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La santé publique comme projet politique et projet individuel
ISBN: 1412371139 Year: 2009 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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Les changements socio-culturels à Saint-Augustin : contribution à l'étude des isolats de la Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1412371244 Year: 2009 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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La révolte paysanne
ISBN: 1412372380 Year: 2009 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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A special safeguard mechanism for agricultural imports and the management of reform
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: [Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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"The records of traditional safeguard provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization provides useful information about how a special agricultural safeguard might be made effective. The success of existing safeguard or flexibility provisions to sustain long-run liberalization programs stems from their requiring objective, transparent, and participatory decisions on the application of the import restrictions they allow. The proposed special agricultural safeguard expands by arithmetic formula the bounds within which a Member may impose a new import restriction. Analysis reported here suggests that the formulas provide a poor guide for policy, indicating that they would frequently prescribe action that is not needed and fail to prescribe action when it would be appropriate. Analysis of the existing agricultural safeguard, to which the special agricultural safeguard is similar, indicates that it has functioned not as an allowance for occasional response to unusual situations but as an expansion of the limits Members have accepted through tariff bindings. To be useful, the special agricultural safeguard should do more than provide formulas for import restrictions. It should provide for objective and participatory processes that would bring forward relevant information and guide an objective and balanced accounting of the interests at play. "--World Bank web site.

Économie de la démocratie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2807348939 280417848X Year: 2009 Publisher: Brussels, Belgium : De Boeck Supérieur,

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Pourquoi vote-t-on, alors qu'il serait moins coûteux de rester chez soi ? Vote-t-on sincèrement, en fonction de ses idéaux, ou de façon stratégique, en essayant de faire entendre la voix des "petits candidats" ? Quels sont les facteurs qui affectent la couleur du bulletin que l'électeur glisse dans l'urne ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans le premier chapitre de cet ouvrage, qui fait le point sur les leçons de l'analyse économique contemporaine pour le fonctionnement de nos démocraties. Le deuxième chapitre de l'ouvrage s'intéresse aux "offreurs" de politiques: les partis politiques et les candidats aux élections. Comment s'effectue la sélection des candidats au sein des partis ? Les hommes politiques s'engagent-ils par vocation ou les motifs carriéristes sont-ils prédominants dans leurs choix ? Quelle est l'influence des médias sur le comportement des hommes politiques ? Enfin, une fois au pouvoir, comment se comportent les élus ? Vont-ils tenter d'imposer leurs priorités et leurs valeurs, ou vont-ils se concentrer sur un objectif de réélection, au prix de mesures opportunités? Et les élus locaux, au sein des collectivités territoriales, adoptent-ils le même type de comportement que les élus nationaux ? Toutes ces questions ont reçu des réponses de la part des spécialistes de l'économie politique, dont les auteurs présentent ici les résultats les plus récents.

A special safeguard mechanism for agricultural imports and the management of reform
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: [Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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"The records of traditional safeguard provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization provides useful information about how a special agricultural safeguard might be made effective. The success of existing safeguard or flexibility provisions to sustain long-run liberalization programs stems from their requiring objective, transparent, and participatory decisions on the application of the import restrictions they allow. The proposed special agricultural safeguard expands by arithmetic formula the bounds within which a Member may impose a new import restriction. Analysis reported here suggests that the formulas provide a poor guide for policy, indicating that they would frequently prescribe action that is not needed and fail to prescribe action when it would be appropriate. Analysis of the existing agricultural safeguard, to which the special agricultural safeguard is similar, indicates that it has functioned not as an allowance for occasional response to unusual situations but as an expansion of the limits Members have accepted through tariff bindings. To be useful, the special agricultural safeguard should do more than provide formulas for import restrictions. It should provide for objective and participatory processes that would bring forward relevant information and guide an objective and balanced accounting of the interests at play. "--World Bank web site.

Agrarstatistik der Provinz Westfalen 1750-1880
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3657767770 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Die deutsche Landwirtschaft erlebte im Verlauf des 19. Jahrhunderts eine eindrucksvolle Steigerung ihr-er Produktivität: Insgesamt wuchs die Agrarproduktion in der Zeit von 1800 bis 1850 um imposante 95 Prozent, von 1850 bis 1870 um weitere 79 Prozent und von 1871 bis 1900 noch einmal um 25 Prozent. Dieses Wachstum war verbunden mit tiefgreifenden Veränderungen: Die Anbauflächen wurden ausgedehnt, neue Kulturpflanzen und veredelte Tierrassen setzten sich durch, die Betriebe gingen nach und nach zur Produktion für den Markt über. Doch trotz dieser Ver-besserungen klagte die zeitgenössische landwirtschaftliche Literatur über Rückstand und Stagnation. Wie lässt sich dieser Widerspruch erklären? Welchen Beitrag leistete die ländliche Bevölkerung tatsächlich zum landwirtschaftlichen 'Fortschritt'? Wer diese und andere Fragen beantworten will, ist auf verlässliche Daten angewiesen. Mit der vorliegenden Agrarstatistik Westfalens für die Zeit vom Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts bis 1880 liegt nun ein Grundlagenwerk vor, das zur Klärung beiträgt. Es enthält bis-her überwiegend unveröffentlichtes Zahlenmaterial auf der Ebene einzelner weltlicher und geistlicher Herrschaften und ihrer Ver-waltungseinheiten vor 1815 sowie der preußischen Provinz Westfalen mit ihren Regierungsbezirken und Kreisen. Auch für Westfalen kann nun untersucht wer-den, wann die 'rationelle Landwirtschaft' Eingang in die ländlichen Betriebe gefunden hat und inwiefern eine Marktintegration bereits vor den Agrarreformen stattgefunden hat.

Tort law and economics.
ISBN: 9786612238918 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cheltenham Edward Elgar

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Torts --- Economic aspects

AIDS and dualism : Ethiopia's burden under rational expectations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: [Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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"An AIDS epidemic threatens Ethiopia with a long wave of premature adult mortality, and thus with an enduring setback to capital formation and economic growth. The authors develop a two-sector model with three overlapping generations and intersectorally mobile labor, in which young adults allocate resources under rational expectations. They calibrate the model to the demographic and economic data, and perform simulations for the period ending in 2100 under alternative assumptions about mortality with and without the epidemic. Although the epidemic does not bring about a catastrophic economic collapse, which is hardly possible in view of Ethiopia's poverty and high background adult mortality, it does cause a permanent, downward displacement of the path of output per head, amounting to 10 percent in 2100. An externally funded program to combat the disease is socially very profitable. "--World Bank web site.

Culture and economic explanation : economics in the US and Japan.
ISBN: 0415774799 0415780055 9780415774796 9780415780056 Year: 2009 Publisher: London Routledge

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