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The necessity of describing three-nucleon and three-quark systems have led to a constant interest in the problem of three particles. The question of including relativistic effects appeared together with the consideration of the decay amplitude in the framework of the dispersion technique. The relativistic dispersion description of amplitudes always takes into account processes connected with the investigated reaction by the unitarity condition or by virtual transitions; in the case of three-particle processes they are, as a rule, those where other many-particle states and resonances are produc
Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Dispersion relations. --- Causality (Physics) --- Nuclear physics --- Quantum theory --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons
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From molecules to stars, much of the cosmic canvas can be painted in brushstrokes of primary color: the protons, neutrons, and electrons we know so well. But for meticulous detail, we have to dip into exotic hues-leptons, mesons, hadrons, quarks. Bringing particle physics to life as few authors can, Jeremy Bernstein here unveils nature in all its subatomic splendor. In this graceful account, Bernstein guides us through high-energy physics from the early twentieth century to the present, including such highlights as the newly discovered Higgs boson. Beginning with Ernest Rutherford's 1911 explanation of the nucleus, a model of atomic structure emerged that sufficed until the 1930s, when new particles began to be theorized and experimentally confirmed. In the postwar period, the subatomic world exploded in a blaze of unexpected findings leading to the theory of the quark, in all its strange and charmed variations. An eyewitness to developments at Harvard University and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Bernstein laces his story with piquant anecdotes of such luminaries as Wolfgang Pauli, Murray Gell-Mann, and Sheldon Glashow. Surveying the dizzying landscape of contemporary physics, Bernstein remains optimistic about our ability to comprehend the secrets of the cosmos-even as its mysteries deepen. We now know that over eighty percent of the universe consists of matter we have never identified or detected. A Palette of Particles draws readers into the excitement of a field where the more we discover, the less we seem to know.
Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Nuclear physics. --- Atomic nuclei --- Atoms, Nuclei of --- Nucleus of the atom --- Physics --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics
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This book discusses the main concepts of the Standard Model of elementary particles in a compact and straightforward way. The work illustrates the unity of modern theoretical physics by combining approaches and concepts of the quantum field theory and modern condensed matter theory. The inductive approach allows a deep understanding of ideas and methods used for solving problems in this field.
Quantum field theory. --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- High Energy Physics. --- Particle Physics. --- Quantum Field Theory. --- Solid State Physics.
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A personal recount in areas of particle physics and related fields as a research physicist for over 50 years, Adrian Melissinos' insights into the ways that general research was carried out, as well as the evolution of particle physics from 1958 to 2008 will prove valuable to science history enthusiasts, as well as particle physicists.Be it conventional accelerator experiments, the use of microwave techniques in search of cosmic axions, or taking advantage of high power lasers to observe light-by-light scattering, the excitement of searching for something new in the face of failures and then
Nuclear physicists --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Physicists --- Research --- History. --- Melissinos, Adrian C. --- Melissinos, Adrian Constantin, --- Melissinos, A. C.
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By year 1911 radioactivity had been discovered for over a decade, but its origin remained a mystery. Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus and the subsequent discovery of the neutron by Chadwick started the field of subatomic physics — a quest for understanding the fundamental constituents of matter.This book reviews the important achievements in subatomic physics in the past century. The chapters are divided into two parts: nuclear physics and particle physics. Written by renowned authors who have made major developments in the field, this book provides the academics and researchers an essential overview of the present state of knowledge in nuclear and particle physics.
Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- History. --- Particules (Physique nucléaire) --- History --- Histoire
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Aimed at graduate students and researchers in the field of high-energy nuclear physics, this book provides an overview of the basic concepts of large transverse momentum particle physics, with a focus on pQCD phenomena. It examines high-pT probes of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and will serve as a handbook for those working on RHIC and LHC data analyses. Starting with an introduction and review of the field, the authors look at basic observables and experimental techniques, concentrating on relativistic particle kinematics, before moving onto a discussion about the origins of high-pT physics. The main features of high-pT physics are placed within a historical context and the authors adopt an experimental outlook, highlighting the most important discoveries leading up to the foundation of modern QCD theory. Advanced methods are described in detail, making this book especially useful for newcomers to the field.
Heavy ion collisions. --- Quantum chromodynamics. --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Chromodynamics, Quantum --- QCD (Nuclear physics) --- Quantum electrodynamics --- Collisions (Nuclear physics) --- Deep inelastic collisions
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The theoretical foundations of the Standard Model of elementary particles relies on the existence of the Higgs boson, a particle which has been revealed for the first time by the experiments run at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. As the Higgs boson is an unstable particle, its search strategies were based on its decay products. In this thesis, Francesco Pandolfi conducted a search for the Higgs boson in the H → ZZ → l + l - qq Decay Channel with 4.6 fb -1 of 7 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The presence of jets in the final state poses a series of challenges to the experimenter: both from a technical point of view, as jets are complex objects and necessitate of ad-hoc reconstruction techniques, and from an analytical one, as backgrounds with jets are copious at hadron colliders, therefore analyses must obtain high degrees of background rejection in order to achieve competitive sensitivity. This is accomplished by following two directives: the use of an angular likelihood discriminant, capable of discriminating events likely to originate from the decay of a scalar boson from non-resonant backgrounds, and by using jet parton flavor tagging, selecting jets compatible with quark hadronization and discarding jets more likely to be initiated by gluons. The events passing the selection requirements in 4.6 fb -1 of data collected by the CMS detector are examined, in the search of a possible signal compatible with the decay of a heavy Higgs boson. The thesis describes the statistical tools and the results of this analysis. This work is a paradigm for studies of the Higgs boson with final states with jets. The non-expert physicists will enjoy a complete and eminently readable description of a proton-proton collider analysis. At the same time, the expert reader will learn the details of the searches done with jets at CMS.
Physics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Nuclear Physics --- Higgs bosons. --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Higgs particles --- Particles, Higgs --- Physics. --- Quantum field theory. --- String theory. --- Nuclear physics. --- Physical measurements. --- Measurement. --- Particle and Nuclear Physics. --- Quantum Field Theories, String Theory. --- Measurement Science and Instrumentation. --- Nuclear physics --- Bosons
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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the highest-energy particle collider ever constructed and is considered ""one of the great engineering milestones of mankind."" It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) from 1998 to 2008, with the aim of allowing physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics and high-energy physics, and particularly prove or disprove the existence of the theorized Higgs boson and of the large family of new particles predicted by supersymmetric theories. In this book, the authors study the phenomenology, operational c
Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland) --- Colliders (Nuclear physics) --- Black holes (Astronomy) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Frozen stars --- Compact objects (Astronomy) --- Gravitational collapse --- Stars --- Accelerators, Colliding-beam --- Colliding-beam accelerators --- Particle accelerators --- Large Hadron Collider --- Hadron colliders --- Supercolliders --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics
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Volume 1 of this revised and updated edition provides an accessible and practical introduction to the first gauge theory included in the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED) The book includes self-contained presentations of electromagnetism as a gauge theory as well as relativistic quantum mechanics. It provides a unique elementary introduction to quantum field theory, establishing the essentials of the formal and conceptual framework upon which the subsequent development of the three gauge theories is based. The text also describes tree-level calculations of physical processes in QED and introduces ideas of renormalization in the context of one-loop radiative corrections for QED.
Gauge fields (Physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Weak interactions (Nuclear physics) --- Nuclear reactions --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Fields, Gauge (Physics) --- Gage fields (Physics) --- Gauge theories (Physics) --- Field theory (Physics) --- Group theory --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Physics --- Quantum physics (quantum mechanics and quantum field theory)
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Towards Solid-State Quantum Repeaters: Ultrafast, Coherent Optical Control and Spin-Photon Entanglement in Charged InAs Quantum Dots summarizes several state-of-the-art coherent spin manipulation experiments in III-V quantum dots. Both high-fidelity optical manipulation, decoherence due to nuclear spins and the spin coherence extraction are discussed, as is the generation of entanglement between a single spin qubit and a photonic qubit. The experimental results are analyzed and discussed in the context of future quantum technologies, such as quantum repeaters. Single spins in optically active semiconductor host materials have emerged as leading candidates for quantum information processing (QIP). The quantum nature of the spin allows for encoding of stationary, memory quantum bits (qubits), and the relatively weak interaction with the host material preserves the spin coherence. On the other hand, optically active host materials permit direct interfacing with light, which can be used for all-optical qubit manipulation, and for efficiently mapping matter qubits into photonic qubits that are suited for long-distance quantum communication.
Quantum computers. --- Quantum electronics. --- Quantum theory. --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Computer Science --- Electrical Engineering --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Spintronics. --- Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics. --- Quantum Computing. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Computers --- Electronics --- Quantum electrodynamics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Fluxtronics --- Magnetoelectronics --- Spin electronics --- Spinelectronics --- Microelectronics --- Nanotechnology --- Particles (Nuclear physics)
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