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Soziobiologie ist den evolutionsbiologischen Ursprüngen und Gründen tierlichen und menschlichen Sozialverhaltens auf der Spur. Kosten und Nutzen des Soziallebens werden in diesem Buch genauso behandelt wie Strategien sozialer Konkurrenz, also Gewalt, Kampf und Dominanz, aber auch Kooperation, Altruismus und Solidarität. Die grundsätzlich in Konflikt miteinander stehenden Interessen zwischen dem männlichen und weiblichen Geschlecht sind Treibstoff der sexuellen Selektion. Liebe und Partnerschaft einerseits und Hegemonie und Ausbeutung andererseits sind sexuelle Strategien. Kooperation ist als momentaner, immer auch brüchiger Kompromiss im Kampf der Geschlechter zu verstehen. Außerdem geht es in diesem Buch um die neuesten Erkenntnisse zur Evolution des Eltern/Kind-Verhältnisses und damit um die Frage, wie das Naturgeschehen ein Brutpflegeverhalten hervorbringen konnte, das Kindesvernachlässigung und -tötung und zugleich aber auch intensive, tief empfundene elterliche Zuneigung und Fürsorge möglich macht. Und schließlich wird ein Blick auf die Frage geworfen, wie eine evolutionäre Perspektive auf das menschliche Verhalten zu einem modernen Menschenbild beiträgt und wie das stammesgeschichtliche Erbe menschliche Moral, Erkenntnisfähigkeit und Bewusstsein und nicht zuletzt auch die typisch menschliche Religionsfähigkeit beeinflusst. Die Zielgruppen Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende der Biologie, Anthropologie, Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften und an alle an der evolutionären Geschichte des menschlichen Sozialverhaltens Interessierte. Der Autor Prof. Dr. Eckart Voland, geb. 1949 in Hann. Münden (Niedersachsen), studierte Biologie und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Göttingen und promovierte 1978 mit einer Arbeit zum Sozialverhalten von Primaten. Seit 1995 ist er Professor für Philosophie der Biowissenschaften am Zentrum für Philosophie und Grundlagen der Wissenschaft der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Dort forscht und lehrt er vorrangig auf den Gebieten der Human-Soziobiologie und der Biophilosophie, insbesondere der evolutionären Ethik, Ästhetik und Religionswissenschaft. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bücher und im Beirat mehrerer internationaler Fachzeitschriften. Rezension der Vorauflage Nach einer Einführung in Paradigma, Konzepte und Modelle der Soziobiologie werden drei Themenkreise behandelt: Kooperation und Konflikt in sozialen Gruppen, Geschlechterbeziehung, Elternstrategien. So liegt nun ein ausgezeichneter Überblick über den Forschungszweig der Soziobiologie auf dem neuesten Stand vor.
Life sciences. --- Psychobiology. --- Human behavior. --- Zoology. --- Sex (Psychology). --- Community psychology. --- Biology --- Life Sciences. --- Behavioral Neuroscience. --- Psychology of Gender and Sexuality. --- Community Psychology. --- Philosophy of Biology. --- Philosophy.
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This volume covers current issues, cutting-edge debates and new knowledge on women and sport. The range of topics extends from female coaches and women in sport to sexual harassment, from snowboarders to schoolgirls, and from physical education to football. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the current debates on gender and sport from a women's perspective, to share new knowledge about important issues, in particular about gender (in)equalities, and to present insights into the causes and effects of the debates and developments in the arena of women's sport. A special focus in all chapters will be on the perspective of change, and backgrounds, reasons and effects of gender arrangements will be analyzed by scholars who made major contributions to the development of a new gender order in sport and society. Other authors are younger scholars with new perspectives and approaches - who represent the new generation of gender researchers. I like to recommend the book since the quality of the various contributions, based on empirical data and embedded in sound theoretical frameworks, is generally good. - Inge Caringbould in: European journal for Sport and Society, 1/2014 The input from the most important authors from this field of research, the empirical character and currency of the research, together with the abundant references to the most recent literature in each chapter are perhaps the most useful aspects of the book. The publication certainly suggests directions for future research and identifies the main challenges for women in sport. As such it is relevant not only to researchers but also to practitioners working on gender and sport. Finally, it is worth noting that the authors are very active both as academics and in sports. Many of them were or still are involved with professional sport. These facts make the book an excellent example of feminist praxis. - Honorata Jakubowska in: International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49/2014 Im vorliegenden Band werden gegenwärtige Fragen, Vorreiterdebatten und neue Erkenntnisse einer genderkritischen Sportwissenschaft gebündelt und ein aktueller Einblick in die zentralen Diskussionen des Fachs gegeben. So ist die Auswahl der Autor/-innen aus älteren und jüngeren Generationen breit gefächert. Ebenso vielfältig sind die den einzelnen Beiträgen übergeordneten Themenbereiche. - Sebastian Nestler querelles-net, 3/2014
Women --- Sport --- gender (in)equalities --- Kari Fasting --- Historical perspective --- Sport Governance --- Football --- Snowboarding --- Beach Volleyball --- Boxing --- Gender and Sexuality --- Physical Education --- Sexual Harassment --- Female Athletes --- Geschlechterforschung --- Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
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The collapse of socialism at the end of the twentieth century brought devastating changes to Mongolia. Economic shock therapy-an immediate liberalization of trade and privatization of publicly owned assets-quickly led to impoverishment, especially in rural parts of the country, where Tragic Spirits takes place. Following the travels of the nomadic Buryats, Manduhai Buyandelger tells a story not only of economic devastation but also a remarkable Buryat response to it-the revival of shamanic practices after decades of socialist suppression. Attributing their current misfortunes to returning ancestral spirits who are vengeful over being abandoned under socialism, the Buryats are now at once trying to appease their ancestors and recover the history of their people through shamanic practice. Thoroughly documenting this process, Buyandelger situates it as part of a global phenomenon, comparing the rise of shamanism in liberalized Mongolia to its similar rise in Africa and Indonesia. In doing so, she offers a sophisticated analysis of the way economics, politics, gender, and other factors influence the spirit world and the crucial workings of cultural memory.
Shamanism --- Buriats --- Neoliberalism --- Communism and religion --- Chamanisme --- Bouriates --- Néo-libéralisme --- Communisme et religion --- Religion. --- Economic conditions. --- Religious aspects --- History --- Religion --- Conditions économiques --- Aspect religieux --- Histoire --- Mongolia --- Mongolie --- Religious life and customs. --- Economic conditions --- Vie religieuse --- Religious aspects. --- History. --- Bai͡an-Uul Sum (Mongolia) --- Religion and communism --- Neo-liberalism --- Liberalism --- Buryats --- Mongols --- Religions --- shamanism, shaman, religion, faith, spirituality, religious practices, practitioner, spirit world, trances, shamanic, mongolia, contemporary, gender and sexuality, anthropology, impoverishment, poverty, government, social changes, nomads, buryats, economics, socialism, socialist, ancestral spirits, cultural memory, culture, east asia, history, liberalism, 20th century, economic conditions, customs, nation, revolution.
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In this book, the author challenges accepted wisdom about gender identity and sexual orientation. She takes on the medical establishment, the Bible, social science--and even Darwin himself. She leads the reader through a ... discussion of diversity in gender and sexuality among fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals, including primates. She argues that principal elements of Darwinian sexual selection theory are false and suggests a new theory that emphasizes social inclusion and control of access to resources and mating opportunity. She disputes a range of scientific and medical concepts, including Wilson's genetic determinism of behavior, evolutionary psychology, the existence of a gay gene, the role of parenting in determining gender identity, and Dawkins's "selfish gene" as the driver of natural selection. She dares social science to respect the agency and rationality of diverse people; shows that many cultures across the world and throughout history accommodate people we label today as lesbian, gay, and transgendered; and calls on the Christian religion to acknowledge the Bible's many passages endorsing diversity in gender and sexuality. In the book, she concludes with bold recommendations for improving education in biology, psychology, and medicine for democratizing genetic engineering and medical practice and for building a public monument to affirm diversity as one of our nation's defining principles. --
Biodiversity. --- Sexual behavior in animals. --- Gender identity. --- Sexual orientation. --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biology --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species --- Orientation, Sexual --- Sexual preference --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sexual reorientation programs --- Sex identity (Gender identity) --- Sexual identity (Gender identity) --- Identity (Psychology) --- Queer theory --- Animals --- Breeding behavior --- Copulation behavior in animals --- Copulation in animals --- Copulatory behavior in animals --- Copulatory pattern (Animal behavior) --- Mating behavior --- Reproductive behavior --- Sex behavior in animals --- Animal behavior --- Sexual behavior --- Gender nonconformity. --- Sex role --- Sexual selection. --- Sexual selection --- Sex role. --- Gender Identity. --- Sexual Behavior. --- Premarital Sex Behavior --- Sex Behavior --- Sex Orientation --- Sexual Activities --- Anal Sex --- Oral Sex --- Sexual Activity --- Sexual Orientation --- Activities, Sexual --- Activity, Sexual --- Behavior, Premarital Sex --- Behavior, Sex --- Behavior, Sexual --- Sex, Anal --- Sex, Oral --- Sex --- Reproductive Behavior --- Gender --- Gender Identities --- Identity, Gender --- Transgender Persons --- Biological Diversity --- Gender dysphoria --- Conversion therapy --- animals. --- bible. --- biology. --- body and behavior. --- creatures. --- darwinian sexual selection. --- diversity. --- evolutionary biology. --- evolutionary psychology. --- feminist theory. --- gay gene. --- gender and sexuality. --- gender identity. --- gender studies. --- genes and hormones. --- humans. --- individuality. --- mating opportunities. --- medical establishment. --- natural selection. --- religion. --- scientists. --- selfish gene. --- sex gender and sexuality. --- sexual orientation. --- social inclusion. --- social science. --- theoretical. --- transgender criticism. --- wilsons genetic determinism of behavior.
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