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The paper deals with the Romanian-Hungarian literary contacts in the late 19th century and early 20th century, the last decades of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy. The extensive bibliography, which legitimized the concept of “Monarchy-literature” about the term Central and Eastern Europeanism, marginalizes or does not include the cultures of Romanians in Hungary, considering partially this literature. This influenced me in defining the topic and thesis of the problems.History of meaning and concept of national literature becomes the central issue of the thesis, as the period studied gives us many examples that go beyond national character of the literatures. The book is not a comparative monograph, not a history of reception, but wants to be an experiment in study of the contacts that enriches both thematically and through new documents the history of Romanian-Hungarian translations from the late 19th century.The reception of the Romanian literature is represented by sporadic translations made by intellectuals, published in various periodicals. I think that their interpretations operates on a double scale, but this book tries to contextualize gestures of the translators to better understand their synchronic perspective, not from a later point of view of the aesthetical concept of literature.The analysis of the reception is starting from the debut of Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu, from his first polemical texts appeared in the Romanian literature of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy. There are two studies in Hungarian, written as doctoral dissertations in 1895. There are positivist monographies, but also gives us interesting parallels in the context of Hungarian and foreign literature (Lenau, Schopenhauer, Petofi).This dissertations are very interesting in terms of language, namely, is a work of a Romanian author (the future Patriarch, Miron Cristea, Ph.D., University of Pest) presenting the Romanian literature, but from the perspective of the language used in the dissertation, is a Hungarian work, and becomes part of the Hungarian literature. This fact holds reception anomalies, unquestioned so far, and the study of this dissertation and its context will make arguments about the use of Hungarian language not as an individual decision, but as an obligation imposed by the power of language in the University of Pest.Exploring the context of translation can reinterpret our knowledge about the Hungarian periodicals of the time, because the translations of Romanian poetry appear in local newspapers, which until now were only listed in the press history, without recognizing their value in Hungarian and Romanian literatures contact.The poems of Eminescu translated into Hungarian are published for the first time in the special issue (Christmas 1885) of Kolozsvári Közlöny, and in the feuiletton of the Szilágy-Somlyó newspaper (1889–1891), representing a claim or requirement on the part of press-publishers, on another part of the – multicultural, knowing many languages – readers from Transylvania, and not least the translation and practice of intellectuals discernible in the use of two languages (the politician, the organizer of institutions, József Sándor; the theologian Laurenţiu Bran). Their translations are the results of the literary preoccupation from the special literary circles of the religious boarding schools, attended by translators. With everything that Sándor and Bran deal with translating Eminescu’s poetry, their work gives us interesting examples of studies of the contacts and cannot be classified by the same criteria.This period is characterized by modern society, the concept of the Hungarian state in contrast with the reality of the Austro-Hungarian Dualist Monarchy. The canonization of the concept of the literature is laid to the Hungarian national political process, deepening the distance between the Hungarian nation and the ethnic communities.The second half of the book link to see that methodological issue which sees experience in different cultures as a result of the process of socialization, legitimated by the multicultural and multilingual reality of the Monarchy. Identifying students of the Faculty of Letters at the Royal Hungarian University, later named Franz Joseph, deals with the Romanian side in this study of intercultural contacts and reveals the issue of the national identification of the students and also defines that the Romanian department of the university attract only Romanian students. This reality also explains the lack of professionals between Hungarian translators of Romanian literature, the foreign character of the Romanian language persist until the first decades of the 20th century, against the existing translations. The book contains a chapter that reinterprets the literary contacts from the perspective of intellectual careers, representing the different concepts of the cultures, of their characteristics defined by language, by nationality; that implicitly reveals the different policies of cultural transmissions.Brassai Sámuel and Hugo von Meltzl are editors of a comparative and interdisciplinary multilingual magazine, approaching to cosmopolitanism, universalism, bringing arguments to a supranational identity. Moldovan Grigore passed abandoned publicizing in Romanian, becoming a Hungarian writer true to the Hungarian national state: as a Hungarian citizen with Romanian nationality, he was loyal to the Hungarian state, and was considered a traitor from the perspective of his ethnical community. Became a problematic figure of the Romanian nation and for the Hungarian also, and his hybrid identity of this view seemed inaccessible.Sporadic translations of this period, the different conceptions of translators of the Romanian poetry, show the way pieces of Romanian literature are looking for their place in the Hungarian literature. The most important issue of the thesis is that the Romanian–Hungarian literary contacts, the case studies of dissertation cannot be differentiated on the basis of national character, because since the late 19th century the concept of the nation, state, national literature and national culture were still just developing.
Hungary --- Intellectual life --- Language and Literature Studies
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Pred vama se nalazi Pojmovnik koji sadrži 58 interpretacija fenomena LGBT kulture iz 23 perspektive. Kulturu, koju vezujemo za ovaj Pojmovnik, shvaćamo semiotički, na tragu Clifforda Geertza, kao mrežu značenja u koju smo upleteni_e, kao međusobno isprepleteni sistem znakova koji je podložan različitim tumačenjima. Kao takva, ona nije moć - nešto što kauzalno određuje društvene događaje, ponašanja, institucije ili procese, kultura je kontekst unutar kojeg se društveni događaji, ponašanja, institucije ili procesi mogu pojmljivo (pojmovima) podrobno opisivati. Semiotički pristup kulturi smo odabrali jer se kroz njega najbolje može ući u pojmovni svijet u kome LGBT osobe, događaji i artefakti egzistiraju, kako bismo, u krajnje proširenom smislu te riječi, razgovarali sa njima. Rijetko koji mainstream, bilo da je riječ o akademskom, politič- kom, umjetničkom, kulturnom ili aktivističkom, uvažava postojanje i omogućava značajniju vidljivost Različitosti. Kroz istraživanja stanja, na primjer - LGBT prava, suočavate se sa činjenicom da u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu vlada poražavajuće nepoznavanje ove teme. Postojanje lezbejki i gejeva je svedeno na seksualni čin, pa im se u tom obimu trebaju zagarantovati i prava da mogu da rade šta hoće u svoja četiri zida. Biseksualne osobe su neodlučne i trenutno se nalaze u toj fazi – ili su heteroseksualne i žele samo malo da eksperimentišu, ili se radi o gejevima i lezbejkama koje nisu u stanju da sebi priznaju svoju homoseksualnost. Transrodne i transeksualne osobe su u potpunosti gurnute na marginu, i često se svode na trandže ili seksualne radnice. Sve ovo je samo vrh stereotipnog brijega sa kakvim se LGBT osobe susreću svakodnevno. Razvoj LGBT studija, krajem 20. vijeka, i aktivizma, dosta ranije, preusmjerio je analitičko interesovanje s politika binarnih identiteta i kultura na tzv. queer identitete i kulturu, koja prekoračuje granice, predstavljajući otpor režimu normalnog, kako to označava Michael Warner. Iako je još polovinom 20. vijeka otvoreno mjesta za Druge, proces prevrednovanja kulturnih vrijednosti falocentrizma još uvijek intenzivno traje. Ovaj Pojmovnik prati taj trag i skreće pažnju na dešavanja u BiH i regiji, te pokušava da sumira neke od ključnih tema koje se tiču LGBT postojanja. Po prvi put u Bosni i Hercegovini, a i šire, nastaje jedna vrsta hrestomatije, zbornika u kojem se ključni termini predstavljaju u znatno obimnijem obliku nego što smo navikli na to. Autorice i autori iz Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i saradnici i saradnice iz Srbije i Hrvatske, njih dvadeset troje ukupno, dali su svoj doprinos radeći na 58 pojmova. Pokazali su usku vezu aktivizma, prava i potrebe za vidljivošću u svim oblastima, od umjetnosti i jezika, preko medicine i religije, pa sve do politike, književnosti i filozofije. Naravno, svjesni smo ograničenosti ovog zbornika, te on nikako nema namjeru da bude percipiran kao sveobuhvatan. Termini poput sporta, ekologije ili pogledi nekih prirodnih nauka na pitanja vezana za LGBT teme ostala su neobrađena. Nadamo se da će čitatelji_ce biti inspirisani ovim Pojmovnikom da sami tragaju za terminima/pojavama koje bi mogle biti obrađene u nekim budućim sličnim poduhvatima. Na kraju, zahvaljujemo se svim autoricama i autorima koji su dali veliki doprinos i bez čijeg rada danas ne bismo imali ovaj pregled LGBT kulture. Riječi zahvalnosti dugujemo i Danijeli Majostorović i Husi Oručević na ohrabrujućim predgovorima, Dalili Mirović na značajnom doprinosu u jezičkom ujednačavanju i uređivanju tekstova, Feđi Bobi- ću na zanimljivom dizajnerskom rješenju, te naravno Mireli Grünther Đečević i Ameli Sejmović iz Fondacije Heinrich Böll – Ured u Bosni i Hercegovini, koje su od samog početka podržale ovaj projekat. Drage_i čitateljice_i, nadamo se vašim komentarima i kritikama!
Language and Literature Studies --- Gender Studies --- Sociology
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Despite the quantitative and qualitative progress registered in translation studies research, the metalanguage of this discipline still lacks proper definition. Given the ambiguous and polysemous nature of the translation studies terminology, the purpose of this dictionary is to offer an easy to use working tool to all those interested in translation and translation criticism. Thus, it comprises around 250 entries, each definition being strengthened by useful explanations and examples. Moreover, the defined terms are accompanied by their equivalents in English, French, German, Spanish, and Russian.
Language and Literature Studies --- Foreign languages learning --- Translation Studies
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Bartholomew of Bydgoszcz was among the most outstanding early 16th century Bydgoszcz Friars Minor of the Observance. He authored six manuscripts, totalling over 2,600 pages. His Latin-Polish dictionaries of 1532 and 1544 contain Polish material which is so rich that the works are considered the most extensive collections of Polish vocabulary from the first half of the 16th century. The 1532 manuscript (entitled Vocabularius ex Calepino, Breviloquo et Mamotrecto recollectus) counts 257 leaves and contains 4,276 Polish words as equivalents to 4,488 Latin entries. Bartholomew’s second lexicon took on the form of notes on the margins of the famous 600-page-long 15th century Latin dictionary of Johann Reuchlin (Vocabularius breviloquus, Argentine 1488). In this second work, Batholomew lists Polish equivalents for over 11,000 Latin entries. Altogether, this listing covers around 7,000 new words that were absent from the 1532 dictionary. Bartholomew’s lexicons include Polish words from various spheres of life. Apart from basic vocabulary, they feature abundant specialist lexis, represented by philosophical, theological, naturalist and medical, legal, maritime, grammar and biblical terminology. Both dictionaries bring together not only rich Polish and Latin language material but also numerous idiosyncratic entries, not attested in such voluminous works as Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku [Dictionary of 16th century Polish language] or Słownik łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce [Dictionary of medieval Latin in Poland]. The dictionaries by Bartholomew of Bydgoszcz were not intended for print. They served as, among other things, textbooks in the school of philosophy at his monastery in Bydgoszcz and an encyclopaedia of his contemporary world, summarising information from various fields of science and of practice, like preparation of medicines. This complete “reversed” Polish-Latin version of Bartholomew's dictionary, published by the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, in 1999-2019 features more than 10,600 Polish words (entries).
Slavs --- Slavic philology --- Slavic countries --- Poland --- Imprints. --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Historical Linguistics
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"Belarusian dialectology" is a study which provides the reader with reliable, up-to-date and research-based information about Belarusian dialects, their origin, range and diversification. The authors' aim is to show the reader the richness and diversity of Belarusian dialects, their position and role in the culture and life of contemporary people as well as current language tendencies in Belarus.
Names, Geographical --- Names, Personal --- Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics --- Descriptive linguistics --- Eastern Slavic Languages
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This monograph considers a type of the youth slang which refers to the world of music as one of the very important interest areas of the young people (some of whom are deeply involved in it while others are just gathered around it), and which also labels them as members of the particular social group, serving them too ― which is here less important ― as a tool for affirming themselves within the group. Namely, it is about the young adults whose way of speech witnesses the way how they feel, experience and interprete the musical reality. This heterogeneous group of the young people, who may differ in social background and educational level, do share, however, a common communication code (lexicon) relative to the musical context. The monograph presents how the slang lexemes listed in the appended Serbian and Russian music mini-lexicons have been created or, in particular, (1) the models of their structure formation, including the productivity and frequency of some suffixes, their meaning/function, as well as characteristic details from the derivation point of view; (2) their semantic motivation for naming certain entities. The chapter entitled Obratni muzički pogled na žargonizme [A "Reverse Musical View" on the Slang Lexemes] analyses the slang use of musical terms for naming various non-music entities and concepts. Finally, a comparative analysis of the two mini-lexicons has been undertaken on a synchronic perspective in order to highlight the basic structural correspondences between the music slangs of the young people from the two Slavic milieus.
Social Sciences --- Language and Literature Studies --- Fine Arts / Performing Arts --- Music --- Applied Linguistics --- Sociology --- Sociology of Culture --- Philology
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Am încercat să surprindem modul în care a evoluat gândirea științifică a lui Mircea Eliade și mai ales cum a fost aceasta influențată de elementele folclorice. Importantă pentru analiza avută în vedere a fost examinarea influenței pe care periplul său indian a avut-o în scrierile ulterioare. Întâlnirea lui Eliade, în India, cu prezența fantastică și fascinanta lume a misterelor, elemente care l-au urmărit o viață întreagă și pe baza cărora și-a construit mare parte din opera savantă, ne-a oferit și punctul de legătură cu domeniul de activitate al profesorului și medicului Valeriu Bologa, cel care a pus bazele școlii clujene de istorie a medicinei.
Medicine --- Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric. --- Philosophy, Romanian --- Folklore. --- Philosophy. --- History --- Eliade, Mircea, --- Bologa, Valeriu L. --- Romanian philosophy --- Magic medicine --- Medicine, Mystic --- Medicine, Occult --- Medicine, Spagiric --- Mystic medicine --- Occult medicine --- Spagiric medicine --- Spagyric medicine --- Alchemy --- Alternative medicine --- Magic --- Superstition --- Health Workforce --- Bologa, Valeriu Lucian, --- Bologa, V. L. --- Eliade, M. --- Philosophy --- Language and Literature Studies --- Literary Texts --- Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life --- General Reference Works --- Theology and Religion
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