturtipps helfen
Dementia --- Quality of life. --- Life, Quality of --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Patients --- Care.
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