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The Danish National Veterinary Expert group for Classical and African swine fever has been active during the last 10 years. The group is composed of experts in EU-legislation, in Danish pig production, in pig diseases and in virology. The group has participated in a national workshop on CSFV surveillance, in Contingency planning exercises and many efforts is done to keep the group updated on the current international situation for swine fevers. The group has been very stabile and especially the participation in a TAIEX workshop in 2005 in Romania was a very good basis for fruitful collaboration. The experiences gained from the workshop had been found very valuable during discussion of different epidemiological situations. The obligations of the expert group are both to follow the progress of eradication but definitely also to take care of some of the more time consuming discussions that could otherwise burden the Veterinary Authorities. Questions like "Could we be allowed to vaccinate the pigs in a Zoo if there is an outbreak?" and other veterinary issues that may have a high interest in the press; but which do not matter that much in the gross picture of the disease eradication could be handed over to the expert group. Slide presentation and discussions The presentation gave examples of activities carried out by the Classical swine fever and African swine fever expert group during the last 10 years and how the expert group was kept alive. It was highlighted that a "good chemistry" between the members of the expert group was considered to be important for the success in "peacetime" and in a "war-time. The importance of the annual meetings of National Reference Laboratories organized by the EU Community Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever, Hannover was emphasized, as the meetings did not only cover diagnostic laboratory methods, but also valuable information on disease transmission and current epidemiological situations. The issue of independence was dis.
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Education, Secondary --- Education, Secondary --- Youth --- Youth
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Learn how to teach content and process at the same time, assess 21st-century skills, and engage students in higher-order thinking--all central aims of the Common Core.
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Why does it matter whether we state definitions carefully when we all know what particular geometric figures look like? What does it mean to say that a reflection is a transformation -- a function? How does the study of transformations and matrices in high school connect with later work with vector spaces in linear algebra? How much do you know, and how much do you need to know? Helping your students develop a robust understanding of geometry requires that you understand this mathematics deeply. But what does that mean? This book focuses on essential knowledge for teachers about geometry. It is organized around four big ideas, supported by multiple smaller, interconnected ideas-- essential understandings. Taking you beyond a simple introduction to geometry, the book will broaden and deepen your mathematical understanding of one of the most challenging topics for students and teachers. It will help you engage your students, anticipate their perplexities, avoid pitfalls, and dispel misconceptions. You will also learn to develop appropriate tasks, techniques, and tools for assessing students' understanding of the topic. Focus on the ideas that you need to understand thoroughly to teach confidently. Move beyond the mathematics you expect your students to learn. Students who fail to get a solid grounding in pivotal concepts struggle in subsequent work in mathematics and related disciplines. By bringing a deeper understanding to your teaching, you can help students who don't get it the first time by presenting the mathematics in multiple ways. The Essential Understanding Series addresses topics in school mathematics that are critical to the mathematical development o f students but are often difficult to teach. Each book in the series gives an overview of the topic, highlights the differences between what teachers and students need to know, examines the big ideas and related essential understandings, reconsiders the ideas presented in light of connections with other mathematical ideas, and includes questions for readers' reflection. - Publisher.
Education, Secondary --- Geometry --- Study and teaching (Secondary)
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Les chefs d'établissement de l'enseignement secondaire sont-ils aujourd'hui de modernes hussards de la République ou des managers orientés vers l'efficacité éducative ? Comment agissent-ils avec – et parfois contre – des personnels enseignants dont ils organisent en partie l'activité ? Quels rapports entretiennent-ils avec leur travail, leurs collègues, les élèves, l'institution et ses valeurs ? Confrontés à de nouvelles missions d'accueil de tous les élèves, de modernisation et de pilotage, mais aussi à une multiplicité de tâches et à des temporalités contrastées, les chefs d'établissement s'adaptent en visant tout à la fois le consensus interne et la visibilité externe. À la croisée de la sociologie de l'éducation et de celle du travail, ce livre brosse un tableau vivant et réaliste du quotidien des chefs d'établissement au collège et en lycée, général comme professionnel. En cherchant à comprendre les enjeux collectifs et les épreuves de ce métier, il propose un regard neuf sur les futurs défis de l'École.
School administrators --- School management and organization --- Education, Secondary --- Social aspects
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The pressure is on special and general education teachers alike. If we are to ensure that adolescents with mild disabilities achieve the very same gains as their peers, we must first teach them how to learn. This is a one-stop guide for getting started, pairing the very best instructional methods with assessments and IEP goals so all students can be independent learners.
Learning disabled children --- Children with disabilities --- Education (Secondary) --- Education (Elementary)
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This pioneering volume is the first ever to investigate in depth the myriad interconnected influences on the phenomenal growth of Welsh-medium schools over the last half century and probe the foreseeable challenges that they will have to face.
Education, Secondary --- Children --- High school education --- High school students --- Secondary education --- Secondary schools --- Teenagers --- Education --- High schools --- Education (Secondary)
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Art in education --- Education, Primary --- Education, Secondary --- Art in education. --- Education, Primary. --- Education, Secondary. --- Children --- High school education --- High school students --- Secondary education --- Secondary schools --- Teenagers --- Education --- High schools --- Primary education --- Early childhood education --- Education (Secondary) --- Education (Primary)
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Der Übergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe beinhaltet im Rahmen individueller Bildungsbiographien gleichermaßen Chancen und Herausforderungen. Damit einhergehende Veränderungen der schulischen Lernumwelt erfordern auf Seiten der SchülerInnen zahlreiche Anpassungsprozesse. Hauptziel der PRISE-Studie war es, die Reaktionen der SchülerInnen auf diese veränderten schulischen Bedingungen im Hinblick auf Leistungsentwicklung, Leistungsmotivation und Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept zu untersuchen. Der Inhalt · Übergänge im Bildungssystem · Schulische Leistungsentwicklung · Leistungsmotivation · Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept · Kriterien bei der Schulwahl · Einschätzung des Übergangs durch Schüler und Eltern Die Zielgruppen · Dozierende und Studierende in Lehramtsstudiengängen, B.A./M.A. Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft (insbesondere Schulpädagogik) · Lehrkräfte aller Schularten Die HerausgeberIn Dr. Jeanette Roos ist Professorin für Psychologie und Leiterin der Bachelor-Studiengänge Frühkindliche und Elementarbildung und Gesundheitsförderung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg. Dr. Hermann Schöler war Professor für "Entwicklungspsychologie der frühen und mittleren Kindheit" und für "Psychologie in sonderpädagogischen Handlungsfeldern mit dem Schwerpunkt Lern- und Entwicklungsstörungen und ihre Diagnostik" an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg.
Education. --- Psychology. --- Developmental psychology. --- Education, general. --- Psychology, general. --- Developmental Psychology. --- Education, Primary. --- Education, Secondary.
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Heterogenität und individuelle Förderung sind sowohl Schlagworte im aktuellen pädagogischen Diskurs als auch Maßstäbe entsprechender Anforderungen an die pädagogische Praxis. Wie diese Begriffe bezogen auf die Oberstufe derzeit diskutiert werden und wie individuelle Förderung dort realisiert werden kann, ist Thema dieses Bandes. Anhand einer qualitativen Studie zu Bedingungen und Kontext von Klassenwiederholungen in der Oberstufe werden, erstmals für diese Schulstufe, die Auswirkungen verschiedener Heterogenitätsaspekte und die Wahrnehmung schulischer Förderung aus Sicht der Lernenden untersucht. Inhalt · Theoretische und empirische Zugänge zum Thema Heterogenität · Klassenwiederholung und individuelle Förderung in der Sekundarstufe I und II · Qualitative Befunde zur Klassenwiederholung in der Oberstufe aus Schülersicht Zielgruppen · Erziehungswissenschaftler/innen · Lehrer/innen · Schulleiter/innen · Schulsozialarbeiter/innen · Schulpsycholog/innen · Interessierte Eltern Autor/innen Dipl. Soz. Monika Palowski und Dr. Sebastian Boller sind wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter an der Wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung Oberstufen-Kolleg der Universität Bielefeld. Dr. Marlene Müller lehrte bis Ende des Jahres 2012 Deutsch und Genderstudien am Oberstufen-Kolleg Bielefeld.
Education. --- Teaching. --- Education, general. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Promotion (School) --- Grade repetition. --- Education, Secondary.
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