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Representações do senado romano na Ab Urbe Condita Libri de Tito Lívio : livros 21-30
Year: 2010 Publisher: São Paulo, Brazil : Editora UNESP,

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This book deals with the representations of Tito Lívio, Roman historian of the end of the first century BC, about the Senate of Rome. Representations as symbolic references, values, beliefs and worldviews of historically positioned individuals are commonly designed in texts and cultural artifacts that are intended to assist in the establishment of consensus and norms of conduct in a given society. In this sense, the book focuses on the opinions of the Roman author, inscribed in his Ab Urbe Condita Libri (Since the Beginning of the City), on the most influential institution in the Republic, the one that most needed to adapt to the new political situation of the Principality, at the time in which power was centralized by Otávio Augusto, first Princeps- Roman Emperor, great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar.

Penser la politique : enjeux et défis contemporains
ISSN: 17786584 ISBN: 9782724611809 2724611802 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : Les Presses de Sciences Po,

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Arbitrer les différends, caractérisés par la difficile conjugaison des contraires - morale et politique, - égalité et différence, vérité et relativité - oblige à considérer le conflit des valeurs et la pluralité des opinions. Apprécier ce qu'il est juste de tolérer ou d'exiger selon les contextes requiert un dialogue entre la compréhension formelle des phénomènes politiques et la manière dont ils sont interprétés, mis en oeuvre, traduits, contestés par les citoyens. Admettre qu'il n'y a pas de vérité en politique, et pas davantage de consensus sur la manière de la comprendre, demande une attention soutenue aux exigences d'égalité, de liberté et de justice. L'auteur propose de guider la délibération sur un certain nombre d'enjeux publics contemporains, par la maîtrise des outils ou des approches théoriques, et de se repérer dans un univers qui repose, aussi, sur la tradition cachée. Nombre d'idées nous paraissant innovantes ou même révolutionnaires ont été élaborées par les penseurs de jadis, avec d'autres mots, sous une autre forme. Mais comment ? Que retenons-nous des Anciens, des penseurs chrétiens ? Que devons-nous aux premiers sociologues des institutions politiques, aux philosophes de l'État ? Comment passe-t-on de l'État-nation à un ensemble cosmopolitique, de la guerre à la paix ? Quelle conception de la justice permet de penser de justes inégalités, une redistribution équitable, la reconnaissance des individus ? Comment enfin juger de l'avenir de la démocratie ? Le projet d'égalité équitable esquissé dans ce livre s'inscrit dans les grands débats politiques actuels, accompagné par les philosophes qui s'engagent volontiers en politique.

Eine Typologie der Formen der Begriffsgeschichte
Authors: ---
ISSN: 16174399 ISBN: 9783787319176 3787319174 Year: 2010 Volume: 7 Publisher: Hamburg: Meiner,

The propriety of liberty : persons, passions and judgement in modern political thought
ISBN: 9780691143132 0691143137 1282821113 1400836840 9786612821110 9781282821118 9781400836840 Year: 2010 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton University Press,

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In this book, Duncan Kelly excavates, from the history of modern political thought, a largely forgotten claim about liberty as a form of propriety. By rethinking the intellectual and historical foundations of modern accounts of freedom, he brings into focus how this major vision of liberty developed between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries. In his framework, celebrated political writers, including John Locke, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and Thomas Hill Green pursue the claim that freedom is best understood as a form of responsible agency or propriety, and they do so by reconciling key moral and philosophical claims with classical and contemporary political theory. Their approach broadly assumes that only those persons who appropriately regulate their conduct can be thought of as free and responsible. At the same time, however, they recognize that such internal forms of self-propriety must be judged within the wider context of social and political life. Kelly shows how the intellectual and practical demands of such a synthesis require these great writers to consider freedom as part of a broader set of arguments about the nature of personhood, the potentially irrational impact of the passions, and the obstinate problems of individual and political judgement. By exploring these relationships, The Propriety of Liberty not only revises the intellectual history of modern political thought, but also sheds light on contemporary debates about freedom and agency.

Viaggio e politica : V Giornata di studio Figure dello spazio, politica e società, Firenze, 23/24 febbraio 2006
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After the books on "La politica e gli spazi politici", "Metafore dello spazio", "Gli spazi immaginati", "Spazi e politica nella modernità tecnologica", this notebook continues the series devoted to illustrating the results of an interdisciplinary study group fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled "Figure dello spazio, politica e società", and aimed at exploring major political and social issues from the aspect of spaces and their production. Devoted to "Viaggio e politica" it seeks to probe the complex manner in which ideas, theories and models have been shaped over the history of political thought in relation to the journey in its spatial and physical, but also symbolic and imaginary, dimension. It is conceived as a moment of encounter and even clash with reality, problems, 'other' mentalities, and with formation, knowledge and transformation. Appendix: Tavole di Zwinger riprodotte nell'intervento di Lucia Felici, "La Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: un osservatorio cinquecentesco della città come spazio politico". Questo quaderno su Viaggio e politica continua la serie della Firenze University Press, nella quale sono finora usciti, a cura di Bruna Consarelli, "La politica e gli spazi" (2003), "Metafore dello spazio" (2004), "Gli spazi immaginati" (2005), "Spazi e politica nella modernità tecnologica" (2006). La serie è dedicata ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare, promosso da Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina e Bruna Consarelli, docenti di Storia delle dottrine politiche, intitolato "Figure dello spazio, politica e società", con l'obiettivo di indagare i grandi temi politici e sociali dell'età moderna e contemporanea, dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione. "Viaggio e politica" presenta le complesse modalità con cui idee, dottrine, modelli si sono venuti configurando nella storia del pensiero politico rispetto al viaggio nella sua dimensione spaziale e fisica, ma anche simbolica e immaginaria, come momento di formazione, conoscenza e trasformazione nel confronto con realtà, problemi e mentalità 'altri'. Appendice: Tavole di Zwinger riprodotte nell'intervento di Lucia Felici, "La Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: un osservatorio cinquecentesco della città come spazio politico"

The foreign policy of Lyndon B. Johnson
ISBN: 0748686819 0748652698 1282899848 9786612899843 0748643281 9780748643288 9781282899841 9780748640133 0748640134 9780748649013 0748649018 Year: 2010 Publisher: Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press

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This book will offer a fresh up-to-date balanced overview of Johnson's policies across a range of theatres and issues with the aim of generating a proper understanding of his successes and failures in foreign policy.

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