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Mobbing : le harcèlement en entreprise : victoire ou défaite de l'employeur ?
ISBN: 9782212549546 2212549547 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Eyrolles-Éd. d'Organisation,

Prévenir les risques psychosociaux : des outils pour agir sur la pénibilité et préserver la santé au travail
ISBN: 9782100562923 2100562924 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Dunod,

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Le constat fait l'unanimité : stress au travail, violences, harcèlements, conduites addictives..., les risques psychosociaux sont une grave menace pour la santé des salariés et, par conséquent, pour la performance des entreprises. La croissance de ces risques au cours de ces dernières années, rend urgente la nécessité de mettre en œuvre des dispositifs de prévention, encore trop partiels à ce jour. Cet ouvrage, fruit de l'expérience de l'auteur acquise au cours de ses missions d'expertise et de conseil, détaille toutes les étapes d'une action efficace de prévention, en s'appuyant sur les bonnes pratiques éprouvées en entreprise. Il se fonde sur une approche collective (non l'individu seul), l'organisation et le management. L'auteur propose une méthode, des outils, des exemples et donne des clés pour faire de la prévention un projet stratégique à même de garantir santé des salariés et performance de l'entreprise.

L'interculturel en entreprise, quelles formations? : aspects civilisationnels, économiques, historiques, juridiques, linguistiques : [actes du colloque L'interculturel pour l'entreprise, Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense]
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782359350395 Year: 2011 Publisher: Limoges : Lambert-Lucas,

Les faiseuses d'histoires : que font les femmes à la pensée ?
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782359250473 2359250477 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : la Découverte,

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Les femmes ne sont jamais contentes. À témoin, Virginia Woolf qui appela les femmes à se méfier de l'offre généreuse qui leur était faite : pouvoir, comme les hommes, faire carrière à l'université. Il ne faut pas, écrivit-elle, rejoindre cette « procession d'hommes chargés d'honneurs et de responsabilités » ; méfiez-vous de ces institutions où règnent le conformisme et la violence. Vinciane Despret et Isabelle Stengers se sont posés la question : qu'avons-nous appris, nous les filles infidèles de Virginia qui avons, de fait, rejoint les rangs des « hommes cultivés » ? Et comment prolonger aujourd'hui le cri de Woolf, « Penser nous devons », dans une université désormais en crise ? Ces questions, elles les ont relayées auprès d'autres femmes. Leurs témoignages ont ouvert des dimensions inattendues. Elles ont raconté des anecdotes, des perplexités, des histoires, des événements ou des rencontres qui les ont rendues capables non seulement de dire non et de résister, mais de continuer à penser et à créer dans la joie et dans l'humour. Et surtout, ces femmes, comme toujours, ont fait des histoires...

La santé au travail, entre savoirs et pouvoirs : XIXe-XXe siècles
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782753513501 2753513503 Year: 2011 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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L’importance croissante des questions de santé au travail appelle de multiples mises en perspective historiques. Ce livre questionne celles de la production des savoirs, de l’action des forces sociales et du jeu des institutions à l’égard de la santé des travailleurs, au cours de deux siècles d’industrialisation.

Handbook of gender, work, and organization
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 140510256X 1405102551 9781405102551 9781444394726 144439472X 9786613621573 1119990793 1280591749 9781119990796 0470979275 Year: 2011 Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley,

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This work of reference represents a remarkably complete, detailed and extensive review of the field of gender, work and organization in the second decade of the 21 st century. Its authors represent eight countries and many disciplines including management, sociology, political science, and gender studies. The chapters, by top scholars in their areas of expertise, offer both reviews and empirical findings, and insights and challenges for further work. The chapters are organized in five sections: Histories and Philosophies; Organizing Work and the Gendered Organization; Embodiment; Globalization; and Diversity. Theoretical and conceptual developments at the cutting edge of the field are explicated and illustrated by the handbook's authors. Methods for conducting research into gender, work and organization are reviewed and assessed as well as illustrated in the work of several chapters. Efforts to produce greater gender equality in the workplace are covered in nearly every chapter, in terms of past successes and failures. Military organizations are presented as one of the difficult to change in regards to gender (with the result that women are marginalized in practice even when official policies and goals require their full inclusion). The role of the body/embodiment is emphasized in several chapters, with attention both to how organizations discipline bodies and how organizational members use their bodies to gain advantage. Particular attention is paid to sexuality in/and organizations, including sexual harassment, policies to alleviate bias, and the likelihood that future work will pay more attention to the body's presence and role in work and organizations. Many chapters also address "change efforts" that have been employed by individuals, groups, and organizations, including transnational ones such as the European Union, the United Nations, and so on. In addition to its value for teachers and students within this field, it also offers insights that would be of value to policy makers and practitioners who need to reflect on the latest thinking relating to gender at work and in organizations.

Work environments.
ISBN: 9783034607247 3034607245 3034615205 9783034615204 9783955530396 3955530396 9783920034379 Year: 2011 Publisher: Munich : Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH,

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Die Anforderungen an unsere Arbeitsräume haben sich in jüngster Zeit grundlegend verändert: Wechselnde Belegungsdichte und Raumnutzung fordern in gleicher Weise Flexibilität der Raumstrukturen wie neue Berufe und innovative Arbeitsmethoden. Digitalisierung unserer Arbeitsmedien beeinflusst dabei ebenso die Planung der Arbeitsräume wie neue Materialien und Gebäudetechnologien. Bei aller Fexibilität und Technik steht der Mensch aber im Mittelpunkt - wie lassen sich also die vielschichtigen Konzepte hinsichtlich Raumklima, Licht, Akustik und auch Ergonomie mit unterschiedlich nutzbaren Raumstrukturen in Einklang bringen? Entsprechend dem typologischen Ansatz der Reihe stellt dieser Im Detail-Titel die verschiedenen Arbeitswelten anhand deren Nutzung vor. Im Zentrum steht dabei immer das gelungene Zusammenspiel zwischen technischen Standards, organisatorischen Strukturen und den menschlichen Ansprüchen. The requirements confronting our workplaces have recently undergone a dramatic transformation. Constantly shifting workspace populations and varying uses of workspace call for flexible spatial structures, and so do new professions and innovative working methods. The plannung of workspaces is influenced by the digitalization of our storage media as well as by new materials and building technologies. And yet for all the importance of flexibility and technology, the ultimate focus is still on human beings. How, then can the multilayered concepts of indoor climate, lighting, acoustics, and ergonomics be reconciled with spatial structures that lend themselves to a variety of uses? In keeping with the typological approach of the series, this volume of the series In Detail presents the various work environments organized according to use. The focus throughout is on the successful interplay between technical standards, organizational structures, and human needs.


arbeidsplaatsen --- bouwprojecten --- Relation between energy and economics --- Architecture --- Building design --- 72.037 --- 725.2 --- 725.23 --- 747.523 --- 749.039 --- Architectuur ; werkruimtes ; werkomgevingen ; 21ste eeuw ; 2004-2010 --- Kantoorgebouwen ; bureaus ; typologiën ; ergonomie ; communicatieruimtes --- Architectenbureaus --- Showrooms --- Fabrieken --- architectuur --- interieurvormgeving --- kantoren --- fabrieken --- kantoorgebouwen --- 747.054 --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- Commerciële gebouwen --- Bedrijfsgebouwen --- Kantoorgebouwen (architectuur) --- Bureaugebouwen (architectuur) --- Kantoren (interieurarchitectuur) --- Bureaus (interieurarchitectuur) --- Kantoorgebouwen (interieurarchitectuur) --- Openbare gebouwen ; kantoorgebouwen --- Meubelkunst en design ; 2000 - 2050 --- Work environment --- Human factors. --- Design. --- Planning. --- Architecture -- Human factors. --- Work environment -- Design. --- Work environment -- Planning. --- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts --- Human factors --- Design --- Planning --- Climate, Workplace --- Environment, Work --- Places of work --- Work places --- Working conditions, Physical --- Working environment --- Workplace --- Workplace climate --- Workplace environment --- Worksite environment --- Environmental engineering --- Industrial engineering --- Human factors in architecture --- Human engineering --- Architecture and society --- Buildings --- Architecture - Human factors --- Work environment - Design --- Work environment - Planning --- Bureaux --- Milieu de travail --- Aménagement

Le harcèlement moral au travail : réponses psychosociales, organisationelles et cliniques
ISBN: 9782753512962 2753512965 Year: 2011 Publisher: [Rennes] : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Harassment --- Violence in the workplace --- Harcèlement --- Violence en milieu de travail --- BPB1109 --- Harcèlement moral --- Lieu de travail --- pracovisko --- radno mjesto --- workplace --- pracoviště --- työpaikka --- darbo vieta --- arbejdssted --- munkahely --- работно место --- радно место --- lugar de trabajo --- werkplek --- τόπος εργασίας --- local de trabalho --- vend pune --- luogo di lavoro --- darba vieta --- töökoht --- работно място --- post tax-xogħol --- arbetsplats --- loc de muncă --- delovno mesto --- Arbeitsstätte --- miejsce pracy --- ionad oibre --- Arbeitsort --- Arbeitsstelle --- Arbeitsplatz --- a munkavégzés helye --- centro de trabajo --- pszichikai zaklatás --- acoso moral --- психичко вознемирување --- assédio moral --- dręczenie psychiczne --- psihičko zlostavljanje --- psychologické obťažovanie --- морален тормоз --- psiholoģiska uzmākšanās --- psihično nasilje --- psychological harassment --- психичко злостављање --- molestie morali --- moraalne ahistamine --- ngacmim psikologjik --- ψυχολογική παρενόχληση --- psychologické obtěžování --- psichinė prievarta --- mobbning --- moraalinen häirintä --- hărțuire psihică --- psychologische intimidatie --- fastidju psikoloġiku --- Psychoterror --- mobning --- psychoteror --- molestie psicologiche --- mobbing --- деловна траума --- ngacmim moral --- заплашување на работното место --- acoso psicológico --- grupinis terorizavimas --- frikësim --- психолошки терор --- ārpusreglamenta attiecības --- šikana --- bullying --- hărțuire morală --- психолошка уцена --- bosing --- psykisk vold --- žmogaus terorizavimas --- moral harassment --- психолошки и морален терор на работното место --- psykologinen häirintä --- morālā uzmācība --- заплашување --- psychologické vydírání --- psichologinis terorizavimas --- понижување --- megfélemlítés --- Bullying --- kényszer --- морален терор --- psiholoģiskais terors --- психолошко насилство --- psühholoogiline ahistamine --- bulling --- морално вознемирување --- rrethim --- mobing --- morální obtěžování --- trakasserier --- psykiskt våld --- Mobbing --- įbauginimas --- fenyegetés --- erőszakos bűncselekmények --- harcèlement psychologique --- психичко малтретирање --- ciapadh síceolaíoch --- Harcèlement moral

CEO of me. : Creating a life that works in the flexible job age
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780132480581 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York Pearson

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You are the CEO of your life: you, and nobody else. You can establish the new rules that will help you achieve true balance between work and the rest of your life. And if you don't do it, nobody else will. Now is the time to take control, and this is the book that will get you there. CEO of Me is like no other work-life balance book you've ever seen: there are no cliches here, and no one-size-fits all solutions. Instead, Drs. Ellen Kossek and Brenda Lautsch help you identify which of six worklife patterns you fit into and how to move towards a pattern that's more productive and comfortable for you, one step at a time.


Work and family. --- Hours of labor, Flexible. --- working environment --- work-life balance --- personal development --- mental stress --- sviluppo personale --- persoonlijke ontwikkeling --- desenvolvimento pessoal --- dezvoltare personală --- προσωπική ανέλιξη --- personlig udvikling --- osobný rozvoj --- personiskā izaugsme --- личен развој --- лично развитие --- osobnostní rozvoj --- rozwój osobisty --- osebnostni razvoj --- żvilupp personali --- zhvillim personal --- osobni razvoj --- persönliche Entwicklung --- лични развој --- asmeninis tobulėjimas --- individuaalne areng --- personlig utveckling --- henkilökohtainen kehitys --- desarrollo personal --- développement personnel --- személyi fejlődés --- rozvoj osobnostních kvalit --- żvilupp tal-personalità --- индивидуален развој --- osobnostní růst --- rozwój jednostki --- rozvoj jedince --- развој на карактерот --- desarrollo de la personalidad --- dezvoltarea individului --- rozvoj osobnosti --- persoonallisuuden kehittyminen --- sviluppo dell'individuo --- ontwikkeling van het individu --- ontwikkeling van de persoonlijkheid --- asmenybės tobulėjimas --- desenvolvimento do indivíduo --- indiviidi areng --- osobní rozvoj --- indivīda attīstība --- развој на личноста --- ανάπτυξη της προσωπικότητας --- développement de l'individu --- Entwicklung des Individuums --- desarrollo del individuo --- yksilön kehitys --- razvoj osebnosti --- żvilupp tal-individwu --- развој личности --- развитие на индивида --- asmens tobulėjimas --- развитие на личността --- a személyiség fejlesztése --- sviluppo della personalità --- personlighetsutveckling --- rozvoj jednotlivca --- Entwicklung des Einzelnen --- развој појединца --- růst osobnosti --- εξέλιξη που ατόμου --- isiksuse areng --- persoonallisuuden kehittäminen --- self-improvement --- развој на поединецот --- dezvoltare individuală --- rozwój osobowości --- персонален развој --- Persönlichkeitsentwicklung --- développement de la personnalité --- dezvoltarea personalității --- personlighedsudvikling --- henkilökohtainen kehittäminen --- personības attīstība --- razvoj posameznika --- desenvolvimento da personalidade --- yksilön kehittäminen --- vetpërmirësim --- equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal --- bilanċ bejn il-ħajja privata u x-xogħol --- equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata --- echilibru dintre viața profesională și cea privată --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe jetës --- usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja --- équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée --- równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym --- zosúladenie pracovného a súkromného života --- equilibrio entre vida privada y vida laboral --- balans tussen werk en privé --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyra --- рамнотежа работа-приватен живот --- sladění pracovního a soukromého života --- töö- ja eraelu tasakaal --- ravnoteža privatnog i poslovnog života --- a munka és a magánélet közötti egyensúly --- darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars --- cothromaíocht oibre is saoil --- Familie-Beruf --- balance mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv --- ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής --- balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv --- työ- ja yksityiselämän tasapaino --- равновесие между професионалния и личния живот --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeits-, Privat- und Familienleben --- darba un privātās dzīves apvienošana --- rovnováha mezi pracovním a soukromým životem --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe jetës private --- conciliazione della vita professionale con la vita privata --- darbo ir šeiminio gyvenimo derinimas --- bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Privatleben --- bilanċ bejn il-ħajja u x-xogħol --- bilanċ ħajja/xogħol --- équilibre vie privée-travail --- reconciliation of personal and working life --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo derinimas --- równowaga między pracą a życiem prywatnym --- balans tussen werk en gezin --- uskladitev delovnega in družinskega življenja --- a munka és a magánélet összeegyeztethetősége --- συνδυασμός επαγγελματικής και ιδιωτικής ζωής --- darba un ģimenes dzīves līdzsvars --- evenwicht tussen werk en privéleven --- evenwicht tussen werk en privé --- työ- ja perhe-elämän tasapaino --- töö- ja eraelu ühildamine --- a munka és a családi élet közötti egyensúly --- darba un ģimenes dzīves saskaņošana --- WLB --- darba un privātās dzīves saskaņošana --- godzenie pracy z życiem prywatnym --- zladenie súkromného a pracovného života --- munka–magánélet egyensúly --- ravnotežje med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem --- work-family balance --- conciliación entre la vida laboral y la vida familiar --- balans tussen werk en privéleven --- Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben --- conciliación entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar --- darbo ir šeiminio gyvenimo pusiausvyra --- työn ja perhe-elämän yhdistäminen --- rovnováha medzi prácou a rodinou --- połączenie życia zawodowego z osobistym --- työ- ja yksityiselämän yhteensovittaminen --- forening af arbejdsliv og familieliv --- équilibre travail-vie personnelle --- rikonċiljazzjoni bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata --- bilanċ bejn il-familja u x-xogħol --- a munka és a családi élet összeegyeztetése --- godzenie pracy z życiem rodzinnym --- conciliação da vida profissional e pessoal --- съчетаване на професионалния и семейния живот --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes punë dhe jetës private --- conciliação da vida profissional e privada --- work-life integration --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe familjes --- εξισορρόπηση του ιδιωτικού και του εργασιακού βίου --- equilibrio entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar --- balance between work and private life --- työ- ja yksityiselämän yhdistäminen --- rikonċiljazzjoni bejn ix-xogħol u l-familja --- balancing work and private life --- tasakaal töö- ja eraelu vahel --- equilíbrio entre vida profissional e privada --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes jetës private dhe asaj profesionale --- rovnováha mezi prací a rodinou --- conciliación entre la vida laboral y la vida privada --- рамнотежа меѓу работата и приватниот живот --- a munka és a magánélet összeegyeztetése --- darba un personiskās dzīves saskaņošana --- équilibre travail-vie privée --- työ- ja perhe-elämän yhteensovittaminen --- equilíbrio entre trabalho e família --- equilíbrio trabalho/vida pessoal --- concilierea vieții profesionale cu viața privată --- ισορροπία μεταξύ εργασίας και προσωπικής ζωής --- afstemming tussen werk en privé --- uravnoteženost poklicnega in družinskega življenja --- godzenie życia prywatnego z zawodowym --- équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée --- rovnováha medzi pracovným a súkromným životom --- ravnotežje med delom in zasebnim življenjem --- integrimi punë-jetë --- zladenie pracovného a rodinného života --- ekuilibri punë/jetë --- conciliation vie de famille-travail --- integração da vida profissional e familiar --- równowaga między pracą a życiem rodzinnym --- balancing work and family life --- conciliação da vida profissional e familiar --- équilibre travail-famille --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes punë dhe jetës familjare --- conciliation travail-famille --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit, Familie und Freizeit --- afstemming van werk en privé --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo suderinimas --- uskladitev dela in zasebnega življenja --- balans mellan yrkesliv och privatliv --- usklađenost poslovnog i privatnog života --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeits- und Privatleben --- equilibrio entre la vida laboral y la vida privada --- rovnováha medzi prácou a súkromím --- združevanje dela in prostega časa --- усогласување на професионалниот и приватниот живот --- työ- ja perhe-elämän yhdistäminen --- sladění pracovního a rodinného života --- equilibrio entre la vida profesional y la vida privada --- integrazzjoni tal-ħajja privata u x-xogħol --- balance mellem arbejdsliv og familieliv --- Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben --- forening af arbejdsliv og privatliv --- συνδυασμός επαγγελματικού και οικογενειακού βίου --- EPJ --- darba vide --- arbejdsmiljø --- работна средина --- ambiente di lavoro --- pracovné prostredie --- mediu de lucru --- arbetsmiljö --- radno okruženje --- ambjent tax-xogħol --- darbo aplinka --- εργασιακό περιβάλλον --- pracovní prostředí --- радно окружење --- Arbeitsumgebung --- milieu de travail --- środowisko pracy --- arbeidsomgeving --- delovno okolje --- munkakörnyezet --- entorno laboral --- работна среда --- mjedis pune --- työympäristö --- ambiente de trabalho --- töökeskkond --- mediu ocupațional --- medio profesional --- ambiente professionale --- berufliche Umgebung --- ammatillinen ympäristö --- mjedisi në punë --- prostredie na pracovisku --- Arbeitsumwelt --- επαγγελματικό περιβάλλον --- occupational environment --- ambiente de trabajo --- fagligt miljø --- Arbeitswelt --- yrkesmiljö --- Arbeitsmilieu --- medio laboral --- profesionālā vide --- ambiente lavorativo --- ametialane keskkond --- работно опкружување --- ambiente profissional --- munkahelyi környezet --- milieu professionnel --- професионална средина --- prostředí na pracovišti --- beroepsomgeving --- tension mentale --- stress mentali --- henkinen paine --- stres mendor --- psichinė įtampa --- psykisk spænding --- solicitare psihică --- психички стрес --- vaimne pinge --- стрес --- stres --- διανοητική ένταση --- Stress --- stress --- psychické vypětí --- tensione mentale --- stressz --- psiholoģiskais stress --- tensión psíquica --- mentale spanning --- psihički stres --- Streß --- duševní vypětí --- mental anspänning --- stresas --- работа под притисок --- mentális feszültség --- στρες --- душевна состојба --- psychická zátěž --- vypätie/stres --- tensão mental --- estado depressivo --- psykisk spänning --- stressi --- spriedze --- ansia --- υπερένταση --- psychický stress --- duševní zátěž --- estrés

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