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Die ökonomische Analyse und die wettbewerbspolitische Beurteilung von Kooperation und Fusion werden kontrovers diskutiert. In dieser Diskussion stellt die EU Kommission mit dem „More Economic Approach“ hohe Anforderungen an eine differenzierte Wettbewerbsanalyse. Jedoch fehlen robuste ökonomische Modelle zur Analyse der Marktwirkungen vertikaler und horizontaler Kooperationskonstellationen im Vergleich zur Fusion. Am Beispiel der Konsumgüterindustrie vergleicht diese Arbeit die Marktwirkungen von Kooperations- und Fusionskonstellationen und vertritt dabei einen ökonomischen Untersuchungsansatz, der struktur- und verhaltensorientierte Kriterien abwägt. Vor dem Hintergrund der Modellergebnisse werden Entscheidungen der EU Kommission und der US Federal Trade Commission kritisch diskutiert. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Juristen in privaten und öffentlichen Institutionen, die sich mit der Analyse und Bewertung der Wettbewerbswirkungen von Kooperation und Fusion beschäftigen, ebenso wie an Dozenten und Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit den Schwerpunkten Industrieökonomik, Wettbewerbspolitik sowie Corporate Development.
competition policy. --- merger. --- economic policy. --- European Commission. --- United States. --- economic analysis. --- Industrial Organization.
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This case study describes the experiences and draws lessons from varied business registration reform programs in economies in vastly different stages of development: Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Madagascar, and Malaysia. The case studies were written based on a desk study of reforms in each country discussed. Then, more detailed information was gathered by field?based researchers. In some cases, detail on the business registration process that was in place prior to implementation of reforms was unavailable. As such, data on the number of businesses registered and the time required to completed registration before and after the reforms cannot be compared and contrasted. This case study focuses on the attempts of the government of Estonia (GoE) to promote and implement reform of the business registration system to better suit the new economic framework that emerged in the country following Estonia's independence and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The purpose of this case study is to show that 1) business registration reform can be successful, regardless of the institution in charge of the reform process; and, 2) membership (or the prospect of membership) in international trade blocs or organizations such as the European Union (EU) can be a powerful trigger for business registration reforms.
Advisory Services --- Business Environment --- Business in Development --- Chambers of Commerce --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Courts --- Economic Development --- Hardware --- Information Technology --- Legal Framework --- Legal System --- Legislation --- Market Economy --- Private Sector Development
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This collection of case studies describes experiences and draws lessons from varied business registration reform programs in economies in vastly different stages of development: Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Madagascar, and Malaysia. Over the last twenty years, a number of countries have recognized the importance of smooth and efficient business start up procedures. A functioning business registration system is now viewed as an important regulatory requirement of any economy, and a predictable, transparent, and modern business registration system is acknowledged to help promote private sector growth and job generation. Business registration gives businesses formal status and formal operation in the marketplace. It is a dynamic process that impacts the life of its stakeholders, commercial counterparties, and employees by introducing new responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges.
Business Environment --- Business in Development --- Capacity Building --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Corporate Law --- Corporations --- Economic Development --- Information Technology --- Innovation --- Law and Development --- Law Enforcement --- Legal Framework --- Managers --- Marketing --- Private Sector Development --- Project Management
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This collection of case studies describes experiences and draws lessons from varied business registration reform programs in economies in vastly different stages of development: Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Madagascar, and Malaysia. Over the last twenty years, a number of countries have recognized the importance of smooth and efficient business start up procedures. A functioning business registration system is now viewed as an important regulatory requirement of any economy, and a predictable, transparent, and modern business registration system is acknowledged to help promote private sector growth and job generation. Business registration gives businesses formal status and formal operation in the marketplace. It is a dynamic process that impacts the life of its stakeholders, commercial counterparties, and employees by introducing new responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges.
Administrative & Regulatory Law --- Business Environment --- Business in Development --- Capacity Building --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Corporate Governance --- Corporate Law --- Corporations --- E-Business --- Economic Development --- Financial Management --- Globalization --- Hardware --- Human Resources --- Human Resources Management --- Information Technology --- Innovation --- Law and Development --- Legal Framework --- Managers --- Private Sector Development --- Project Management --- Regulatory Agencies --- Technical Assistance
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The report is organized as follows: the executive summary (I) pulls together all major conclusions and recommendations of the report. The following five sections then focus on key requirements of any successful regulatory reform program: (II) business regulation policy, (III) measurements and Targets, (IV) organization and procedures, (V) incentives for reform, and (VI) communication of results. Sections I-VI focuses on regulatory reform impacting directly on the private sector. The final section (VII) broadens the discussion and highlights potential benefits of further consolidating and integrating other regulatory reform efforts into a broader and coherent policy for regulatory quality and reform. Two annexes provide more details on two aspects of particular importance for the Danish regulatory reform program after 2010: measuring broader impacts of existing regulation, and regulatory advisory bodies.
Administrative & Regulatory Law --- Administrative Costs --- Advisory Services --- Business Environment --- Business Regulation --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Constitutional Law --- Cost-Benefit analysis --- Data analysis --- E-Government --- Enterprise Development & Reform --- Expenditures --- International Comparisons --- Law and Development --- Marketing --- Private Sector --- Private Sector Development --- Productivity --- Public Policy --- Quality Control --- Regulators --- Regulatory Agencies
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This case study focuses on the attempts of the government of Bulgaria (GoB) to promote and implement reform of the business registration system to better suit the new economic framework that emerged in the country following the collapse of communist rule. The uniqueness of the Bulgarian case is that there were two distinct stages of business registration reforms, which marked two separate periods in the sociopolitical development of Bulgaria: the transformation from planned to market economy and the accession of the country to the European Union (EU). This collection of case studies describes experiences and draws lessons from varied business registration reform programs in economies in vastly different stages of development: Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Madagascar, and Malaysia. The case studies were written based on a desk study of reforms in each country discussed. Then, more detailed information was gathered by field-based researchers. In some cases, detail on the business registration process that was in place prior to implementation of reforms was unavailable. As such, data on the number of businesses registered and the time required to completed registration before and after the reforms cannot be compared and contrasted. The partial success of the reform during the first year was a consequence of problems in four areas: lack of legislative will, insufficient financial support, inappropriate organizational structure of the new business registration agency, and weak human resource management. All of these problems delayed progress and had negative effects on the registration agency and the business community.
Access to Information --- Best Practices --- Business Environment --- Business in Development --- Capacity Building --- Charters --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Corporate Law --- Corporations --- Economic Development --- Enterprise Development & Reform --- Hardware --- Information Technology --- Law and Development --- Limited Liability Companies --- Market Economy --- Private Sector Development --- Regulatory Reform --- Trade Unions
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This report on Sudan's Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) provides a baseline assessment of challenges to productivity, diversification and inclusion. Chapter 1 describes some of the questions underlying the three issues of competitiveness, diversification and broad-based growth. Chapter 2 analyzes firm performance and competitiveness. Chapter 3 discusses markets and trust. Chapter 4 describes the role of the financial sector. Chapter 5 analyses the informal sector. Chapter 6 discusses the conflict-affected private sector development. Chapter 7 discusses regional inclusion, and Chapter 8 makes some preliminary conclusions and recommendations.
Accounting --- Agriculture --- Autonomy --- Banking Sector --- Business Environment --- Climate Change --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Debt --- Decentralization --- Deforestation --- Economic Development --- Economic Geography --- Economics --- Economies of Scale --- Electricity --- Employment --- Enterprise Development & Reform --- Enterprise Surveys --- Environment --- Environmental Economics & Policies --- Expenditures --- Export Development and Competitiveness --- Fair Competition --- Finance and Development --- Finance and Financial Sector Development --- Financial and Private Sector Development --- Financial Institutions --- Financial Sector --- Financial Services --- Fiscal Policy --- Fraud --- Free Press --- Gdp --- Global Economy --- Globalization --- Human Capital --- Industrialization --- Information Technology --- Infrastructure Services For Private Sector Development --- Innovation --- Insurance --- International Comparisons --- Labor Costs --- Labor Policies --- Legislation --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Marketing --- Migration --- Political Institutions --- Private Sector --- Private Sector Development --- Privatization --- Public Debt --- Regulation and Competition Policy --- Savings --- Skilled Workers --- Social Protections and Labor --- Telecommunications --- Total Factor Productivity --- Trade and Integration --- Trade Barriers --- Transaction Costs --- Transport --- Value Chains --- Wages
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One of the problems in discussing one-stop shops is that everyone seems to have a different idea of what one is. There have been one-stop shops since at least the 1920s, mostly in the retail trade, epitomized by the development of supermarkets and, in recent years, internet sales outlets. This book is about one particular type of service, namely, business registration, and the various one-stop shops that exist now and might exist in the future. If there is confusion about what constitutes a one-stop shop, there are also a variety of views about business registration. In some countries all businesses have to be registered, in others, only those companies with a legal existence separate from their owners. In some countries, registration is the responsibility of the courts; in others, it is an administrative function handled by a government ministry, semi-autonomous agency, or chamber of commerce. Registration may be a function of a central institution or may be affected at a local level. In all these areas, there is change when it comes to implementing a one-stop shop. It is hardly surprising therefore that there are many different views about what constitutes, or should constitute, a one-stop shop.
Accounting --- Administrative & Regulatory Law --- Advisory Services --- Business Development --- Business Development Services --- Business Environment --- Capital Requirements --- Chambers of Commerce --- Communications Technology --- Competitiveness and Competition Policy --- Corruption --- E-Business --- E-Government --- Economic Development --- Entrepreneurs --- Financial Services --- Governance --- Hardware --- Income Tax --- Information Technology --- Innovation --- International Finance --- Job Creation --- Law and Development --- Private Sector --- Private Sector Development --- Project Management --- Public Sector Development --- Securities --- Social Security System --- Technical Assistance --- Unemployment --- Unions
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This assessment of Zambia's investment climate highlights some of the impediments to growth and export diversification in the current business environment in the country. It is based on an analysis of enterprise survey data specifically collected for the purpose, namely, the World Bank's Zambia Enterprise Survey of 2008. The report is in two volumes. Volume I is an overview, while Volume II is the final report, whose introductory chapter sets the stage for the analysis of microeconomic aspects of business environment in the following chapters. Chapter 2 analyzes manufacturing productivity in an international perspective as a proximate determinant of manufactured exports. Chapter 3 discusses key business environment variables as underlying factors in manufacturing employment and productivity, and draws the main policy implications of the assessment. Chapter 4 is a more in-depth analysis of disparity in access to finance across firms and sectors as a major source of market distortions and allocative inefficiency. Chapter 5 discusses labor market issues with a focus on labor regulation, wage formation and on-the-job training.
Access to Finance --- Agriculture --- Business Environment --- Business Regulation --- Cartels --- Commercial Banks --- Consumer Protection --- Debt --- Deregulation --- Developed Countries --- Economies of Scale --- Electricity --- Enterprise Surveys --- Exchange Rates --- Export Competitiveness --- Exporters --- Finance and Financial Sector Development --- Financial and Private Sector Development --- Foreign Direct Investment --- Foreign Ownership --- Gdp --- Human Capital --- Infrastructure Services For Private Sector Development --- Innovation --- Interest Rates --- International Comparisons --- Investment Climate --- Labor Costs --- Labor Markets --- Liberalization --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Microenterprises --- Microfinance Institutions --- Private Sector --- Private Sector Development --- Privatization --- Recession --- Regulation and Competition Policy --- Savings --- Skilled Workers --- Small Businesses --- Social Protections and Labor --- Total Factor Productivity --- Trade Policy --- Wages --- World Development Indicators
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