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Crisis and Recovery : Role of the Exchange Rate Regime in Emerging Market Countries
ISBN: 1462351697 1455219398 1283557746 9786613870193 145521034X Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper examines the role of the exchange rate regime in explaining how emerging market economies fared in the recent global financial crisis, particularly in terms of output losses and growth resilience. After controlling for regime switches during the crisis, using alternative definitions for pegs, and taking account of other likely determinants, we find that the growth performance for pegs was not different from that of floats during the crisis. For the recovery period 2010-11, pegs appear to be faring worse, with growth recovering more slowly than floats. These results suggest an asymmetric effect of the regime during and recovering from the crisis. We also find that proxies of the trade and financial channels are important determinants of growth performance during the crisis, while only the trade channel appears important for the recovery thus far.

Guyana : Selected Issues.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462340334 1455212334 1283565943 9786613878397 1455213349 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The aim is to analyze the main channels of transmission for shocks from the global economy to Guyana and assess their specific spillover magnitudes. The paper documents the transmission channels of external shocks to the real economy and the financial sector, citing magnitudes and risks. It then describes the policy response, including recent directions of monetary and fiscal policies to weather the spillover of external shocks on the domestic economy through the real and trade channel, and provides an outlook for the envisaged recovery of the global economy.

Reaching the MDGs : An Action Plan for Trade
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1462334032 1455250813 1455265349 9781462334032 9781455250813 9781455265343 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The actions proposed here focus on trade integration, substantially increasing exports of the poorest countries and helping them to meet the Millennium Development Goals. As the foundation for these ambitions, we emphasize the role of a secure, open global trading environment—strengthened further by concluding the WTO Doha Round. From this base, the poorest countries also need better trade preferences from the advanced and major emerging market countries (EMs). Building the capacity to take advantage of trade opportunities will require support from the international community and policy reforms—such as to trade regimes—by the poorest countries themselves. The Fifteen Point Action Plan proposed here could increase annual exports of the least-developed countries (LDCs) by $10 billion or more, with additional benefits for other Low-Income Countries (LICs).

Assessing the Risk of Private Sector Debt Overhang in the Baltic Countries
ISBN: 1462329497 1455227463 1283569566 1455210420 9786613882011 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Between 2000 and 2007 nonfinancial private sector credit expanded rapidly in the Baltic countries, resulting in a non-negligible build-up of debt. Could this legacy debt hold back the economic recovery of the region? This paper analyzes the setting in each of the three countries and, with the help of an experimental Debt Overhang Index (DOI), draws tentative conclusions for domestic demand.

Monetary Transmission of Global Imbalances in Asian Countries
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462309321 1455245534 1283568543 9786613880994 1455285889 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The paper explores the linkages between the global and domestic monetary gaps, and estimates the effects of monetary gaps on output growth, inflation, and net saving rates using panel data for 20 Asian countries for 1980-2008. We find a significant pass-through of the global monetary gap to domestic monetary gaps, which in turn affect output growth and inflation, in individual emerging market and developing countries in Asia. Notably, we provide evidence that the global monetary condition is partly responsible for the current account surplus in Asia. We also draw implications for monetary policy coordination for global rebalancing.

International Capital Flows and Development : Financial Openness Matters
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1462324452 1455256722 1283551837 9786613864284 1455209937 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Does capital flow from rich to poor countries? We revisit the Lucas paradox and explore the role of capital account restrictions in shaping capital flows at various stages of economic development. We find that, when accounting for the degree of capital account openness, the prediction of the neoclassical theory is confirmed: less developed countries tend to experience net capital inflows and more developed countries tend to experience net capital outflows, conditional of various countries’ characteristics. The findings are driven by foreign direct investment, portfolio equity investment, and to some extent by loans to the private sector.

When and Why Worry About Real Exchange Rate Appreciation? The Missing Link Between Dutch Disease and Growth.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462307299 1455293210 1283553007 1455211540 9786613865458 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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We review the literature on Dutch disease, and document that shocks that trigger foreign exchange inflows (such as natural resource booms, surges in foreign aid, remittances, or capital inflows) appreciate the real exchange rate, generate factor reallocation, and reduce manufacturing output and net exports. We also observe that real exchange rate misalignment due to overvaluation and higher volatility of the real exchange rate lower growth. Regarding the effect of undervaluation of the exchange rate on economic growth, the evidence is mixed and inconclusive. However, there is no evidence in the literature that Dutch disease reduces overall economic growth. Policy responses should aim at adequately managing the boom and the risks associated with it.

Workers’ Remittances and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate : Theory and Evidence
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1462346642 1455245798 1283569736 1455243779 9786613882189 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper investigates the impact of workers’ remittances on equilibrium real exchange rates (ERER) in recipient economies. Using a small open economy model, it shows that standard "Dutch Disease" results of appreciation are substantially weakened or even overturned depending on: degree of openness; factor mobility between domestic sectors; counter cyclicality of remittances; the share of consumption in tradables; and the sensitivity of a country’s risk premium to remittance flows. Panel cointegration techniques on a large set of countries provide support for these analytical results, and show that ERER appreciation in response to sustained remittance flows tends to be quantitatively small.

Current Account Balance Estimates for Emerging Market Economies
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 146230933X 1452723818 1283555476 9786613867926 1451918887 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper uses a modified version of the methodology used by the IMF's Consultative Group on Exchange Rate Issues (CGER) to calculate equilibrium current account balances (or ?norms?) for a sample of 33 emerging market economies. We find that the fundamental determinants of the equilibrium current account balances are similar to those identified by the CGER using a sample that also comprises advanced economies. However, the fiscal balance has a considerably stronger impact on current account norms for emerging markets. This paper also offers estimates for the equilibrium current account balances of eleven smaller emerging market economies that are not currently included in the country sample used by the CGER.

Guinea-Bissau : Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries-Completion Point Document and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462314104 1455289183 1283553872 9786613866325 1455280119 Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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According to IMF and IDA authorities, Guinea-Bissau had met the requirements for reaching the decision point under the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. The authorities appreciated the country’s tremendous efforts to reestablish economic, social, and institutional stability. In view of this, in addition to debt relief agreed at the decision point under the Enhanced Initiative for HIPC, they also agreed to topping up assistance at the completion point.

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