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W związku ze zbliżającym się przeglądem Europejskiej Służby Działań Zewnętrznych – zaplanowanym w 2013 r. – kwestie personelu służby, bezpośrednio przekładające się na efektywność tej struktury mogą ponownie znaleźć się w centrum uwagi. Dotychczasowa polityka kadrowa i przebieg procesu rekrutacji – na bieżąco poddawane wnikliwej ocenie ze strony państw członkowskich – spowodowały, że dysproporcje w reprezentacji obywateli członków UE wśród personelu ESDZ zostały zmniejszone, ale nie wyeliminowane. Przegląd ESDZ powinien więc stanowić okazję do dalszego poszukiwania akceptowalnych i pozwalających wyrównywać istniejące deficyty rozwiązań, tak aby w perspektywie europejska dyplomacja wyposażona była w kompetencje i umiejętności na miarę wyzwań XXI wieku.
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Over the past 20 years, Russia has ceased to be a superpower while China has become the world's second largest economy. How has this dramatic shift in fortunes changed the way they see each other? Dmitri Trenin argues that while Russia still relies on Western technology for economic modernisation, it sees Beijing as an increasingly useful partner in curbing US power. China's rise, Moscow hopes, will provide Russia with more breathing room. To Beijing, Russia's decline is but one of many changes that have accompanied China's rapid growth. The US dominates Chinese thinking but Russia is important to Beijing's effort to balance US power, and as a source of energy. Despite their overlapping interests, the two countries are not allies. Moscow will not accept a junior position vis-à-vis Beijing, while the Chinese regard Russia as a fading power.
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Russia is in the process of one of the most ambitious electricity sector reforms ever undertaken, reflecting the importance of an efficient and reliable electricity sector for promoting economic activity, growth and community prosperity. However, the outcome remains uncertain at this stage. Electricity reform is entering a critical phase in Russia. Hence, the IEA is updating its original work [Russian Electricity Reform: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities, see]. The new study will outline trends and progress since 2005, and will examine the key remaining challenges drawing on the experience of IEA member countries to inform the analysis as appropriate. It is being undertaken in consultation with key Russian stakeholders to ensure the analysis reflects a sound, evidence-based understanding of the key issues. This paper outlines some key issues and preliminary views emerging from IEA analysis and consultations to date, and is provided to facilitate more effective consultation and dialogue with key stakeholders. The IEA would welcome comments on the issues and questions raised in this document, or any other observations stakeholders may wish to raise that may be of relevance to this study. Please forward any written comments in English or Russian to Comments would be gratefully received before close of business, Monday 30 April 2012. Any other questions in relation to this project should be directed to Douglas Cooke, Project Leader ( or Isabel Murray, Russia Programme Manager (
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Russia is in the process of one of the most ambitious electricity sector reforms ever undertaken, reflecting the importance of an efficient and reliable electricity sector for promoting economic activity, growth and community prosperity. However, the outcome remains uncertain at this stage. Electricity reform is entering a critical phase in Russia. Hence, the IEA is updating its original work [Russian Electricity Reform: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities, see]. The new study will outline trends and progress since 2005, and will examine the key remaining challenges drawing on the experience of IEA member countries to inform the analysis as appropriate. It is being undertaken in consultation with key Russian stakeholders to ensure the analysis reflects a sound, evidence-based understanding of the key issues. This paper outlines some key issues and preliminary views emerging from IEA analysis and consultations to date, and is provided to facilitate more effective consultation and dialogue with key stakeholders. The IEA would welcome comments on the issues and questions raised in this document, or any other observations stakeholders may wish to raise that may be of relevance to this study. Please forward any written comments in English or Russian to Comments would be gratefully received before close of business, Monday 30 April 2012. Any other questions in relation to this project should be directed to Douglas Cooke, Project Leader ( or Isabel Murray, Russia Programme Manager (
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The Russian Booker Prize winning novel "The Time of Women" tells the story of three old women raising a small mute girl, Suzanna, in a communal apartment in the Soviet Union of the 1960s. This novel weaves together the personal and historical struggles of mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and women who become sisters through circumstance.
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Vladimir Poutine est l'un des hommes les plus puissants de la planète et jusqu'à présent l'un des dirigeants les plus populaires de la Russie moderne. Pourtant, un an avant son élection à la tête du pays en 2000, il était encore totalement inconnu. Comment est-il soudain devenu l'héritier du président Boris Eltsine ? Comment cet ancien lieutenant-colonel du KGB est-il arrivé au pouvoir et comment a-t-il pu depuis en contrôler tous les rouages ? Poursuivant dans ce livre la minutieuse enquête qu'elle avait conduite pour son film La Prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Poutine, la journaliste et réalisatrice russe Tania Rakhmanova révèle les dessous stupéfiants d'une "démocratie" transformée en régime autoritaire et liberticide dans les années 2000. Au fil d'épisodes dignes d'un roman d'espionnage, on découvrira le jeu des intrigues au cœur du Kremlin, les incroyables fortunes accumulées par certains oligarques ou la scandaleuse instrumentalisation de la guerre en Tchétchénie. Mais aussi, fil rouge de cette enquête, la manipulation des médias. Entre désinformation et censure - sans parler des assassinats de journalistes -, le contrôle de la télévision est devenu l'instrument de pouvoir privilégié de la Russie de Poutine, conformément à son précepte : "Les gens n'ont pas besoin de savoir la vérité. Ce que vous ne montrez pas n'existe pas". Un livre clé pour comprendre les enjeux de l'élection présidentielle russe de 2012, l'équilibre des forces au sein du tandem Medvedev/Poutine au pouvoir et, surtout, les véritables ressorts du pouvoir dans la Russie d'aujourd'hui.
National security --- Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, - 1952 --- -Russia (Federation) --- Russia (Federation)
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Over the last decade the "transition paradigm", which is based on the conviction that authoritarian political systems would over time necessarily develop into democracies, has been subjected to serious criticism. The complex political and societal developments in the post-Soviet region in particular have exposed flaws in the claim that a shift from authoritarianism to democracy is inevitable. Using case studies from the post-Soviet region, a broad range of international contributors present an original and innovative contribution to the debate. They explore the character of post-Soviet regimes and review the political transformations they have experienced since the end of the Cold War. Through a combination of theoretical approaches and detailed, empirical analysis the authors highlight the difficulties and benefits of applying the concepts of hybrid regimes, competitive authoritarianism and neopatrimonialism to the countries of the post-Soviet space.Through this in-depth approach the authors demonstrate how "Presidents, Oligarchs and Bureaucrats" in the region lead their countries, examine the sources of their legitimacy and their relationship to the societies they govern and advance the general theoretical debate on regime change and transition paths.
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