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Modeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures : A FEM-State Space Approach
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540483946 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This monograph presents an introductory overview of smart structures, their concepts, their active involvement in the vibration control, their applications and the extensive research work done on it so far. The modelling of flexible beams using two types of beam theories, viz., the Euler-Bernoulli theory and the Timoshenko beam theory is presented, including a new concept of finite element modeling of the flexible structures using Timoshenko beam theory with the inclusion of the shear both in the piezo-patches as well as in the host structure. It presents the design of the periodic output feedback control system for smart structure systems, the design of the FOS controllers for active vibration control and the design of Discrete Sliding Mode controllers using multirate output feedback technique. This monograph is based on the authors work on the multirate output sampling techniques (FOS and POF) and the multirate output feedback based discrete-time sliding mode control of flexible beams with simulations performed in Matlab. The hardware implementation of some of the developed control algorithms is depicted using DSpace and Real Time Workshop.

Biology and Control Theory: Current Challenges
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540719885 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Creating some links between control feedback and biology modeling communities based on similarities in modeling, observing and perceiving alive structures, and analyzing interconnections between biological structures and subsystems was the main objective of this volume. In this context, biology systems need appropriate analysis tools due to their structure and hierarchy, complexity and environment interference, and we believe that these aspects may generate interesting research topics in control area. Indeed, several works, raising the potential impact of control developments to bring some beginning of answers in the context of biological systems, have been published in the recent years. The idea of this book was conceived in the context mentioned above with the objective to help in claiming many of the problems for control researchers, starting discussions and opening interactive debates between the control and biology communities, and, finally, to alert graduate students to the many interesting ideas at the frontier between control feedback theory and biology.

Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540726999 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Thepastthree decadeshaveseenrapiddevelopmentin the areaofmodelpred- tive control with respect to both theoretical and application aspects. Over these 30 years, model predictive control for linear systems has been widely applied, especially in the area of process control. However, today's applications often require driving the process over a wide region and close to the boundaries of - erability, while satisfying constraints and achieving near-optimal performance. Consequently, the application of linear control methods does not always lead to satisfactory performance, and here nonlinear methods must be employed. This is one of the reasons why nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) has - joyed signi?cant attention over the past years,with a number of recent advances on both the theoretical and application frontier. Additionally, the widespread availability and steadily increasing power of today's computers, as well as the development of specially tailored numerical solution methods for NMPC, bring thepracticalapplicabilityofNMPCwithinreachevenforveryfastsystems.This has led to a series of new, exciting developments, along with new challenges in the area of NMPC.

Optimal Control of Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540727019 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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One of the most important and challenging problems in control is the derivation of systematic tools for the computation of controllers for constrained nonlinear systems that can guarantee closed-loop stability, feasibility, and optimality with respect to some performance index. This book focuses on the efficient and systematic computation of closed-form optimal controllers for the powerful class of fast-sampled constrained piecewise affine systems. These systems may exhibit rather complex behavior and are equivalent to many other hybrid system formalisms (combining continuous-valued dynamics with logic rules) reported in the literature. Furthermore, piecewise affine systems are a useful modeling tool that can capture general nonlinearities (e.g. by local approximation), constraints, saturations, switches, and other hybrid modeling phenomena. The first part of the book presents an introduction to the mathematical and control theoretical background material needed for the full understanding of the book. The second part provides an in depth look at the computational and control theoretic properties of the controllers and part three presents different analysis and post-processing techniques.

Modeling, Estimation and Control : Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540735700 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This Festschrift is intended as a homage to our esteemed colleague, friend and maestro Giorgio Picci on the occasion of his sixty-?fth birthday. We have knownGiorgiosince our undergraduatestudies at the University of Padova, wherewe ?rst experiencedhisfascinatingteachingin theclass ofSystem Identi?cation. While progressing through the PhD program, then continuing to collaborate with him and eventually becoming colleagues, we have had many opportunitiesto appreciate the value of Giorgio as a professor and a scientist, and chie?y as a person. We learned a lot from him and we feel indebted for his scienti?c guidance, his constant support, encouragement and enthusiasm. For these reasons we are proud to dedicate this book to Giorgio. The articles in the volume will be presented by prominent researchers at the - ternational Conference on Modeling, Estimation and Control: A Symposium in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday , to be held in Venice on October 4-5, 2007. The material covers a broad range of topics in mathematical systems theory, esti- tion, identi?cation and control, re?ecting the wide network of scienti?c relationships established during the last thirty years between the authors and Giorgio. Critical d- cussion of fundamental concepts, close collaboration on speci?c topics, joint research programs in this group of talented people have nourished the development of the ?eld, where Giorgio has contributed to establishing several cornerstones.

Adaptive Voltage Control in Power Systems : Modeling, Design and Applications
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781846285653 Year: 2007 Publisher: London Springer London

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Power quality is a pressing concern in electric power systems. One of the main requirements of power quality management is the guarantee of a sinusoidal voltage waveform with adequate amplitude at each node of the network. The fulfilment of such a control objective is facilitated by adaptive systems which can account for unpredictable fluctuations in operating conditions. Adaptive Voltage Control in Power Systems, a self-contained blend of theory and novel application, is an in-depth treatment of such adaptive control schemes. The reader moves from power-system-modelling problems through illustrations of the main adaptive control systems (self-tuning, model-reference and nonlinearities compensation) to a detailed description of design methods: Kalman filtering, parameter-identification algorithms and discrete-time controller design are all represented. Case studies address applications issues in the implementation of adaptive voltage control. Practicing engineers and researchers in power systems and control engineering will find this monograph, written by representatives of each field, to be a valuable synthesis of both while its accessible style will also appeal to graduate students. Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.

Advanced Strategies in Control Systems with Input and Output Constraints
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540370109 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Physical, safety or technological constraints induce that the control actuators can neither provide unlimited amplitude signals nor unlimited speed of reaction. The control problems of combat aircraft prototypes and satellite launchers offer interesting examples of the difficulties due to these major constraints. Neglecting actuator saturations on both amplitude and dynamics can be source of undesirable or even catastrophic behavior for the closed-loop system (such as loosing closed-loop stability). Such actuator saturations have also been blamed as one of several unfortunate mishaps leading to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. For these reasons, the study of the control problem (its structure, performance and stability analysis) for systems subject to both amplitude and rate actuator or sensor saturations as typical constraints has received the attention of many researchers in the last years. The different techniques described throughout the book are particularly attractive for industrial applications not only in aeronautical or space domains but also in the context of biological systems domain. Such methods are well suited for the development of tools that help engineers to solve analysis and synthesis problems in the context of control systems with input and output constraints

LMI Approach to Analysis and Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Time Delay
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540495543 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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SinceinitiatedbyLot?A. Zadehin1965,fuzzysettheoryhastriggeredacons- erably large body of areas to blossom. A fuzzy system is, in a very broad sense, anyfuzzylogic-basedsystemwherefuzzylogiccanbeusedeither asthebasisfor the representation of di?erent forms of system knowledge or the model for the interactions and relationships among the system variables. Fuzzy systems have proven to be an important tool for modeling complex systems for which, due to complexity or imprecision, classical tools are unsuccessful. There have been diverse ?elds of applications of fuzzy technology from medicine to management, from engineering to behavioral science, from vehicle control to computational linguistics, and so on. Fuzzy modeling is a conjunction to understand the s- tem's behavior and build useful mathematical models. Di?erent types of fuzzy models have been proposed in the literature, among which the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is a rule-based one suitable for the accurate approximation and identi?cation of a wide class of nonlinear systems. There has been an - creasing amount of work on analysis and synthesis of fuzzy systems based on T-S fuzzy models. Since 2000, T-S fuzzy model approach has been extended to tackleanalysisandcontrolproblemsofnonlinear systemswith time delay. So far extensive results have been presented for investigating T-S fuzzy systems with time delay, many of which adopt an easy and popular scheme, say, linear matrix inequality (LMI) based method. However, there lacks of a monograph in this direction to provide the state-of-the-art of coverage of this new growing area.

Applications of Time Delay Systems
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783540495567 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Delays are very important for the modeling of networks, occuring both in the control of networks and in the control over networks. The main objective is to develop feedback control strategies for minimizing the overall task completion time in the presence of delays. Such applications include load balancing, tele- eration, and congestion control. As a result, research on time-delay systems and theircontrolhasbeenveryactiveinthelastdecade. Thisinteresthasledtomany sessions in control conferences (ACC, CDC, IFAC), workshops, special issues in controlandsystems journals,books and edited books,all being devoted to ti- delay systems. Nowadays, a lot of material is available. The properties of d- ferential time-delay systems, including stability, robust stability, controllability, and observability have been thoroughly examined. Many di?erent methods for the design of controllers in the presence of time-delays have also been developed to meet various kinds of speci?cations such as tracking, disturbance rejection, H /H -optimization, and robust stabilization. These approaches were formu- ? 2 lated for various classes of time-delay systems, including linear time-invariant systems, nonlinear systems, retarded and neutral type systems, localized and distributed delay systems, and systems with input/state saturation. It is fair to say that the applications of these methods are not as developed as are the th- retical foundations. Numerical tools are still under development (e. g. there is no matlab toolbox devoted to time-delay systems), and the adaptation of models and methods to speci?c applications is now an active area of research.

Advances in Control Theory and Applications
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783540707011 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Thisvolumecanbeconsideredadirectoutcomeofthespecialscienti?cmeeti- in-the-fortress on Advances in ControlTheoryand Applications  organizedin Bertinoro, Italy, by the Centre of research on Complex Automated Systems (CASY), Department of Electronics Computer and Systems of the University of Bologna, during the week May 22-26, 2006. The inspiring idea of that wo- shop was to provide a forum for exchange of ideas between theory-oriented and application-oriented researchers working on various systems and control pr- lems. The meeting o?ered an opportunity for formal presentations of research resultsaswellasforinformaldiscussionsaboutideasandproblems,case-studies, limitations and potentials of existing and emerging theories. The main goal of the meeting was to facilitate cross-fertilization between di?erent theoretical and applicativeareas. Emphasiswasput onidenti?cationofnewtheoreticaldevel- mentsandresearchdirections,asneededbyrecentprogressesinapplicationsand problems which are still looking for a theoretical support and e?ective rigorous solutions. The technical programme consisted of twenty-?ve main lectures - livered by distinguished scholars and was complemented by a number of poster presentations prepared by post doctoral fellows and PhD students currently working at CASY. Out of the twenty ?ve lectures given in Bertinoro, ?fteen are reported here in written form. They are organizedas separate contributions and listed according to the alphabetic order of the ?rst author, as follows. Modeling and Control of Autonomous Helicopters by Manuel B´ ejar, Anibal Ollero, Federico Cuesta, presents an overview on the modeling and model-based control of autonomous helicopters. E?cient Quantization in the Average Consensus Problem by Ruggero Carli, Sandro Zampieri deals with the averageconsensus problem where a set of linear systemshastobe driventothesame?nalstatewhichcorrespondstothe average of their initial states.

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