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Lifestyle Media and the formation of the self
ISBN: 9780230242951 Year: 2011 Publisher: Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

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Computer networks
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780132553179 0132553171 Year: 2011 Publisher: Boston Pearson

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Tanenbaum takes a structured approach to explaining how networks work from the inside out. He starts with an explanation of the physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems; then works his way up to network applications. Tanenbaum's in-depth application coverage includes email; the domain name system; the World Wide Web (both client- and server-side); and multimedia (including voice over IP, Internet radio video on demand, video conferencing, and streaming media. Each chapter follows a consistent approach: Tanenbaum presents key principles, then illustrates them utilizing real-world example networks that run through the entire book-the Internet, and wireless networks, including Wireless LANs, broadband wireless and Bluetooth. The Fifth Edition includes a chapter devoted exclusively to network security. The textbook is supplemented by a Solutions Manual, as well as a Website containing PowerPoint slides, art in various forms, and other tools for instruction, including a protocol simulator whereby students can develop and test their own network protocols.

Radio Access Network Dimensioning for 3G UMTS
ISBN: 3834813982 3834881112 Year: 2011 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Vieweg+Teubner Verlag : Imprint: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag,

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An important means for improving the cost-efficiency in modern mobile radio networks is to dimension the radio access network carefully. Xi Li presents innovative analytical models and algorithms for the dimensioning of the 3G UMTS Radio Access Network (RAN). The proposed analytical models allow efficient and accurate dimensioning for different evolutions of UMTS radio access technologies. The author validates the analytical models by simulations using developed UMTS system simulation models. All presented analytical dimensioning models are implemented into a commercial dimensioning tool. This dimensioning tool is used to help the 3G UMTS network operators to optimize their network infrastructure in order to reduce network costs while still being able to offer desired Quality of Service.

Media morgen : de media op hun kop : overleven onze klassieke media de radicale impact van internet, social media en mobile?
ISBN: 9789081698412 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Verbaast het je dat de businessmodellen van de klassieke media op de helling staan? Het commerciële verhaal van televisie, kranten, magazines en radio dat al zo lang bestaat, valt steeds meer uit elkaar. Maar hoe komt dat? Jij en ik gedragen ons als consumenten vandaag zoveel anders. Dankzij technologie nemen we de controle over hoe, wanneer en welke media we consumeren. Bovendien zijn we verbonden met elkaar. Ons sociaal netwerk houdt ons op de hoogte van het nieuws, kondigt nieuwe producten aan en vertelt of ze de moeite waard zijn. Meer nog, we gaan al die kennis mobiel gebruiken via tablets en smartphones. Weten de mediabedrijven hoe ze hiermee moeten omgaan? Neen. Steken vele media hun kop in het zand? Ja. Hoe moeten de mediaspelers zich organiseren om succesvol te blijven? En hoe vermijden ze dat ze ingehaald worden door internationale uitdagers die op de loer liggen? In Media Morgen neemt Jo Caudron je mee naar de toekomst van de media. Ondanks hun sterke troeven van vandaag, moeten ze net als adverteerders en marketeers hun aanpak afstemmen op de vernieuwde technologie en de vernieuwde consument. Ontdek de weg naar die grote uitdagingen!


radio (technologie) --- mediacultuur --- massamedia --- marketing --- mediabeleid --- television [telecommunication system] --- interactieve media --- sociale media --- Journalism --- internet --- mobiele communicatie --- TV (televisie) --- radio receivers --- Mass communications --- Culture [Popular ] --- Culture de rue --- Culture des banlieues populaires --- Culture des classes populaires --- Culture des quartiers populaires --- Culture du peuple --- Culture ouvrière --- Culture populaire --- Cultures populaires --- Mass culture --- Pop culture --- Popcultuur --- Populaire cultuur --- Popular arts --- Popular culture --- Volkscultuur --- 316.773.2 --- #SBIB:309H1000 --- 004.738.5 internet --- 007 communicatie --- 654 media --- 654.1 sociale media --- BPB1111 --- Journal --- Communication --- Consommateur --- Internet --- 690 Media, mediarecht --- media --- toekomstperpectieven --- 316.776 --- communicatie --- nieuwe media --- pers --- Internet (e-mail, website) --- Media --- Pers --- Sociale netwerken --- mobile --- Digitale communicatie --- Communicatiemiddel. Communicatiemedium. Mediatechnologie--(communicatiesociologie); massamedia zie {316.774} --- Media: algemene en theoretische werken --- Krant --- Communicatie --- Consument --- perspectives d'avenir --- communicatieprocessen --- Consumentengedrag --- Sociale communicatie --- Trends --- Trendwatching --- Communicatiemedia --- Digitale media --- Massamedia --- Sociale media --- Digitale communicatie. --- Media. --- Communicatiemedia. --- Digitale media. --- Massamedia. --- Sociale media. --- 316.773.2 Communicatiemiddel. Communicatiemedium. Mediatechnologie--(communicatiesociologie); massamedia zie {316.774} --- Mass media --- Technological innovations --- Social aspects --- Philosophy --- smartphones --- mobiele netwerken --- tablets (informatica) --- Интернет --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- consumatori --- consument --- потребител --- Verbraucher --- consumatore --- потрошач --- kuluttaja --- tarbija --- καταναλωτής --- fogyasztó --- forbruger --- spotrebiteľ --- konsument --- tomhaltóir --- потрошувач --- potrošnik --- konsumator --- spotřebitel --- consumidor --- potrošač --- consumer --- konsumatur --- vartotojas --- patērētājs --- консумент --- Konsument --- verbruiker --- política da comunicação --- Kommunikationspolitik --- ryšių politika --- kommunikációs politika --- viestintäpolitiikka --- komunikācijas politika --- politika tal-komunikazzjoni --- πολιτική της επικοινωνίας --- komunikační politika --- política de comunicación --- communications policy --- komunikačná politika --- politica della comunicazione --- komunikacijska politika --- politika e komunikacionit --- комуникациска политика --- communicatiebeleid --- kommunikationspolitik --- politica comunicațiilor --- kommunikatsioonipoliitika --- комуникационна политика --- политика комуникација --- polityka w zakresie komunikowania --- rozvoj komunikace --- kommunikációs rendszerek fejlesztése --- ανάπτυξη των επικοινωνιών --- communications --- dezvoltarea comunicațiilor --- comunicação --- meediapoliitika --- komunikāciju attīstība --- viestiliikenteen kehittäminen --- komunikácie --- desenvolvimento das comunicações --- Entwicklung der Kommunikationssysteme --- Medienpolitik --- desarrollo de las comunicaciones --- komunikācijas --- komunikacion --- rozvoj komunikácií --- comunicazione --- comunicación --- komunikacije --- viestintä --- médiapolitika --- kommunikation --- sviluppo delle comunicazioni --- kommunikationsudvikling --- zhvillim i komunikacionit --- développement des communications --- development of communications --- kommunikationsutveckling --- ryšio priemonės --- ontwikkeling van de communicaties --- ryšio priemonių tobulinimas --- kommunikatsioonisüsteemi arendamine --- επικοινωνία --- sakari --- razvoj komunikacija --- комуникациска стратегија --- communication --- gazetë --- gazeta --- laikraštis --- krant --- gazzetta --- avis --- εφημερίδα --- novine --- noviny --- newspaper --- jornal --- giornale --- новине --- вестник --- tidning --- laikraksts --- periódico --- sanomalehti --- újság --- časopis --- ajaleht --- Zeitung --- ziar --- весник --- settimanale --- dienraštis --- raník --- viikkolehti --- неделен весник --- ugeavis --- päevaleht --- týždenník --- savaitraštis --- печатен медиум --- dnevnik --- weekly newspaper --- dnevne novine --- електронски весник --- morgontidning --- tiskovine --- дневен весник --- dagstidning --- ziar săptămânal --- hetilap --- неделник --- diario --- weekblad --- semanario --- quotidiano --- semanário --- εβδομαδιαίο έντυπο --- kvällstidning --- Wochenzeitschrift --- ημερήσια εφημερίδα --- nedēļas laikraksts --- deník --- tjednik --- päivälehti --- tjedne novine --- quotidien --- неделен магазин --- daily newspaper --- hebdomadaire --- denník --- списание --- veckotidning --- gazetë e përjavshme --- nädalaleht --- večerník --- dienas laikraksts --- Tageszeitung --- cotidian --- gazetë e përditshme --- napilap --- dagblad --- Idirlíon --- beartas cumarsáide --- nuachtán

Handboek mediarecht
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782804441388 2804441385 Year: 2011 Volume: 15 Publisher: Brussel: Larcier,

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Dit boek is bestemd als ondersteuning voor het vak mediarecht in het universitair en hoger onderwijs (Communicatiewetenschappen, Rechten, Journalistiek, Communicatiebeheer...). De aandacht gaat vooral naar de waarborgen en beperkingen van de vrijheid van expressie en informatie via de massamedia, met bijzondere aandacht voor de vormen van rechtsbescherming tegen ongeoorloofde media-inhoud (aanzet tot racisme, aantasting van de goede zeden, onrechtmatige journalistiek, strafbare uitingen via internet...). Ook wordt kennis gemaakt met de regulering van de audiovisuele sector (Televisierichtlijn en Vlaams omroepdecreet) en met bepaalde vormen van zelfregulering in de mediasector (de Raad voor de Journalistiek en de Jury voor Ethische Praktijken inzake Reclame).


Journalism --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Economic law --- television [telecommunication system] --- mediarecht --- TV (televisie) --- vrijheid van informatie --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- Belgium --- BPB1201 --- 351.751 <493> --- Moyen de communication de masse --- Pluralisme des médias --- Liberté de la presse --- Censure --- 690 Media, mediarecht --- 351.751 <493> Mediarecht. Vrijwaren van de vrijheid van denken, van de persvrijheid. Censuur. Filmcensuur. Reclamerecht--(Fundamentele vrijheden in de grondwet zie {342.732})--België --- Mediarecht. Vrijwaren van de vrijheid van denken, van de persvrijheid. Censuur. Filmcensuur. Reclamerecht--(Fundamentele vrijheden in de grondwet zie {342.732})--België --- Massamedia --- Pluralisme in de media --- Persvrijheid --- Censuur --- Mediarecht. --- Mass media --- Freedom of information --- Freedom of speech --- Communication --- Freedom of the press --- Médias --- Liberté d'information --- Liberté d'expression --- Communication audiovisuelle --- Liberté de la presse --- Law and legislation --- Audio-visual aids --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-H EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Flanders (Belgium) --- λογοκρισία --- censorship --- tsensuur --- censurë --- ċensura --- cenzúra --- цензура --- cenzūra --- Zensur --- sensuuri --- censura --- cenzura --- censur --- censuur --- cenzură --- následná cenzura --- прелиминарна цензура --- автоцензура --- předběžná cenzura --- förhandsgranskning --- ελευθερία του Τύπου --- libertà di stampa --- libertad de prensa --- persvrijheid --- painovapaus --- pressfrihet --- Pressefreiheit --- libertatea presei --- svoboda tisku --- svoboda tiska --- pressefrihed --- trükivabadus --- libertà tal-istampa --- spaudos laisvė --- wolność prasy --- sloboda tiska --- sajtószabadság --- liria e shtypit --- sloboda tlače --- freedom of the press --- saoirse an phreasa --- свобода на печата --- слобода штампе --- liberdade de imprensa --- слобода на печат --- preses brīvība --- tisková svoboda --- direito da imprensa --- ελευθεροτυπία --- pluralizm mediów --- pluralizmus v médiách --- pluralismo dos meios de comunicação --- médiapluralizmus --- плурализам у медијима --- mediepluralism --- pluralisme in de media --- pluralizem medijev --- meedia pluralism --- plašsaziņas līdzekļu plurālisms --- pluralismo dei media --- pluraliżmu fix-xandir --- pluralizam u medijima --- πολυφωνία των μέσων μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- pluralism in the media --- pluralism în media --- pluralismo de los medios de comunicación --- mediernes pluralisme --- плурализъм в средствата за масова информация --- pluralismus médií --- плурализам во медиумите --- Medienpluralismus --- pluralizëm i medias --- viestinnän monimuotoisuus --- žiniasklaidos pliuralizmas --- πλουραλισμός των μέσων μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- медиумски плурализам --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- massamedia --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- mass media --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- cinsireacht --- media freedom --- iolrachas sna meáin --- mórmheáin --- Belgique --- Acqui 2006 --- Pluralisme des médias --- Droit public --- Médias --- Presse --- Liberté d'expression --- Cour européenne des droits de l'homme --- Droit de réponse

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