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Viele Anwender moderner digitaler Spiegelreflex- oder Kompaktkameras sind mit den erreichten Ergebnissen unzufrieden. Das Buch hilft dabei, die gewünschten Effekte zu erzielen. Hierfür werden ausgehend von den notwendigen theoretischen Grundlagen Ratschläge für praktische immer wiederkehrende Aufgaben und Themen wie Langzeitbelichtung oder Weißabgleich gegeben. Anhand vieler Beispiele zeigt der Autor konkret, welche Ergebnisse und Verbesserungen mit digitaler Fotografie erreicht werden können. Das Buch regt zum Experimentieren an und bietet in Anhängen detaillierte technische Grundlagen und ermöglicht so eine solide Praxisorientierung vom Motiv bis zum Bild.
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Selbst komplexe Bildverarbeitungsaufgaben sind heute auf gängigen PCs und Workstations lösbar und damit jedem Studenten, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieur zugänglich. Dieses Standardwerk vermittelt Anwendern erfolgreich das Know-how der digitalen Bildverarbeitung – von den Grundlagen bis zu den modernen Konzepten. Die siebte Auflage ist an die Erfordernisse der Master-Studiengänge angepasst worden, enthält viel neues Material und ist neu gegliedert in die drei Teile Bildgewinnung, Bildverarbeitung und Bildanalyse. Speziell der Bildgewinnung ist in der neuen Auflage viel Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet worden, um dem sich schnell entwickelnden Gebiet des "Computational Imaging" Rechnung zu tragen. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es im Internet Übungsaufgaben und interaktive Computerübungen. Diese können mit Hilfe einer Demosoftware bearbeitet werden. Dazu gibt es eine reichhaltige Sammlung von Bildern, Bildsequenzen und Volumenbildern. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es im Internet Übungsaufgaben und interaktive Computerübungen. Diese können mit Hilfe einer Demosoftware bearbeitet werden. Dazu gibt es eine reichhaltige Sammlung von Bildern, Bildsequenzen und Volumenbildern.
Signal processing. --- Image processing. --- Speech processing systems. --- Optical data processing. --- Physical measurements. --- Measurement . --- Control engineering. --- Robotics. --- Mechatronics. --- Radiology. --- Signal, Image and Speech Processing. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Measurement Science and Instrumentation. --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Measurement. --- Automatic control.
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Das Lehrbuch behandelt systematisch die Bildgewinnung für die automatische Sichtprüfung. Die Autoren leiten die wesentlichen Methoden detailliert ab und stellen alle gängigen Bildgewinnungsverfahren in einem strukturierten Zusammenhang dar. Der zweite Teil des Buches ist der Bildsignalbeschreibung und der Bildsignalauswertung gewidmet, wobei insbesondere Methoden behandelt werden, die für die automatische Sichtprüfung relevant sind. Die Autoren skizzieren die Herleitung der beschriebenen Methoden, ohne sich in mathematischen Details zu verlieren. Ihr Ziel ist, dass der Leser die Zusammenhänge wirklich versteht und das "große Bild" des Fachgebietes erkennt. Das Buch ist in sich geschlossen und bedarf zum Verständnis keiner ergänzenden Literatur. Es eignet sich für Studierende der Informatik, Elektro- und Informationstechnik, der Physik und des Maschinenbaus. Ebenso wendet es sich an Ingenieure in der Automatisierungstechnik.
Signal processing. --- Image processing. --- Speech processing systems. --- Optical data processing. --- Robotics. --- Automation. --- Physical measurements. --- Measurement . --- Signal, Image and Speech Processing. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Robotics and Automation. --- Measurement Science and Instrumentation.
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Mathematik in Aktion im Zentrum der technologischen Forschung und Entwicklung. In diesem Buch geht es um die Rolle der Mathematik in zahlreichen technologischen Anwendungen. Die ausgewählten Anwendungen sind überwiegend modern und geben den Studenten einen Einblick in die Mathematik in Aktion. Das Buch ist hauptsächlich für Studenten der mittleren und höheren Studienjahre konzipiert, da eine gewisse mathematische Reife erforderlich ist. Der Text eignet sich auch für angehende Gymnasiallehrer. Es werden jedoch nur Grundkenntnisse der linearen Algebra, der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, der euklidischen Geometrie und der Funktionen mehrerer Variabler vorausgesetzt. Das Buch behandelt noch viele weitere Themen, aber alle notwendigen mathematischen Werkzeuge (Gruppentheorie, endliche Körper usw.) werden auf elementare Weise eingeführt und in die Darstellung des betreffenden Themas eingearbeitet. Zu den ausgewählten Themen gehören: Kryptografie mit öffentlichem Schlüssel, fehlerkorrigierende Codes, das Global Positioning System (GPS) und Kartografie, Bildkompression mit Fraktalen und JPEG-Format, digitalisierte Musikwiedergabe, Roboterbewegung, DNA-Computing, Googles PageRank-Algorithmus, Sparen und Kredite, Gammastrahlenchirurgie und Zufallszahlengeneratoren. Die Kapitel können unabhängig voneinander behandelt werden. Einige Kapitel untergliedern sich in einen elementaren Teil und einen fortgeschrittenen Teil. An alle Kapitel schließen sich Übungsaufgaben an. Das Buch stellt einige Aspekte der Mathematik vor, die nicht Bestandteil einer typischen Mathematikausbildung sind: die Leistungsstärke der mathematischen Werkzeuge außerhalb der reinen Mathematik, die Rolle der Modellbildung sowie die Wechselwirkung zwischen technologischen und mathematischen Entwicklungen. Der Text präsentiert die Mathematik als elegantes wissenschaftliches Gebiet, dessen zahlreiche Anwendungen dazu beigetragen haben, unser Verständnis der uns umgebenden Welt zu formen und zu vertiefen.
Mathematics. --- Algebra. --- Field theory (Physics). --- Fourier analysis. --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Calculus of variations. --- Optical data processing. --- Mathematics, general. --- Field Theory and Polynomials. --- Fourier Analysis. --- Applications of Mathematics. --- Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision.
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Our knowledge of the surrounding world is obtained by our senses, of which vision is the most important for the information it can provide. In artificial systems, the field of Computer Vision aims to identify physical objects and scenes from captured images, to make useful decisions. This involves the processing and analysis of images, video data, and multi-dimensional data like medical scans. In this context, motion provides a stimulus for detecting objects in movement within the observed scene. Moreover, motion allows other characteristics to be obtained, such as object shape, speed or trajectory, which are meaningful for detection and recognition. However, the motion observable in a visual input can be due to different factors: movement of the imaged objects, movement of the observer, motion of the light sources, or a combination of these. This work focuses on motion detection from images captured by perspective and fisheye still cameras, proposing a complete sensor-independent visual system that provides robust target motion detection. First, the way sensors obtain images is studied, allowing a spatial analysis of motion to be carried out. Then, a novel background maintenance approach for robust target motion detection is implemented. Two different situations are considered: a fixed camera observing a constant background where objects are moving; and a still camera observing objects in movement against a dynamic background. This permits the development of a surveillance mechanism that removes the constraint of observing a scene free of foreground elements to obtain a reliable background model, since this situation cannot be guaranteed when operating in an unknown environment. Other problems are also addressed for the successful handling of changes in illumination, the distinction between foreground and background elements, and non-uniform vacillating backgrounds.
Metal-work -- Congresses. --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Applied Physics --- Detectors. --- Motion. --- Kinetics --- Sensors --- Computer science. --- Image processing. --- Computer Science. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Dynamics --- Physics --- Kinematics --- Engineering instruments --- Physical instruments --- Computer vision. --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Electronic data processing --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment
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The “digital revolution” of the last two decades has pervaded innumerable aspects of our daily lives and changed our planet irreversibly. The shift from analog to digital broadcasting has facilitated a seemingly infinite variety of new applications—audience interactivity being but one example. The greater efficiency and compression of digital media have endowed broadcasters with a “digital dividend” of spare transmission capacity over and above the requirements of terrestrial broadcasting. The question is, who will use it, and how? Comparing the European experience with that of broadcasters elsewhere in the world, the author sketches the current status of international frequency management, quantifies the value of the “dividend” itself, analyzes the details of the analog-to-digital switchovers already completed, and posits what the future holds for the sector. As we grapple with new devices, inconceivable a mere generation ago, that allow us to access digital media instantly, anywhere and at any time of day, this book is a potent reminder that what we have witnessed so far may be just the first wavering steps along a road whose destination we can only guess at.
Digital audio broadcasting. --- Radio broadcasting. --- Broadcasting --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electrical Engineering --- Telecommunications --- Radio --- Radio industry and trade --- Broadcasting, Digital audio --- DAB (Broadcasting) --- Digital radio transmission --- Engineering. --- Management. --- Industrial management. --- Image processing. --- Electrical engineering. --- Communications Engineering, Networks. --- Signal, Image and Speech Processing. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Freedom of information --- Government publicity --- Mass media --- Digital communications
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This Special Edited Volume is a unique approach towards Computational solution for the upcoming field of study called Vision Science. From a scientific firmament Optics, Ophthalmology, and Optical Science has surpassed an Odyssey of optimizing configurations of Optical systems, Surveillance Cameras and other Nano optical devices with the metaphor of Nano Science and Technology. Still these systems are falling short of its computational aspect to achieve the pinnacle of human vision system. In this edited volume much attention has been given to address the coupling issues Computational Science and Vision Studies. It is a comprehensive collection of research works addressing various related areas of Vision Science like Visual Perception and Visual system, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Psychophysics and Ophthalmology, linguistic relativity, color vision etc. This issue carries some latest developments in the form of research articles and presentations. The volume is rich of contents with technical tools for convenient experimentation in Vision Science. There are 18 research papers having significance in an array of application areas. The volume claims to be an effective compendium of computing developments like Frequent Pattern Mining, Genetic Algorithm, Gabor Filter, Support Vector Machine, Region Based Mask Filter, 4D stereo camera systems, Principal Component Analysis etc. The detailed analysis of the papers can immensely benefit to the researchers of this domain. It can be an Endeavour in the pursuit of adding value in the existing stock of knowledge in Vision Science.
Soft computing --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Computer Science --- Applied Physics --- Soft computing. --- Computer vision. --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Engineering. --- Image processing. --- Computational intelligence. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Intelligence, Computational --- Artificial intelligence --- Pictorial data processing --- Picture processing --- Processing, Image --- Imaging systems --- Optical data processing --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Technology --- Cognitive computing --- Electronic data processing --- Computational intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment
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The data deluge problem is increasing. Every day the results of scientific experiments, monitoring instruments, medical analysis, and social networks add petabytes to the world’s information. Many future experiments will generate data that will be substantially more than has been collected throughout history. How can we effectively translate this into meaningful information, particularly if there is a time critical element to the data? Although Moore’s law results in an ever-decreasing cost of processing, storage, and transmission – so that the data can be stored and transmitted – it does not necessarily follow that the data can be processed effectively. Visual analytics seeks to facilitate analytical reasoning supported by interactive visual interfaces in order to integrate the human into the analysis process. Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization contains international contributions by leading researchers from within the field. Dedicated to the memory of Jim Thomas, the book begins with the dynamics of evolving a vision based on some of the principles that Jim and colleagues established and in which Jim’s leadership was evident. This is followed by chapters in the areas of visual analytics, visualization, interaction, modelling, architecture, and virtual reality, before concluding with the key area of technology transfer to industry. Visual analytics and visualization bring together the areas of computer science, information visualization, cognitive and perceptual sciences, interactive design, graphic design, and social sciences.
Information visualization. --- Visual analytics. --- Visual analytics --- Information visualization --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Computer Science --- Electrical Engineering --- Data visualization --- Visualization of information --- Analytics, Visual --- Computer science. --- User interfaces (Computer systems). --- Computer graphics. --- Image processing. --- Computer Science. --- User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. --- Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Information science --- Reasoning --- Computer vision. --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Informatics --- Science --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Electronic data processing --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Interfaces, User (Computer systems) --- Human-machine systems --- Human-computer interaction --- Optical equipment
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Image registration is the process of finding correspondence between all points in two images of a scene – a process with numerous applications in computer vision and image analysis. This comprehensive text/reference presents a thorough and detailed guide to image registration, outlining the principles and reviewing state-of-the-art tools and methods. The book begins by identifying the components of a general image registration system, and then describes the design of each component using various image analysis tools. The text reviews a vast array of tools and methods, not only describing the principles behind each tool and method, but also measuring and comparing their performances using synthetic and real data. Topics and features: Discusses a broad range of image analysis tools, including similarity/dissimilarity measures, point detectors, feature extraction and homogeneous descriptors, and feature selection and heterogeneous descriptors Examines robust estimators, point pattern matching algorithms, transformation functions, and image resampling and blending Covers a large number of image registration methods, such as principal axes methods, hierarchical methods, optimization-based methods, edge-based methods, model-based methods, and adaptive methods Provides all images and data used in the book at the website, enabling the reader to reproduce the results Includes a glossary, an extensive list of references, and an appendix on principal component analysis An excellent reference for courses on image registration, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and image analysis, this unique text/guide is also suitable for image analysis software developers, engineers, and researchers interested in analyzing two or more images of a scene.
Image registration. --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Applied Physics --- Alignment, Image --- Coregistration, Image --- Image alignment --- Image coregistration --- Image matching --- Matching, Image --- Registration, Image --- Computer science. --- Image processing. --- Pattern recognition. --- Computer Science. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Pattern Recognition. --- Design perception --- Pattern recognition --- Form perception --- Perception --- Figure-ground perception --- Pictorial data processing --- Picture processing --- Processing, Image --- Imaging systems --- Optical data processing --- Informatics --- Science --- Image processing --- Digital techniques --- Computer vision. --- Optical pattern recognition. --- Pattern perception --- Perceptrons --- Visual discrimination --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Pattern recognition systems --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Electronic data processing --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment --- Image registration
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Matrix transforms are ubiquitous within the world of computer graphics, where they have become an invaluable tool in a programmer’s toolkit for solving everything from 2D image scaling to 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis. Virtually every software system and hardware graphics processor uses matrices to undertake operations such as scaling, translation, reflection and rotation. Nevertheless, for some newcomers to the world of computer games and animation, matrix notation can appear obscure and challenging. Matrices and determinants were originally used to solve groups of simultaneous linear equations, and were subsequently embraced by the computer graphics community to describe the geometric operations for manipulating two- and three-dimensional structures. Consequently, to place matrix notation within an historical context, the author provides readers with some useful background to their development, alongside determinants. Although it is assumed that the reader is familiar with everyday algebra and the solution of simultaneous linear equations, Matrix Transforms for Computer Games and Animation does not expect any prior knowledge of matrix notation. It includes chapters on matrix notation, determinants, matrices, 2D transforms, 3D transforms and quaternions, and includes many worked examples to illustrate their practical use.
Computer games -- Programming. --- Computer graphics -- Computer programs. --- Computer graphics. --- Three-dimensional display systems. --- Computer graphics --- Computer games --- Linear programming --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Applied Physics --- Electrical Engineering --- Technology - General --- Mathematics --- Programming --- Linear programming. --- Mathematics. --- Programming. --- Computer game programming --- Game programming (Computer games) --- Computer science. --- Image processing. --- Computer Science. --- Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics. --- Mathematics, general. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Production scheduling --- Programming (Mathematics) --- Computer programming --- Computer vision. --- Math --- Science --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Electronic data processing --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment
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