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Rire et colère d'un incroyant
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782841745937 2841745937 Year: 2012 Volume: *85 Publisher: Paris Kimé

Croire au temps du Dieu fragile : psychanalyse du deuil de Dieu
ISBN: 9782204093200 2204093203 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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Cet ouvrage cherche à cerner les contours du travail de deuil que suscite aujourd'hui ce que Marcel Gauchet a appelé la sortie du religieux. Dans la lignée de son livre précédent, La Quête spirituelle hier e! aujourd'hui, Jacques Arènes analyse le travail psychique qu'impose au sujet croyant une culture remettant en cause les racines de sa foi. Il explore la manière dont le sujet supporte, ou non, ce déficit de sens.Ce traumatisme peut-il néanmoins constituer une chance ? Jacques Arènes se penche sur la notion de " trauma ", clans ses risques et ses fruits incertains. Il décrit " l'assèchement " de l'espace psychique du croyant, débarrassé des fioritures du langage religieux et " amaigri " de ses représentations. Au coeur du désert des images, le modèle créatif devient essentiel. Le religieux prend sans cesse le chemin qui borde le gouffre de la " non-foi ".Bien au-delà du seul registre de la foi, cet ouvrage interroge les voies d'une créativité possible dans un contexte de deuil. Existe-t-il un " gain " dans les pertes inéluctables de la vie Si la pensée psychanalytique joue un rôle essentiel dans la " purification " de l'imaginaire religieux, le savoir religieux apporterait alors les ressources d'une pensée de l'émergence, du surgissement de la nouveauté à travers les failles et les épreuves de nos existences, qui sont plus qu'avant complexes et diffuses.

Links-liberalisme : niemand is burger zonder land
ISBN: 9789028968257 Year: 2012 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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Is 'links-liberalisme' een ideologie ? Heeft het een eigen sociaal-filosofische grondslag ? Is het een strekking binnen partijen of een op zich staande ideologie ? Hoe verhoudt het zich tot andere politieke stromingen ? Kan het iets bijdragen aan de ideologische onduidelijkheid en de verschuivingen in het politieke landschap ? Dit zijn maar enkele van de vragen waarop Herman Lauwers een antwoord probeert te formuleren in zijn boek Links-liberalisme. Niemand is burger zonder land. Hij neemt de geschiedenis van verschillende vormen van liberalisme en socialisme onder de loep, verkent de politiek-filosofische stromingen vanaf de Franse Revolutie en beschrijft de basiskenmerken van andere ideologieën, in een poging om links-liberalisme te omschrijven als wat het niet is, en wat dan wel. Lauwers definieert het liberalisme als een verzoening van het zelfontplooiings-liberalisme van Martha Nussbaum met het 'patriottisme' van Charles Taylor en geeft daarmee als eerste in de Lage Landen een ideologische onderbouw voor links-liberalisme. Ten slotte probeert hij het links-liberalisme een prominentere plaats te geven in het politieke landschap van de toekomst en daagt daarmee de bestaande sociaal-progressieve krachten in Vlaanderen (en Nederland) uit. Bron :

Atheism, religion and enlightenment in pre-revolutionary Europe
ISBN: 9780861933167 0861933168 9781846159695 1281016772 1846159695 9786613772077 Year: 2012 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ;Rochester, NY Royal Historical Society :Boydell Press

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An investigation into the influence of, and reaction to, the atheistic writings of the baron d'Holbach. The Baron d'Holbach, a prominent figure in the French Enlightenment, is best known for his writings against religion. His prolific campaign of atheism and anti-clericalism, waged from the printing presses of Amsterdam in the yearsaround 1770, was so radical that it provoked an unprecedented public response. For the baron's enemies, at least, it suggested the end of an era: proof that the likes of Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were simply a cabal of atheists hell-bent on the destruction of all that was to be cherished about religion and society. The philosophes, past their prime and under fire, recognised the need to respond, but struggled to know which way to turn. France's institutional bodies, lacking unity and fatally distracted, provided no credible lead. Instead, the voice of reason came from an unlikely source - independent Christian apologists, Catholic and Protestant, who attacked the baron on his own terms and, in the process, irrevocably changed the nature of Christian writing. This book examines the reception of the works of the baron d'Holbach throughout francophone Europe. It insists that d'Holbach's historical importance has been understated, argues the case for the existence of a significant "Christian Enlightenment" and raises questions about existing secular models of the francophone public sphere.

Criticism of earth : on Marx, Engels, and theology
ISBN: 1280772670 9786613683441 9004225587 9789004225589 9789004225572 9004225579 9781280772672 6613683442 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Criticism of Earth thoroughly reassesses Marx and Engels’s engagement with theology, drawing on largely ignored texts. Thus, alongside ‘opium of the people’, Hegel’s philosophy of law, and the Feuerbach theses, other works are also central. These include Marx’s early pieces on theology, continual transformations of fetishism, and lengthy treatments of Bruno Bauer and Max Stirner. Engels too is given serious attention, since he moved beyond Marx in appreciating theology’s revolutionary possibilities. Engels’s Calvinism is discussed, his treatments of biblical criticism and theology, and his later writings on early Christianity’s revolutionary nature. The book continues the project for a renewed and enlivened interaction between Marxism and religion, being the fourth of five volumes in the Criticism of Heaven and Earth series.


Philosophy, Modern --- Philosophy, German --- Theology --- Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Christianity --- Religion --- History --- Marx, Karl, --- Engels, Friedrich, --- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, --- Engels, Bedr̆ich, --- Engesi, --- Enhel's, F., --- En-ko-ssŭ, --- Engels, Frederick, --- Ėngelʹs, F. --- Ėngelʹs, Fridrikh, --- Engels, Federico, --- Ăngghen, PH., --- Engerusu, --- Ėngelʹs, Fr. --- Eṅkels, --- Eṅkals, Pireṭarik, --- Eṅkels, Pirīṭric, --- אנגאלס, פ. --- אנגלס, פרידריך --- אנגלס, פרידריך, --- ענגעלס, כ. --- ענגעלס, פרידריך --- ענגעלס, פרידריך, --- ענגעלס, פריעדריך --- ענגעלס, פריריך --- ענגעלס, פ. --- انگلس، فردريك --- 恩格斯, --- Hegel, Giorgio Guglielmo Frederico --- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich --- Religion. --- 141.8 --- 211.4 --- 211.4 Antigodsdienstige stellingen --- Antigodsdienstige stellingen --- 141.8 Socialistische scholen en stelsels. Socialisme --- Socialistische scholen en stelsels. Socialisme --- Marx, Karl --- Engels, Frederick --- 恩格斯 --- Makesi, --- Ma-kʻo-ssu, --- 马克思, --- 馬克思, --- Marukusu, --- マルクス, --- Marx, Heinrich Karl, --- Marks, Karl, --- Marx, Carlos, --- Marks, K. --- Marŭkʻŭsŭ, Kʻal, --- 마르크스, 칼, --- Marksŭ, --- 맑스, --- Marks, Karol, --- Mác, Các, --- Marx, Karel, --- Marksas, Karolis, --- Marx, Carlo, --- Mác, C., --- מארכס, --- מארכס, קארל, --- מארכס, קרל, --- מארכס, ק --- מארקס --- מארקס, קארל --- מארקס, קארל, --- מארקס, קרל, --- מארקס, ק. --- מרכס, קרל --- מרכס, קרל, --- ماركس، كارل --- ماركس، كارل، --- Markso, Karlo, --- Engels, Friedrich --- エンゲルス, フリードリヒ --- Hēgeru, --- Hei-ko-erh, --- Gegelʹ, Georg, --- Hījil, --- Khegel, --- Hegel, G. W. F. --- Hegel, --- Hei Ge Er, --- Chenkel, --- Hīghil, --- הגל, --- הגל, גאורג וילהלם פרידריך, --- הגל, גיאורג וילהלם פרידריך, --- הגל, ג.ו.פ, --- היגל, גורג ווילהלם פרדריך, --- היגל, גיורג וילהלם פרידריך, --- 黑格尔, --- Hegel, Guillermo Federico, --- Hegel, Jorge Guillermo Federico, --- Heyel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, --- Higil, Gʼūrg Vīlhim Frīdrīsh, --- ‏هگل, --- ‏هگل، گئورگ ويلهم فريدريش,

Beleggingen en fiscus
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789046543887 9789046542354 Year: 2012 Publisher: Mechelen Kluwer

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Tax law --- PFP (Persoonlijke Financiële Planning) --- beleggen --- fiscaal recht --- Financial law --- Belgium --- BPB1301 --- Société d'investissement --- Droit fiscal --- beleggingen --- investissements --- fiscalite --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 336.211 --- 336.212.2 --- 336.214 --- 339.40 --- S00 Droit fiscal / Généralités - Fiscaal recht / Algemeenheden --- Beleggingen : fiscale aspecten --- 336.76 --- 351.713 <493> --- Beleggingsmaatschappij --- Fiscaal recht --- placements --- investeringen --- fiscaliteit --- Vermogensbelasting en vermogensaanwasbelasting. --- Belastingen op inkomsten uit effecten. --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen. --- Vermogenbeheer. financiële analyse (algemeenheden). --- Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- 351.713 <493> Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- Vermogensbelasting en vermogensaanwasbelasting --- Belastingen op inkomsten uit effecten --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen --- Vermogenbeheer. financiële analyse (algemeenheden) --- Investments [Foreign ] --- Taxation --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- investiční společnost --- sociedade de investimento --- befektetési társaság --- sociedad de inversión --- investmentbolag --- towarzystwo funduszy inwestycyjnych --- investicijsko društvo --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων --- investeerimisühing --- инвестиционо друштво --- sijoitusyhtiö --- investicijska družba --- investeringsselskab --- investment company --- ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- società d'investimento --- investicinė bendrovė --- Kapitalanlagegesellschaft --- инвестиционно дружество --- инвестициска компанија --- kumpanija ta' investiment --- investičná spoločnosť --- shoqëri investimesh --- societate de investiții --- cuideachta infheistíochta --- beleggingsmaatschappij --- αμοιβαία κεφάλαια κλειστού τύπου  --- investeringsforening --- spółka zarządzania aktywami --- kopējais investīciju uzticības fonds --- združený fond --- eszközkezelő --- lepinguline investeerimisfond --- zatvoreni investicijski fond --- atklāts investīciju fonds --- kaubanduse ja tööstuse kinnisvaraühing --- värdepappersfond --- closed-end beleggingsfonds --- Investmentfonds --- инвестициони фонд --- uzavřený investiční fond --- usaldusfond --- fond mutual --- FIM --- gepoold fonds --- investment fund --- друштво за колективно инвестирање --- Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft --- äriühinguna asutatud fond --- investiční společnost s proměnným základním kapitálem --- SICAV-bolag --- società di gestione degli investimenti --- cuideachta bhainistíochta sócmhainní --- gesloten fonds --- ömsesidig fond --- investeringsfond --- collectief deposito --- savitarpio investicinis fondas --- closed-end investment company --- investointirahasto --- družba s spremenljivim delniškim kapitalom --- spoločný investičný fond --- administrator de fonduri --- kapitalforvalter --- closed-end fonds --- varainhoitaja --- upravitelj fonda --- investicijski sklad --- boliginvesteringsselskab for handel og industri --- pooled fund --- fond mutwu --- kereskedelmi és ipari ingatlanvállalat --- fælles midler --- fondo valdytojas --- cuideachta infheistithe --- fondi valitseja --- ieguldījumu fonds --- empresa de investimento --- geschlossene Kapitalanlagegesellschaft --- società d'investimento a capitale variabile --- aktīvu pārvaldītājs --- sluten fond --- vaihtelevapääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- open beleggingsfonds --- átváltható értékpapírokba kollektív alapon befektető vállalkozás --- investment trust --- sociedade de investimento coletivo --- fondo comune d'investimento --- fondo de inversión colectiva --- kaupan ja teollisuuden alan kiinteistöyhtiö --- Investmentgesellschaft mit veränderlichem Kapital --- fond reciprok --- kockázati tőketársaság --- gestor de fundos --- podielový fond --- sociedade de investimento renovável --- fundo comum de investimento --- gestionnaire de fonds --- vermogensbeheerder --- sociedade de investimento de capital variável --- fond de plasament colectiv --- sociedad de gestión de activos --- Anlagefonds --- fundusz zbiorowego inwestowania --- società d'intermediazione mobiliare --- fundusz inwestycyjny --- maniġer tal-assi --- družba za upravljanje --- инвестициска фирма --- αμοιβαία κεφάλαια --- sijoitusrahasto --- fondy kolektivního investování --- инвестиционно дружество с променлив капитал --- savitarpio fondas --- επενδυτικός οργανισμός κλειστού τύπου --- fondo de inversión mobiliaria --- fondförvaltning --- investeringsselskab med fast kapital --- összevont források --- fond cu donatori multipli --- otevřený investiční fond --- vaihtuvapääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- fund manager --- fond de investiții --- investicijsko poduzeće --- колективна инвестиционна схема --- sociedad de inversiones --- ieguldījumu trests --- sociedad de inversión de capital variable --- investicinė kintamojo kapitalo bendrovė --- investičný podnik --- investīciju fonds ar mainīgu pamatkapitālu --- varahaldur --- společnost spravující fondy kolektivního investování --- Anlagegesellschaft mit veränderlichem Kapital --- společnost spravující aktiva --- investeerimisfond --- fastighetsbolag --- shoqëri investimi me kapital fiks --- sukauptos lėšos --- sociedad de inversión de capital fijo --- επιχείρηση επενδύσεων --- titoli trasferibbli --- дружество за управление на активи --- kapitalforvaltningsselskab --- investeringsselskab med variabel kapital --- fondo aperto --- slēgta ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- лице, което управлява активи --- εταιρεία διαχείρισης --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital mingħajr limitu --- upravitelj premoženja --- uždaro tipo investicinė bendrovė --- varahaldusettevõtja --- fondo di investimento --- ühisrahastu --- sociedade de gestão de ativos --- инвестиционен посредник --- befektetési alap --- spółka inwestycyjna o zmiennym kapitale --- SIM --- Investmentgesellschaft --- Investmentfonds mit variablem Grundkapital --- kiinteäpääomainen sijoitusyhtiö --- investicijsko podjetje --- Sicav --- dépôt collectif --- investičný fond --- nekustamā īpašuma sabiedrība tirdzniecībai un rūpniecībai --- fondo de inversión --- Εταιρία επενδύσεων μεταβλητού κεφαλαίου --- tőketársaság --- odprta investicijska družba --- eszközkezelő társaság --- investīciju sabiedrība --- compañía de inversiones --- fondu pārvaldnieks --- fonds commun de placement --- realitní společnost pro obchod a průmysl --- fondsbeheerder --- upravljavec skladov --- întreprindere de investiții --- fondo mancomunado --- société d’investissement à capital fixe --- fundo de investimento variável --- gemeenschappelijk beleggingsfonds --- société immobilière pour le commerce et l'industrie --- fundo de investimento --- Immobiliengesellschaft für Handel und Industrie --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital limitat --- колективно инвестиционно дружество --- fundo de investimento renovável --- investiční podnik --- societate de administrare a investițiilor --- Investmentgesellschaft mit festem Kapital --- trust investimi --- kopējais fonds --- impresa di investimento --- podílový fond --- administrator de active --- инвестиционно дружество от затворен тип --- fond investimesh --- spoločnosť kolektívneho investovania --- договорен фонд --- обединен фонд --- cuideachta infheistíocht --- друштво за управување со инвестициски фондови --- fondsforvalter --- Offene Investmentgesellschaft --- ieguldījumu trasts --- befektetési cég --- societate de investiții cu capital variabil --- vzajemni sklad --- muutuva põhikapitaliga investeerimisühing --- gestor de activos --- placeringsfond --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου με μεταβαλλόμενο κεφάλαιο --- zaprta investicijska družba --- société d’investissement fermée --- odprti investicijski sklad --- investiční fond --- société de placement collectif --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου, κυμαινόμενου κεφαλαίου --- sociedad de imposición colectiva --- investicinis trestas --- správca fondu --- VABT --- asset manager --- spółka inwestycyjna --- fondo congiunto --- kopieguldījumu fonds --- investicinis fondas --- sijoituspalveluyritys --- porteføljeforvalter --- beleggingsfonds --- OEIC --- fundusz inwestycyjny zamknięty --- pajinis investicinis fondas --- deposito collettivo --- správce aktiv --- változó alaptőkéjű befektetési társaság --- SICAF --- společnost kolektivního investování --- дружество за частни капиталови инвестиции --- société de gestion d'actifs --- towarzystwo inwestycyjne --- Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft --- fundusz inwestycyjny typu otwartego --- gesloten beleggingsfonds --- beleggingstrust --- rahoituspooli --- επενδυτικό ταμείο --- επιχείρηση παροχής επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών --- fondo mutuo --- fondförvaltare --- investicinė įmonė --- open-end beleggingsmaatschappij --- società di investimento a capitale variabile --- fondos de inversión en activos del mercado monetario --- Anlagegesellschaft mit festem Kapital --- fond kollettiv --- omaisuudenhoitaja --- gestionnaire d'actifs --- εταιρεία επενδύσεων χαρτοφυλακίου --- központi értékpapír-letétkezelő --- società d'investimento a capitale fisso --- επιχείρηση διαχείρισης κεφαλαίων --- предузеће за заједничко инвестирање у преносиве хартије од вредности --- Gemeinschaftsdepot --- fonds d'investissement --- società di investimento --- podjetje za poslovanje z nepremičninami --- arvopaperien yhteissijoitusyritys --- uzavretý investičný fond --- CEF --- compagnie d'investissement --- fondo d'investimento a capitale variabile --- инвестициски фонд --- sociedade de investimento variável --- arvopapereihin kohdistuvaa yhteistä sijoitustoimintaa harjoittava yritys --- trust investimi me kapital të ndryshueshëm --- société d'investissement à capital variable --- investeerimisfirma --- otvorený investičný fond --- alapkezelő --- fondos de inversión --- asset management company --- SICOMI --- osakerahasto --- взаимен фонд --- κτηματομεσιτική εταιρεία για εμπορική και βιομηχανική χρήση --- fondo común de inversión --- sociedade de investimentos fechados --- инвестициско претпријатие --- fonds de placement à capital fixe --- лице, управляващо фонд --- organism de plasament colectiv --- skupni skrbniški račun --- societate de investiții cu capital fix --- podjetje za kolektivne naložbe --- subjekt kolektívneho investovania --- befektetési vállalkozás --- kinnine investeerimisfond --- società d'investimento collettivo --- fælles investeringsfond --- societate de plasament colectiv --- depósito coletivo --- gestore di patrimoni --- open-ended investment company --- rahastoyhtiö --- sluten värdepappersfond --- investiční společnost s proměnlivým akciovým kapitálem --- αμοιβαίο κεφάλαιο --- kinnine fond --- συλλογική κατάθεση --- επενδυτικές ενώσεις (trusts) --- closed-end beleggingsmaatschappij --- správce fondu --- open-end beleggingsfonds --- gestore di fondi --- investicijski fond --- fond de investiții cu capital variabil --- ZIF --- kumpanija maniġerjali tal-assi --- open-ended investment trust --- дружество със специална инвестиционна цел за секюритизиране на недвижими имоти --- fondihaldur --- beleggingsonderneming --- unit trust --- mutual fund --- maniġer ta' fond --- otvoreni investicijski fond --- investmentföretag --- инвестиционно дружество от отворен тип --- rahastonhoitaja --- spółka inwestycyjna typu otwartego --- SHIKF --- investičná spoločnosť s premenlivým základným imaním --- SICAV --- societate imobiliară pentru comerț și industrie --- investeringsinstitut --- atklāta ieguldījumu sabiedrība --- keskinäinen rahasto --- FIAMM --- savstarpējo ieguldījumu fonds --- turto valdytojas --- kumpanija ta' investiment b'kapital fiss --- portföljförvaltningsbolag --- Sicomi --- ieguldījumu uzņēmums --- investment firm --- gestor de fondos --- investeringsbolag --- firmë investimesh --- инвестициско друштво --- vzájemný fond --- správca aktív --- firma inwestycyjna --- dlí cánach --- Société d'investissement --- droit fiscal

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