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Capitoli autobiografici : poeti che traducono poeti dagli ermetici a Luciano Erba
Year: 2013 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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Leonardo Manigrasso has made use of the most up-to-date tools made available by stylistic criticism and translation studies to offer a series of intense "debates" and comparisons between the greatest poets-translators born in Italy between the 1910s and the early 1920s. The choice to cross multiple versions of the same source text allows the reader to verify the multiple ways of implicit reading and rewriting during the translation process, establishing distances, documenting unexpected dialogues, exposing the bonds between the translated work and the "creative" work of each author. The interaction between different and remarkable textual features has the goal of reconstructing a fundamental chapter in the history of twentieth century poetry, from the birth of hermetic koinè to a notion of translating as a predominantly empirical and individual process.



Capitoli autobiografici : poeti che traducono poeti dagli ermetici a Luciano Erba
Year: 2013 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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Leonardo Manigrasso has made use of the most up-to-date tools made available by stylistic criticism and translation studies to offer a series of intense "debates" and comparisons between the greatest poets-translators born in Italy between the 1910s and the early 1920s. The choice to cross multiple versions of the same source text allows the reader to verify the multiple ways of implicit reading and rewriting during the translation process, establishing distances, documenting unexpected dialogues, exposing the bonds between the translated work and the "creative" work of each author. The interaction between different and remarkable textual features has the goal of reconstructing a fundamental chapter in the history of twentieth century poetry, from the birth of hermetic koinè to a notion of translating as a predominantly empirical and individual process.



Capitoli autobiografici : poeti che traducono poeti dagli ermetici a Luciano Erba
Year: 2013 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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Leonardo Manigrasso has made use of the most up-to-date tools made available by stylistic criticism and translation studies to offer a series of intense "debates" and comparisons between the greatest poets-translators born in Italy between the 1910s and the early 1920s. The choice to cross multiple versions of the same source text allows the reader to verify the multiple ways of implicit reading and rewriting during the translation process, establishing distances, documenting unexpected dialogues, exposing the bonds between the translated work and the "creative" work of each author. The interaction between different and remarkable textual features has the goal of reconstructing a fundamental chapter in the history of twentieth century poetry, from the birth of hermetic koinè to a notion of translating as a predominantly empirical and individual process.



Capitoli autobiografici : poeti che traducono poeti dagli ermetici a Luciano Erba
Year: 2013 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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Leonardo Manigrasso has made use of the most up-to-date tools made available by stylistic criticism and translation studies to offer a series of intense "debates" and comparisons between the greatest poets-translators born in Italy between the 1910s and the early 1920s. The choice to cross multiple versions of the same source text allows the reader to verify the multiple ways of implicit reading and rewriting during the translation process, establishing distances, documenting unexpected dialogues, exposing the bonds between the translated work and the "creative" work of each author. The interaction between different and remarkable textual features has the goal of reconstructing a fundamental chapter in the history of twentieth century poetry, from the birth of hermetic koinè to a notion of translating as a predominantly empirical and individual process.



Les formes hermétiques dans la poésie française contemporaine : René Char, Philippe Jaccottet, Yves Bonnefoy et Michel Deguy
ISBN: 9782336006017 2336006014 Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris : L'Harmattan,

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Etude sur les formes de symbolisme dans la poésie française du XXe siècle à partir des oeuvres de Char, Jaccottet, Bonnefoy et Deguy.

Zwarte zon : code van de hermetische poëzie
ISBN: 9789460041105 9460041108 Year: 2013 Publisher: Nijmegen Vantilt

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Niets is zo helder en tegelijk zo duister als de zon. Het zonlicht zelf verblindt, alleen een eclips maakt het zichtbaar. Voor de hermetische poëzie geldt dezelfde paradox. Als een zwarte zon schittert haar zin pas door afwezigheid. Zwarte zon leert de lezer de geheimtaal van de hermetische poëzie lezen. Paul Claes past een nieuwe ontcijferingsmethode toe op twaalf duistere dichters: Horatius, Luis de Góngora, Willem van Swaanenburg, Gerárd de Nerval, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, Rainer Maria Rilke, Karel van de Woestijne, Wallace Stevens, André Breton, e.e. cummings en Hugo Claus. Het is een misverstand te denken dat de poëzie verdwijnt als we haar mysterie doorgronden. Integendeel, pas zo verschijnt ze in haar volle luister: als de zon na een verduistering.

Geist=reiche Critik
ISBN: 9783110314441 3110314444 3110314444 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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Die frühneuzeitliche Pluralisierung von Religions- und Wissensformen verdankt dem Corpus Hermeticum wesentliche Impulse. Ausgehend von den Quellen seiner Kritiker rekonstruiert diese Studie das Profil des hermetischen Diskurses in den Jahren zwischen 1530-1730 und analysiert quellennah seine ambivalente Rolle zwischen verborgener Weisheit und Demokratisierung des Heilswissens. Die Einzelanalysen zu Sebastian Franck, Valentin Weigel, Jacob Böhme und Conrad Dippel verfolgen die Rezeption hermetischer Texte an der Schnittfläche zu Patristik, mittelalterlicher Mystik und neuer Naturphilosophie jenseits von philologischer Kritik. Oszillierend zwischen Heilshoffnung und Häresie geben die Texte zugleich Impulse zu einer in die Aufklärung weisenden Reflexion der unterschiedlichen Enkulturation religiösen Wissens und leisten damit einen unterschätzten Beitrag zur Toleranzdebatte. In ihrer Neudeutung von Systemstellen der christlichen Heilserzählung, des Zeitkonzepts sowie der Integration eines weiblichen Prinzips in Gott werden die oft pauschal zu esoterischen Geheimlehren verkürzten Schriften auf ihr innovatives und machtkritisches Potenzial hin transparent.


Mysticism --- Hermetism --- Enlightenment. --- Aufklärung --- Eighteenth century --- Philosophy, Modern --- Rationalism --- Hermeticism --- Occultism --- History. --- Böhme, Jakob --- Dippel, Johann Conrad --- Weigel, Valentin --- Frank, Johann Sebastian --- Franck, Sebastian --- Corpus Hermeticum. --- Corpus Hermeticum --- Franck, Sebastianus --- Francus, Sebastian --- Francus, Sebastianus --- Eleutherius, Augustinus --- Frei, Felix --- Frey, Felix --- S.F. --- Wernstreyt, Friedrich --- Frank --- Wernstreyt, Friderich --- Frank, Sebastian --- Franckus, Sebastianus --- Franckius, Sebastianius --- Francke, Sebastian --- Franck van Weirdt, Sebastiaen --- Franck von Wörth, Sebastian --- Eluthenius, August --- Theologe --- Evangelischer Theologe --- Mönch --- Chronist --- Geograf --- Satiriker --- Drucker --- Donauwörth --- Basel --- Ulm --- Ewich, Johannes --- Gailliart, Johan --- Aberlin, Joachim --- Althamer, Andreas --- Hesshusen, Tilemann --- Camerarius, Joachim --- Münster, Sebastian --- Brusch, Kaspar --- Krafft, Adam --- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius --- 1499-1542 --- 20.01.1499 --- -Franck, Johann Sebastian --- Franke, Johann Sebastian --- Francke, Johann Sebastian --- Franckius, Johannes Sebastianus --- Pfarrer --- Lehrer --- Tambach --- Ballstädt --- 1752-1807 --- 28.02.1752-06.04.1807 --- Wegelius, Valentinus --- Weigelius, M. V. --- Weigelius, Valentin --- Wigel, Valentin --- Wigelius, Valentinus --- Wicelius, Valentinus --- M. V. W. --- V. W. --- Meiersbach, Huldreich --- Meiersbach von Regenbrunn, Huldreich --- Meirsbach, Huldreich --- Meirsbach von Regnbrun, Huldreich --- Regenbrunn, Huldreich Meiersbach <> --- Wegweiser, Udalricus --- Theophil, Christian --- Theophilus, Christianus --- Vigelius, Valentinus --- W., V. --- Vajgelʹ, Valentin --- Weichel, Valentin --- Weigelius, Valentinus --- Haynensis --- Mystiker --- Eklektiker --- Naundorf bei Großenhain (Sachsen) --- Leipzig --- Wittenberg --- Zschopau --- Egenolff, Attalarius --- Gallus, Johannes --- Wittel, Johannes --- 07.08.1533-10.06.1588 --- 1533-1588 --- Dippel, Johann Konrad --- Dippel, Johannes Conrad --- Dippel, Johannes Konrad --- Kleinmann, Ernst Christoph --- Kleinmann, Ernst Christian --- Cordatus Libertinus" --- Libertinus, Cordatus --- Dippelius, Johannes Conradus --- Demokrit, Christianus --- Demokritus, Christianus --- Democritus, Christianus --- Democritus Redivivus, Christianus --- Christianus --- Democritus --- Chemiker --- Arzt --- 1673-1734 --- B'ome, Jakob --- Beme, Jakob --- Bëme, Jakob --- Philadelphus, Desiderius --- Teutonicus Philosophus --- Teutonicus --- Böhmen, Jacob --- Böhm, Jacob --- Behme, Jacobus --- Bohmius, Jacobus --- Bohemus, Jacobus --- Bohemius, Jacobus --- Bohmius, Iacobus --- Böhme, Jacobus --- J. B. T. --- Böehme, Jakob --- Bohme, Jacob --- Desiderius --- Boehme, Jakob --- Boehme, Jacob --- Böhme, Giacomo --- Behmen, Jacob --- Beem, Jacob --- Beme, Jacob --- Boemus, Jacobus --- Behme, Jacob --- Behm, Jacob --- Böhme, Jacob --- Behman, Jacob --- Beme, Jacobus --- Böhmen, Jakob --- Böhm, J. --- Behmen, Iacob --- Bohmen, Jacob --- Bêhme, Jacob --- Philosoph --- Theosoph --- Schuhmacher --- Alt-Seidenberg --- Görlitz --- Böhm, Jakob --- Böhm, Ursula --- Kuntzschmann, Catharina --- Kuntzschmann, Hans --- 1575-1624 --- -17.11.1624 --- Poimandrēs --- Poemander --- <> siebzehn Bücher des Hermes Trismegistos --- <> rivelazione segreta di Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermetica --- Corpo Ermetico --- Hermes --- v01 --- -04 --- -Poimandres --- Pymander --- Corpus hermétique --- Corpus Hermeticum (Hermes, Trismegistus) --- Die siebzehn Bücher --- Divinus Pymander --- Pymander, de potestate et sapientia dei --- De potestate et sapientia dei --- Liber de potestate et sapientia dei --- Erkenntnisse der Natur und des darin sich offenbarenden grossen Gottes --- Poemander oder von der göttlichen Macht und Weisheit --- Pimander --- Alchemist --- History of religion. --- libertines. --- pluralization. --- tolerance. --- Schriftsteller

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