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Bewustzijn --- Denken --- Neurologie
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De bedoeling van dit spel is u met anderen in gesprek te brengen over de wijze waarop u situaties, mensen of een organisatie ervaart. Als gevolg daarvan zult u niet alleen bewuster worden van uzelf, maar kunt u ook anderen beter gaan begrijpen
Psychologie --- Emotie --- Zelfbeeld --- Bewustzijn
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Onderzoek aan de hand van talrijke voorbeelden naar de mate waarin de vrije wil het menselijk gedrag bepaalt. Wie zit er aan het stuur in onze hersenpan? Wat bepaalt dat we doen wat we doen? Welke stukken brein geven de doorslag als het gaat om de keuzes van alledag of om de grote beslissingen in ons leven? En welke rol spelen onze gedachten en ons bewustzijn bij dit alles? De vrije wil bestaat niet voert u in een bizarre tocht langs slaapwandelende moordenaars, blinde zombies die toch zien, out of body-ervaringen, patiënten die hun eigen handen niet meer vertrouwen en andere neurologische fenomenen, om erachter te komen wie toch dat mannetje in ons hoofd is dat de beslissingen voor ons neemt. Onderweg proberen we te begrijpen waarom Winston Churchill besloot de Franse vloot te laten zinken, Rosemary Kennedy een hersenoperatie onderging en Maurice Ravel de Bolero schreef. Uiteindelijk belanden we bij het ‘ik', die constante maalstroom van gedachten die denkt de hersenen in ons hoofd onder controle te hebben. En bij de vrije wil, waarvan heel weinig - en toch ook weer heel veel - overblijft in het onthutsende beeld dat wordt geschetst van wie er echt de baas is in ons brein.
Cognitive psychology --- Physiology of nerves and sense organs --- Neurologie --- Bewustzijn --- Neurologie. --- Bewustzijn.
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The 17 original essays of this volume explore the relevance of the phenomenological approach to contemporary debates concerning the role of embodiment in our cognitive, emotional and practical life. The papers demonstrate the theoretical vitality and critical potential of the phenomenological tradition both through critically engagement with other disciplines (medical anthropology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, the cognitive sciences) and through the articulation of novel interpretations of classical works in the tradition, in particular the works of Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Jean-Paul Sartre. The concrete phenomena analyzed in this book include: chronic pain, anorexia, melancholia and depression.
Philosophy --- Cognitive psychology --- filosofie --- cognitieve psychologie --- bewustzijn --- existentialisme --- fenomenologie
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Philosophy --- Cognitive psychology --- filosofie --- cognitieve psychologie --- bewustzijn --- existentialisme --- fenomenologie --- Phénoménologie --- Phénoménologie.
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Hallucinatory phenomena have held the fascination of science since the dawn of medicine, and the popular imagination from the beginning of recorded history. Their study has become a critical aspect of our knowledge of the brain, making significant strides in recent years with advances in neuroimaging, and has established common ground among what normally are regarded as disparate fields. The Neuroscience of Hallucinations synthesizes the most up-to-date findings on these intriguing auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory experiences, from their molecular origins to their cognitive expression. In recognition of the wide audience for this information among the neuroscientific, medical, and psychology communities, its editors bring a mature evidence base to highly subjective experience. This knowledge is presented in comprehensive detail as leading researchers across the disciplines ground readers in the basics, offer current cognitive, neurobiological, and computational models of hallucinations, analyze the latest neuroimaging technologies, and discuss emerging interventions, including neuromodulation therapies, new antipsychotic drugs, and integrative programs. Among the topics covered: Hallucinations in the healthy individual. A pathophysiology of transdiagnostic hallucinations including computational and connectivity modeling. Molecular mechanisms of hallucinogenic drugs. Structural and functional variations in the hallucinatory brain in schizophrenia. The neurodevelopment of hallucinations. Innovations in brain stimulation techniques and imaging-guided therapy. Psychiatrists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, clinical psychologists, and pharmacologists will welcome The Neuroscience of Hallucinations as a vital guide to the current state and promising future of their shared field. Renaud Jardri, M.D., Ph.D., is a child psychiatrist at the Lille University Medical Centre, France and associate faculty at the Group for Neural Theory, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. Arnaud Cachia, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in Neurosciences at Université Paris Descartes, affiliated with the Center for Psychiatry and Neurosciences (INSERM, Ste-Anne Hospital) and the Laboratory for the Psychology of Child Development and Education (CNRS, Sorbonne). Pierre Thomas, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Psychiatry at the Lille North of France University School of Medicine and Co-Research Director of the “Hallucinations & Delusions” team in the Functional Neuroscience and Disorders Laboratory (Lille, France). Delphine Pins, Ph.D., is a CNRS researcher at the Functional Neurosciences and Disorders Laboratory (Lille, France), where she is Co-Research Director of the “Hallucinations & Delusions” team.
Cognitive psychology --- Psychology --- Psychiatry --- Neuropathology --- medische psychologie --- neurologie --- psychiatrie --- farmacologie --- cognitieve psychologie --- bewustzijn --- neuropsychologie
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How do ordinary people from different regions around the world define peace and reconciliation? What factors do they think are necessary for promoting reconciliation between countries? Do they believe that individuals have a right to protest against war and in favor of peace? Do they believe that apologies can improve the chances of reconciliation? What do they think are the best ways for achieving peace? Does reasoning regarding the achievability of world peace vary by region? International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, a companion volume to the International Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism, examines and analyzes how people around the world think about justice, governmental apologies, the right to protest, the peace process, the justifiability of armed conflict, the possibility of world peace, and reconciliation. To address these questions, researchers from the Group on International Perspectives on Governmental Aggression and Peace (GIPGAP) administered the Personal and Institutional Rights to Aggression and Peace Survey (PAIRTAPS) to volunteers from over 40 countries representing the major regions of the world. The volume is organized such that the responses to the survey are summarized and analyzed both by country and by theme. Integrative chapters provide an up-to-date overview of historical and current events relevant to peace and reconciliation and a grounded theory analysis of definitions of peace and reconciliation and of the role of apology in reconciliation. In addition to describing the major themes emerging from the responses in each region, the volume reports on some exploratory analyses addressing the extent to which there are differences in patterns of responding based on characteristics such as gender, military experience, and involvement in anti-war protest activity. International Handbook on Peace and Reconciliation allows ordinary citizens from around the world to voice their views on peace and related issues, and examines the context of these views. Thus, it offers researchers in political science, peace psychology, social psychology, social justice, and anthropology a comprehensive resource for a changing global landscape. .
Philosophy --- Cognitive psychology --- Psychology --- Social psychology --- Personality development --- psychologie --- sociale psychologie --- filosofie --- bewustzijn --- persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling
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The study of Positive Psychology brings a much needed fresh emphasis to the study of the cognition, personality traits, and contexts of behavior that are associated with optimal development during the life course. The field highlights the ways in which growth, hope, and resilience aid a person and motivate him or her in dealing with the inevitable challenges of life. Positive Psychology: Advances in Understanding Adult Motivation examines the traits and contexts of behavior that are associated with optimal development and resilience over the life course. The volume investigates individual psychological development through the stages of emerging adulthood, full adulthood, middle age, and old age. It explores which personality traits and which aspects of the environment help a person to flourish, thrive, and grow. Moreover, the volume describes the development of resilience as well as other characteristics that will assist individuals in overcoming challenges throughout adult development. Accordingly, the chapters in this book each speak to one of the major portions of adult life that can be addressed in new ways by means of the relatively new discipline of Positive Psychology. The case studies are drawn from the entire field of Positive Psychology, from acceptance to teaching Positive Psychology, divided into four organizational and theoretical subsections about research and scholarship related to the creation or existence of: -positive subjective experiences; -positive personality traits; -positive environments; and -learning to thrive during adulthood. This book will serve as an indispensable reference for both academics and practitioners who are using a positive psychology approach in their daily practice.
Philosophy --- Cognitive psychology --- Psychology --- Social psychology --- Personality development --- psychologie --- sociale psychologie --- filosofie --- bewustzijn --- persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling
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This book addresses the question of what it means to be moral and which capacities one needs to be moral. It questions whether empathy is a cognitive or an affective capacity, or perhaps both. As most moral beings behave immorally from time to time, the authors ask which factors cause or motivate people to translate their moral beliefs into action? Specially addressed is the question of what is the role of internal factors such as willpower, commitment, character, and what is the role of external, situational and structural factors? The questions are considered from various (disciplinary) perspectives.
Philosophy --- Cognitive psychology --- General ethics --- Social psychology --- Personality development --- sociale psychologie --- ethiek --- filosofie --- bewustzijn --- persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling
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Cognition Beyond the Brain challenges neurocentrism by advocating a systemic view of cognition based on investigating how action shapes the experience of thinking. The systemic view steers between extended functionalism and enactivism by stressing how living beings connect bodies, technologies, language and culture. Since human thinking depends on a cultural ecology, people connect biologically-based powers with extended systems and, by so doing, they constitute cognitive systems that reach across the skin. Biological interpretation exploits extended functional systems. Illustrating distributed cognition, one set of chapters focus on computer mediated trust, work at a construction site, judgement aggregation and crime scene investigation. Turning to how bodies manufacture skills, the remaining chapters focus on interactivity or sense-saturated coordination. The feeling of doing is crucial to solving maths problems, learning about X rays, finding an invoice number, or launching a warhead in a film. People both participate in extended systems and exert individual responsibility. Brains manufacture a now to which selves are anchored: people can act automatically or, at times, vary habits and choose to author actions. In ontogenesis, a systemic view permits rationality to be seen as gaining mastery over world-side resources. Much evidence and argument thus speaks for reconnecting the study of computation, interactivity and human artifice. Taken together, this can drive a networks revolution that gives due cognitive importance to the perceivable world that lies beyond the brain. Cognition Beyond the Brain is a valuable reference for researchers, practitioners and graduate students within the fields of Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Science.
Cognitive psychology --- Computer science --- Mathematical linguistics --- computers --- informatica --- cognitieve psychologie --- bewustzijn --- linguïstiek --- computerkunde
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