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Religion --- Secularization --- Sécularisation --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Postsecularism --- Secularism --- Post-postmodernism --- Religion and civilization --- History --- Sécularisation --- Religion - History - 21st century
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Yima, ancêtre de l'humanité, homme et démiurge, tantôt magicien de l'immortalité, tantôt bâtisseur de la survie, c'est une figure incontournable et complexe, qui ancre les mazdéens dans leur histoire. Cette approche pluridisciplinaire du mythe nous introduit remarquablement à l'anthropogonie mazdéenne.
Mysteries, Religious --- Mythology, Iranian --- Indo-Iranians --- History --- Religion --- Yima --- Iran --- Mysteries, Religious - History --- Indo-Iranians - Religion --- Yima - (Iranian mythological character) --- Iran - Religion - History --- Mythology, Iranian. --- divinité zoroastrienne
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Today a new trend is clearly discernable, that of ‘hyper-real religions’. These are innovative religions and spiritualities that mix elements of religious traditions with popular culture. If we imagine a spectrum of intensity of the merging of popular culture with religion, we might find, at one end, groups practicing Jediism appropriated from the Star Wars movies, Matrixism from the Matrix trilogy, and neo-pagan rites based on stories from The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series. At the other end of the spectrum, members of mainstream religions, such as Christianity can be influenced or inspired by, for example, The Da Vinci Code . Through various case studies, this book studies the on- and off-line religious/spiritual consumption of these narratives through a social scientific approach.
Religion and culture. --- Popular culture --- RELIGION / History. --- TRAVEL / Special Interest / Religious. --- Culture and religion --- Culture --- Religious aspects. --- Religion and culture --- Popular culture - Religious aspects
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In 376 Epiphanius, chief bishop of Cyprus, published, in three Books, an historical encyclopedia of heretical sects, with the arguments, chiefly scriptural, needed to counter them, and called it the Panarion (Medicine Chest). This volume, Books II and III of the Panarion , is chiefly concerned with the sects contemporary with him, the Arian, Manichaean and others. It thus describes the thought of the fourth century church, and includes a number of source documents, many of them found only here. This is the only full translation of Epiphanius in a modern language.
Christian heresies --- Apologetics --- RELIGION / History --- Heresies, Christian --- Heresies and heretics --- Heresy --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Christian sects --- Christian heresies - Early works to 1800 --- Apologetics - Early works to 1800
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Philosophy and religion --- History --- Religion --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Christianity and philosophy --- Religion and philosophy --- Philosophy --- Philosophy and religion - History - To 1500 --- Religion - Philosophy - History - To 1500
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Representing work by some of the leading scholars in the field, the chapters of this handbook survey the transformation and innovation of religious traditions and practices in contemporary Japan. Readers will find lively scholarly studies about changes in the traditional institutions of Buddhism and Shinto, vivid examples of social activism as well as the so-called “new religions,” examination of the relationship between religion and the state, and analysis of the religiosity of individuals encompassed by “spirituality,” pilgrimage and tourism, and the marketing of religions. This groundbreaking collection of scholarly papers helps to map out the fascinating complexity and dynamism of religion in contemporary Japanese society and culture.
Japan --- Japon --- Religion. --- Religion --- 2 <52> --- Godsdienst. Theologie--Japan en omliggende eilanden --- 2 <52> Godsdienst. Theologie--Japan en omliggende eilanden --- RELIGION / History --- TRAVEL / Special Interest / Religious --- Religions. --- Comparative religion --- Denominations, Religious --- Religion, Comparative --- Religions, Comparative --- Religious denominations --- World religions --- Civilization --- Gods
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Individualization of believing and the logic of pluralism today inevitably bring a redefinition of the role of religion in the lives of individuals as well as societies themselves. New concepts and new theories are necessary to try to describe and understand how such processes work: this is without doubt the most problematic and intriguing aspect of the processes of change that characterize our era. This is a difficulty that makes us use only partially, and often with much caution, words, concepts and theories that until not long ago had a convincing heuristic and explanatory power and were, at least apparently, indisputable. Once it is established that under the sacred vaults of religion nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, but everything is preserved and transformed, what are the connections that are now being established with the sacred in society? The concepts “spirituality” and “post-secular” give important insights into the new religious landscape.
Religion --- Spirituality --- RELIGION / History --- TRAVEL / Special Interest / Religious --- Spiritual-mindedness --- Philosophy --- Spiritual life --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Philosophy. --- History --- 248 "20" --- 291 --- 316:2 --- 316:2 Godsdienstsociologie --- Godsdienstsociologie --- Spiritualiteit. Ascese. Mystiek. Vroomheid--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-2099 --- Godsdienstwetenschap: vergelijkend
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In this book a MacArthur Award-winning scholar argues for a radically new interpretation of the conversion of Scandinavia from paganism to Christianity in the early Middle Ages. Overturning the received narrative of Europe's military and religious conquest and colonization of the region, Anders Winroth contends that rather than acting as passive recipients, Scandinavians converted to Christianity because it was in individual chieftains' political, economic, and cultural interests to do so.Through a painstaking analysis and historical reconstruction of both archeological and literary sources, and drawing on scholarly work that has been unavailable in English, Winroth opens up new avenues for studying European ascendency and the expansion of Christianity in the medieval period.
Vikings --- Economics --- Conversion --- Northmen --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Commerce --- History. --- Religious aspects --- Christianity --- Religion. --- Christianity. --- Scandinavia --- Fennoscandia --- Norden --- Nordic countries --- Economic conditions. --- Religion --- Vikings -- Commerce -- History.. --- Economics -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History.. --- Vikings -- Religion.. --- Conversion -- Christianity.. --- Scandinavia -- Commerce -- History.. --- Scandinavia -- Economic conditions.. --- Scandinavia -- Religion -- History.
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Comment représenter la manifestation de Dieu dans l'histoire et ses interventions dans le monde des humains ? Le défi à relever, pour les artistes chrétiens du Moyen Âge comme pour leurs éventuels conseillers, était de réussir à montrer l'Invisible de manière à la fois fidèle et respectueuse, en suivant les indications fournies par l’Écriture sainte tout en suppléant tant bien que mal à l’absence des précisions d’ordre spatial que l’œuvre d’art ne peut pas se dispenser de donner à voir. Si bien que la mise en image (peinte ou sculptée) d’une page de la Bible où il est rapporté que Dieu intervient, loin de se réduire à une simple illustration, fut toujours beaucoup plus : une hypothèse inventive, un choix, un pari, où se rencontrèrent la Révélation dont l’Église avait la garde et la sensibilité d’une époque, et où s’affichèrent les préférences d’une génération, les potentialités expressives d’un style, d’un support, d’un lieu. C’est aussi le lieu où a pu se dire, mieux peut-être que nulle part ailleurs, comment a été conçue, imaginée ou vécue, la rencontre avec Dieu. En témoigne cette formidable enquête au pays de l’art médiéval d’inspiration biblique. Quatre théophanies de l’Ancien Testament (Hospitalité d’Abraham, Buisson ardent, vision d’Isaïe et vision d’Ézéchiel) et cinq du Nouveau Testament (Baptême du Christ, Transfiguration, apparition aux disciples d’Emmaüs, vision d’Étienne le protomartyr et conversion de Paul sur le chemin de Damas) sont étudiées tour à tour par François Bœspflug, théologien devenu professeur d’histoire des religions à l’université de Strasbourg, historien de l’art et iconographe au long cours. Ce livre que l’on peut dire d’exégèse picturale est indissociablement un traité de théologie biblique par l’image et un condensé d’anthropologie.
Christian fundamental theology --- Art --- anno 500-1499 --- Theophanies --- Theophanies in the Bible --- Christian art and symbolism --- Théophanies --- Théophanies dans la Bible --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Jesus Christ --- God (Christianity) --- Art and religion --- History --- Théophanies --- Théophanies dans la Bible --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Art. --- Christian art and symbolism. --- God (Christianity) - Art - History - To 1500 --- Christian art and symbolism - Medieval, 500-1500 --- Art and religion - History - To 1500
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