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Is it what you Inherited or what you Learnt? : Intergenerational Linkage and Interpersonal Inequality in Senegal
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Institutional features of the African setting-large extended families and imperfect credit and land markets-matter to the equity and efficiency roles played by intergenerational linkages. Using original survey data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of consumption, this paper studies the role played by land inheritance, other bequests and parental background as influences on an adult's economic welfare and economic activities. Although intergenerational linkages are evident, the analysis finds a seemingly high degree of mobility across generations, associated with the shift from farm to non-farm sectors and the greater economic activity of women. Male-dominated bequests of land and housing bring little gain to mean consumption and play little role in explaining inequality, although they have effects on the sector of activity. Inheritance of non-land assets and the education and occupation of parents (especially the mother) and their choices about children's schooling are more important to adult welfare than property inheritance. Significant gender inequality in consumption is evident, although it is almost entirely explicable in terms of factors such as education and (non-land) inheritance. There are a number of other pronounced gender differences, with intergenerational linkages coming through the mother rather than the father.

Is it what you Inherited or what you Learnt? : Intergenerational Linkage and Interpersonal Inequality in Senegal
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Institutional features of the African setting-large extended families and imperfect credit and land markets-matter to the equity and efficiency roles played by intergenerational linkages. Using original survey data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of consumption, this paper studies the role played by land inheritance, other bequests and parental background as influences on an adult's economic welfare and economic activities. Although intergenerational linkages are evident, the analysis finds a seemingly high degree of mobility across generations, associated with the shift from farm to non-farm sectors and the greater economic activity of women. Male-dominated bequests of land and housing bring little gain to mean consumption and play little role in explaining inequality, although they have effects on the sector of activity. Inheritance of non-land assets and the education and occupation of parents (especially the mother) and their choices about children's schooling are more important to adult welfare than property inheritance. Significant gender inequality in consumption is evident, although it is almost entirely explicable in terms of factors such as education and (non-land) inheritance. There are a number of other pronounced gender differences, with intergenerational linkages coming through the mother rather than the father.

Enduring Violence
ISBN: 1283291800 9786613291806 0520948416 9780520948419 6613291803 9780520267664 0520267664 9780520267671 0520267672 9781283291804 Year: 2011 Publisher: Berkeley University of California Press

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Drawing on revealing, in-depth interviews, Cecilia Menjívar investigates the role that violence plays in the lives of Ladina women in eastern Guatemala, a little-visited and little-studied region. While much has been written on the subject of political violence in Guatemala, Menjívar turns to a different form of suffering-the violence embedded in institutions and in everyday life so familiar and routine that it is often not recognized as such. Rather than painting Guatemala (or even Latin America) as having a cultural propensity for normalizing and accepting violence, Menjívar aims to develop an approach to examining structures of violence-profound inequality, exploitation and poverty, and gender ideologies that position women in vulnerable situations- grounded in women's experiences. In this way, her study provides a glimpse into the root causes of the increasing wave of feminicide in Guatemala, as well as in other Latin American countries, and offers observations relevant for understanding violence against women around the world today.

Erotic Attunement
ISBN: 1283362899 9786613362896 0226811379 9780226811376 9780226811383 0226811387 9781283362894 Year: 2011 Publisher: Chicago, IL University of Chicago Press

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Heightened awareness of the problem of sexual abuse has led to deep anxiety over adults touching children-in nearly any context. Though our society has moved toward increasingly strict enforcement of this taboo, studies have shown that young children need regular human contact, and the benefits of breastfeeding have been widely extolled. Exploring the complicated history of love, desire, gender, sexuality, parenthood, and inequality, Erotic Attunement probes the disquieting issue of how we can draw a clear line between natural affection toward children and perverse exploitation of them. Cristina L. H. Traina demonstrates that we cannot determine what is wrong about sexual abuse without first understanding what is good about appropriate sensual affection. Pondering topics such as the importance of touch in nurturing children, the psychology of abuse and victimhood, and recent ideologies of motherhood, she argues that we must expand our philosophical and theological language of physical love and make a distinction between sexual love and erotic love. Taking on theological and ethical arguments over the question of sexuality between unequals, she arrives at the provocative conclusion that it can be destructive to completely bar eroticism from these relationships.

Déclaration d'insoumission : à l'usage des musulmans et de ceux qui ne le sont pas
ISBN: 9782081248847 2081248840 Year: 2011 Volume: 1011 Publisher: Paris : Flammarion,

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"Un devoir d'insoumission nous incombe, à l'intérieur de nous-mêmes et à l'encontre des formes de servitude qui ont conduit à cet accablement" : l'appel que ce petit livre avait lancé en 2005 semble avoir été entendu. En témoigne l'élan révolutionnaire qui s'est fait jour en Tunisie et qui se propage dans l'ensemble du monde arabe. Surtout, les analyses et les propositions que ce texte avançait se trouvent confirmées : c'est une libération du paradigme identitaire qui est à l'oeuvre aujourd'hui. On peut donc aborder ce livre comme un commentaire de ce qui a rendu nécessaire les insurrections d'aujourd'hui, sans toutefois perdre de vue que des soulèvements, si massifs soient-ils, des chutes de tyrans, si spectaculaires soient-elles, ne suffisent pas à faire révolution. Les changements désirés vont rencontrer des résistances conscientes et inconscientes que les sociétés arabes devront affronter à nouveaux frais, telle que la place de l'islam, enjeu central de la guerre qui se déroule depuis une trentaine d'années en son nom. Et qui demeure central avant, et pendant les processus de transition démocratique.


Islam et politique --- Islamisme --- Liberté --- Laïcité --- Islam --- BPB1412 --- Égalité homme-femme --- Religion --- Gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw --- Godsdienst --- Islam et politique. --- Islamisme. --- Liberté. --- Laïcité. --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- sukupuolten tasa-arvo --- równouprawnienie płci --- ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- rodová rovnosť --- enakost spolov --- jämställdhet --- Gleichheit von Mann und Frau --- родова еднаквост --- lyčių lygybė --- nemek közötti egyenlőség --- igualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesība --- родна равноправност --- sooline võrdsus --- egalitate de gen --- равенство между половете --- comhionannas inscne --- barazi gjinore --- ligestilling mellem kønnene --- ravnopravnost spolova --- igualdade de género --- rovnost žen a mužů --- gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw --- uguaglianza di genere --- gender equality --- ισότητα των φύλων --- inegalitatea de gen --- desigualdade de género --- índice de desigualdad de género --- indeks rodne nejednakosti --- vienlīdzīgas iespējas vīriešiem un sievietēm --- igualdad entre mujeres y hombres --- Index zum Geschlechtergefälle --- неравенство между половете --- sukupuolten välistä epätasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- индекс за равенството между половете --- neravnopravnost spolova --- indeks neenakosti med spoloma --- еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- GEI --- inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes --- desigualdade homem-mulher --- nők és férfiak közötti egyenlőség --- genderová nerovnost --- lygios vyrų ir moterų teisės --- inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- drepturi egale între bărbați și femei --- genderongelijkheid --- gender inequality --- rovnosť žien a mužov --- Index zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- równość płci --- comhionannas idir fir agus mná --- enakost med spoloma --- sugupoolte võrdõiguslikkus --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenségek --- barazia midis grave dhe burrave --- ulighed mellem kønnene --- једнакост међу половима --- kønsligestillingsindeks --- gender equity --- wskaźnik nierówności płci --- Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- IEG --- indicele egalității de gen --- miesten ja naisten välinen tasa-arvo --- indicele inegalității de gen --- igualdad hombre-mujer --- Geschlechtspezifische Ungleichheiten --- gendergelijkheidsindex --- правна еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- dzimumu nelīdztiesība --- neamh-chomhionannas inscne --- jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män --- jämställdhetsindex --- desigualdad por razón de género --- dealú idir na hinscní --- égalité entre les femmes et les hommes --- vīriešu un sieviešu vienlīdzība --- inégalité entre les sexes --- equal rights of men and women --- indice di disuguaglianza di genere --- sukupuolten epätasa-arvo --- igualdade homem-mulher --- égalité des sexes --- meeste ja naiste võrdõiguslikkus --- indiċi tal-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- stejná práva mužů a žen --- rovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- egalitate între femei și bărbați --- a férfiak és nők közötti egyenlőtlenség --- indice sull'uguaglianza di genere --- IIG --- gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen --- неравнопоставеност между половете --- rovnoprávnost mužů a žen --- jednakopravnost spolova --- nemi esélyegyenlőségi index --- ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel --- jämställdhet mellan könen --- dzimumu vienlīdzība --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenség --- inégalité hommes-femmes --- gender equality index --- sooline ebavõrdsus --- ανισότητα των φύλων --- nemi egyenlőtlenségi index --- desigualdade entre géneros --- vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesība --- ИНП --- nemek közti egyenlőtlenségi mutató --- innéacs comhionannais inscne --- rodový rozdiel --- ανισότητα μεταξύ των φύλων --- inégalité entre les genres --- índice de igualdad de género --- nerovnosť žien a mužov --- gendergelijkheid --- sukupuolten tasa-arvoindeksi --- disuguaglianza di genere --- soolise võrdõiguslikkuse indeks --- índice de desigualdade de género --- naiste ja meeste võrdõiguslikkus --- igualdade entre os sexos --- gender inequality index --- parità uomo-donna --- egalitate între sexe --- ισότητα μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών --- wskaźnik równouprawnienia płci --- index rodovej nerovnosti --- ligestilling mellem kvinder og mænd --- równość kobiet i mężczyzn --- disparità di genere --- gelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- indiċi tal-inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- kønsskævhed --- gender disparity --- dzimumu nelīdztiesības indekss --- index genderové rovnosti --- eguaglianza uomo-donna --- GII --- δείκτης ισότητας των φύλων --- lyčių nelygybės indeksas --- nerovné postavení žen a mužů --- IDG --- jednakost spolova --- desigualdade entre os sexos --- enakost moških in žensk --- indice d'inégalité de genre --- índice de igualdade de género --- genderongelijkheidsindex --- равенство между мъж и жена --- indeks for ulighed mellem kønnene --- an bhearna idir na hinscní --- igualdad entre los sexos --- naisten ja miesten tasa-arvo --- еднакви права меѓу мажите и жените --- të drejta të barabarta të burrave dhe grave --- razlike med spoloma --- rovnaké práva mužov a žien --- rovná práva mužů a žen --- equality between men and women --- desigualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesības indekss --- bristande jämställdhet --- nemi megkülönböztetés tilalma --- nemek közötti egyenlőségi index --- vyrų ir moterų lygybė --- indeks ravnopravnosti spolova --- rovnost mezi muži a ženami --- soolise ebavõrdsuse indeks --- ισότητα ευκαιριών για γυναίκες και άνδρες --- parità tra uomini e donne --- nerovnost žen a mužů --- ravnopravnost muškaraca i žena --- индекс за неравенството между половете --- lyčių lygybės indeksas --- index rodovej rovnosti --- rodna neravnopravnost --- indice d'égalité de genre --- divario di genere --- sukupuolten välisen epätasa-arvon indeksi --- rodová nerovnosť --- indeks enakosti spolov --- index genderové nerovnosti --- δείκτης ανισότητας των φύλων --- ligestilling mellem de to køn --- równość mężczyzn i kobiet --- ongelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- nemi egyenlőségi mutató --- неравнопоставеност на жените и мъжете --- sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- lyčių nelygybė --- nerovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- GII-indeksi --- islám --- ισλαμισμός --- Iżlam --- islamas --- islams --- islamismo --- islam --- iszlám --- ислям --- ислам --- mahomedanism --- islamism --- moslimský veriaci --- islámské náboženství --- sunita --- islámská církev --- mohammedanisme --- šíita --- mohamedanizmus --- muslimi --- muhamedanisme --- mohamedánstvo --- Mohammedanism --- muhameedlus --- suna --- muhamedānisms --- muslimské náboženství --- muhamettilaisuus --- mahometonybė --- mešita --- Muhamedanizëm --- reiligiún --- Ioslam --- Égalité homme-femme

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