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Performance-Oriented Remedies in European Sale of Goods law
ISBN: 9781841138930 1841138932 Year: 2009 Volume: 10 Publisher: Oxford: Hart,

Contract II : general provisions, delivery of goods, package travel and payment services
ISBN: 9783866530249 9783866538733 3866538731 1282506374 9786612506376 3866530242 Year: 2009 Publisher: Munich: Sellier,

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The present volume is the second of a series. In addition to revising those parts of the ACQP which were published in the "Contract I" volume, it presents numerous new rules, in particular on remedies for non-performance and on certain specific situations or contracts such as delivery of goods, package travel and payment services. The work is particularly aimed at enriching the current controversial debate on the way forward for European contract and consumer law stimulated by the European Commission's Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights. The Acquis Principles include:- General rules formulated on the basis of existing EC law- An accompanying commentary, outlining the foundations in the Acquis- Definitions of core legal terms and a glossary on terminology The Acquis Group aims to reformulate the present patchwork of directives, regulations and judgments on EC private law as a coherent Restatement, the Acquis Principles (ACQP). These Principles present the current state of EC law in a structure which allows readers to identify commonalities, contradictions and gaps in the Acquis.

Le paiement

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Au sens des articles 1235 et suivants du Code civil, le paiement constitue le mode « normal » d’extinction des obligations. En droit, il consiste en l’exécution par le débiteur de la prestation mise à sa charge. Le paiement a donc une acception beaucoup plus large que dans le langage usuel. La pratique judiciaire est particulièrement révélatrice de la multiplicité et de la diversité des litiges liés à ce mode d’extinction des obligations. Cet ouvrage a pour objectifs : - de présenter l’état de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence à propos des règles relatives au paiement (principes et modalités – en ce compris les particularités liées au paiement électronique –, preuve, etc.) ; - d’examiner les sanctions applicables en cas d’inexécution ponctuelle par le débiteur de son obligation de payer, qu’il s’agisse d’un défaut ou d’un retard ; - de faire le point à propos de questions plus ciblées, telles que le paiement avec subrogation et les problèmes liés au paiement dans le cadre de procédures collectives (faillite, règlement collectif de dettes, …).

Force majeure and hardship under general contract principles : exemption for non-performance in international arbitration
ISBN: 9789041127921 9041127925 9041145419 Year: 2009 Volume: 18 Publisher: Austin (Tex.): Wolters Kluwer,

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Arbitration and award, International --- Export sales contracts --- Impossibility of performance --- Vis major (Civil law) --- 347.4 --- Act of God --- Force majeure --- Accident (Casus fortuitus) --- Contracts --- Extinguishment of debts --- Liability (Law) --- Frustration of contracts --- Supervening impossibility --- Discharge of contracts --- Performance (Law) --- Rebus sic stantibus clause --- Contracts, Export sales --- Export sales --- International sales --- Sales, Export --- Sales, International --- Sales --- Foreign sales corporations --- Commercial arbitration, International --- International arbitration and award --- International commercial arbitration --- Arbitration and award --- Conflict of laws --- 347.4 Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten --- Law and legislation --- Arbitration and award, International. --- Export sales contracts. --- Impossibility of performance. --- Vis major (Civil law). --- Arbitrage commercial international --- international commercial arbitration. --- starptautiskā tirdzniecības arbitrāža --- меѓународна трговска арбитража --- internationale Handelschiedsgerichtsbarkeit --- mednarodna trgovinska arbitraža --- διεθνής εμπορική διαιτησία --- arbitrazh tregtar ndërkombëtar --- arbitraj comercial internațional --- kansainvälinen kaupan välitysmenettely --- подсъдност на международен търговски съд --- rahvusvaheline kaubanduslik vahekohtumenetlus --- internationale arbitrage in handelsgeschillen --- međunarodna trgovačka arbitraža --- nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás --- arbitrage commercial international --- arbitragem comercial internacional --- arbitraje comercial internacional --- międzynarodowy arbitraż handlowy --- arbitrato commerciale internazionale --- international handelsvoldgift --- medzinárodná obchodná arbitráž --- mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž --- internationellt skiljedomsförfarande i handelstvister --- arbitraġġ kummerċjali internazzjonali --- међународна трговинска арбитража --- tarptautinis komercinis arbitražas --- mezinárodní obchodní smírčí řízení --- mezinárodní obchodní rozhodčí řízení --- eadráin tráchtála idirnáisiúnta

Trade policy flexibility and enforcement in the World Trade Organization
ISBN: 9780521761208 0521761204 9780511674570 9781107638181 0511674570 1107193664 0511739036 1107638186 9786612486470 0511674058 0511675240 0511673264 0511670710 1282486470 0511671997 9780511675249 9780511670718 9781107193666 9780511739033 9781282486478 6612486473 9780511674051 9780511671999 9780511673269 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an incomplete contract among sovereign countries. Trade policy flexibility mechanisms are designed to deal with contractual gaps, which are the inevitable consequence of this contractual incompleteness. Trade policy flexibility mechanisms are backed up by enforcement instruments which allow for punishment of illegal extra-contractual conduct. This book offers a legal and economic analysis of contractual escape and punishment in the WTO. It assesses the interrelation between contractual incompleteness, trade policy flexibility mechanisms, contract enforcement, and WTO Members' willingness to co-operate and to commit to trade liberalization. It contributes to the body of WTO scholarship by providing a systematic assessment of the weaknesses of the current regime of escape and punishment in the WTO, and the systemic implications that these weaknesses have for the international trading system, before offering a reform agenda that is concrete, politically realistic, and systemically viable.


Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Law of international organizations --- World Trade Organization --- Foreign trade regulation --- Arbitration (International law) --- Performance (Law) --- Economic aspects --- Economic aspects. --- World Trade Organization. --- Performance (Law). --- Mora (Civil law) --- Contracts --- Debtor and creditor --- Discharge of contracts --- Extinguishment of debts --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Arbitration, International --- International arbitration --- International political arbitration --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- International commissions of inquiry --- Jurisdiction (International law) --- Mediation, International --- Law and legislation --- Biśva Bāṇijya Saṃsthā --- Dėlkhiĭn Khudaldaany Baĭguullaga --- DTÖ --- Dünya Ticaret Örgütü --- Munaẓẓamat al-Tijārah al-ʻĀlamīyah --- O.M.C. --- OMC --- ʻOngkān Kānkhā Lōk --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Organización Mundial de Comercio --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Organizația Mondială de Comerț --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio --- Qaṅgkār Bāṇijjakamm Bibhab Lok --- Sāzmān-i Tijārat-i Jahānī --- Shi jie mao yi zu zhi --- SOT --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svitova orhanizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ torhivli --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Tổ chức thương mại thế giới --- Viśva Vyapāra Saṅgaṭhana --- Vsemirnai︠a︡ torgovai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- VTO --- W.T.O. --- Welthandelsorganisation --- World Trade Organisation --- WTO --- منظمة التجارة العالمية --- 世界貿易組織 --- 世界贸易组织 --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) --- Foreign trade regulation - Economic aspects --- Arbitration (International law) - Economic aspects --- Law --- General and Others --- Dispute resolution (Law)

Damages under the Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods.
ISBN: 9780195371864 0195371860 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York Oxford university press

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Breach of contract. --- Damages. --- Export sales contracts. --- United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- Breach of contract --- Damages --- Export sales contracts --- handel, internationaal --- handelspolitiek, internationaal --- handelsrecht --- Contracts, Export sales --- Export sales --- International sales --- Sales, Export --- Sales, International --- Sales --- Foreign sales corporations --- Injuries (Law) --- Measure of damages --- Accident law --- Compensation (Law) --- Obligations (Law) --- Personal injuries --- Set-off and counterclaim --- Torts --- Negligence --- Non-performance (Law) --- Contracts --- Discharge of contracts --- Law and legislation --- C.I.S.G. --- CISG --- Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías --- Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises --- Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- Convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili --- FN-konvensjonen om kontrakter for internasjonale løsørekjøp --- Forenede nationers konvention om aftaler om international løsørekøb --- Forenede nationers konvention om internationale køb --- International Sale of Goods Convention --- Kokusai buppin baibai keiyaku ni kansuru Kokuren jōyaku --- Kokusai tōitsu baibaihō --- Konvention der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii obʹedinennykh nat︠s︡iĭ o dogovorakh mezhdunarodnoĭ kupli-prodazhi tovarov --- Kukche mulpʻum maemae kyeyak e kwanhan UN hyŏpyak --- Lien ho kuo kuo chi huo wu hsiao shou ho tʻung kung yüeh (1980 April 11) --- U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- U.N. Convention on the International Sale of Goods --- Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf --- VN-Verdrag inzake de Internationale Koop van Roerende Lichamelijke Zaken --- Weense Koopverdrag --- Wiener UN-Kaufrechtskonvention --- Wīn baibai jōyaku --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah bi-shaʼn al-Bayʻ al-Dawlī lil-Baḍāʼiʻ --- Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşması --- Konvencija Ujedinjenih nacija o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe --- Úmluva OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží

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