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The prospects of international trade regulation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1107221110 1139063847 1283118912 1139076248 9786613118912 1139083074 1139070525 1139078534 1139080806 0511792492 9781139078535 9781139080804 9781139080804 9781107004870 110700487X 9780511792496 9781107221116 9781139063845 9781283118910 9781139076241 6613118915 9781139083072 9781139070522 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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For a long time, the GATT led a life of its own as a self-contained regime. The evolution from tariff to non-tariff barriers brought about increasing overlaps with other regulatory areas. WTO rules increasingly interface with other areas of law and policy, including environmental protection, agricultural policies, labour standards, investment, human rights and regional integration. Against this backdrop, this book examines fragmentation in international trade regulation across a wide array of regulatory fields. To this end, it uses a conceptually coherent theoretical framework which is based on the effort to bring about greater coherence among different policy goals and fields, and thus to embed the multilateral trading system within the broader framework of international economics, law and relations. It will appeal to those interested in a forward-looking discussion of the most pressing issues of the international trade agenda.

Haiti : Request for Extension of the Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility: Staff Report.
ISBN: 146238997X 1283556448 9786613868893 1455284629 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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According to the fifth review of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement, the Haitian authorities remain committed to macroeconomic stability under the program. On completion of the fifth review of the PRGF, they requested a new three-year Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement to help sustain economic growth and to preserve macroeconomic stability. The IMF Board approved a three-year arrangement for Haiti under the PRGF. This will help ensure that endorsement of policy measures to preserve macroeconomic stability and sustain growth in Haiti can be undertaken before the current PRGF expires.

Regional Economic Outlook, April 2011, Asia and Pacific : Managing the Next Phase of Growth.
ISBN: 1616350628 1462367712 9786613848758 1455252255 1455233110 1283536307 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The April 2011 issue of the Regional Economic Outlook: Asia and Pacific focuses on the policy challenges of managing the next phase of growth after Asia's recovery from the global crisis. The analytical chapters discuss how capital flows to the region may affect the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the role of macroprudential measures in this context, the implications of the Asian supply chain for rebalancing growth across the region, and the policy challenges for Asian low-income and Pacific Island countries. Economic recovery in Asia as a whole has been rapid (8.3 percent in 2010) and fueled by both exports and domestic demand. Looking ahead, growth is expected to continue at a more moderate but also more sustainable pace in 2011 and 2012, led by China and India. Meanwhile, new risks to the outlook have emerged. The full human cost and impact on infrastructure of the mid-March earthquake and tsunami in Japan remain to be determined. The steady response of the Japanese government and people has helped to contain the effects of the disaster on production, but a risk remains of prolonged disruptions in production that could spill over to other Asian economies in the regional supply chain. Moreover, tensions in the Middle East and North Africa and related risk of further oil price spikes could disrupt global growth and affect Asian exports. Finally, pockets of overheating have emerged in Asia, as core inflation and credit growth have accelerated in several Asian economies. The need to tighten macroeconomic policy stances has become more pressing than it was six months ago.

The politics of international economic law
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1107220823 1139063731 1283112671 9786613112675 1139076116 1139078380 1139070371 1139080679 0511976836 1139082949 9781139078382 9780511976834 9781107003552 1107003555 9781107595712 9781107220829 9781139063739 9781283112673 6613112674 9781139076111 9781139070379 9781139080675 9781139082945 1107595711 9781107595712 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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"How do politics and international economic law interact with each other? Financial crises and shifts in global economic patterns have refocused our attention on how the fingerprints of the "visible hand" can be seen all over the institutions that underpin the rules of globalization. From trade and investment to finance, governments are under pressure to enforce, resist, and re-write international economic law. Lawyers have seldom given enough attention to the influence of politics on law, whereas political scientists have had an on-again, off-again fascination with how the law influences relations among states. This book leads the way toward filling this interdisciplinary gap, through a series of important studies written by leaders in the field on specific problems in international economic relations. The book demonstrates a variety of ways in which the international political-economic nexus may be researched and understood"--

The WTO Regime on Government Procurement
Authors: ---
ISBN: 113917973X 1107221587 1283378566 1139189476 9786613378569 1139188178 1139190776 1139183559 1139185861 0511977018 9781139188173 9781139190770 9781107006645 1107006643 9781107221581 9781283378567 9781139189477 6613378569 9781139183550 9781139185868 9780511977015 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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"Originally an important but relatively obscure plurilateral instrument, the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is now becoming a pillar of the WTO system as a result of important developments since the Uruguay Round. This collection examines the issues and challenges that this raises for the GPA, as well as future prospects for addressing government procurement at a multilateral level. Coverage includes issues relating to pending accessions to the GPA, particularly those of developing countries with a large state sector such as China; the revised (provisionally agreed) GPA text of 2006, including provisions on electronic procurement and Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries; and procurement provisions in regional trade agreements and their significance for the multilateral system. Attention is also given to emerging issues, especially those concerning environmental, social and SME policy; competition law; and the implications of the recent economic crisis"--

Oil Shocks in a Global Perspective : Are they Really That Bad?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1463900155 1463901224 1283568969 9786613881410 1463901267 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Using a comprehensive global dataset, we outline stylized facts characterizing relationships between crude oil prices and macroeconomic developments across the world. Approaching the data from several angles, we find that the impact of higher oil prices on oil-importing economies is generally small: a 25 percent increase in oil prices typically causes GDP to fall by about half of one percent or less. While cross-country differences in impact are found to depend mainly on the relative size of oil imports, we also show that oil price shocks are not always costly for oil-importing countries: although higher oil prices increase the import bill, there are partly offsetting increases in external receipts. We provide a small open economy model illustrating the main transmission channels of oil shocks, and show how the recycling of petrodollars may mitigate the impact.

Assessing Systemic Trade Interconnectedness : An Empirical Approach
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1463974329 1463941528 1283560712 9786613873163 1463959249 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The paper focuses on systemically important jurisdictions in the global trade network, complementing recent IMF work on systemically important financial sectors. Using the IMF's Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) database and network analysis, the paper develops a framework for ranking jurisdictions based on trade size and trade interconnectedness indicators using data for 2000 and 2010. The results show a near perfect overlap between the top 25 systemically important trade and financial jurisdictions, suggesting that these ought to be the focus of risk-based surveillance on cross-border spillovers and contagion. In addition, a number of extensions to the approach are developed that can provide a better understanding of trade dynamics at the bilateral, regional, and global levels.

Do Fiscal Spillovers Matter?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1463911955 1463953283 1283553252 9786613865700 1463976909 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The paper assesses the impact of fiscal spillovers on growth in the context of a coordinated exit from crisis management policies. We find that despite potentially sizeable domestic effects from consolidation, aggregate negative spillovers to other countries are likely to be contained in 2011-2012 unless fiscal multipliers and/or imports elasticities are very large. Small and open European economies, however, will be substantially affected in any case. In contrast, the coordinated exit from fiscal stimulus will have limited direct effect on European peripheral countries since they are relatively closed, with the notable exception of Ireland.

External Sustainability of Oil-Producing Sub-Saharan African Countries
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1463987404 1463983468 1283561824 9786613874276 1463950667 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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In the extensive empirical work carried out across the IMF on oil-producing sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, the notion of "sustainability" is often directed toward fiscal policies, and, in particular, views on the "optimal" non-oil primary fiscal deficit. The bulk of this work does not, however, address external sustainability, which is a concern especially for those SSA oil producers operating under a fixed exchange rate regime. A couple of recent papers have extended the existing methodologies to assess external sustainability for some oil-producing countries but they do not focus on those in sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper, we bolster this empirical work by providing a range of estimates for the long-run external current external account balance for each of the SSA oil-producing countries, based on three widely used methodologies in the IMF. Our research strategy is to apply these models to the eight countries in the subregion - Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, and the Republic of Congo - using similar simplifying assumptions so that we are using the same lens to view how they do and do not differ.

How Does Trade Evolve in the Aftermath of Financial Crises?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1462361773 1455239763 128356016X 9786613872616 1455214906 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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We analyze trade dynamics following past episodes of financial crises. Using an augmented gravity model and 179 crisis episodes from 1970-2009, we find that there is a sharp decline in a country’s imports in the year following a crisis-19 percent, on average-and this decline is persistent, with imports recovering to their gravity-predicted levels only after 10 years. In contrast, exports of the crisis country are not adversely affected, and they remain close to the predicted level in both the short and medium-term.

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