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Enginyeria biomèdica --- Robòtica en medicina --- Rehabilitació mèdica --- Innovacions tecnològiques
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Tissue engineering --- Tissue culture --- Génie tissulaire --- Tissus (Histologie) --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Culture --- Tissue Engineering. --- Tissue engineering. --- Engineering, Tissue --- stem cells --- progenitor cells --- Histology. --- Biological Engineering. --- Tissues --- Tissues. --- Biomedical engineering --- Regenerative medicine --- Histology --- Organs (Anatomy) --- Organ Culture Techniques --- Tissue Expansion --- Regenerative Medicine --- Guided Tissue Regeneration --- Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy --- General biochemistry --- Medicina regenerativa. --- Enginyeria de teixits --- Enginyeria biomèdica. --- Enginyeria clínica --- Enginyeria mèdica --- Bioenginyeria --- Biofísica --- Enginyeria --- Medicina --- Electrònica mèdica --- Materials biomèdics --- Aparells i instruments mèdics --- Enginyeria tisular --- Reconstrucció d'òrgans --- Reconstrucció de teixits --- Cultiu de teixits --- Enginyeria biomèdica --- Medicina regenerativa --- Regeneració (Biologia) --- Microphysiological Systems
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Applied science
Arts, Useful
Science, Applied
Useful arts
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Cardiovascular system --- Cardiology. --- Biomedical Engineering. --- Biomedical Technology. --- Cardiovascular system. --- Diseases --- Diagnosis --- Treatment --- Diagnosis. --- Treatment. --- Circulatory system --- Vascular system --- Biomedical Technologies --- Technology, Biomedical --- Technology, Health --- Technology, Health Care --- Health Care Technology --- Health Technology --- Engineering, Biomedical --- Clinical Engineering --- Engineering, Clinical --- Blood --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Biomedical Engineering --- Medical Informatics --- Biomedical Technology --- Circulation --- Engineering --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Terapèutica --- Enginyeria biomèdica --- Malalties cardiovasculars. --- Terapèutica. --- Enginyeria biomèdica.
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Power resources --- Environmental engineering --- Technique de l'environnement --- Environmental aspects --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Environmental engineering. --- Environmental aspects. --- Environmental control --- Environmental effects --- Environmental stresses --- Energy --- Energy resources --- Power supply --- energy engineering --- environmental engineering --- Engineering --- Environmental health --- Environmental protection --- Pollution --- Sustainable engineering --- Natural resources --- Energy harvesting --- Energy industries --- Mechanical Engineering - General --- Relation between energy and economics --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Fonts d'energia --- Enginyeria ambiental --- Fonts d'energia. --- Enginyeria ambiental.
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Engineering sciences. Technology --- Smart materials --- Nanotechnology --- Matériaux intelligents --- Nanotechnologie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Nanotechnology. --- Smart materials. --- Engineering --- Civil Engineering --- Adaptive materials --- Intelligent materials --- Sense-able materials --- Molecular technology --- Nanoscale technology --- nanocomposites --- nanotechnology --- energy harvesting --- bio-inspired materials --- structures --- Materials --- High technology --- Nanociència. --- Materials. --- Materials Science --- Materials en la indústria --- Materials en l'enginyeria --- Materials industrials --- Disseny d'enginyeria --- Conservació de materials --- Geomaterials --- Materials biomèdics --- Materials compostos --- Materials estratègics --- Materials granulars --- Materials inhomogenis --- Materials intel·ligents --- Materials làser --- Materials no-metàl·lics --- Materials òptics --- Materials porosos --- Microestructura --- Poliment i acabat --- Revestiments --- Fabricació --- Nanociències --- Ciència --- Nanoquímica
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Metals in the earth's crust are very unevenly distributed and, traditionally, a small number of ore deposits, districts or countries have dominated the world supply and have influenced commodity prices. The importance of exceptionally large, or rich, deposits has greatly increased in the age of globalization when a small number of international corporations dominate the metals market, based on few very large ore deposits, practically anywhere in the world. Search for giant orebodies thus drives the exploration industry: not only the in-house teams of large internationals, but also hundreds of junior companies hoping to sell their significant discoveries to the "big boys". Geological characteristics of giant metallic deposits and their setting and the politico-economic constraints of access to and exploitation in prospective areas have been a "hot topic" in the past fifteen years, but the knowledge generated and published has been one-sided, scattered and fragmented. This is the first comprehensive book on the subject that provides body of solid facts rather than rapidly changing theories, written by author of the Empirical Metallogeny book series and founder of the Data Metallogenica visual knowledge system on mineral deposits of the world, who has had an almost 40 years long international academic and industrial experience. The book will provide abundant material for comparative research in metallogeny, practical information for the explorationists as to where to look for the "elephants", and some inspiration for commodity investors.
Rocks. Minerals --- Geology. Earth sciences --- Mining industry --- mineralogie --- economie --- mijnbouw --- geologie --- Geologia econòmica. --- Enginyeria geotècnica --- Mines. --- Mineral resources. --- Economic geology. --- Mineralogy. --- Geology. --- Geotechnical engineering. --- Mineral Resources. --- Economic Geology. --- Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences. --- Physical geology --- Crystallography --- Minerals --- Engineering, Geotechnical --- Geotechnics --- Geotechnology --- Engineering geology --- Geognosy --- Geoscience --- Earth sciences --- Natural history --- Deposits, Mineral --- Mineral deposits --- Mineral resources --- Mines and mining --- Mining --- Natural resources --- Geology, Economic --- Economic geology --- Mines and mineral resources --- Mineria --- Mines i recursos miners --- Recursos minerals --- Recursos miners --- Regions mineres --- Geologia econòmica --- Menes --- Recursos naturals --- Geotècnia --- Geotecnologia --- Enginyeria geològica --- Metals. --- Ore deposits.
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Engineering --- Quality Engineering --- Systems engineering --- Quality assurance --- Quality assurance. --- Systems engineering. --- engineering --- computertechnieken --- computer techniques --- materialen --- materials --- kwaliteitscontroles --- quality controls --- veiligheid --- safety --- risicovermindering --- risk reduction --- regeltechniek --- control engineering --- operating systems --- materiaalkunde --- materials science --- risicobeheersing --- risk management --- Engineering (General) --- Techniek (algemeen) --- Engineering systems --- System engineering --- Industrial engineering --- System analysis --- Quality control --- Design and construction --- Ingénierie des systèmes --- Assurance qualité --- Fiabilitat (Enginyeria) --- Ingénierie des systèmes --- Assurance qualité
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Amino acids --- Amino Acids. --- Amino acids. --- Acids, Amino --- Amino compounds --- Organic acids --- Peptides --- aminozuren --- Biochemistry --- Amino Acid --- Acid, Amino --- Bioquímica. --- Aminoàcids. --- Àcids aminats --- Àcid glutàmic --- Aminoàcids essencials --- Aminoàcids sulfurosos --- Cisteïna --- Glutamina --- Protamines --- Química biològica --- Química fisiològica --- Biologia --- Medicina --- Química --- Absorció (Fisiologia) --- Anàlisi enzimàtica --- Biodegradació --- Biodisponibilitat --- Bioelectroquímica --- Bioenergètica --- Biogeoquímica --- Biologia molecular --- Bioquímica analítica --- Bioquímica clínica --- Bioquímica física --- Bioquímica quàntica --- Biosíntesi --- Centres actius (Bioquímica) --- Citoquímica --- Composició del cos humà --- Cromatografia --- Digestió --- Enginyeria bioquímica --- Enzimologia --- Equilibri àcid-base --- Fitoquímica --- Fixació de proteïnes --- Genètica bioquímica --- Immunoquímica --- Interfícies biològiques --- Lípids --- Lligands (Bioquímica) --- Marcadors bioquímics --- Metabolisme --- Minerals en l'organisme --- Neuroquímica --- Oxidació fisiològica --- Pigments (Biologia) --- Química biorgànica --- Química clínica --- Química microbiològica --- Quimiotaxi --- Quimiotaxonomia --- Toxicologia bioquímica --- Xenobiòtics --- Histoquímica
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