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This is the second biennial volume reviewing the state-of-the-art on a wide variety of micro and macro health care management topics in the popular "Advances in Health Care Management" series. It proudly showcases reviews of both empirical and conceptual research in specific areas of health care management, including topics in three basic areas: reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care industry-specific topics, e.g., role of physicians; reviews of empirical and conceptual research on different types of health care organizations focusing on issues specific to such organizations or their segments of the health care industry, e.g., hospitals, managed care organizations; and, reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care organizations focusing on topics or variables which cover various sub-disciplines of management, e.g., organizational change or entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. New and established scholars discuss such topics within their expert area of research, as well as emerging themes and divergent views, giving their unique perspective on the directions that will help build theory and improve the practice of health care management.
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Theoretisch ist schon lange alles klar: Im modernen Klinikbetrieb werden im Interesse von Qualität und Effizienz alle medizinischen, logistischen und administrativen Prozesse mit Hilfe von Informationstechnologien dokumentiert, gelenkt und kontrolliert. Die Wirklichkeit sieht jedoch (noch) ganz anders aus. Trotz des verbreiteten Einsatzes umschriebener IT-Module, zum Beispiel im Labor oder beim Patienten-Monitoring, entspricht auch heute noch die Papier-basierte Dokumentation aller wichtigen Patientendaten dem Standard. IT-unterstützte Ressourcenplanung oder gar Steuerung medizinischer Prozess
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This volume is a collection of critical ideas relating organization science to both operations and accomplishments in the health care environment. A thematic guide for current leaders and practitioners, as well as health administration, business administration and organization development professors and students alike, this work pulls in a broad cross-section of perspectives on the important linkage of scholarship and practice with a solid global perspective. Covering key themes from culture, change, leadership, teams, IT and a systemic perspective of health care overall, it provides both practical insights and theoretical perspectives that will support immediate improvements and encourage longer term dialogue on how organization science can impact the delivery, structure and operations of health care systems globally. Advances in Health Care Management provides a forum for leading research on health care management with previous volumes providing reviews of the field, conference papers and research on selected topics including bioterrorism, international health care management, entrepreneurship, patient safety and nursing and health professional shortages.
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Nordisk Ministerråd iværksatte i 2007 projektet: Nordisk kvalitetsmåling i sundhedsvæsenet, der havde til formål i projektperioden 2007-2011 at udvikle og beskrive fællesnordiske kvalitetsindikatorer. Projektgruppen skulle udarbejde forslag til indikatorer, som kunne danne grundlag for registrering og monitorering af kvaliteten af sundhedsvæsenets ydelser i de nordiske lande indenfor psykiatrien. I rapporten præsenteres således alle kvalitetsindikatorer, der anvendes i de respektive nordiske lande indenfor i psykiatrien. Rapporten viser, at det på nogle områder er muligt at tilvejebringe data, som muliggør sammenligning på tværs af de nordiske lande, mens der på andre områder kun i beskedent omfang findes tilgængelige data. Dette indebærer, at der fortsat på en række områder er behov for at udvikle fællesnordiske indikatorer. Rapporten illustrerer, at der er behov for en betydelig indsats med henblik på at sikre datakvaliteten. Dette indebærer, at en række af resultaterne næppe er retvisende, dels fordi data opgøres forskelligt i de nordiske lande, og dels fordi data på visse områder kun findes i begrænset omfang. Rapporten dokumenterer, at der i de nordiske lande er et stort potentiale for måling og monitorering af kvaliteten af sundhedsvæsenets ydelser indenfor psykiatrien. Internationalt er dette område svagt belyst. I international sammenhæng er de nordiske lande således blandt de lande, der er nået længst med national kvalitetsmåling. Der er således næppe tvivl om, at de nordiske lande kan bidrage i betydeligt omfang til inspiration og samarbejde om kvalitetsmåling på grundlag af kvalitetsindikatorer indenfor psykiatrien på internationalt niveau.
Medical care. --- Health services administration. --- Public health.
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Maintaining a balance between managing and assessing risk and upholding the required high standards of practice in health and social care can be demanding, particularly in the current climate of increased preoccupation with the difficult tensions between rights, protection and risk-taking. Good Practice in Assessing Risk is a comprehensive guide to good practice for those working with risk, covering a wide variety of health, social care and criminal justice settings including child protection, mental health, work with sex offenders and work with victims of domestic violence. The contributors discuss a range of key issues relating to risk including positive risk-taking, collaborating with victims and practitioners in the design of assessment tools, resilience to risk, and defensibility. The book also explores the role of bureaucracy in hindering high quality professional practice, complex decision-making in situations of stress or potential blame, and involving service users in assessment. This book reflects the latest policy and practice within health, social care and criminal justice and will be an invaluable volume to all professionals working in these fields.--
Social service. --- Health services administration. --- Risk assessment. --- Risk management.
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Medical personnel --- Health care teams --- Health services administration
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Thoroughly revised and updated, this book offers a comprehensive resource for understanding information technology (IT) strategic planning and implementation within healthcare institutions. Filled with illustrations and case studies, the book is written for leaders and high-level managers in healthcare organizations. New to this edition are updated concepts and practices, more illustrative examples of strategy as well as updated industry data and technology examples. The book also contains news chapters on IT asset and IT-centric organizational attributes and value and offers learning objectiv.
Health services administration --- Strategic planning. --- Information technology --- Planning.
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Hauptbeschreibung The healthcare system of today's westernised civilisation holds a paradox: on the one hand, hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art-technology and well-educated staff working under best hygienic conditions is regarded standard. On the other hand, our healthcare system is ailing and cutbacks in capital spending, wages and personnel appear on the agenda. Accordingly, a more sophisticated approach that helps hospitals to work efficiently and effectively is needed. Among quality management tools, Lean is one suitable methodology that can help healthcare organisations o
Health services administration. --- Hospitals --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Total quality management. --- Administration.
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Small business leaders have more ability to influence the culture of their workplace than leaders of giant corporations.and they can do so more quickly and effectively, seeing positive results in a shorter amount of time. Yet the vast majority of small business leaders do not understand the transformational impact their leadership can have on the lives of the clients, staff, customers, patients and colleagues around them. Face to Face leadership is unique to small organizations. It is emotional and personal as well as being powerful and transformational. Learning to find your voice and how to
Small business --- Health services administration --- Leadership. --- Entrepreneurship --- Management. --- Vocational guidance.
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