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Restoration and sustainable management of frankincense forests in Ethiopia : a bio-economic analysis.
ISBN: 9789088262579 Year: 2012 Volume: 1051 Publisher: Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculty Bioscience Engineering,

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Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst is a multipurpose deciduous tree species with high economic, cultural and environmental values. Frankincense from this tree species is a traded commodity used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and chemical industries, for clerical services in different religions, and as a fragrance during coffee ceremonies in Ethiopia. However, the resource has been declining due to unsustainable management, which includes shifting to crop cultivation, free grazing and indiscriminate cutting of leaves for livestock feeding, and overtapping for frankincense. This study aims at: a) assessing the effects of leaf lopping for fodder, tapping for frankincense, and free grazing on the biophysical state of Boswellia papyrifera forests of Ethiopia, b) assessing the stocks of biomass and soil organic carbon in Boswellia papyrifera forests, c) evaluating the trade-offs between conservation, production forestry, and shifting to crop cultivation, d) assessing rural households’ demand for conserving the forest, and e) identifying the role of frankincense forests on rural livelihood and poverty reduction. The dissertation is a multidisciplinary piece of work based mainly on primary data from plot level experiments and a household survey conducted in five villages with Boswellia papyrifera forests in Tigray, northern Ethiopia. For analysing these biophysical and socio-economic data, a number of statistical and econometric models are applied, which include: multilevel linear mixed model, the standard allometric model, the model of environmental cost benefit analysis, the double-bound dichotomous contingent valuation method, and standard impact assessment parametric and non-parametric econometric models. We found that leaf cutting caused significant declines in frankincense yield, and production of inflorescence and fruits. Tapping showed a significant positive impact on frankincense yield, but there was no evidence of a significant difference between tapped and untapped trees in terms of flowering and fruiting. Some environmental variables like altitude, soil depth and nutrient content also significantly affect tree productivity. Interestingly frankincense yield, flower and fruit production significantly differ in relation to the bark colour that would be used as an indicator of tree fitness. The allometric model AGB = 0.061(DBH) 2.353 predicts the above ground biomass carbon in Boswellia papyrifera forest with an average bias of less than 2%. The stored carbon in Boswellia papyrifera forests was about 44 Mg ha-1 of which nearly 78% was accounted by soil organic carbon and fenced plots had more concentrations of carbon and nutrients in the soil than unfenced plots. Given the economic and ecological importance of this species and the limited data on biomass and carbon stock especially in dry forests of Africa, the findings are useful for biomass and carbon stock estimation, and for assessing the implications of land use change on carbon emissions. Moreover, it is also important for validating existing generalized allometric models, which mostly lack evidence from Africa’s dry forest. The cost benefit analysis assesses the economic benefits and costs of six frankincense forest management options that range from conservation in the form of exclosure to the business as usual scenario that involves free grazing, leaf lopping and intensive frankincense tapping. The Net Present Values of almost all the forestry options are negative if the benefits from carbon and nutrient storage services are excluded indicating that direct benefits from frankincense forests are less than the benefits from the competing land use. Moreover, as shifting cultivation is the competing land use in the study area, estimates of the opportunity costs of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) specific to the forest were also provided. Accordingly, pure conservation of the forest could result in emission reduction of about 142 tons of CO2 per hectare at an opportunity cost of about 33 USD per ton of CO2 emission reduction. About 80% of this opportunity cost is incurred by rural people in the form of forgone net benefits from not converting the forest to cropland through shifting cultivation. The contingent valuation study aims at assessing local evidence on whether any conservation intervention will be welcomed by rural people in the Boswellia forest areas. Accordingly, the study assessed the rural households’ willingness to pay and willingness to contribute labour for Boswellia papyrifera forest conservation. We found that next to the bid level, willingness to pay is influenced most by income and education, and willingness to contribute labour is significantly affected by size of family labour and gender of the household head. A household is willing to pay at least about 5 USD per year or contribute almost one week of free labour per year, which amounts to close to 7 USD valued at per capita daily income of the households. The potential local demand for conservation of Boswellia papyrifera forest could be mobilized effectively with complementary policy interventions aimed at sustainable use and poverty reduction. Recently there is a considerable debate on the role of non-timber forest products on poverty alleviation. The study on the impact of frankincense membership on rural income and poverty contributes to the empirical literature on the role of organized access to a traded non-timber forest product on rural livelihood and poverty reduction. In the past, rural households in northern Ethiopia had no access to frankincense production and trading. With recent developments in the region, rural households are getting access to the harvesting of frankincense through organizing cooperatives. We analysed the income and poverty effects of rural frankincense cooperative firms and the results indicate that both membership as a binary variable and amount of households’ investment on shares in the cooperative firms have significant positive welfare impacts in terms of increasing householdincome and reducing rural poverty. The negative impact of leaf looping on the tree’s capacity to produce frankincense, fruits and flowers as well as the negative net present values of all the forestry alternative management options indicate that the forest is in a very high risk of continuous degradation and perpetuation of what is called “a tragedy of the commons”. Thus, conservation and sustainable management practices should be in place to increase the resources’ competitiveness and hence avoid its degradation. This could be possible through interventions that can make developments in alternative livestock feed productions, through creating favorable conditions for the development of businesses that can add value to the frankincense, which is now exported as a raw material, and with the introduction of the other ecosystem service benefits of the resource like development of bee keeping and ecotourism. Moreover, the participation of rural communities both in the conservation and sharing of benefits from the resource are very crucial in future conservation and management interventions as it has been confirmed from the results of the contingent valuation on rural households demand for conservation as well as the results from the impact evaluation. However, further research is required on assessing the resource base at a wider spatial scale, on whether bark color of the tree is a genetic or phenotypic phenomenon affecting tree productivity, and also on the problems associated with legal and institutional frameworks in the use and management of Boswellia papyrifera forests in Ethiopia.

The Oxford handbook of music education.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780199730810 9780199928019 0199730814 0199928010 9780190674625 9780190674441 9780190674564 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

Anatomie en fysiologie : een inleiding
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789043024327 9043024325 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam Pearson Education Benelux

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"Anatomie en fysiologie, een inleiding" is een uitgebreide kennismaking met de grondslagen, basisbegrippen en gespecialiseerde termen die van wezenlijk belang zijn voor inzicht in bouw en werking van het menselijk lichaam.

Werkboek anatomie en fysiologie
ISBN: 9789043022507 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam Pearson

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1 Het menselijk lichaam: een inleiding2 Elementaire chemie3 Cellen en weefsels4 Huid en membranen in het lichaam5 Het beenderstelsel6 Spierstelsel7 Het zenuwstelsel8 Gespecialiseerde zintuigen9 Het hormoonstelsel10 Bloed11 Het cardiovasculaire stelsel12 Het lymfestelsel en immuniteit13 Het ademhalingsstelsel14 Het spijsverteringsstelsel en stofwisseling15 Het urinaire stelsel16 Het voortplantingsstelselAntwoorden

The Oxford handbook of philosophy in music education.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780195394733 0195394739 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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Music education thrives on philosophical inquiry, the systematic and critical examination of beliefs and assumptions. Yet philosophy, often considered abstract and irrelevant, is often absent from the daily life of music instructors. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education, editors Wayne D. Bowman and Ana Lucía Frega have drawn together a variety of philosophical perspectives from the profession's most exciting scholars. Rather than relegating philosophical inquiry to moot questions and abstract situations, the contributors to this volume address everyday concerns faced by music educators everywhere, demonstrating that philosophy offers a way of navigating the daily professional life of music education and proving that critical inquiry improves, enriches, and transforms instructional practice for the better. Questioning every musical practice, instructional aim, assumption, and conviction in music education, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education presents new and provocative approaches to the practice of teaching music. Bowman and Frega go deeper than mere advocacy or a single point of view, but rather conceive of philosophy as a dynamic process of debate and reflection that must constantly evolve to meet the shifting landscapes of music education. In place of the definitive answers often associated with philosophical work, Bowman and Frega offer a fascinating cross-section of often-contradictory approaches and viewpoints. By bringing together essays by both established and up-and-coming scholars from six continents, Bowman and Frega go beyond the Western monopoly of philosophical practice and acknowledge the diversity of cultures, instructors, and students who take part in music education. This range of perspectives invites broader participation in music instruction, and presents alternative answers to many of the fields most pressing questions and issues. By acknowledging the inherent plurality of music educational practices, the Handbook opens up the field in new and important ways. Emphasizing clarify, fairness, rigor, and utility above all, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Educationwill challenge music educators all over the world to make their own decisions and ultimately contribute to the conversation themselves [Publisher description].

Yoga anatomy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781450400244 Year: 2012 Publisher: Champaign, IL Human Kinetics

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Aimed at yoga enthusiasts and instructors, as well as a reference for fitness professionals and personal trainers, this book provides detailed anatomical illustrations of all standard yoga poses used by the majority of yoga practices.

Sesam atlas van de anatomie deel 1 : bewegingsapparaat
ISBN: 9789006951981 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amersfoort ThiemeMeulenhoff

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Algemene anatomieRompBovenste extremiteitenOnderste extremiteitenHoofd en halsGeleidingsbanen

Sesam atlas van de anatomie : deel 3 zenuwstelsel en zintuigen
ISBN: 9789006952339 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amersfoort ThiemeMeulenhoff

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Deel 3 biedt de student een systematisch overzicht van de ontwikkeling, bouw en functionele organisatie van de verschillende delen van de hersenen, het zenuwstelsel en de zintuigen. Binnen de anatomie geldt het zenuwstelsel als een zeer complex orgaan. Vandaar dat aan het zenuwstelsel een afzonderlijk deel van de Atlas van de anatomie is gewijd. Zowel macroscopische als microscopische aspecten worden belicht. Ook maakt de student kennis met de jongste technieken op het gebied van neuroanatomisch onderzoek en met nieuwe zenuwverbindingen die dankzij deze technieken zijn ontdekt. Dit wordt aangevuld met een beknopte uitleg over beeldvormende technieken als PET, CT en MRI. Verder biedt het boek een inleiding in de moleculaire grondbeginselen van de prikkeloverdracht (het samenspel van ionenkanalen en neurotransmitterreceptoren). Tot slot is er aandacht voor embryologie en motoriek. Wat is er veranderd in de herziene druk? In deel 3 zijn tekst en beeld opnieuw herzien en geactualiseerd. Ook is nieuwe informatie toegevoegd, onder meer over moderne ‘imaging’ technieken en over de werking en functie van receptoren. Bestaande klinische aanwijzingen, die de verbinding leggen met de praktijk, zijn bijgewerkt. Het aantal aanwijzingen is aanzienlijk uitgebreid.

Mondzorg : jong geleerd is oud gedaan.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789033486456 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Het boek Mondzorg. Jong geleerd is oud gedaan richt zich op het geven van gerichte informatie over de basisprincipes van mondzorg. Naast aandacht voor de gezonde mond, de ongezonde mond en de relatie tussen mondzorg en algemene gezondheid, focust het boek op preventie en vooral op het uitvoeren van mondzorg bij diverse leeftijdsgroepen. Aan de hand van concrete casussen, beeldmateriaal en gerichte kennisvragen aan het eind van ieder hoofdstuk biedt dit handboek een perfect instrument om aan zelfstudie te doen. Het boek richt zich naar iedereen die, in het kader van zorgverlening in de brede zin van het woord, geconfronteerd wordt met het uitvoeren van basismondzorg. Ook binnen onderwijs kan het aangewend worden om de basis-principes omtrent mondzorg aan te leren en duidelijk te maken waarom mondzorg zo belangrijk is.

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