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Dissection on display : cadavers, anatomists and public spectacle
ISBN: 9780786444298 Year: 2012 Publisher: Jefferson McFarland

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"This volume traces the past and present of public dissection. From Italian anatomy theaters to American dissecting laboratories, it chronicles the attacks on anatomy in the Middle Ages, the influence of Renaissance anatomist Andreas Vesalius, the procurement of bodies through execution and body snatchers, and the withdrawal of dissectors behind medical school doors in the early 20th century"--

Dying for Victorian medicine: English anatomy and its trade in the dead poor, c. 1834-1929
ISBN: 9780230219663 0230219667 1349305154 9786613318701 1283318709 023035565X Year: 2012 Publisher: Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan

Choisir sa mort : Les débats de l'euthanasie
ISBN: 9782130594338 2130594336 Year: 2012

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Euthanasia --- Medical ethics --- Right to die --- Euthanasie --- Ethique médicale --- Droit à la mort --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Aspect moral --- Ethique --- Medical ethics. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- BPB1207 --- Mort --- Éthique médicale --- Éthique --- Dood --- Medische ethiek --- Ethiek --- Ethique médicale --- Droit à la mort --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Aspect moral. --- smrt --- Tod --- death --- mewt --- смрт --- смърт --- smrť --- död --- halál --- død --- vdekje --- dood --- muerte --- kuolema --- morte --- mirtis --- śmierć --- moarte --- θάνατος --- nāve --- surm --- surnukstunnistamine --- crematorio --- неизлечливо болен --- dichiarazione di scomparsa --- természetes halál --- umierający --- incinération --- halálos kimenetelű betegség --- cremazione --- ayuda pasiva a la muerte --- skon --- pohrebný akt --- cremation --- причина за смъртта --- Beerdigung --- laidotuvės --- naturlig bortgång --- Sterbender --- Ableben --- apglabāšana --- pogrebni zavod --- causa del fallecimiento --- upepelitev --- begravelse --- begravelsesvæsen --- i sëmurë pa shërim --- haldokló --- umirajoči --- funérailles --- ετοιμοθάνατος --- defunción --- spopolnenie --- śmierć naturalna --- κρεματόριο --- letāla slimība --- doodsoorzaak --- moarte naturală --- обявяване на смърт при безвестно отсъствие --- døende --- Todeserklärung --- неизлечиво болестан --- crematie --- odumírání --- mourant --- smrteľne chorý človek --- exequias --- mirties priežastis --- przyczyna zgonu --- funeraria --- vdekje natyrore --- nepagydomas ligonis --- kremacija --- végelgyengülés --- laidojimas --- przyczyna śmierci --- узрок смрти --- příčina úmrtí --- laidojimo apeigos --- prirodzená smrť --- pochovanie --- Verschollenheitserklärung --- naturlig død --- dfin --- elhalálozás --- přirozené úmrtí --- vzrok smrti --- погребване --- kuolinsyy --- nebožtík --- uznanie za zaginionego --- pompe funebri --- personas bezvēsts prombūtnes deklarēšana --- cause de décès --- mort naturelle --- erőszakos halál --- kremēšana --- αιτία θανάτου --- begrafenis --- surma põhjus --- dikjarazzjoni ta' assenza --- nāves cēlonis --- Bestattungsinstitut --- hautajaiset --- kremácia --- príčina úmrtia --- bisættelse --- причина за смртта --- muerte violenta --- pohřební obřad --- matused --- funeralii --- tanatorio --- morte natural --- eldbegängelse --- cremación --- pogreb --- Bestattung --- depósito de cadáveres --- incinerazione --- pohřeb --- incineración --- varrim --- inċinerazzjoni --- vyhlásenie za mŕtveho --- óbito --- dødsfald --- enfermo terminal --- kremavimas --- prijava pogrešanosti --- ligbrænding --- hautaustoimisto --- polttohautaus --- declaración de ausencia --- zesnutí --- sepultura --- природна смрт --- verassing --- трупоизгаряне --- vehículo funerario --- natural death --- tuhastamine --- matus --- kawża tal-mewt --- κηδεία --- cauză de deces --- paskelbinas nežinia kur esančiu --- dödsorsak --- décès naturel --- pohreb --- umírající --- a halál oka --- inhumación --- Einäscherung --- Leichenverbrennung --- döende --- úmrtie --- cadáver --- muerte natural --- hautaaminen --- begravning --- kremering --- pokop --- natürlicher Tod --- bolnav în fază terminală --- zgon --- marid terminali --- кремација --- loomulik surm --- ταφή --- přirozená smrt --- mewt naturali --- begravningsbyrå --- décès --- pompes funèbres --- bēres --- dödförklaring --- hamvasztás --- pogrzeb --- prirodna smrt --- φυσικός θάνατος --- cause of death --- естествена смърт --- pohrebná služba --- crémation --- deces --- falecimento natural --- terminally ill --- погреб --- pohřební ústav --- costumbres funerarias --- burial --- muerte senil --- shkak i vdekjes --- vermistverklaring --- temetés --- temetési szertartás --- natuurlijke dood --- spopielanie zwłok --- hautaus --- holttest --- parantumattomasti sairas --- stervende --- umierajúci --- сахрана --- príčina smrti --- sterfgeval --- begrafenisonderneming --- surija --- palenie zwłok --- dabīga nāve --- kremation --- féretro --- кремирање --- dødsformodningsdom --- pompe funebre --- funerale --- sežiganje --- moribundo --- morente --- holtnak nyilvánítás --- naturlig död --- ritos funerarios --- γραφείο τελετών --- kremace --- bijzetting --- declarație de dispariție --- jordfästning --- naravna smrt --- αποτέφρωση --- causa de morte --- morte per cause naturali --- entierro --- умиращ --- zgon naturalny --- Todesursache --- natūrali mirtis --- dödsfall --- погребение --- decesso --- pogibija --- погребално бюро --- kuolemansairas --- úmrtí --- pompas fúnebres --- funeral --- declaração de ausência --- declaración de fallecimiento --- kremacja --- déclaration d'absence --- decesso per cause naturali --- nebožka --- zakład pogrzebowy --- luonnollinen kuolema --- difunto --- fallecimiento --- kuolemansyy --- enterrement --- causa di decesso --- dødsårsag --- incinerare --- δήλωση θανάτου --- prohlášení za mrtvého --- kremazzjoni --- parandamatult haige --- djegie në kremator --- кремиране --- kuolemantapaus --- înmormântare --- умирање --- eutanasi --- eutanázia --- eutanaasia --- euthanasia --- eutanazia --- ευθανασία --- eutanasia --- eutanazija --- еутаназија --- evtanazija --- euthanasie --- eutanazie --- eutanazja --- eutanásia --- ewtanażja --- eutanasie --- евтаназия --- евтаназија --- eitanāzija --- e drejtë për eutanazi --- убиство од милосрдие --- droit à l'euthanasie --- rätt till dödshjälp --- ret til dødshjælp --- asistovaná sebevražda --- právo na milosrdnou smrt --- diritto all'eutanasia --- dödshjälp --- eutanáziához való jog --- убиство од благородни побуди --- milosrdná smrt --- dødshjælp --- direito à eutanásia --- derecho a la eutanasia --- aktív eutanázia --- kegyes halál --- dreptul la eutanasie --- recht op euthanasie --- tiesības uz eitanāziju --- teisė į eutanaziją --- õigus eutanaasiale --- kegyes halálhoz való jog --- δικαίωμα ευθανασίας --- oikeus eutanasiaan --- right to euthanasia --- pravo na eutanaziju --- Recht auf Euthanasie --- právo na eutanazii --- passzív eutanázia --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- ethiek --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- bás --- eotanáis --- eitic --- Euthanasia - Moral and ethical aspects --- Éthique

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