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Developmental psychology --- Sociology of culture --- Graphic arts --- International --- Girls --- Visual arts --- Book --- Subcultures
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Surfing has emerged from ancient roots to become a twenty-first century phenomenon - an 'alternative' sport, lifestyle and art form with a global profile and ever-increasing numbers of participants. Drawing on popular surf culture, academic literature and the analytical tools of social theory, this book is the first sustained commentary on the contemporary social and cultural meaning of surfing. Core themes of mind and body, emotions and identity, aesthetics, style, and sensory experience are explored through a variety of topics, and particular attention is paid to:* evolving
Surfing --- Subculture. --- Subcultures --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- Counterculture --- Body surfing --- Surf riding --- Surfboard riding --- Surfboarding --- Surfriding --- Aquatic sports --- Social aspects.
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the Evangelical Youth Movement --- righteousness --- secularism --- religious moderation --- children --- teenagers --- religous fascism --- youth movements --- subcultures --- cultural statements --- Evangelicalism
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Age group sociology --- Sociology of culture --- anno 1970-1979 --- anno 1960-1969 --- Europe --- Youth --- Young consumers --- Popular culture --- Subculture --- Social change --- Jeunesse --- Jeunes consommateurs --- Culture populaire --- Changement social --- Political activity --- Activité politique --- Activité politique --- Youth as consumers --- Youth market --- Consumers --- Subcultures --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- Counterculture --- Change, Social --- Cultural change --- Cultural transformation --- Societal change --- Socio-cultural change --- Social history --- Social evolution
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Criminal behavior --- Criminology. --- Masculinity --- Street life --- Subculture --- Violence in men --- Violent crimes --- Criminology --- Crimes, Violent --- Crimes of violence --- Male violence --- Violent men --- Subcultures --- Sidewalk life --- Urban street life --- Masculinity (Psychology) --- Crime --- Study and teaching --- Violence --- Men --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- Counterculture --- City and town life --- Sex (Psychology) --- Social sciences --- Criminals --- Criminal psychology --- Deviant behavior
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Bass booms from custom speakers, pick-up trucks boast lowered suspensions, chrome rims reflect stoplights, and bare arms dangle from open windows. Welcome to Santa Clara Street in San Jose, California, where every weekend kids come to cruise late at night, riding their cars slow and low. On the surrounding, less-traveled streets you can also find young men racing customized cars to see who has the "go," not just the "show." And, in the daylight hours, in a nearby suburb, you might find a brand new SUV parked in the driveway, a parents' Sweet 16 present.In Fast Cars, Cool Rides Amy Best provides a fascinating account of kids and car culture. Encompassing everything from learning to drive to getting one's license, from cruising to customizing, from racing to buying one's first car, Best shows that never before have cars played such an important role in the lives of America's youth as they do today. Drawing on interviews with over 100 young men and women, aged 15-24, and five years of research--cruising hot spots, sitting in on auto shop class, attending car shows--Best explores the fast-paced world of kids and their cars. She reveals a world where cars have incredible significance for kids today, as a means of transportation and thereby freedom to come and go, as status symbols and as a means to express their identities. But while having a fast car or a cool ride can carry tremendous importance for these kids, Best shows that the price, especially when it can cost $30,000, can be steep as working-class kids work jobs to make car payments and as college kids forgo moving out of Mom and Dad's house because they can't pay for rent, car payments, and car insurance.Fast Cars, Cool Rides offers a rare and rich portrait of the complex and surprising roles cars can play in the lives of young Americans. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a cool ride.
Youth --- Automobiles --- Subculture --- Social aspects --- account. --- culture. --- fascinating. --- kids. --- Subcultures --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- Counterculture --- Autos (Automobiles) --- Cars (Automobiles) --- Gasoline automobiles --- Motorcars (Automobiles) --- Motor vehicles --- Transportation, Automotive --- Young people --- Young persons --- Youngsters --- Youths --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- California --- Transportation --- Social Science --- AUTOMOBILES --- CALIFORNIA --- SUBCULTURE --- YOUTH --- TRANSPORTATION --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- Social science
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"In the early 1960s, computers haunted the American popular imagination. Bleak tools of the cold war, they embodied the rigid organization and mechanical conformity that made the military-industrial complex possible. But by the 1990s - and the dawn of the Internet - computers started to represent a very different kind of world: a collaborative and digital utopia modeled on the communal ideals of the hippies who so vehemently rebelled against the cold war establishment in the first place." "From Counterculture to Cyberculture is the first book to explore this extraordinary and ironic transformation. Fred Turner here traces the previously untold story of a highly influential group of San Francisco Bay-area entrepreneurs: Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth network. Between 1968 and 1998, via such familiar venues as the National Book Award - winning Whole Earth Catalog, the computer conferencing system known as WELL, and, ultimately, the launch of the wildly successful Wired magazine, Brand and his colleagues brokered a long-running encounter between San Francisco flower power and the emerging technological hub of Silicon Valley. Thanks to their vision, counterculturalists and technologists alike joined together to reimagine computers as tools for personal liberation, the building of virtual and decidedly alternative communities, and the exploration of bold new social frontiers." "Shedding new light on how our networked culture came to be, this book reminds us that the distance between the Grateful Dead and Google, between Ken Kesey and the computer itself, is not as great as we might think."--Jacket.
Computers and civilization. --- Ordinateurs et civilisation --- Computers en beschaving --- WELL --- cybernetica --- culturfilosofie --- activisme --- Wired --- Whole Earth Network --- Brand Stewart --- informatietechnologie --- computers --- utopie --- cybercultuur --- sociologie --- politiek --- sixties --- Computer networks --- Computers and civilization --- Counterculture --- Information technology --- Subculture --- Technology --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Science --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Civilization and computers --- Civilization --- Subcultures --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- IT (Information technology) --- Telematics --- Information superhighway --- Knowledge management --- Social aspects --- History --- Brand, Stewart. --- Whole Earth catalog (Menlo Park, Calif.) --- Computer. Automation --- Sociology of culture --- Brand, Stewart --- United States --- 20th century --- California --- San Francisco (Calif.) --- California [Northern ] --- Fred Turner, Steward Brand --- United States of America
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How do corporations and other organizations maintain and transmit their cultures over time? 'Culture and Demography in Organizations' offers the most reliable and comprehensive answer to this complex question to date. The first book on the subject to ground its analysis in mathematical tools and computer simulation, it goes beyond standard approaches, which focus on socialization within organizations, by explicitly considering the effects of demographic processes of entry, exit, and organizational growth. J. Richard Harrison and Glenn R. Carroll base their analysis on a formal model with three components: hiring, socialization, and employee turnover. In exploring the model's implications through computer simulation methods, the authors cover topics such as organizational growth and decline, top management teams, organizational influence networks, terrorist organizations, cultural integration following mergers, and organizational failure. For each topic, they identify the conditions influencing cultural transmission. In general, they find that demographic processes play a central role in influencing organizational culture and that studying these processes leads to some surprising insights unavailable when considering socialization alone. This book, which also serves as an ideal introduction to the increasingly popular use of computer simulation, will be an indispensable resource for scholars and students of organization theory and behavior, cultural studies, strategic management, sociology, economics, and social simulation.
Organization theory --- Corporate culture. --- Employees --- Labor turnover. --- Organizational change. --- Social sciences --- Strategic planning. --- Recruiting. --- Computer simulation. --- Corporate culture --- Labor turnover --- Organizational change --- Strategic planning --- Goal setting (Strategic planning) --- Planning, Strategic --- Strategic intent (Strategic planning) --- Strategic management --- Planning --- Business planning --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Change, Organizational --- Organization development --- Organizational development --- Organizational innovation --- Management --- Organization --- Manpower planning --- Employee turnover --- Turnover of labor --- Personnel management --- Labor mobility --- Recruiting of employees --- Recruitment of employees --- Employment agencies --- Culture, Corporate --- Institutional culture --- Organizational culture --- Corporations --- Organizational behavior --- Business anthropology --- Recruiting --- Computer simulation --- Sociological aspects --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General. --- Demografische aspecten. --- Bedrijfscultuur. --- Organisationskultur --- Unternehmenskultur --- 85.08 organizational sociology and psychology. --- Sciences sociales --- Personnel --- Foires à l'emploi. --- Planification strategique. --- Changement organisationnel. --- Culture d'entreprise. --- Laborers --- Workers --- Persons --- Industrial relations --- Simulation par ordinateur. --- Rotation. --- Cypress Semiconductor. --- Gibrat's law. --- Grooves. --- Hewlett-Packard. --- Japanese-style organizational type Jesuits. --- New Guinea. --- Q-sort technique. --- Southwest Airlines. --- Texas Instruments. --- Weather Underground. --- Z-type organizational type. --- assumptions of model. --- autocratic model. --- board of directors. --- bureaucratic organizational type. --- cellular structure. --- cultural analysis. --- decomposition of tenure distribution. --- design. --- dimensions of culture. --- disruption effect. --- entrepreneurial organization. --- epidemiology of representations. --- ethnography. --- explanation. --- fraternities. --- heterogeneity. --- homogeneity. --- influence network. --- liability of newness. --- measurement of culture. --- mortality. --- multidimensionality in culture. --- peer influence. --- psychological anthropology. --- recruitment. --- sensitivity analysis. --- socialization. --- star model. --- stochastic rate tekonymy. --- strong culture. --- structural holes. --- subcultures. --- tenure. --- terrorist organizations. --- tractability of model. --- turnover. --- underground organizations. --- utility concept. --- values. --- variance in enculturation.
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In this study of gender and religious culture, Benjamin Maria Baader explores the transformation of Judaism during a period of profound change in 19th century Germany.
Judentum. --- Kultur. --- Bürgertum. --- Jüdin. --- Geschlechterbeziehung. --- Etniska relationer --- Medelklassen --- Judiska kvinnor --- Judar --- Judendom --- Classes moyennes --- Juives --- Juifs --- Judaïsme --- Subculture --- Middle class --- Jewish women --- Jews --- Judaism --- Joden. --- Cultuurgeschiedenis. --- Geschlechterverhältnis --- Kultur --- Jüdin --- Judentum --- Bürgertum --- Subculture. --- Middle class. --- Judaism. --- Jews. --- Jewish women. --- Ethnic relations. --- historia --- etnicitet --- Identite collective. --- History --- Identity. --- Histoire --- Identite. --- Deutschland. --- Germany --- Duitsland. --- Deutschland --- Germany. --- Allemagne --- Relations interethniques. --- Jüdische Frau --- Juden --- Geschlechterbeziehung --- Geschlechterverhältnisse --- Geschlechterbeziehungen --- Gender relationship --- Heteronormativität --- Et les Juifs --- Hébreux --- Israélites --- Humour juif --- Israéliens --- Médias et juifs --- Missions auprès des Juifs --- Question juive --- Relations Juifs-Arabes --- Sionisme --- Judaïsme --- Agriculteurs juifs --- Alchimistes juifs --- Chrétiens juifs --- Commerçants juifs --- Communistes juifs --- Consommateurs juifs --- Criminels juifs --- Déportés juifs --- Diaspora juive --- Économistes juifs --- Écrivains juifs --- Éditeurs juifs --- Anarchistes juifs --- Enfants juifs --- Enseignants juifs --- Étudiants juifs --- Familles juives --- Folkloristes juifs --- Historiens juifs --- Hommes d'affaires juifs --- Homosexuels juifs --- Intellectuels juifs --- Jeunesse juive --- Artisans juifs --- Joueurs de football juifs --- Journalistes juifs --- Juifs dans l'industrie du cinéma --- Juifs des montagnes --- Juifs noirs --- Libraires juifs --- Marins juifs --- Médecins juifs --- Militaires juifs --- Artistes juifs --- Parlementaires juifs --- Philosophes juifs --- Pirates juifs --- Prêtres juifs --- Réfugiés juifs --- Révolutionnaires juifs --- Sabras --- Savants juifs --- Scientifiques juifs --- Scribes juifs --- Ashkénazes --- Séfarades --- Socialistes juifs --- Théologiens juifs --- Travailleurs juifs --- Voyageurs juifs --- Athlètes juifs --- Avocats juifs --- Bibliothécaires juifs --- Boxeurs juifs --- Ethnologie --- Et le judaïsme --- Bibliothèques juives --- Critique et exégèse juives --- Femmes et judaïsme --- Interprétations juives --- Judaïsme et franc-maçonnerie --- Mouvement des judaïsants --- Musées juifs --- Socialisme et judaïsme --- Histoire du judaïsme --- Autorités religieuses --- Judaïsme laïc --- Judaïsme orthodoxe --- Judaïsme rabbinique --- Judaïsme reconstructionniste --- Judaïsme réformé --- Kabbale --- Morale juive --- Prédication --- Rabbinat --- Commandements (judaïsme) --- Samaritains --- Sectes juives --- Sionisme et judaïsme --- Sionisme religieux --- Smiykah --- Symbolisme juif --- Théologie juive --- Démonologie juive --- Dieu --- Fondamentalisme juif --- Haskala --- Judaïsme conservateur --- Religions abrahamiques --- Religions --- Femmes juives --- Adolescentes juives --- Agounot --- Lesbiennes juives --- Réfugiées juives --- Survivantes de la Shoah --- Athlètes juives --- Étudiantes juives --- Femmes artistes juives --- Femmes écrivains juives --- Femmes médecins juives --- Femmes militaires juives --- Infirmières juives --- Juives pendant la Shoah --- Classe moyenne --- Petite bourgeoisie --- Bourgeoisie --- Hommes des classes moyennes --- Femmes des classes moyennes --- Classes sociales --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Women, Jewish --- Women --- Subcultures --- Culture --- Ethnopsychology --- Social groups --- Counterculture --- Inter-ethnic relations --- Interethnic relations --- Relations among ethnic groups --- Acculturation --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Ethnic groups --- Social problems --- Sociology --- Minorities --- Race relations --- Jewish question --- Identity, Jewish --- Jewish identity --- Jewishness --- Jewish law --- Jewish nationalism --- Commons (Social order) --- Middle classes --- Social classes --- Bürgerliche Klasse --- Bürgerliche Gesellschaft --- Jüdische Religion --- Judaismus --- Philosemitismus --- Jüdische Philosophie --- Jüdische Ethik --- Religion --- Israel --- Frau --- Persécutions --- Politique et gouvernement --- Statut juridique --- Civilisation --- Conditions sociales --- Identité collective --- Langues --- Migrations --- Coutumes et pratiques --- Femmes --- Ethnic identity --- Race identity --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Social conditions --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deguo --- Deutsches Reich --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- Gėrman --- German Uls --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- Germany (East) --- Germany (West) --- Europe --- Deutsche Länder --- Heiliges Römisches Reich --- Rheinbund --- Deutscher Bund --- Norddeutscher Bund --- Republic of Germany --- Ǧumhūrīyat Almāniyā al-Ittiḥādīya --- Niemcy --- République Fédérale d'Allemagne --- Repubblica Federale di Germania --- Germanija --- Federativnaja Respublika Germanija --- FRG --- Deyizhi-Lianbang-Gongheguo --- Deutsche --- Deutsches Sprachgebiet --- 03.10.1990 --- -Ethnic relations. --- Geschlechterverhältnis. --- Jüdin. --- Bürgertum.
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