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Biofeedback in der Praxis.
ISBN: 1281792071 9786611792077 3211693912 Year: 2008 Publisher: Wien ; New York : Springer-Verlag/Wien,

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Biofeedback zeigt, wie der Körper auf verschiedene Situationen des täglichen Lebens, wie etwa Stress, Angst oder Freude durch Veränderung der Herzrate, Atmung, Muskelspannung, Fingertemperatur, Hautleitwert, reagiert. Es fördert die Selbstwahrnehmung und ermöglicht ein tiefes Verständnis für die eigenen Reaktionsweisen und Handlungsmuster. Dieses Buch veranschaulicht sehr praxisnah die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Sport, bei gängigen Zivilisationskrankheiten, wie etwa essentieller Bluthochdruck, Muskelverspannung, Panik oder Migräne. Zudem geht es auf die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten bei hoher Stressbelastung, Erhaltung der Leistungsfähigkeit und innerer Ressourcen ein. Spezielles Augenmerk wurde dabei auch auf frauenspezifische Themen, wie Wechselbeschwerden, Geburtsvorbereitung, Beckenbodentraining gelegt. Die Autorin ist eine erfahrene Biofeeedback Spezialistin und gibt mit diesem Buch ihre Erfahrungen an Therapeuten, Trainer, Ärzte und Interessierte weiter.

Stress : preventie, reductie en ontspanning. Twaalf methoden.

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Stress. Tot voor kort wist niemand wat dit betekende. Nu heeft bijna iedereen er last van.Dit boek heeft niet als doel om de zoveelste theorie over stress op de lezer los te laten, maar heeft wel de bedoeling kennis te laten maken met twaalf lichaamsgeoriënteerde methoden om stress te reduceren. Het eerste deel van dit boek bevat algemene beschouwingen over stress. In het tweede gedeelte worden mogelijke technieken beschreven om stress voor kinderen en volwassenen te voorkomen of te verminderen en om de lezer te helpen een juiste balans te vinden in het leven. Naast de definitie van elke techniek, de achtergronden en de indicaties worden de methoden samen met praktische richtlijnen beschreven. Er wordt ook aandacht besteed aan de wetenschappelijke waarde van elke techniek. Daarnaast wordt er bij elke methode verwezen naar mogelijke boeken, opleidingen, websites of DVD's die nog dieper op de techniek ingaan. Dit boek is bedoeld voor iedereen die stress ervaart. Voor kinesitherapeuten, psychologen, psychomotorische therapeuten, artsen, leraars of pedagogen vormt dit boek een basis van waaruit dieper op de verschillende technieken kan worden ingegaan.

Coordination : neural, behavioral and social dynamics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540744764 3540744762 9786611138103 128113810X 3540744797 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Springer,

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One of the most striking features of Coordination Dynamics is its interdisciplinary character. The problems we are trying to solve in this field range from behavioral phenomena of interlimb coordination and coordination between stimuli and movements (perception-action tasks) through neural activation patterns that can be observed during these tasks to clinical applications and social behavior. It is not surprising that close collaboration among scientists from different fields as psychology, kinesiology, neurology and even physics are imperative to deal with the enormous difficulties we are facing when we try to understand a system as complex as the human brain. The chapters in this volume are not simply write-ups of the lectures given by the experts at the meeting but are written in a way that they give sufficient introductory information to be comprehensible and useful for all interested scientists and students.


Neural networks (Neurobiology) --- Biological control systems. --- Réseaux neuronaux (Neurobiologie) --- Biocybernetique --- Neural networks (Neurobiology). --- Biological control systems --- Dynamics --- Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Human Anatomy & Physiology --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Civil Engineering --- Neuroscience --- Dynamics. --- Dynamical systems --- Kinetics --- Biocybernetics --- Biofeedback --- Biological cybernetics --- Biological regulation --- Control biophysics --- Control systems, Biological --- Control theory in biology --- Regulation, Biological --- Biological neural networks --- Nets, Neural (Neurobiology) --- Networks, Neural (Neurobiology) --- Neural nets (Neurobiology) --- Engineering. --- Human physiology. --- Ergodic theory. --- Statistical physics. --- Dynamical systems. --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Vibration. --- Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control. --- Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Complexity. --- Human Physiology. --- Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering. --- Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory. --- Mathematics --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Force and energy --- Mechanics --- Physics --- Statics --- Cycles --- Sound --- Engineering --- Engineering analysis --- Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical statistics --- Ergodic transformations --- Continuous groups --- Mathematical physics --- Measure theory --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Human biology --- Medical sciences --- Physiology --- Human body --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Technology --- Statistical methods --- Biological systems --- Control theory --- Cybernetics --- Feedback control systems --- Nervous system --- Cognitive neuroscience --- Neurobiology --- Neural circuitry --- Differentiable dynamical systems. --- Complex Systems. --- Mathematical and Computational Engineering. --- Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems. --- Differential dynamical systems --- Dynamical systems, Differentiable --- Dynamics, Differentiable --- Differential equations --- Global analysis (Mathematics) --- Topological dynamics

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