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Démocratisation de la culture --- Exclusion sociale --- Lutte contre
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L'angoisse d'être exclu, la hantise d'être débarqué, la peur de tomber, n'ont jamais imprimé aussi fortement nos vies. D'où vient ce sentiment de vulnérabilité et que peut-on en faire ? Au moment même où il semble nous priver de tout pouvoir, il nous fait reconnaître notre commune fragilité et l'irréductible humanité de ceux qui ont déjà été rejetés. Pouvons-nous élargir notre monde, l'ouvrir à d'autres alternatives de vie, devenir sensibles à la puissance d'agir propre à ces existences ? Il en va de notre capacité à vivre ensemble et à ne pas abandonner les plus faibles aux extrémismes, il en va aussi de notre possibilité de refuser un monde où l'inclusion des uns exige l'exclusion des autres.
Vulnerability (Psychology) --- Social justice --- Marginality, Social --- Exclusion, Social --- Philosophy --- Vulnérabilité (psychologie) --- Exclusion sociale --- Philosophie. --- Social justice - Philosophy
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Publikace Psychické deprivace v detství J. Langmeiera a Z. Matejcka zaznamenala ji po svém prvním vydání v r. 1963 znacný ohlas. Prulomová práce, ve které autori citují díla západních expertu i výsledky z vlastní praxe s ohroenými detmi, popisuje pojem psychické deprivace u detí v ústavní péci a nepríznivých rodinných pomerech. Metodologicky dukladné dílo se nezastavuje u odborného posouzení problému, ale klade do popredí zájmy dítete a humanistický prístup.Oba autori se u nás významne zaslouili o to, aby se péce o oputené deti sestávala z vhodné kombinace péce ústavní a podporované péce rodinné ci pestounské. Ovlivnili té zakládání prvních SOS detských vesnicek.Psychická deprivace v detství je stále doporucovanou základní literaturou pro studenty psychologie, pedagogiky a sociologie, ocení ji vak kadý, kdo se venuje problematice ohroených detí. Ctvrté vydání díla je opatreno predmluvou profesorky Vágnerové a aktualizovaným výberem literatury k tématu.
Psychology --- Social Sciences --- Parental deprivation. --- Social isolation. --- Exclusion, Social --- Isolation, Social --- Social exclusion --- Social psychology --- Alienation (Social psychology) --- Social distance --- Deprivation, Parental --- Deprivation (Psychology) --- Parent and child
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Urban poor --- Marginality, Social --- Pauvres en milieu urbain --- Exclusion sociale --- Quartiers pauvres --- France --- Pauvreté --- Pauvreté. --- Pauvreté.
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Marginality, Social --- Vocational guidance --- Youth --- Occupational training --- Exclusion sociale --- Orientation professionnelle --- Jeunesse --- Formation professionnelle --- Employment --- Travail
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"Social inclusion and exclusion are pervasive aspects of social life. Understanding when exclusion is legitimate or wrong reflects an understanding of morality. While there are times when exclusion is legitimate and fosters group functioning, there are also times when it reflects prejudicial biases and stereotypic expectations. How children weigh fairness and stereotypic expectations when making exclusion decisions is determined by their understanding of group norms, social identity, and friendships with children from other backgrounds. In our contemporary global society, few topics are as timely or pressing as exclusion. Children and Social Exclusion: Morality, Prejudice, and Group Identity delves deeply into the origins of prejudice and the emergence of morality to explain why children include some and exclude others and sheds light on the origins of stereotyping, prejudice, and social justice. By tackling these important issues from a global perspective, Children and Social Exclusion: Morality, Prejudice, and Group Identity illustrates how the concept of exclusion might be better understood in multiple cultures and reveals its implications in regions of conflict in the world"--
Social integration. --- Children. --- Group identity. --- Identity (Psychology) --- Prejudices. --- Intégration sociale. --- Exclusion sociale. --- Enfants. --- Identité collective.
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National news reports periodically proclaim that American life is lonelier than ever and generate considerable anxiety about the declining quality of American's social ties. This book challenges such concerns by asking a simple yet significant question: Have Americans' bonds with family and friends changed since the 1970's, and, if so, how? Noted sociologist Claude S. Fischer examines long-term trends in family ties and friendships and paints an insightful and ultimately reassuring portrait of Americans' personal relationships. This book analyzes forty years of survey research to address whether and how Americans' personal ties have changed- their involvement with relatives, the number of friends they have and their contacts with those friends, the amount of practical and emotional support they are able to count on, and how emotionally tied they feel to these relationships. The book shows that Americans today have fewer relatives than they did forty years ago and that formal gatherings have declined over the decades- at least partially as a result of later marriages and more women in the work force. Yet nether the overall quantity of personal relationships nor, more importantly, the quality of those relationships has diminished. Americans' contact with relatives and friends, as well as their feelings of emotional connectedness, has changed relatively little since the 1970's. Although Americans are marrying later and singly people feel lonely, few Americans report being socially isolated and the percentage who do has not really increased. The author maintains that this constancy testifies to the value Americans place on family and friends and to their willingness to adapt to changing circumstances in ways that sustain their social connections. With so many voices heralding the demise of personal relationships, it's no wonder that confusion on this topic abounds. An engrossing and accessible social history, this book brings a much-needed note of clarity to the discussion. Americans' personal ties, this book assures us, remain strong. -- Inside Cover
Communities --- Social interaction --- Social isolation --- Friendship --- Families --- Social networks --- Interpersonal relations --- Community --- Social groups --- Exclusion, Social --- Isolation, Social --- Social exclusion --- Social psychology --- Alienation (Social psychology) --- Social distance --- Affection --- Friendliness --- Conduct of life --- Love
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Establishing asylum seekers in the UK as a socially excluded group, this book provides readers with an understanding of how they experience the dispersal system and gives an insight into how this impacts on their lives.
Political refugees --- Marginality, Social --- Government policy --- Exclusion, Social --- Marginal peoples --- Social exclusion --- Social marginality --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Culture conflict --- Social isolation --- Sociology --- People with social disabilities --- Asylum seekers --- Refugees, Political --- Refugees
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Emergency housing --- Migrant labor --- Homeless persons --- Marginality, Social --- Social isolation --- Poverty --- Logement de secours --- Foyers de travailleurs migrants --- Sans-abri --- Exclusion sociale --- Isolement social --- Pauvreté --- Housing --- Logement
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Political sociology --- Marginality, Social --- Minorities --- Marginalité --- Minorités --- Social conditions --- Conditions sociales --- 814 Theorie van de internationale betrekkingen --- Marginalité --- Minorités --- Exclusion, Social --- Marginal peoples --- Social exclusion --- Social marginality --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Culture conflict --- Social isolation --- Sociology --- People with social disabilities --- Socioeconomic status
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