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Algebra voor de lerarenopleiding.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Utrecht : APS,

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Dit boek is bedoeld voor gebruik op de lerarenopleidingen. Het is vooral een werkboek, waarin veel opdrachten staan. Het boek maakt deel uit van een oorspronkelijke serie van vier werkboeken voor de opleiding tot wiskundeleraar, met als onderwerpen: Algebra, Meetkunde, Rekenen, Informatieverwerking en Statistiek. Dit boek, dat bedoeld is voor gebruik op de 2e graads lerarenopleidingen voortgezet onderwijs, gaat over het leerstofgebied Algebra voor leerlingen van 12 tot 16 jaar. Het boek is bedoeld als werkboek. Elke paragraaf bevat een aantal opdrachten. Soms zijn de opdrachten gericht op het (wiskundig) niveau van de student. Dat is dan vrijwel altijd bedoeld als instap in de problematiek. Vaak moet er in schoolboeken worden gekeken om verdere mogelijkheden te zien en te beoordelen. Daarnaast geeft het boek een beeld van de schoolalgebra en enige theorie over het leren van algebra. Verdere verdieping kan bereikt worden met de literatuur aan het eind van elk hoofdstuk. Inzicht krijgen in de vakdidactiek van de schoolalgebra veronderstelt dat de lezers/cursisten zelf voldoende boven de leerstof staan en ook ervaring hebben met het verzorgen van algebraonderwijs. Daarom is het boek vooral geschikt voor studenten in jaar 3 van de opleiding, eventueel in jaar 2. Het verdient aanbeveling het boek vaker op de opleiding aan bod te laten komen: in cursusvorm, bij bespreking stageproblemen, bij vakdidactisch onderzoek, etc. Het boek is zo geschreven dat ook gedeelten eruit kunnen worden gekozen ter nadere bestudering. Het onderwerp 'algebra' is vanouds een beweeglijk onderwerp. Het kent vele facetten en is een belangrijk onderwerp van discussie als het gaat om de visie op wiskunde en wiskundeonderwijs. Dit boek gaat in op veel van die facetten, met name op de ontwikkelingen, de inhouden en de didactiek van het algebraonderwijs.



Advanced Algebra.
Year: 2012 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified],

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Intermediate Algebra is the second part of a two-part course in Algebra. Written in a clear and concise manner, it carefully builds on the basics learned in Elementary Algebra and introduces the more advanced topics required for further study of applications found in most disciplines. Used as a standalone textbook, it offers plenty of review as well as something new to engage the student in each chapter. Written as a blend of the traditional and graphical approaches to the subject, this textbook introduces functions early and stresses the geometry behind the algebra. While CAS independent, a standard scientific calculator will be required and further research using technology is encouraged. Intermediate Algebra clearly lays out the steps required to build the skills needed to solve a variety of equations and interpret the results. With robust and diverse exercise sets, students have the opportunity to solve plenty of practice problems. In addition to embedded video examples and other online learning resources, the importance of practice with pencil and paper is stressed. This text respects the traditional approaches to algebra pedagogy while enhancing it with the technology available today. In addition, Intermediate Algebra was written from the ground up in an open and modular format, allowing the instructor to modify it and leverage their individual expertise as a means to maximize the student experience and success. The importance of Algebra cannot be overstated; it is the basis for all mathematical modeling used in all disciplines. After completing a course sequence based on Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, students will be on firm footing for success in higher-level studies at the college level.



Elementare Algebra und Zahlentheorie
ISBN: 3034605021 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel : Springer Basel : Imprint: Birkhäuser,

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Dieses Buch behandelt die Grundlagen der Algebra und der elementaren Zahlentheorie. Zentrale Begriffe sind Primelemente und irreduzible Elemente. Ausgehend vom Aufbau einer Arithmetik in Hauptidealringen und insbesondere euklidischen Ringen sind die zentralen Themen zum einen irreduzible Polynome, zum anderen Primzahlen. Dies führt zu den algebraischen Körpererweiterungen und zu Fragen nach der Konstruktion mit Zirkel und Lineal. Nach einem längeren Ausflug in die Gruppentheorie bis zum Sylow-Satz und den auflösbaren Gruppen wird die Idee der Galoistheorie exemplarisch an der Frage der Auflösbarkeit von Polynomgleichungen behandelt. Zentrale Begriffe der Zahlentheorie sind die Primzahlen. Behandelt werden die Verteilung von Primzahlen, Primzahlformeln, Carmichaelzahlen, Kongruenzen, der Chinesische Restsatz und quadratische Reste bis hin zum quadratischen Reziprozitätsgesetz.



Advanced Algebra.
Year: 2012 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified],

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Intermediate Algebra is the second part of a two-part course in Algebra. Written in a clear and concise manner, it carefully builds on the basics learned in Elementary Algebra and introduces the more advanced topics required for further study of applications found in most disciplines. Used as a standalone textbook, it offers plenty of review as well as something new to engage the student in each chapter. Written as a blend of the traditional and graphical approaches to the subject, this textbook introduces functions early and stresses the geometry behind the algebra. While CAS independent, a standard scientific calculator will be required and further research using technology is encouraged. Intermediate Algebra clearly lays out the steps required to build the skills needed to solve a variety of equations and interpret the results. With robust and diverse exercise sets, students have the opportunity to solve plenty of practice problems. In addition to embedded video examples and other online learning resources, the importance of practice with pencil and paper is stressed. This text respects the traditional approaches to algebra pedagogy while enhancing it with the technology available today. In addition, Intermediate Algebra was written from the ground up in an open and modular format, allowing the instructor to modify it and leverage their individual expertise as a means to maximize the student experience and success. The importance of Algebra cannot be overstated; it is the basis for all mathematical modeling used in all disciplines. After completing a course sequence based on Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, students will be on firm footing for success in higher-level studies at the college level.



Algebra for Symbolic Computation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788847023970 Year: 2012 Publisher: Milano Springer Milan Imprint Springer

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This book deals with several topics in algebra useful for computer science applications and the symbolic treatment of algebraic problems, pointing out and discussing their algorithmic nature. The topics covered range from classical results such as the Euclidean algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem, and polynomial interpolation, to p-adic expansions of rational and algebraic numbers and rational functions, to reach the problem of the polynomial factorisation,  especially via Berlekamp's method, and the discrete Fourier transform. Basic algebra concepts are revised in a form suited for implementation on a computer algebra system.


Algebra --- algebra

Algebra for Symbolic Computation
ISBN: 9788847023970 Year: 2012 Publisher: Milano Imprint: Springer

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Algebra --- algebra

Linear Algebra
ISBN: 9781461436126 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York, NY Springer New York

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Algebra --- algebra --- lineaire algebra

Graph Energy
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781461442202 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York Imprint Springer

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This book is about graph energy. The authors have included many of the important results on graph energy, such as the complete solution to the conjecture on maximal energy of unicyclic graphs, the Wagner-Heuberger's result on the energy of trees, the energy of random graphs or the approach to energy using singular values. It contains an extensive coverage of  recent results and a gradual development of topics and the inclusion of complete proofs from most of the important recent results in the area. The latter fact makes it a valuable reference for researchers looking to get into the field of graph energy, further stimulating it with occasional inclusion of open problems. The book provides a comprehensive survey of all results and common proof methods obtained in this field with an extensive reference section. The book is aimed mainly towards mathematicians, both researchers and doctoral students, with interest in the field of mathematical chemistry.


Algebra --- Chemistry --- algebra --- chemie

Graph Energy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781461442202 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York, NY Imprint: Springer

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Algebra --- Chemistry --- algebra --- chemie

Lectures on Algebraic Geometry I : Sheaves, Cohomology of Sheaves, and Applications to Riemann Surfaces
ISBN: 9783834883308 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wiesbaden Vieweg+Teubner Verlag

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Algebra --- Geometry --- algebra --- geometrie

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