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DBMS (database management system) --- database management --- Information systems --- relationele databanken --- internet --- systeemontwikkeling (informatica) --- 681.3*H24 --- database design --- databases --- informatica --- 521.2 --- Systems: concurrency; distributed systems; query processing; transaction processing (Database management) --- databases - algemeen --- Bestandsorganisatie --- Databases --- Bestandsorganisatie. --- Databases. --- 681.3*H24 Systems: concurrency; distributed systems; query processing; transaction processing (Database management)
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Moderne gedistribueerde systemen hebben meer en meer een verweven netwerkstructuur (v.b. ad-hoc netwerken, transport systemen, enz.). Verschillende subsystemen zijn afhankelijk van elkaar en interageren met elkaar op verschillende, complexe, dynamische, en onvoorspelbare manieren. Meer en meer systemen hebben ook een volledig gedecentraliseerde structuur en moeten hun vereisten op een autonome manier bereiken. Een veelbelovende aanpak is gebruik te maken van een groep van agenten die samenwerken om het gewenste globaal of macroscopische systeemgedrag te bereiken door enkel gebruik te maken van lokale interacties, locale agent activiteiten, en lokaal verworven informatie. Dergelijke multi-agentsystemen hebben een zelf-organiserend emergent gedrag. Bij het ontwikkelen van zelf-organiserende emergente multi-agent systemen is het praktisch onhaalbaar om op een analytische wijze het microscopische gedrag voor de individuele agenten af te leiden uit het vereiste macroscopische gedrag. De oorzaak hiervan is het feit dat er geen enkele globale of centrale controle gebruikt wordt en dat het probleemoplossende vermogen komt uit complexe, dynamische, en onvoorspelbare microscopische interacties. Als gevolg is er ook geen ontwikkelingsproces beschikbaar dat toelaat om op een systematische manier het gewenste macroscopische gedrag te specifiëren, hieruit de nodige gedragingen halen voor individuele agenten, het systeem te bouwen, en te verifiëren om garanties te geven over het vereiste gedrag. Nochtans zijn zelf-organiserende emergente multi-agent systemen enkel aanvaardbaar in een industriële situatie als er ondersteuning bestaat voor een systematisch ontwerp, en vooral ondersteuning voor verificatie om dergelijke garanties te kunnen geven. De bijdrage van dit eindwerk is tweeledig. Een eerste bijdrage is een gedetailleerde studie van een numerieke verificatietechniek die veelbelovend is om garanties te geven over het macroscopische gedrag, namelijk Vergelijkingsvrije Macroscopische Analyse. De resultaten geven aan dat zelfs voor een aanpak die zich specifiek richt op het macroscopische gedrag er redelijk wat praktische en meer fundamentele beperkingen zijn opdat de aanpak toepasbaar is voor realistische toepassingen. Geen enkele verificatietechniek is toepasbaar om elk type macroscopisch gedrag te analyseren. Een tweede bijdrage is een aanpassing van het unified proces voor het ontwikkelen van zelf-organiserende emergente toepassingen. Meer specifiek bespreken we hoe een geschikte verificatietechniek geïntegreerd kan worden in het ontwikkelingsproces, en werken we twee technieken uit die ondersteuning bieden voor het ontwerp. Deze twee technieken richten zich specifiek op waar het probleemoplossend vermogen moet zitten: coördinatie en interacties in het systeem. Een eerste techniek is een ontwerppatronencatalogus van gedecentraliseerde coördinatiemechanismen. De tweede techniek is een modelleringsaanpak die de focus legt op het ontwerp van informatiedistributie in het systeem door middel van informatiestromen. De evaluatie van de vergelijkingsvrije macroscopische analysetechniek en de validatie van de ontwerptechnieken werd gedaan in twee toepassingen: automated guided vehicle (AGV) transportsystemen en applicatie waarin gegevens gegroepeerd moeten worden volgens gelijkenis. Het is duidelijk dat een puur systematisch proces of stappenplan onmogelijk is om op een analytische manier de juist microscopische algoritmen af te leiden voor een vereist macroscopisch gedrag. Ondanks dat is er nog steeds nood aan een proces om ontwikkelaars te begeleiden. De bijdragen van dit doctoraatswerk resulteren in een pragmatische aanpak op basis van een gekend ontwikkelingsproces. Dit proces is aangepast om een ontwikkelaar te ondersteuning bij het op een creatieve manier ontwerpen van een aanvaardbare oplossing. Vergelijkingsvrije macroscopische analyse is moeilijk toepasbaar om dergelijke oplossingen te verifiëren maar laat wel toe om iteratief feedback te geven om het ontwerp aan te passen en te verbeteren. Modern distributed systems exhibit an increasingly interwoven structure (e.g. ad-hoc networks, transportation systems, etc.). Different subsystems depend on and interact with each other in many, often very complex, dynamic, and unpredictable ways. Also, more and more systems require and exhibit a completely decentralised structure and need to achieve their requirements autonomously. A promising approach is to use a group of agents that cooperate to achieve the required system-wide or macroscopic behaviour using only local interaction, local agent activities, and locally obtained information. Such multi-agent systems exhibit self-organising emergent behaviour. When engineering self-organising emergent multi-agent systems, it is practically infeasible to analytically derive the microscopic behaviours for the individual agents when given the required macroscopic behaviour. The main reason is the lack of any global control and that the problem-solving power resides in complex, dynamic and often unpredictable microscopic interactions. As a consequence, no engineering process exists which allows to systematically specify desirable macroscopic behaviour, map this to the behaviours of individual agents, build the system, and verify it to guarantee the required behaviour. However, self-organising emergent multi-agent systems will only be acceptable in industry if there exists support for a systematic design, and especially support for verification to give guarantees about the macroscopic behaviour. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. A first contribution is a detailed study of a numerical verification technique that appears to be promising for giving guarantees about the macroscopic behaviour, i.e. Equation-free Macroscopic Analysis. The results indicate that even the applicability of an approach specifically targeted at macroscopic behaviour is limited by a number of practical and more fundamental issues. Not one verification technique can be applied to analyse every type of macroscopic behaviour. Secondly, we propose to adopt the unified process for engineering self-organising emergent applications by the integration of a suitable verification approach to iteratively guide the process to the required behaviour, and design support explicitly targeted at coordination and interaction as the problem-solving source. The design is supported by two techniques. A first technique is a design pattern catalogue of decentralised coordination mechanisms. A second technique is a modelling approach focussed at designing coordination through appropriate information distribution with information flows. Evaluation of the equation-free macroscopic analysis technique and validation of the design support is done in two main case studies: an automated guided vehicle (AGV) transportation system and a document clustering application. It is clear that a purely systematic process or step plan to analytically derive the correct microscopic behaviours for a required macroscopic behaviour is infeasible. Nevertheless, a process is needed to guide engineers. The contributions of this thesis allow for a pragmatic approach based on an existing well-known process. The process is customised to support the engineer in creatively designing an acceptable solution. Equation-free macroscopic analysis is hard to use for verifying these solutions, but allows to iteratively provide feedback to adapt and improve the design. Het onderzoek beschouwt autonome en gedecentraliseerde software-oplossingen waarbij men dikwijls inspiratie haalt uit natuurlijke fenomenen (v.b. mieren die voedsel zoeken met feromonen, marktmechanismen, enz.). Dit zijn zelf-organiserende emergente oplossingen. Enerzijds gaat het onderzoek over het aanbieden van ondersteuning voor het ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van dergelijke oplossingen. Anderzijds resulteerde het onderzoek een gedetailleerde studie van de numerieke analysetechniek "Vergelijksvrije Macroscopische Analyse". Deze techniek spitst zich expliciet toe op het analyseren van het gedrag van bovenvermelde oplossingen maar blijkt in praktijk moeilijk toepasbaar te zijn op meer complexe en realistische toepassingen. This thesis considers autonomous and decentralised software solutions which are often inspired by phenomena in nature (e.g. ants foraging for food using pheromones, market mechanisms, etc.). Such solutions are called self-organising emergent solutions. On the one hand the research offers support to design and engineer such solutions. On the other hand the research resulted in a detailed study of the numerical analysis technique called "Equation-Free Macroscopic Analysis". This technique focusses explicitly on analysing the behaviour of self-organising emergent solutions but in practice it appear to be hard to apply it on more complex and engineered cases.
Academic collection --- 681.3*D2 <043> --- 519.63 <043> --- 681.3*I6 <043> --- 681.3*C24 <043> --- Software engineering: protection mechanisms; standards--See also {681.3*K63}; {681.3*K51}--Dissertaties --- Numerical methods for solution of partial differential equations--Dissertaties --- Simulation and modeling (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*G3}--Dissertaties --- Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems--Dissertaties --- Theses --- 681.3*C24 <043> Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems--Dissertaties --- 681.3*I6 <043> Simulation and modeling (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*G3}--Dissertaties --- 519.63 <043> Numerical methods for solution of partial differential equations--Dissertaties --- 681.3*D2 <043> Software engineering: protection mechanisms; standards--See also {681.3*K63}; {681.3*K51}--Dissertaties
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A distributed system is driven by separate components that are executed in parallel, and protocols for such systems form a major aspect of system design in today’s world of wireless and mobile networking. Process algebras are languages for the description of elementary parallel systems and are used to study the behavioural properties of distributed systems, but they often lack the ability to handle data. This textbook guides students through algebraic specification and verification of distributed systems, and some of the most prominent formal verification techniques. The author employs µCRL as the vehicle, a language developed to combine process algebra and abstract data types. Chapters 2 and 3 explain the basics of abstract data types and process algebra, and guide the reader through the syntax and semantics of µCRL; Chap. 4 examines abstraction from internal behaviour; Chap. 5 covers specifications of standard protocols; Chap. 6 shows how to transform protocol specifications into labelled transition systems; Chap. 7 explains algorithms on labelled transition systems; and Chap. 8 presents symbolic verification techniques; finally, the Appendix gives a brief overview of the µCRL toolset. The book evolved from introductory courses on protocol verification taught to undergraduate and graduate students of computer science, and the text is supported throughout with examples and exercises; full solutions are provided in an appendix, while exercise sheets, lab exercises, example specifications and lecturer slides will be available on the author's website. Researchers in the field can use the book as a broad overview of the state of the art in algebraic specification and verification of distributed systems on the basis of a modern verification tool.
Electronic data processing --- Parallel processing (Electronic computers) --- Parallel programs (Computer programs) --- Distributed processing. --- Verification. --- Parallel program verification --- Verification of parallel programs --- High performance computing --- Multiprocessors --- Parallel programming (Computer science) --- Supercomputers --- Distributed computer systems in electronic data processing --- Distributed computing --- Distributed processing in electronic data processing --- Computer networks --- Computer network architectures. --- Computer science. --- Logic design. --- Algebra --- Software engineering. --- Information theory. --- Computer System Implementation. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Logics and Meanings of Programs. --- Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation. --- Software Engineering. --- Theory of Computation. --- Data processing. --- Communication theory --- Communication --- Cybernetics --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- Design, Logic --- Design of logic systems --- Digital electronics --- Electronic circuit design --- Logic circuits --- Machine theory --- Switching theory --- Informatics --- Science --- Architectures, Computer network --- Network architectures, Computer --- Computer architecture --- Traitement réparti. --- Parallélisme (Informatique) --- Architecture, Computer. --- Mathematical logic. --- Computer logic. --- Computer science—Mathematics. --- Computers. --- Computer science logic --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Architecture, Computer --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Computer systems --- Calculators --- Cyberspace --- ALGEBRA - data processing --- Computer Science --- Information theory --- Logic design --- Software Engineering --- 681.3*C24 --- 681.3*D13 --- 681.3*D2 --- 681.3*I6 --- 681.3*I6 Simulation and modeling (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*G3} --- Simulation and modeling (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*G3} --- 681.3*D2 Software engineering: protection mechanisms; standards--See also {681.3*K63}; {681.3*K51} --- Software engineering: protection mechanisms; standards--See also {681.3*K63}; {681.3*K51} --- 681.3*D13 Concurrent programming --- Concurrent programming --- 681.3*C24 Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems --- Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems --- Distributed processing --- Verification --- ALGEBRA --- Computer architecture. --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
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Multimedia systems --- Computer networks --- Multimédia --- Réseaux d'ordinateurs --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Multimédia. --- Réseaux d'ordinateurs. --- Computer networks. --- Multimedia systems. --- Mathematical Sciences --- Applied Mathematics --- multimedia systems --- multimedia services --- multimedia applications --- Computer-based multimedia information systems --- Multimedia computing --- Multimedia information systems --- Multimedia knowledge systems --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Communication systems, Computer --- Computer communication systems --- Data networks, Computer --- ECNs (Electronic communication networks) --- Electronic communication networks --- Networks, Computer --- Teleprocessing networks --- Data transmission systems --- Digital communications --- Electronic systems --- Information networks --- Telecommunication --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Electronic data processing --- Network computers --- Distributed processing --- Computer Science --- Computer. Automation --- Computer Communication Networks --- Computer Network Management --- Databases, Distributed --- Distributed Systems --- Extranets --- Intranets --- Network Communication Protocols --- Telecommunication Networks --- Communication Network, Computer --- Communication Networks, Computer --- Communication Protocol, Network --- Communication Protocols, Network --- Computer Communication Network --- Database, Distributed --- Distributed Database --- Distributed Databases --- Distributed System --- Extranet --- Intranet --- Management, Computer Network --- Network Communication Protocol --- Network Management, Computer --- Network, Computer Communication --- Network, Telecommunication --- Networks, Computer Communication --- Networks, Telecommunication --- Protocol, Network Communication --- Protocols, Network Communication --- System, Distributed --- Systems, Distributed --- Telecommunication Network --- Telecommunications --- Education, Distance
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2009, held in Alghero, Italy, June 2-5, 2009. The 36 revised full papers and 93 revised poster papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 250 submissions. Biometric criteria covered by the papers are assigned to face, speech, fingerprint and palmprint, multibiometrics and security, gait, iris, and other biometrics. In addition there are 4 papers on challenges and competitions that currently are under way, thus presenting an overview on the evaluation of biometrics.
Biometry --- Computer Security --- Computer Communication Networks --- Pattern Recognition, Automated --- Security Measures --- Information Science --- Statistics as Topic --- Epidemiologic Measurements --- Computer Systems --- Epidemiologic Methods --- Public Health --- Organization and Administration --- Computing Methodologies --- Environment and Public Health --- Investigative Techniques --- Health Services Administration --- Health Care --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Computer Science --- Electrical Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- Investigative Technics --- Investigative Technic --- Investigative Technique --- Technic, Investigative --- Technics, Investigative --- Technique, Investigative --- Techniques, Investigative --- High Performance Computing --- Methodologies, Computing --- Computing Methodology --- Computing, High Performance --- Methodology, Computing --- Performance Computing, High --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Public --- Epidemiologic Method --- Epidemiological Methods --- Methods, Epidemiologic --- Epidemiological Method --- Method, Epidemiologic --- Method, Epidemiological --- Methods, Epidemiological --- Epidemiology --- Organization, Computer Systems --- Computer Architecture --- Computer Systems Development --- Computer Systems Evaluation --- Computer Systems Organization --- Real-Time Systems --- Architecture, Computer --- Architectures, Computer --- Computer Architectures --- Computer System --- Computer Systems Evaluations --- Development, Computer Systems --- Evaluation, Computer Systems --- Evaluations, Computer Systems --- Real Time Systems --- Real-Time System --- System, Computer --- System, Real-Time --- Systems, Computer --- Systems, Real-Time --- Measurements, Epidemiologic --- Epidemiologic Measurement --- Measurement, Epidemiologic --- Area Analysis --- Correlation Studies --- Correlation Study --- Correlation of Data --- Data Analysis --- Estimation Technics --- Estimation Techniques --- Indirect Estimation Technics --- Indirect Estimation Techniques --- Multiple Classification Analysis --- Service Statistics --- Statistical Study --- Statistics, Service --- Tables and Charts as Topic --- Analyses, Area --- Analyses, Data --- Analyses, Multiple Classification --- Analysis, Area --- Analysis, Data --- Analysis, Multiple Classification --- Area Analyses --- Classification Analyses, Multiple --- Classification Analysis, Multiple --- Data Analyses --- Data Correlation --- Data Correlations --- Estimation Technic --- Estimation Technic, Indirect --- Estimation Technics, Indirect --- Estimation Technique --- Estimation Technique, Indirect --- Estimation Techniques, Indirect --- Indirect Estimation Technic --- Indirect Estimation Technique --- Multiple Classification Analyses --- Statistical Studies --- Studies, Correlation --- Studies, Statistical --- Study, Correlation --- Study, Statistical --- Technic, Estimation --- Technic, Indirect Estimation --- Technics, Estimation --- Technics, Indirect Estimation --- Technique, Estimation --- Technique, Indirect Estimation --- Techniques, Estimation --- Techniques, Indirect Estimation --- Information Sciences --- Science, Information --- Sciences, Information --- National Security --- Measure, Security --- Measures, Security --- Security Measure --- Security, National --- Automated Pattern Recognition --- Pattern Recognition System --- Pattern Recognition Systems --- Computer Network Management --- Databases, Distributed --- Distributed Systems --- Extranets --- Intranets --- Network Communication Protocols --- Telecommunication Networks --- Communication Network, Computer --- Communication Networks, Computer --- Communication Protocol, Network --- Communication Protocols, Network --- Computer Communication Network --- Database, Distributed --- Distributed Database --- Distributed Databases --- Distributed System --- Extranet --- Intranet --- Management, Computer Network --- Network Communication Protocol --- Network Management, Computer --- Network, Computer Communication --- Network, Telecommunication --- Networks, Computer Communication --- Networks, Telecommunication --- Protocol, Network Communication --- Protocols, Network Communication --- System, Distributed --- Systems, Distributed --- Telecommunication Network --- Compromising of Data --- Computer Hackers --- Computer Worms --- Cyber Security --- Cybersecurity --- Data Encryption --- Information Protection --- Computer Viruses --- Data Protection --- Data Security --- Computer Hacker --- Computer Virus --- Computer Worm --- Data Compromising --- Data Encryptions --- Encryption, Data --- Encryptions, Data --- Hacker, Computer --- Hackers, Computer --- Protection, Data --- Protection, Information --- Security, Computer --- Security, Cyber --- Security, Data --- Virus, Computer --- Viruses, Computer --- Worm, Computer --- Worms, Computer --- organization & administration --- methods --- Computer science. --- Image processing. --- Pattern recognition. --- Application software. --- Computers and civilization. --- Management information systems. --- Computer Science. --- Pattern Recognition. --- Computer Applications. --- Computers and Society. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Management of Computing and Information Systems. --- Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing. --- Computer-based information systems --- EIS (Information systems) --- Executive information systems --- MIS (Information systems) --- Sociotechnical systems --- Information resources management --- Management --- Civilization and computers --- Civilization --- Application computer programs --- Application computer software --- Applications software --- Apps (Computer software) --- Computer software --- Design perception --- Pattern recognition --- Form perception --- Perception --- Figure-ground perception --- Pictorial data processing --- Picture processing --- Processing, Image --- Imaging systems --- Optical data processing --- Informatics --- Science --- Communication systems --- Optical pattern recognition. --- Computer vision. --- Information Systems. --- Information systems. --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Pattern perception --- Perceptrons --- Visual discrimination --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Electronic data processing --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment --- Biometric identification --- Identification --- Computer networks --- Automation --- Access control
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