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Industrielle Mikrobiologie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3827430402 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer Spektrum,

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Die Industrielle Mikrobiologie gewinnt sowohl in der Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie als auch in der chemischen Industrie zunehmend an Bedeutung. Sie vereint das Fachwissen von Naturwissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren über die Nutzung von Bakterien und Pilzen. Diese Mikroorganismen sind in der Lage, effizient nachwachsende Rohstoffe zu verwerten und in nachhaltige Produkte umzuwandeln. So konnten in der letzten Zeit mit Hilfe der Gentechnik mikrobielle Produktionsstämme gezielt entwickelt werden, die bestimmte Metabolite oder Pharmaproteine in großen Mengen produzieren. Als innovative Querschnittsdisziplin bietet die Industrielle Mikrobiologie also wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung konkurrenzfähiger Produkte auf der Basis umweltschonender Verfahren. In dieser Branche besteht außerdem ein zunehmender Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften. Dieses neue Lehrbuch wurde von erfahrenen Wissenschaftlern aus Hochschulen und der Industrie verfasst. Es soll Studierende aus Life Science-Bachelorstudiengängen sowie fortgeschrittene Studierende der Chemie oder der Ingenieurwissenschaften in die Industrielle Mikrobiologie einführen. Es vermittelt die Grundlagen der Entwicklung von Produktionsstämmen und erklärt spezielle Verfahren zur Herstellung mikrobieller Produkte. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, wie das Potential der Mikroorganismen optimal genutzt werden kann. Zunächst wird ein Überblick über die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Industrielle Mikrobiologie und eine Einführung in die Bioverfahrenstechnik gegeben. Anschließend werden in 10 Kapiteln ausgewählte mikrobielle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln, organischen Säuren, Alkoholen, Aminosäuren, Vitaminen, Antibiotika, Pharmaproteinen, Enzymen, Biopolymeren sowie Steroiden und Aromastoffen beschrieben. Im letzten Kapitel wird am Beispiel der biologischen Abwasserreinigung aufgezeigt, dass die Mikroorganismen nicht nur ein enormes Synthese-, sondern auch ein großes Abbaupotential besitzen, mit dem sie einen Beitrag zu den Stoffwechselkreisläufen auf unserer Erde leisten. Die Autoren wünschen sich, dass dieses Lehrbuch das Interesse vieler Studierender an diesem spannenden Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet weckt und sie daraus Nutzen ziehen können, um dann selbst zur weiteren Entwicklung der Industriellen Mikrobiologie beizutragen.  .

Der Experimentator Molekularbiologie / Genomics
ISBN: 3642346367 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer Spektrum,

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Lieber EXPERIMENTATOR, wir präsentieren Ihnen hier das Grundlagenwissen sowie Tipps und Tricks für den Umgang mit Nucleinsäuren. Sie werden sofort merken, dass der Autor Lust und Frust der täglichen Laborroutine genau kennt. Aus dem Inhalt: Präparieren, Fällen, Konzentrieren und Reinigen von Nucleinsäuren Das molekularbiologische Handwerkszeug (Restriktionsenzyme, Gele, Blotten) PCR (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) RNA-Isolierung, -Transkription Klonierung von DNA-Fragmenten DNA-Nachweis und -Analyse (Markierung von Sonden, Hybridisierung, Screening, Sequenzierung) Modifikation und Funktionsanalyse von DNA-Sequenzen (Mutagenese, In-vitro-Translation, transgene Mäuse, Transgenexpression, Gentherapie, Genomik) Lieferantenverzeichnis Protokoll-Sammlungen gibt es viele, aber wer erklärt einem, was sich hinter den Methoden verbirgt? Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Experimentatoren, die molekularbiologische Versuche durchführen wollen und gern nachvollziehen möchten, was sich in ihrem Reaktionsgefäß abspielt. Das ganze Spektrum der üblichen molekularbiologischen Methoden wird vorgestellt, kommentiert und Alternativen aufgezeigt. Und weil die Laborversuche nicht alles sind, findet sich auch noch ein Kapitel zum Thema Karriereplanung. Der lockere Ton wendet sich gleichermaßen an Studenten wie an BTAs und Laboranten, aber auch der alte Hase wird hier und dort noch etwas Neues entdecken. Die 7. Auflage wurde überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Über den Autor: Dr. Cornel Mülhardt. Geboren 1965. Biologie-Studium in Heidelberg und Hamburg. Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter in Erlangen (Institut für Med. Biochemie). Seit 1998 tätig bei Hoffmann-La Roche (Basel) in der Forschungsrichtung Neurobiologie. Seit Mai 2001 Leiter der Biologielaboranten-Ausbildung. Rezensionen der Vorauflagen: Wer sich einen realistischen Überblick über den Stand der Technik in der Molekularbiologie verschaffen will oder gar selber im Labor molekularbiologisch tätig werden (sein) möchte, muss dieses Buch lesen, chemikalienresistent einschlagen und ständig bei sich tragen! BioTec Zeigt Auswege ausexperimentellen Sackgassen und weckt ein Gespür für das richtige Experiment zur rechten Zeit. Bioworld.

The science and applications of microbial genomics
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0309268192 0309268206 9780309268196 9780309268202 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C.

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"On June 12 and 13, 2012, the Institute of Medicine's (IOM's) Forum on Microbial Threats convened a public workshop in Washington, DC, to discuss the scientific tools and approaches being used for detecting and characterizing microbial species, and the roles of microbial genomics and metagenomics to better understand the culturable and unculturable microbial world around us. Through invited presentations and discussions, participants examined the use of microbial genomics to explore the diversity, evolution, and adaptation of microorganisms in a wide variety of environments; the molecular mechanisms of disease emergence and epidemiology; and the ways that genomic technologies are being applied to disease outbreak trace back and microbial surveillance. Points that were emphasized by many participants included the need to develop robust standardized sampling protocols, the importance of having the appropriate metadata, data analysis and data management challenges, and information sharing in real time. The Science and Applications of Microbial Genomics summarizes this workshop."--Title homepage.

The Hologenome Concept: Human, Animal and Plant Microbiota
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319042408 3319042416 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Groundbreaking research over the last 10 years has given rise to the hologenome concept of evolution. This concept posits that the holobiont (host plus all of its associated microorganisms) and its hologenome (sum of the genetic information of the host and its symbiotic microorganisms), acting in concert, function as a unique biological entity and therefore as a level of selection in evolution. All animals and plants harbor abundant and diverse microbiota, including viruses. Often the amount of symbiotic microorganisms and their combined genetic information far exceed that of their host. The microbiota with its microbiome, together with the host genome, can be transmitted from one generation to the next and thus propagate the unique properties of the holobiont. The microbial symbionts and the host interact in a cooperative way that affects the health of the holobiont within its environment. Beneficial microbiota protects against pathogens, provides essential nutrients, catabolizes complex polysaccharides, renders harmful chemicals inert, and contributes to the performance of the immune system. In humans and animals, the microbiota also plays a role in behavior. The sum of these cooperative interactions characterizes the holobiont as a unique biological entity. Genetic variation in the hologenome can be brought about by changes in either the host genome or the microbial population genomes (microbiome). Evolution by cooperation can occur by amplifying existing microbes, gaining novel microbiota and by acquiring microbial and viral genes. Under environmental stress, the microbiome can change more rapidly and in response to more processes than the host organism alone and thus influences the evolution of the holobiont. Prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics and phage therapy are discussed as applied aspects of the hologenome concept.

Genetics of bacteria
ISBN: 8132210891 8132210905 Year: 2013 Publisher: New Delhi, India : Springer,

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Described as the earliest, simplest life forms, with unlimited metabolic versatility, bacteria are ideally suited to answer some very fundamental questions on life and its processes. They have been employed in almost all fields of biological studies, including Genetics. The whole edifice of science of Genetics centers around three processes: the generation, expression, and transmission of biological variation, and bacteria offer immediate advantages in studying all the three aspects of heredity. Being haploid and structurally simple, it becomes easy to isolate mutations of various kinds and relate them to a function. The availability of such mutants and their detailed genetic and biochemical analyses lead to a gamut of information on gene expression and its regulation. While studying the transmission of biological variation, it is clear that unlike their eukaryotic counterpart, a more genetic approach needs to be employed. Transmission of genetic information in most eukaryotic organisms rests on sexual reproduction that allows the generation of genetically variable offspring through the process of gene recombination. Even though bacteria show an apparent preference for asexual reproduction, they too have evolved mechanisms to trade their genetic material. In fact, bacteria not only could acquire many genes from close relatives, but also from entirely distant members through the process of horizontal gene transfer. Their success story of long evolutionary existence will stand testimony to these mechanisms. While teaching a course on Microbial Genetics to the post-graduate students at Delhi University, it was realized that a book devoted to bacterial genetics may be very handy to the students, researchers, and teachers alike. A strong foundation in genetics also helps in comprehending more modern concepts of molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology, always a favorite with the students and researchers. Planning the format of the book, emphasis has been laid on the generation and transmission of biological variability. The omission of expression part is indeed intentional because lots of information is available on this aspect in any modern biology book. The contents are spread over seven chapters and the text is supported with figures/tables wherever possible. The endeavor has been to induce the readers to appreciate the strength of bacterial genetics and realize the contribution of these tiny organisms to the growth of biological sciences as a whole and genetics in particular.

Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1461415322 1461415330 1461415349 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer,

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In biochemistry, a metalloprotein is a generic term for a protein that contains a metal cofactor. The metal may be an isolated ion or may be coordinated with a nonprotein organic compound, such as the porphyrin found in hemoproteins. In some cases, the metal is co-coordinated with a side chain of the protein and an inorganic nonmetallic ion. This kind of protein-metal-nonmetal structure is seen in iron-sulfur clusters Metalloproteins deals with all aspects related to the intracellular and extracellular metal-binding proteins, including their structures, properties and functions. The biological roles of metal cations and metal-binding proteins are endless. They are involved in all crucial cellular activities. Many pathological conditions are related to the problematic metal metabolism. Research in metalloprotein-related topics is therefore rapidly growing, and different aspects of metal-binding proteins progressively enter curricula at Universities and even at the High School level on occasion. However, no key resource providing basic, but comprehensible knowledge on this rapidly expanding field exists. The Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins aims to bridge this gap, and will attempt to cover various aspects of metalloprotein/metalloproteomics and will deal with the different issues related to the intracellular and extracellular metal-binding proteins, including their structures, properties and functions. The goal is to cover exhaustively all catalytically and biologically crucial metal ions and to find at least one interacting protein for other metal ions. The Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins will provide a key resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, instructors, and professors interested in protein science, biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics.

Management of microbial resources in the environment
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9400793383 9400759304 9400759312 1299407692 Year: 2013 Publisher: Dordrecht ; New York : Springer,

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This volume details the exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and conservation of microbes for sustainable utilization in the development of the global as well as national economies, e.g. in agriculture, ecosystems, environments, industry and medicine. Many research institutes and universities all over the world carry out microbiological and biotechnological research, which generates substantial genomic resources such as cDNA libraries, gene constructs, promoter regions, transgenes and more valuable assets for gene discovery and transgenic product development.   This work provides up-to-date information on the management of microbial resources in the environment. It also covers the ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered environments. In trying to understand microbial interactions it further focuses on genomic, metagenomic and molecular advances, as well as on microbial diversity and phylogeny; ecological studies of human, animal and plant microbiology and disease; microbial processes and interactions in the environment; and key technological advances. Though not intended to serve as an encyclopedic review of the subject, the various chapters investigate both theoretical and practical aspects and provide essential basic information for future research to support continued development.

Methods in enzymology.
ISBN: 012407863X 1299908381 9780124078635 012407927X Year: 2013 Publisher: San Diego, CA : Academic Press,

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This new volume of Methods in Enzymology continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters authored by leaders in the field. This volume covers microbial metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics, and includes chapters on such topics as in-solution FISH for single cell genome preparation, preparation of BAC libraries from marine microbial community DNA, and preparation of microbial community cDNA for metatranscriptomic analysis in marine plankton. Continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters authored by leaders in th

Prokaryotic toxin-antitoxins
ISBN: 3642332528 3642332536 Year: 2013 Publisher: Heidelberg : Springer,

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Prokaryotic Toxins – Antitoxins presents the first comprehensive overview of an exciting and rapidly expanding research field. Toxin – antitoxin (TA) genes were first identified on plasmids almost 30 years ago. Since then it has become evident that TA genes are highly abundant on both plasmids and chromosomes belonging to the bacterial and archaeal domains. TA genes come in three variants, depending on how the antitoxin works. In the most common TA genes, called type II TA loci, the antitoxins are proteins that combine with and neutralize the toxins. Even though the toxins come from at least 10 evolutionary independent gene families they inhibit translation and induce dormancy and persistence. The toxins inhibit translation using different molecular mechanisms. For example, the most common toxin family, called VapC (Virulence-associated protein), inhibits translation by cleaving initiator tRNA. Another common toxin family, called RelE, inhibits translation by cleaving messenger RNA  positioned at the ribosome. Recent database mining revealed more than 10,000 such TA loci in »700 prokaryotic organisms. Remarkably, in some species, TA genes have undergone dramatic expansions. For example, the highly persistent major human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis has almost 100 TA loci belonging to different gene families, whereas its close relative M. leprae has none. All sequenced archaeal genomes to date have at least two TA loci and the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii has »40 TA loci. The considerable expansion of the TA genes is a biological mystery but may be related to the biological function(s) of TA genes, a topic that is still hotly debated. The genetic analysis of TA genes is hampered by the multitude of seemingly similar genes within one particular genome. However, recent analysis with the model organism E. coli revealed a breakthrough indicating that TA genes contribute cumulatively to bacterial persistence. All known free-living bacteria that form persisters, cells that survive antibiotics and other environmental threats, contain TA genes. Together, these groundbreaking observations have raised the exciting possibility that TA genes are involved in the persistence of many bacteria, including major human pathogens such as M. tuberculosis. The expanding TA field has an exciting future ahead of it.

Pattern formation in morphogenesis : problems and mathematical issues
ISSN: 21905614 ISBN: 1283697343 3642201644 3642201636 3642441823 Year: 2013 Volume: v. 15 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis is a rich source of interesting and challenging mathematical problems. The volume offers an interdisciplinary interaction space between biologists working in this field and mathematicians, who may propose solutions to the problems put forward by biologists. The main goal is to facilitate the process of cultivating a mutual recognition of the complementary skills between biologists and mathematicians, to the point where the resulting synergy generates new and novel discoveries in the field of Developmental Biology. Lastly, the volume shows how a combination of new discoveries in developmental biology and associated mathematical modeling and computational techniques has stimulated or may stimulate relevant advances in the field.                             .

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