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A brief history of inflation in China
ISBN: 1844641473 9781844641475 9781844641468 1844641465 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Reading]

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When looking back at the Chinese economy over the last 100 years or so, we can see that, although always fluctuating, there are definite trends in inflation that emerge along with social changes, shifts in the economic system, and major changes in economic policy. This book identifies the causes of inflation throughout China's recent economic history. It explores the reasons behind inflationary changes, and it studies the effective counter-measures used by China's economic rulers. (Series: Economic History in China)

The great inflation : the rebirth of modern central banking.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780226066950 Year: 2013 Publisher: Chicago The University of Chicago Press

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Die Anpassung an die Inflation / The Adaptation to Inflation
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110854600 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Effects of the decline in the real value of SNAP benefits from 2009 to 2011
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service,

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L'Union européenne et l'idéal de la meilleure législation

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Banque Mondiale - Rapport Annuel 2013.
ISBN: 0821399403 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Le Groupe de la Banque mondiale s'est fixe des objectifs ambitieux mais realisables sur lesquels asseoir le travail qu'il entreprend pour relever ces defis historiques. Plus precisement, l'institution fera son possible pour mettre fin a l'extreme pauvrete a l'echelle mondiale d'ici 2030 et promouvoir une prosperite partagee dans les pays en developpement, ce qui supposera favoriser la croissance des revenus pour les 40 % les plus pauvres de la population. L'institution cherchera a atteindre ces objectifs de facon viable sur le plan environnemental, social et economique afin de s'assurer que les acquis du developpement ne compromettent pas le bien-etre des generations actuelles et futures. Le present Rapport annuel couvre les activites de la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpement (BIRD) et de l'Association international de developpement (IDA) qui, reunies, prennent le nom de Banque mondiale. Nous vous exhortons a le lire pour en apprendre davantage sur le travail accompli par la Banque mondiale - les activites et les realisations qu'elle aide a promouvoir dans les six regions geographiques ou elle mene ses operations, ainsi que les resultats du travail consistant a aider a vaincre la pauvrete et creer des opportunites pour les populations des pays en developpement. The Annual Report is prepared by the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA)-collectively known as the World Bank-in accordance with the by-laws of the two institutions. The President of the IBRD and IDA and the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors submits the Report, together with the accompanying administrative budgets and audited financial statements, to the Board of Governors.

Inflation Targeting and Country Risk : An Empirical Investigation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1475523890 1475558686 1299264816 1475554028 9781475554021 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has highlighted the role of country risk premia as a link between countries’ fiscal and external balances, financial conditions and monetary policy. The purpose of this paper is to estimate how adoption of inflation targeting (IT) affects spreads. It is hypothesized that country risk premia for IT countries (especially among emerging market economies) may be lower than for other countries owing to greater policy predictability and more stable long-term inflation. The findings suggest that IT reduces the risk premium, both through adoption of the IT regime, and through the observed track record in stabilizing inflation.

Inflation and Output Comovement in the Euro Area : Love at Second Sight?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1484331273 1475531206 1616357053 Year: 2013 Volume: WP/13/192 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper discusses comovement between inflation and output in the euro area. The strength of the comovement may not be apparent at first sight, but is clear at business cycle frequencies. Our results suggest that at business cycle frequency, the output and core inflation comovement is high and stable, and that inflation lags the cycle in output with roughly half of its variance. The strong relationship of output and inflation hints at the importance of demand shocks for the euro area business cycle.

Global Economic Prospects, Volume 7, June 2013.
ISBN: 1464800367 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The global economy appears to be transitioning toward a more stable period. Although acute risks have diminished, real-side activity remains sluggish - especially in high-income Europe. Most developing countries have fully recovered from the crisis. Although growth is slower than during the boom period, it is in line with underlying potential, and output is projected to pick up only gradually to around 5.8 percent by 2015. High unemployment and spare capacity remain pressing problems in developing Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. With a more stable external environment, new risks and challenges are gaining prominence, including the potential impact on exporting countries of a faster than anticipated decline in commodity prices, the possibility that the eventual withdrawal of quantitative easing exposes vulnerabilities in developing countries, and the need to resort increasingly to supply-side rather than demand stimulus policies to achieve stronger growth.

Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Regulation : Whither Emerging Markets
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Confidence in combining inflation-targeting-cum-flexible-exchange-rate regimes with isolated microprudential regulation as a means to guarantee both macroeconomic and financial stability has been shattered by the scale and synchronization of asset price booms and busts that preceded the current global financial crisis. This paper has a two-fold purpose. On the one hand, it explores the implications and challenges of acknowledging the need for coordination between monetary policies and macroprudential regulation. On the other, it points out specific challenges currently faced by central bankers in emerging economies, as they cope with policy and regulatory coordination in a context of debt overhang and unconventional monetary policies in advanced economies.

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