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Flucht und Asyl in europäischen Migrationsregimen : Metamorphosen einer umkämpften Kategorie am Beispiel der EU, Deutschlands und Polens
Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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In the Federal Republic of Germany the number of asylum seekers has fallen considerably in recent years. The recognition rate lies at around one percent. What has happened to the refugees? Are there no longer any reasons to apply for asylum? In order to find asylum seekers, one must look in the new EU member states on the external borders, and to the countries immediately beyond the borders: because of regulations about jurisdiction, more and more refugees become stranded on the edges of the EU and can only reach other European target countries by irregular means. The study shows, using Germany and Poland as examples, how the significance of asylum law has changed over the last 20 years, how this change can be explained, and how it relates to migrants' strategies. Inthis manner the study offers new insight into the field of asylum policy in three respects: on the one hand, asylum policy is analysed in the context of category construction related to migration policy. In this way the significance of the categorization and hierarchization of 'desirable and 'undesirable' migrants as a central component of 'migration management' is revealed. On the other hand, the two studies of individual countries provide an extensive picture of asylum policy in Germany and Poland. By embedding the two case studies in developments at EU level, and relating them to each other, the study offers a new and comprehensive insight into the dynamics which have determined the changes in the European asylum regime in the last two decades.

Flucht und Asyl in europäischen Migrationsregimen : Metamorphosen einer umkämpften Kategorie am Beispiel der EU, Deutschlands und Polens
Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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In the Federal Republic of Germany the number of asylum seekers has fallen considerably in recent years. The recognition rate lies at around one percent. What has happened to the refugees? Are there no longer any reasons to apply for asylum? In order to find asylum seekers, one must look in the new EU member states on the external borders, and to the countries immediately beyond the borders: because of regulations about jurisdiction, more and more refugees become stranded on the edges of the EU and can only reach other European target countries by irregular means. The study shows, using Germany and Poland as examples, how the significance of asylum law has changed over the last 20 years, how this change can be explained, and how it relates to migrants' strategies. Inthis manner the study offers new insight into the field of asylum policy in three respects: on the one hand, asylum policy is analysed in the context of category construction related to migration policy. In this way the significance of the categorization and hierarchization of 'desirable and 'undesirable' migrants as a central component of 'migration management' is revealed. On the other hand, the two studies of individual countries provide an extensive picture of asylum policy in Germany and Poland. By embedding the two case studies in developments at EU level, and relating them to each other, the study offers a new and comprehensive insight into the dynamics which have determined the changes in the European asylum regime in the last two decades.

Flucht und Asyl in europäischen Migrationsregimen : Metamorphosen einer umkämpften Kategorie am Beispiel der EU, Deutschlands und Polens
Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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In the Federal Republic of Germany the number of asylum seekers has fallen considerably in recent years. The recognition rate lies at around one percent. What has happened to the refugees? Are there no longer any reasons to apply for asylum? In order to find asylum seekers, one must look in the new EU member states on the external borders, and to the countries immediately beyond the borders: because of regulations about jurisdiction, more and more refugees become stranded on the edges of the EU and can only reach other European target countries by irregular means. The study shows, using Germany and Poland as examples, how the significance of asylum law has changed over the last 20 years, how this change can be explained, and how it relates to migrants' strategies. Inthis manner the study offers new insight into the field of asylum policy in three respects: on the one hand, asylum policy is analysed in the context of category construction related to migration policy. In this way the significance of the categorization and hierarchization of 'desirable and 'undesirable' migrants as a central component of 'migration management' is revealed. On the other hand, the two studies of individual countries provide an extensive picture of asylum policy in Germany and Poland. By embedding the two case studies in developments at EU level, and relating them to each other, the study offers a new and comprehensive insight into the dynamics which have determined the changes in the European asylum regime in the last two decades.

Petitions to the Crown from English religious houses, c.1272-c.1485
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780907239727 0907239722 Year: 2010 Publisher: Woodbridge : Boydell,

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Der Schutz der Personlichkeit in Online-Medien : unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Weblogs, Meinungsforen und Onlinearchiven
ISSN: 05317312 ISBN: 9783631600436 3653001447 1299427170 Year: 2010 Volume: Bd. 5012 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang,

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Das Internet ist das Massenmedium Nummer eins. Es vereint in sich die tradierten Formen des Rundfunks, Film und Fernsehens und der klassischen Druckerzeugnisse. Alle Möglichkeiten von Verletzungen der Persönlichkeit, die bereits in diesen Medien auftraten und bekannt sind, finden sich gleichsam auch im Internet wieder, erhöht um dessen eigene spezifische Gefahren. Die technisch schnelle Verbreitung von Informationen an einen unüberschaubaren Nutzerkreis führt zu einer Kumulation von Risiken bei Persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzungen. Wie bei keinem anderen Medium liegen daher Nutzen und Risiko des Missbrauchs so nah beieinander. Unter dem Deckmantel der Anonymität werden rechtlich geschützte Interessen Dritter auf Plattformen und Portalen, in Foren und Gästebüchern von Websites beeinträchtigt. Wegen der globalen Umlauffähigkeit von Informationen und Daten erhöht sich die Anzahl von Verletzungen der Persönlichkeit sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ. Dem Schutz der Persönlichkeit kommt somit aktuellere Bedeutung denn je zu. Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über den Schutz der Persönlichkeit im Internet. Es wird insbesondere untersucht, welche konkreten Verletzungsarten als möglich erscheinen, welche rechtlichen Schutzinstrumente in Betracht kommen und in welchen Spannungsverhältnissen diese zu kollidierenden Rechten Dritter stehen. Dabei werden gerade die klassischen zivilrechtlichen Rechtsbehelfe auf ihre Anwendbarkeit und Tauglichkeit im Onlinebereich geprüft.

The meaning of property : freedom, community, and the legal imagination.
ISBN: 9780300115451 Year: 2010 Publisher: New Haven Yale University Press

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Asylum, welfare and the cosmopolitan ideal : a sociology of rights
ISBN: 9780415497732 0415497736 Year: 2010 Publisher: Abington: Routledge,

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Privacy : an overview of federal law governing wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping
ISBN: 1536113824 9781536113822 9781607416548 1607416549 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York : Nova Science Publishers,

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EU immigration and asylum law : commentary on EU regulations and directives
ISBN: 9781849460750 1849460752 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oxford: Hart,

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Biometrics, privacy, progress, and government
ISBN: 1613242131 9781613242131 9781607410980 1607410982 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York

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