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Pierre-Crignasse ou histoires drôles et dessins cocasses.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782350650548 2350650545 Year: 2011 Publisher: Bruxelles Frémok

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Recueil de contes cruels inspirés du Struwwelpeter allemand, connu en français sous le nom de Crasse-Tignasse, à partir du livre allemand d'histoires courtes en vers, publié en 1844. Son auteur, Heinrich Hoffmann (1809-1894), est un psychiatre, écrivain et auteur de livres pour enfants. Sous forme humoristique, il s’agit d’un vrai recueil de leçons de morale pour enfants. Les interdits (mal se tenir à table, se moquer des étrangers, maltraiter les animaux, etc.) sont mis en scène avec un humour féroce. Chaque récit porte le nom de son héros. C'est ainsi que l'on suit les aventures de Peter, Friedrich, Kaspar ou Hans, réinterprétés ici.

Het is maar een peiling : opiniepeilingen in de media : van wetenschap tot wichelarij?
ISBN: 9789028951044 Year: 2011 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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Peilen naar politieke opvattingen, electorale voorkeuren en motieven van kiezers blijkt ook in Vlaanderen een favoriete sport, zelfs al bogen de opiniepeilers inmiddels op een reputatie die nauwelijks voor de gokindustrie moet onderdoen. Wie peilt wat en welke obstakels lonken daarbij om de hoek? Hoe (on)nauwkeurig brengen marktonderzoekers en wetenschappers de electorale voorkeuren van de kiezer in kaart en hoe punctueel berichten media daar vervolgens over? Hoe (on)betrouwbaar zijn de resultaten, hoe vakbekwaam zijn de opiniepeilers en hoe onafhankelijk de media die over peilingen berichten? Is onze opiniepeilingenindustrie in handen van weinig kritische wetenschappers, ondeskundige marktonderzoekers en onbetrouwbare politieke journalisten? In Het is maar een peiling bundelt Frank Thevissen voor het eerst de antwoorden op al deze netelige vragen. Hij doorprikt populaire en diepgewortelde clichs die over peilingen de ronde doen en demystifieert de wetenschappelijke pretentie waarmee Sommige academici commercile peilingen in opdracht van media en politieke partijen doorgaans hooghartig naar de prullenmand verwijzen. Aan de hand van tientallen actuele voorbeelden wordt op een voor de statistische leek toegankelijke manier, de gebrekkige methodologische en deontologische hygine blootgelegd in de keukens waar 'representatieve peilingen', stemtesten en politieke populariteitspolls worden bereid en via de media op ons bord belanden. Het is maar een peiling gaat ook op zoek naar de oorzaken van de gestage inflatie van de berichtgeving over peilingen. Het onthult hoe een conservatieve wetenschappelijke lobby, journalistieke sensatiedrift, tendentieuze berichtgeving en frauduleuze onderzoekspraktijken in het opiniepeilingenonderzoek konden binnendringen en ontkracht taaie 'wetenschappelijke' legendes die politicologen en sociologen over zichzelf ('ernstige wetenschappers'), hun eigen onderzoek en dat van collega's en commercile marktonderzoeksbureaus ('fantasten') verspreiden. Het is maar een peiling legt talloze peilingen en opinieonderzoeken op de ontleedtafel die de afgelopen tien jaar in Vlaanderen de politieke berichtgeving beheersten. Het gaat na hoe deze de publieke opinie regelmatig op het verkeerde been zetten, zonder dat daar veel wetenschappelijk vakmanschap of journalistiek vernuft aan te pas kwam. Kortom, Thevissen leidt ons rond in de achterkamers van onze opiniepeilingenindustrie: een plek die doorgaans hermetisch afgesloten blijft voor kiezers.


Media --- Opiniepeilingen --- Stemgedrag --- Verkiezingen --- Vlaanderen. --- Vlaanderen --- Politiek. --- België. --- Qualitative methods in social research --- mediaonderzoek --- journalistieke deontologie --- Journalism --- beïnvloeding --- opinieonderzoek --- Belgium --- Publieke opinie --- Methodologie --- Politicologie --- BPB1202 --- 654 Publieke opinie --- #SBIB:303H32 --- Sondage d'opinion --- průzkum veřejného mínění --- opiniepeiling --- javnomnenjska raziskava --- arvamusküsitlus --- sondazh i opinionit --- opinionsundersökning --- opinion poll --- sabiedriskās domas aptauja --- közvélemény-kutatás --- ispitivanje javnoga mnijenja --- sondagem de opinião --- испитување на јавното мислење --- stħarriġ tal-opinjoni pubblika --- badanie opinii publicznej --- opinionsundersøgelse --- mielipidetutkimus --- испитивање јавног мњења --- проучване на общественото мнение --- výskum verejnej mienky --- Meinungsumfrage --- δημοσκόπηση --- sondeo de opinión --- nuomonės apklausa --- sondaj de opinie --- sondaggio di opinione --- onderzoek van het kijk- en luistergedrag --- gallupundersökning --- průzkum sledovanosti --- průzkum poslechovosti --- nivel de audiență --- sondazh i opinionit publik --- prieskum verejnej mienky --- väljarundersökning --- Gelapa aptauja --- sondare a opiniei publice --- sondagem por escuta --- audience rating --- public opinion poll --- mielipidekysely --- průzkum politického mínění --- encuesta de la opinión pública --- Gallup-Verfahren --- arvamusuuring --- агенција за испитување на јавното мислење --- encuesta por teléfono --- Gallup-onderzoek --- јавна анкета --- istraživanje javnoga mnijenja --- Untersuchung der Hör- oder Sehbeteiligung --- Gallupo nuomonių apklausa --- viešosios nuomonės apklausa --- Gallup poll --- lytterundersøgelse --- indagine sull'opinione pubblica --- gallupkysely --- sabiedrības vērtējums --- avaliku arvamuse uuring --- sondage d'écoute --- σφυγμομέτρηση --- publikos vertinimas --- yleinen mielipidemittaus --- inchiesta per campione --- meningsmåling --- vlerësim i publikut --- Gallup --- Gallupovo istraživanje --- indagine telefonica --- γκάλλοπ --- Sondaj Gallup --- onderzoek naar de politieke opinie --- lyssnarundersökning --- sondage d'opinion politique --- Meinungsforschung --- sondazh i Gallupit --- anketa javnoga mišljenja --- gallup --- σφυγμομέτρηση ακροαματικότητας --- prieskum sledovanosti --- Gallupov výskum (výskum politických názorov) --- Waarneming en participerende waarneming, gecontroleerde observatie, groepsdiscussie (vragenlijsten, interviews, experimenten) --- Opiniepeiling --- pobalbhreith --- sondage d'opinion

Uprooted : how Breslau became Wrocław during the century of expulsions
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1283163837 9786613163837 1400839963 Year: 2011 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton University Press,

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With the stroke of a pen at the Potsdam Conference following the Allied victory in 1945, Breslau, the largest German city east of Berlin, became the Polish city of Wroclaw. Its more than six hundred thousand inhabitants--almost all of them ethnic Germans--were expelled and replaced by Polish settlers from all parts of prewar Poland. Uprooted examines the long-term psychological and cultural consequences of forced migration in twentieth-century Europe through the experiences of Wroclaw's Polish inhabitants. In this pioneering work, Gregor Thum tells the story of how the city's new Polish settlers found themselves in a place that was not only unfamiliar to them but outright repellent given Wroclaw's Prussian-German appearance and the enormous scope of wartime destruction. The immediate consequences were an unstable society, an extremely high crime rate, rapid dilapidation of the building stock, and economic stagnation. This changed only after the city's authorities and a new intellectual elite provided Wroclaw with a Polish founding myth and reshaped the city's appearance to fit the postwar legend that it was an age-old Polish city. Thum also shows how the end of the Cold War and Poland's democratization triggered a public debate about Wroclaw's "amputated memory." Rediscovering the German past, Wroclaw's Poles reinvented their city for the second time since World War II. Uprooted traces the complex historical process by which Wroclaw's new inhabitants revitalized their city and made it their own.


World War, 1939-1945 --- Forced migration --- Social change --- City and town life --- Collective memory --- Influence. --- Deportations from Poland. --- History --- Wrocław (Poland) --- Oder-Neisse Line (Germany and Poland) --- Social conditions --- 1940s. --- Allied powers. --- Allied victory. --- Allies. --- Breslau. --- Central Europe. --- Eastern Europe. --- Europe. --- Gdansk. --- General Conservator. --- German occupation. --- German territories. --- German territory. --- Germans. --- GermanАolish border. --- Gnienzo. --- Jan Zachwatowicz. --- Joanna Konopinka. --- Karol Maleczynski. --- Krakow. --- London Foreign Office. --- Poland. --- Poles. --- Polish leaders. --- Polish names. --- Polish national cult. --- Polish people. --- Polish residents. --- Polish settlers. --- Polish state. --- Polish takeover. --- Polonization. --- Potsdam Conference. --- Poznan. --- Second World War. --- Soviet Union. --- Soviet dismantling. --- Szczecin. --- Warsaw. --- Washington State Department. --- Wrocalw. --- Wroclaw. --- age-old Polish. --- archival materials. --- better future. --- communist government. --- cultural life. --- discrimination. --- ethnic Germans. --- ethnic minorities. --- forced migration. --- forced migrations. --- foreignness. --- historians. --- historic preservation. --- historical names. --- homogenous nation. --- integration. --- local history. --- mass migrations. --- modern society. --- national border. --- nonintervention. --- patriotic appeals. --- political map. --- political power. --- population exchange. --- postwar Poland. --- postwar challenges. --- postwar history. --- reconstruction. --- renaming operation. --- self-reassurance. --- settlement boundaries. --- settlers. --- tradition. --- transportation connections. --- war. --- wartime destruction. --- western territories.

Portée et définitions : une suite
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789212123936 Year: 2011 Volume: *2 Publisher: New York et Genève Nations Unies

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Aide internationale --- Aide à l'étranger --- Collaboration internationale --- Cooperation [international ] --- Coopération bilatérale --- Coopération internationale --- Coopération interrégionale --- Coopération multilatérale --- Coopération régionale --- Global governance --- Institutions [international ] --- Institutions internationales --- Interdependence of nations --- International cooperation --- International institutions --- Internationale samenwerking --- Investeringen --- Investeringsmanagement --- Investing --- Investissements --- Investment management --- Investments --- Placements --- Portefeuilles --- Portfolio --- World government --- World order --- Politique d'investissement --- Réglementation des investissements --- Investissement étranger --- BPB1110 --- Investeringsbeleid --- Investeringsvoorschriften --- Buitenlandse investering --- buitenlandse investering --- välisinvesteering --- investiții străine --- foreign investment --- ξένη επένδυση --- страно улагање --- чуждестранна инвестиция --- inversión extranjera --- inwestycja zagraniczna --- investiment barrani --- zahraničná investícia --- külföldi befektetés --- ārvalstu ieguldījumi --- užsienio investicija --- udenlandsk investering --- investimento estrangeiro --- zahraniční investice --- investimento estero --- Auslandsinvestition oder Direktinvestition --- investim i huaj --- utländsk investering --- ulkomainen sijoitus --- странска инвестиција --- tuja naložba --- strano ulaganje --- investering fra udlandet --- ausländische Investition --- inozemno ulaganje --- strana investicija --- inozemna investicija --- külföldi beruházás --- regolamentazione degli investimenti --- predpisi o naložbah --- Investitionsvorschrift --- reglering av investeringar --- befektetési szabályok --- регулисање улагања --- investicijų reguliavimas --- regulácia investícií --- ieguldījumu regulēšana --- investeringsvoorschriften --- регулация на инвестициите --- regulamentação do investimento --- reglamentación de inversiones --- investointeja koskevat säännökset --- regulation of investments --- regolamentazzjoni tal-investimenti --- retsforskrifter om investeringer --- reglementarea investițiilor --- prawo o inwestycjach --- regulace investic --- κανόνες επενδύσεων --- rregullim i investimeve --- reguliranje ulaganja --- investeerimiseeskirjad --- регулирање инвестиции --- declaración de inversión --- avizarea investițiilor --- правно нормирање на инвестициите --- Investitionsmeldung --- reguliranje investicija --- beruházás bejelentése --- investeeringuteade --- declaração de investimento --- објавување инвестиции --- njoftim i investimit --- pranešimas apie investiciją --- předpisy pro investování --- aangifte van investering --- dichiarazione d'investimento --- прописи за инвестирање --- anmeldelse af investering --- инвестициски правила --- paziņojums par ieguldījumu --- déclaration d'investissement --- δήλωση επένδυσης --- ohlášení investic --- notification of investment --- beruházási szabályok --- investointeja koskeva ilmoitus --- oznámenie investície --- política de inversión --- investičná politika --- política de investimento --- επενδυτική πολιτική --- investeringsbeleid --- politica d'investimento --- politika tal-investiment --- naložbena politika --- investicijų politika --- investeringspolitik --- ieguldījumu politika --- polityka inwestycyjna --- politika ulaganja --- investiční politika --- Investitionspolitik --- политика улагања --- investeerimispoliitika --- инвестициска политика --- befektetési politika --- инвестиционна политика --- investment policy --- politikë për investimet --- politică de investiții --- investointipolitiikka --- политика на вложување --- beruházási politika --- investicijska politika --- Auslandsinvestition --- Direktinvestition --- infheistíocht choigríche --- rialáil infheistíochtaí --- beartas infheistíochta --- Investissement étranger --- Réglementation des investissements

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