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L'objectif principal de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs prédisposant aux TCA existants dans une population adolescente tout venant et, de comparer ces facteurs (et leurs combinaison et interactions) entre jeunes de famille migrante (principalement des jeunes de seconde génération) ou autochtone. La recherche a comme toile de fond les théories intégratives explorant le multi-déterminisme des troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA) et se penche sur les facteurs psychologiques, familiaux, et socioculturels, en interaction, plaçant certains jeunes à plus haut risque. Cette multifactorialité est abordée au travers de la perception du fonctionnement intra-familial (dynamique intra-familiale spécifique et emphase familiale sur l'image, le poids et la forme), de difficultés d'individuation, de problèmes d'estime de soi et corporelle, de l'internalisation des problèmes familiaux voire culturels ... L'échantillon étudié est composé d'une population mixte d'élèves de classes de 2ième à 5ième secondaire. Il existe des facteurs de risque communs aux adolescents migrants et autochtones, ainsi que certains facteurs individuels et familiaux qui différeraient entre les individus développant un TCA, selon qu'ils soient ou non issus de familles immigrées. La recherche souligne la nécessité pour les professionnels de l'aide d'apporter un soutien aux nombreuses personnes considérées à tort comme non à risque de TCA ou, dont les comportements alimentaires problématiques ne répondent pas actuellement aux critères diagnostiques de troubles cliniques de l'alimentation, mais qui font tout de même l'expérience d'une détresse considérable, autant qu'aux sujets cliniques.
Etiologie --- Approche comparative --- Adolescent --- Alimentation --- Immigration --- Etiologie --- Approche comparative --- Adolescent --- Alimentation --- Immigration
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Dementie vormt een ernstige uitdaging voor onze samenleving: het is momenteel nog altijd niet te genezen en de veroudering van de bevolking neemt toe. De aandacht voor het omgaan met dementie en het bevorderen van de levenskwaliteit van personen met dementie wordt hierdoor belangrijker. Momenteel overheerst het 'verliesmodel' in de beeldvorming, met diverse nuances, en dat heeft ingrijpende gevolgen voor de levenskwaliteit van personen met dementie. De negatieve blik van de rest van de samenleving wordt een deel van hun probleem. In dit onderzoek, in samenwerking met de KULeuven, wordt nagegaan hoe er een genuanceerder beeld van deze aandoeningen kan tot stand komen via het concept Framing. De onderzoekers inventariseerden de verklarende modellen voor dementie en gingen tevens na welke frames en counterframes over dementie in de media bestaan. Ze hebben onderzocht welke ideeën en opvattingen schuilgaan achter deze frames, hoe ze werden verwoord, verbeeld, wat er de morele basis van is en wat de gevolgen ervan zijn. Via opinie-onderzoek bij een representatieve staal van 1.000 Belgen werd ook nagegaan welke communicatieframes kunnen gebruikt worden opdat het groot publiek het thema beter kan begrijpen maar zich ook aangesproken voelt om anders te kijken naar dementie. Dit om de levenskwaliteit van betrokkenen te bevorderen en het taboe omtrent de bestaande beeldvorming te doorbreken
dementie --- imago --- Age group sociology --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- gerontologie --- sociale analyse --- media --- Alzheimer-ziekte --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- Academic collection --- 606.15 --- Alzheimerziekte --- communicatie --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Dementie --- Beeldvorming
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Maladies bactériennes --- Microbiologie moléculaire --- Bactéries pathogènes --- Relations hôte-parasite --- Virulence (microbiologie) --- Bacterial diseases --- Molecular microbiology. --- Bacteria --- Bacterial Infections --- Host-Parasite Interactions. --- Virulence. --- Pathogénicité --- Étiologie --- Prévention --- Pathogenesis. --- pathogenicity. --- etiology. --- prevention & control. --- Molecular microbiology --- Microorganisms --- Molecular bacteriology --- Microbiology --- Molecular biology --- Bacterial infections --- Communicable diseases --- Medical bacteriology --- Pathogenic bacteria --- Pathogenesis --- Molecular aspects --- Microbiologie moléculaire. --- Relations hôte-parasite. --- Pathogénicité. --- Étiologie. --- Prévention. --- Host Microbial Interactions --- pathogenicity --- etiology --- prevention & control --- Host Microbial Interactions. --- Maladies bactériennes --- Microbiologie moléculaire. --- Bactéries pathogènes --- Relations hôte-parasite. --- Pathogénicité. --- Étiologie. --- Prévention.
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Sperm DNA damage is common and has been associated with reduced rates of conception, impaired embryonic development and increased risk of miscarriage. Although the exact causes of sperm DNA damage are unknown, it is clear that infertile men possess substantially higher levels of sperm DNA damage than do fertile men. Written by leading, internationally renowned clinicians and basic scientists with expertise in sperm DNA, Sperm Chromatin: Biological and Clinical Applications in Male Infertility and Assisted Reproduction provides readers with a thoughtful and comprehensive review of the biological and clinical significance of sperm DNA damage. The work covers the fundamental principles of sperm chromatin architecture and function, the proposed modes of DNA damage and repair, the tests of sperm DNA damage, the clinical aspects of DNA damage and the impact of DNA damage on reproductive outcome. Unlike any other title on the topic, Sperm Chromatin: Biological and Clinical Applications in Male Infertility and Assisted Reproduction is an invaluable addition to the literature and will serve as an indispensable resource for basic scientists with an interest in sperm biology and for urologists, gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists, and embryologists working in the field of infertility.
embryologie (geneeskunde) --- histologie --- Histology. Cytology --- Pathological endocrinology --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- General embryology. Developmental biology --- perinatale sterfte --- obstetrie --- urologie --- endocrinologie --- cytologie --- Urology. Andrology --- Chromatin --- Spermatozoa --- Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly. --- DNA Damage --- Infertility, Male --- Chromatin. --- DNA damage. --- Chromatine --- Spermatozoïdes --- ADN --- Stérilité masculine --- pathology. --- physiology. --- etiology. --- Etiology --- Lésions --- Etiologie --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMEDEC SPRINGER-B --- Etiology.
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This work discusses healthy versus unhealthy alcohol consumption, describes the health benefits of consuming alcohol in moderation, and explains how alcohol influences the brain and body. Scientific research has clearly established that drinking in moderation has many health benefits, including maintaining a healthy heart. Yet, many people do not know that drinking red wine protects the heart more than white wine, while beer, margaritas, and hard liquor are less effective in providing such protection. And while alcoholism is a serious problem requiring medical and psychological treatment, for those who are not addicted, drinking alcohol is not necessarily a bad habit. The problem is to distinguish between drinking sensibly and drinking insensibly. The author clearly outlines what constitutes healthy drinking and its attendant health benefits, offers advice on how to drink responsibly, and provides insight into just how alcohol works on the brain and the body. Questions this book addresses include: What constitutes a safe drinking and what is excessive drinking; Understand how much drinking is safe before driving home; Why red wine is superior to other alcoholic beverages for protecting heart; Why underage drinking can cause severe brain damage; Why drinking during pregnancy is dangerous; Why heavy drinking can cause severe liver disease. After reading this book, readers will enjoy their next drink with a fuller and safer understanding of why they're enjoying it.
Alcohol --- Drinking of alcoholic beverages --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- Alcohol consumption --- Alcohol drinking --- Alcohol use --- Alcoholic beverage consumption --- Consumption of alcoholic beverages --- Drinking problem --- Liquor problem --- Social drinking --- Alcoholic beverages --- Alcoholism --- Temperance --- Physiological effect --- Psychological aspects --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Physiological aspects
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De groep angststoornissen staat sinds de komst van de DSM-III in 1980 hoog op de onderzoeksagenda van de psychiatrie en psychologie. Niet alleen werden afzonderlijk van elkaar ontwikkelde behandelmodaliteiten als de cognitieve gedragstherapie en behandeling met antidepressiva met elkaar in contact gebracht, vergeleken op effectiviteit en gecombineerd, ook kwam onderzoek naar de etiologie en preventie van angststoornissen op gang.De relevantie van het onderwerp staat buiten kijf: angststoornissen behoren samen met de depressieve stoornis en middelenafhankelijkheid tot de common mental disorders. De groep angststoornissen staat in de top 10 van ziekten met de grootste ziektelast en gaan gepaard met een hoge mate van zorggebruik.
epidemiologie --- angststoornissen --- etiologie --- Psychiatry --- emoties --- cognitieve therapie --- farmacotherapie --- mindfulness --- 616.89 --- #KVHB:Angst --- #KVHB:Cognitieve gedragstherapie --- psychopathologie --- 606.3 --- angst --- cognitieve gedragstherapie --- fobieën --- 606.329 --- Angst --- Cognitieve gedragstherapie --- Dwangneurose (obsessief-compulsieve stoornis) --- Fobie --- Hersenstimulatie --- Mindfulness --- Virtual reality exposure therapie --- Angststoornissen --- Psychopathologie --- psychopathologie, psychiatrische ziektekunde, neurosen, psychosen, oorlogssyndromen en verslavingsziekten --- Overige neurosen --- #KVHB:Angst. --- #KVHB:Cognitieve gedragstherapie. --- Angststoornissen. --- angst. --- angststoornissen. --- cognitieve gedragstherapie. --- fobieën. --- mindfulness. --- psychopathologie. --- Psychopathologie, psychiatrische ziektekunde, neurosen, psychosen, oorlogssyndromen en verslavingsziekten. --- Overige neurosen. --- Psychopathologie.
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Een man die in 2001 vijfentwintig jaar was en over een diploma hoger onderwijs beschikt, zal naar verwacht bijna 7 jaar langer leven dan een man van dezelfde leeftijd zonder diploma. In 1991 bedroeg het verschil slechts 5 jaar. In het afgelopen decennium zijn in België de sociale ongelijkheden qua levensverwachting dus sterk toegenomen. Dit is een van de vaststellingen die de auteurs beschrijven. De studies in het werk zijn verricht om sociale ongelijkheden in de gezondheidszorg beter te begrijpen en aanbevelingen voor het beleid te formuleren met als doel die ongelijkheden te verminderen. Immers, de gezondheid van mensen onderaan de sociale ladders verbeteren, zou substantieel bijdragen tot de gezondheid van de Belgische bevolking
Social stratification --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Belgium --- Medical policy --- Social aspects --- Gezondheidszorg --- België --- Ongelijkheden --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- #SBIB:314H284 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 313 --- 311.6 --- 351.2 --- 614 --- 316.34 --- 316.34 Sociale differentiatie. Sociale typologie. Sociale stratificatie --- Sociale differentiatie. Sociale typologie. Sociale stratificatie --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Demografie en sociale demografie --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën). --- Gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Openbare gezondheidszorg--(zie ook {351.84}) --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën) --- Gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Ongelijkheid
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"This compelling new account traces the origins and development of the most dramatic and destructive disease epidemic of modern times. Jacques Pepin looks back to the early twentieth-century events in Africa that triggered the emergence of HIV/AIDS and the subsequent evolution and transmission of the disease before it was first officially identified in 1981. The book focuses on the specific circumstances in Leopoldville, the capital of the Belgian Congo, where urbanization, the spread of prostitution, and medical interventions to control the incidence of tropical diseases interconnected to fuel the communication of HIV-1 in the 1960s, as the country struggled to adapt to its newfound independence. With a unique synthesis of historical, political and medical elements, this book adds a coherent and necessary historical perspective to recent molecular studies of the chronology of the HIV/AIDS pandemic"--Provided by publisher.
HIV infections --- AIDS (Disease) --- Emerging infectious diseases --- Aids (disease) --- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome --- Communicable diseases, emerging --- Disease vectors --- Hiv infections --- Hiv-1 --- History, 20th century --- History --- Etiology --- Pathogenicity --- Disease Vectors --- HIV-1 --- History, 20th Century --- HIV Infections --- Infections à VIH --- Maladies infectieuses émergentes --- Sida --- pathogenicity --- Pathogenesis --- Histoire --- Pathogenèse --- Etiologie --- HIV (Viruses) infections --- HTLV-III infections --- HTLV-III-LAV infections --- Human T-lymphotropic virus III infections --- Lentivirus infections --- Sexually transmitted diseases --- Emerging infections --- New infectious diseases --- Re-emerging infectious diseases --- Reemerging infectious diseases --- Communicable diseases --- HIV infections - Africa --- HIV infections - Etiology --- AIDS (Disease) - Africa --- Emerging infectious diseases - Africa --- Arts and Humanities --- Etiology.
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This is a supplementary text that is intended for courses in multicultural counselling/prejudice. The book provides a thorough overview of mental health and social class and how social class and classism affect mental health and seeking treatment.
Cross-cultural counseling. --- Social classes. --- Classism. --- Mental health --- Social service --- Sociology of social work --- Sociology --- Emotional health --- Mental hygiene --- Mental physiology and hygiene --- Happiness --- Health --- Public health --- Mental illness --- Psychiatry --- Psychology --- Psychology, Pathological --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Prejudices --- Social perception --- Social classes --- Class distinction --- Classes, Social --- Rank --- Caste --- Estates (Social orders) --- Social status --- Class consciousness --- Classism --- Social stratification --- Multicultural counseling --- Counseling --- Social aspects. --- Sociological aspects. --- Cross-cultural counseling --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- #SBIB:316.8H30 --- 316.34 --- 316.34 Sociale differentiatie. Sociale typologie. Sociale stratificatie --- Sociale differentiatie. Sociale typologie. Sociale stratificatie --- Social aspects --- Sociological aspects --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Professies en methoden in het welzijnswerk: sociaal werk, vrijwilligerswerk, hulpverleningsmethoden …
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Chronic Disease --- Cost of Illness --- Health Policy --- Risk Factors --- World Health --- Chronic diseases --- Maladies chroniques --- Epidemiology --- Prevention --- Epidemiologie --- Prévention --- Chronic Disease. --- Cost of Illness. --- Health Policy. --- Risk Factors. --- World Health. --- Chronische Krankheit. --- Gesundheitsforderung. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- Global health --- International health --- Public health --- Medical geography --- Health care policy --- Health policy --- Medical care --- Medicine and state --- Policy, Medical --- Public health policy --- State and medicine --- Science and state --- Social policy --- Diseases, Chronic --- NCDs (Noncommunicable diseases) --- Non-communicable diseases --- Non-infectious diseases --- Noncommunicable diseases --- Diseases --- Epidemiology. --- Prevention. --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- International cooperation --- Government policy --- Global Health. --- Prévention --- Chronische Krankheit --- Gesundheitsforderung --- Chronic diseases - Developing countries - Epidemiology --- Chronic diseases - Developing countries - Prevention
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