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Comment un jeune employé malheureux, un assistant au rayon primeur, un baleinier compatissant et quatre frères, Blanc, Brun, Gris et Noir, quatre jeunes loups aux dents longues surentraînés et prêts à tout pour se faire une place au soleil, se retrouvent-ils liés par la conjonction fortuite d’un attentat frauduleux et d’un licenciement abusif ? On l’apprendra en suivant avec passion leurs aventures burlesques et noires dans les sinusoïdes étranges du destin, et leurs différentes façons de composer avec les sévères lois du cynisme contemporain. Sur le chemin, le roman fourmille d’images magnifiques, cocktail d’humour saugrenu et de poésie : « la tristesse pouvait s’installer dans une vie et s’y planter durablement, comme une vis bien serrée avec une couche de rouille par-dessus » ou « il sentait que la vie était une épreuve aussi désagréable qu’une longue angine »… Des morceaux de bravoure inoubliables, tels la création du monde en tant que supermarché, des références constantes aux contre-cultures cinématographiques, un art du rebondissement tiré des meilleurs feuilletons populaires, une précision jubilatoire, un sens de la narration et un style inoubliables, font de ce roman une vraie réussite.
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Spanning a writing career of over twenty years, acclaimed novelist and author of Calcutta: Two Years in the City, Amit Chaudhuri, is also one of the most gifted essayists and critics writing today, whose work has appeared in the pages of many of the most prestigious newspapers and journals in the world, including The London Review of Books, the Times Literary Supplement, Granta, the Guardian, and the Dublin Review. Collected here for the first time, Mere Writing is a selection of Chaudhuri's most enduring short non-fiction that showcases his sense of humour, his idiosyncratic capacity to transform the mundane, his political engagement, and his mastery of words. From playing 'Cowboys and Indians' as a child in India to an outsider's perspective on the British class system to a plane that was hijacked by Pakistani men and taken to Afghanistan at the turn of the millennium to the works of V. S Naipaul and to the humble Indian savoury, the chanachur, these essays display Chaudhuri's ability to find meaning in every aspect of the physical and intellectual world and will consolidate his reputation as one of most original and elegant writers publishing in English today.
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Dutch literature --- Prose (Littérature) --- Prose literature --- Proza (Literatuur)
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Jack McLean - aka The Urban Voltaire - was one of the most original columnists in the Scottish press. In the 1980s and 1990s he became an institution with a loyal readership as well as a healthy number of opponents and critics. This is a compilation ebook edition of his columns from the Glasgow Herald and The Scotsman and are guaranteed to entertain, enrage and shock in equal measure depending on your outlook. Very few subjects escaped McLean's distinctive penmanship over those two decades: education, sport, religion, food and women all find a place in the mix. His writing moves speedily from
English prose. --- Executives -- Great Britain -- Biography. --- Humorous prose.
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Jack McLean's prose was something of a legend in the national press. In the last two decades of the last millennium he created a reputation for giving two fingers to any sector of the establishment which had riled him. He has also dealt with some rather public figures in a similar manner. His first volume of The Bedside Urban Voltaire was a sell-out in printed format and this ebook edition accompanies the re-issue of that first volume of work in electronic format. The reading public who missed out on the printed formats can now be regaled , bemused, infuriated and teased by this follow-up eboo
English prose. --- Executives -- Great Britain -- Biography. --- Humorous prose.
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376 n.Chr. Tienduizenden Goten vragen asiel aan in het Romeinse Rijk, opgejaagd door de Hunnen. Een orakel voorspelt dat wijnhandelaar Swintharik deze crisis kan oplossen. Velen jagen hem op, ieder met een ander motief. Swintharik slaat op de vlucht, samen met genezeres Alêtis.
Dutch literature --- 870 --- proza --- prose
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Dutch literature --- 870 --- proza --- prose
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Een modeontwerpster op leeftijd overpeinst haar totaal mislukte huwelijk terwijl haar drankzuchtige man op sterven ligt.
Dutch literature --- 870 --- proza --- prose
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Marie-Angele Susini zoekt een nieuwe beheerder voor haar dorpscafé op Corsica, maar niemand slaagt erin de zaak goed te laten draaien. Dan melden Matthieu Antonetti en Libero Pintus zich als kandidaten, twee jongens uit het dorp die aan de Sorbonne in Parijs filosofie zijn gaan studeren. Ze slagen er boven verwachting in om het café goed uit te baten. Grote troef daarbij is de aanwezigheid van vijf serveersters, onder wie de opwindende Annie. Maar terwijl de sfeer niet stuk lijkt te kunnen, dreigen er rivaliteit en kwaadwillendheid...
French literature --- 870 --- proza --- prose
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