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Adaptation, re-imaginings, appropriation, prequels and sequels are powerful and popular tools for storytelling in our modern society. As Linda Hutcheon says, 'there are precious few stories around that have not been 'lovingly ripped off' from others. In the workings of the human imagination, adaptation is the norm, not the exception' (177). In this dissertation, I wish to discuss Neil Gaiman's extensive use of intertextual relationships. I will use Coraline as a case study because it is very much inspired by a single literary work, Alice in Wonderland unlike many of Gaiman's novels for adults, which borrow extensively from mythologies from around the globe and literature alike. I will start by taking a closer look at intertextuality as a field of literary theory and criticism, using Linda Hutcheon's A Theory of Adaptation as a theoretical basis. I will also discuss Neil Gaiman's own concept of 'myths' and the way they figure in his works. Then, I will discuss the literary movement of neo-Victorianism, of which Coraline clearly is an exponent. In the second part of this work, I will compare both novels from a feminist perspective. I will explore the position of girls in children's literature and the use of fantasy elements and of the Gothic and the uncanny in both Alice and Coraline. I will then turn to both texts from a psychoanalytical point of view, comparing the effects of certain characteristics, events, characters, or themes on the empowerment or disempowerment of the heroine. In my discussion of the intertextual relationship Gaiman establishes between the two texts, I will show that these similarities are not as straightforward as they may seem. Gaiman subtly subverts the undercurrents of Victorian morality and values that can be found in Carroll's Alice stories to create a story that will speak to modern children by showing an empowered, independent heroine.
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Het werk van Nick Cave beslaat zowel lyriek, scenarioschrijven als literatuur. Zowel zijn boeken als een aanzienlijk gedeelte van zijn songteksten staan in het teken van het onvermijdelijke - de personages bevolken een wereld die op een (vaak gewelddadig) einde afstevent. In elk van zijn twee boeken is er een bepaald mechanisme aan het werk dat ervoor zorgt dat het personage naar een bepaald noodlot gestuurd wordt. In zijn eerste roman, And the Ass Saw the Angel, is dit mechanisme te omschrijven in de termen van René Girards zondebokmechanisme. Ook past het in de gnostische gedachten over het inherente kwaad van de materie waaruit onze wereld bestaat. Deze wereld biedt geen enkele hoop op verlossing - zelfs het christendom, een godsdienst die draait om de idee van verlossing, wordt in de roman gekaapt door de logica van het zondebokmechanisme. Het noodlotsmechanisme dat Cave's tweede roman, The Death of Bunny Munro, beheerst is het klassieke model van de furiën, de wraakengelen die de misdadiger achtervolgen tot hij bezwijkt onder de druk van hun waanzinnige vervolging. Bovendien is de vloek die op de misdadiger ligt een familievloek; hij wordt van ouder op kind overgedragen. In tegenstelling tot het zondebokmechanisme biedt dit mechanisme wel een uitweg in het werk van Cave. De hoofdpersoon slaagt erin de vloek op te heffen en dus het noodlotsmechanisme een halt toe te roepen, iets wat in het eerdere werk van Cave onmogelijk was.
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It is necessary to notice that the collection of Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth was critically structured and reorganized around the poem 'Lines Written in Early Spring' ['LWES'] 'LWES' regarding different editions. Despite the importance of the arrangement of LB and the notable place of 'LWES', however, the given research did not represent any discussion of the position, the function and importance of this poem based on its connection with other poems. This thesis will particularly analyse the central position of 'LWES' in the collection based on the memory and contemporary situation of British nation. By focusing on the symbolic meaning of 'a thousand blended notes' in the first line and the landscape illustrated, we can see 'LWES' reveals Wordsworth's argument that 'serve[s] as a commentary unostentatiously directing his [the reader's] attention to my [his] purposes, both particular and general' (Preface), and his efforts to marry up sounds with images, pleasure with pathos, disconnection with connection, the inside with the outside, change with permanence and an individual with the community. In China, current analysis of 'LWES' still follows the mode of antagonism between nature and society, the subject and the object, joy and grief. No attention has yet been paid to the important role played by 'LWES' in the entire collection. However, this binary opposition differs drastically from the ancient Chinese philosophy, as well as poorly similar in the cultural context. The feasibility of such contrasts, therefore, is put in question. Such discussions will be reviewed in this thesis as well.
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This paper examines George MacDonald Fraser's body of work The Flashman Papers as a post 1960s brand of historical fiction. In light of criticism surrounding Neo-Victorian and historical fiction this paper discusses the method through which George MacDonald Fraser represents and re-imagines the Victorian era chiefly through the construction of the anti-hero Flashman. In addition, it outlines the ways in which Fraser engages with the period. This will reveal the extent to which Flashman as a comic construction features as a strategy through which Fraser negotiates the problematic past. Taking into account the problems writing historical fiction entails, the paper also attempts to reveal the function The Flashman Papers may serve when representing the nineteenth century. This examination of The Flashman Papers intends to prove Fraser's historical fiction a worthy example of the genre. By indicating the means through which Fraser reconfigures his Victorian literary predecessors, we will explore how he creates his own literary work that re-captures the Victorian context.
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Stoornissen in het autismespectrum zijn een aandoening waar vandaag de dag enorm veel onderzoek naar wordt verricht. De brede waaier aan uiteenlopende kenmerken maakt een definitie haast onmogelijk, maar door verfijning van de onderzoekscriteria en nieuwe kennis over de aard van de stoornis is het aantal vaststellingen van spectrumstoornis de afgelopen decennia wel exponentieel gestegen. Dat laat zich merken aan de toenemende aandacht in de populaire cultuur door middel van autistische personages in film en literatuur. Monumentale films als Rain Man en boeken als The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time van Mark Haddon hebben geleid tot een explosie aan werken die spectrumstoornis op een of andere manier integreren. Het gevaar daarin is echter dat die weergaves niet altijd overeenstemmen met de werkelijkheid en zo nefaste gevolgen creëren voor mensen met autisme aan de hand van foutieve vooroordelen. Dit artikel overloopt een aantal theorieën over het gebruik van spectrumstoornis in literatuur. Zo wordt er verwezen naar de Theory of Mind, een vaste waarde in de studie van autisme, die stelt dat personen met autisme een gebrek hebben aan inzicht in het innerlijke denkwerk van anderen. Ook worden de stereotypen in de populaire cultuur aangehaald en worden die toegepast op een bredere, postmoderne visie. Autistische personages worden namelijk vaak gebruikt als middel om bepaalde postmoderne angsten weer te geven. Maar bovenal vertegenwoordigen ze vaak een soort van 'anders zijn', dat het een en ander kan verduidelijken over de mens op zich. Het artikel neemt dan ook een hedendaags werk onder de loep om te achterhalen hoe de spectrumstoornis daarin voorgesteld wordt en welke functie ze heeft in het verhaal zelf. Er zal in dat opzicht gekeken worden naar Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close van Jonathan Safran Foer, een roman uit 2005 die gaat over een ietwat vreemde jongen die zijn vader verliest in de aanslagen op 11 september en moet omgaan met dat trauma. Daarin zal vooral blijken dat de autistische eigenschappen een extra versterking zijn om op een krachtige manier aan te tonen dat het hedendaagse leven verwarrend kan overkomen. Door de mogelijkheid van een universele kennis te weerleggen, toont het boek overigens ook dat de grootste gelijkenis tussen mensen uiteindelijk hun kwetsbaarheid is.
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1. The 20th-century Scottish novelist Alexander Trocchi was one of the most important literary figures of the 1950s avant-garde, editing the Parisian magazine Merlin, which published, among others, the work of Samuel Beckett, Jean Paul Sartre and Jean Genet. After moving to America in the latter half of that decade, Trocchi created his masterpiece, Cain's Book, which was critically acclaimed and influenced the atmosphere of the whole 1960s counterculture, especially in the English-speaking world. 2. Young Adam, a slim, 150 page volume written largely in Paris in the early 50s, explores a bleak and unyielding moral landscape through the story of a murder trial set on the canals of mid-20th-century Industrial Scotland. Its most obvious influence apparently being Albert Camus's The Outsider, it seems to fitting to explore what Young Adam is saying in the context of French intellectual life at the time, and in particular the similarities and differences with Camus and the 'existentialist' philosophy he is sometimes said to represent. 3. Cain's Book, written and published in New York around 1960/1, is justifiably regarded as Trocchi's masterwork. Though principally chronicling the changes in states of consciousness experienced by the heroin addict, Trocchi uses his book as a means of creating a new kind of borderless, bohemian, cosmopolitan, transnational identity for himself. At the same time, his meditations are shot through with reminiscences of a Scottish past which serves as an anchoring point, and a departure for pondering the meaning of time, society and social relations. Having crossed the Atlantic from France to the fashionable American centres of literary and artistic activity, the narcotic-focussed Trocchi of Cain's Book has rather more in common, at least on the surface, with the American 'Beat generation' than with the French literary scene, though it is also to be argued that Trocchi's background in the Parisian avant-garde fed into the American underground network of which he was such an integral part, with heroin becoming the prism through which he contemplated philosophy and the world. 4. Trocchi's central place in the growing countercultural movement of the 1960s is given treatment in relation to his literary career as represented by Young Adam and Cain's Book. Sources include Leonard Cohen's poem of praise and adulation Alexander Trocchi, Public Junkie, Prie pour Nous, Peter Whitehead's 1965 film short Wholly Communion and testimony from interviews and archival video footage
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The main goal of the thesis is to introduce and analyse a work by one of the most important figures in Victorian literature, Anthony Trollope. His extensive work left a significant mark in the literature of the period. The main focus of the thesis lies on a neglected novel - Nina Balatka. The work deals with a number of themes and we explain their importance from different perspectives. The novel was written anonymously and it is set in a foreign country (Bohemia or what is now the Czech Republic). Trollope draws upon his personal experience from a visit to Prague. However, due to his short stay, he could not achieve complete accuracy. The novel itself concentrates on the relationship between two lovers, a Christian woman Nina Balatka and a Jewish man Anton Trendellsohn. Anton is a tragic figure: the novel shows that being a Jew was hard enough in the 19th-century Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and that being a Jew in love with a Christian girl bordered on the unacceptable. We draw attention to the links between the fact that the novel was published anonymously and that it takes place in a different setting than Victorian England. We pay attention to the connection between these facts and the fact that one of the strongest motives of this work is the theme of conversion from one religion to another. The theme of conversion at the time of Trollope was considered to be very controversial. We hope that this analysis sheds some light on the case of Nina Balatka, a novel which critics and readers have by and large neglected, despite the fact that it can provide an interesting reservoir in research on 19th-century literature. Although Nina does not belong among the best-known novels by Trollope, we believe that its style and the themes it touches on are very interesting for the contemporary readers. Nina Balatka is a very important piece of work because of its relevance today. Problems such as hate, intolerance, racism, xenophobia and emigration are actual themes in almost every apart of the world.
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philosophy --- beeldtaal --- philosophy of art --- iconography --- ethics [philosophy] --- semantics --- Art --- Philosophy --- cultuurfilosofie --- filosofie --- generositeit --- kunst --- kunst en filosofie --- boeken --- boekdesign --- grafisch ontwerp --- grafisch design --- grafische vormgeving --- Caenepeel Tim --- Bonafede Zita --- Callens Celine --- Indesteege Karen --- Pomianowska Iwona --- Schoofs Thomas --- Six Ian --- Snauwaert Lore --- Van den Bosch Gerrit --- Vandewalle Emelie --- Volckaert Pieterjan --- Welvaerts Lisa --- 7.039 --- 130.2 --- Generosity --- MAD-faculty 13
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