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Perspectives on punishment: the contours of control
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ISBN: 0199278776 0199278768 9780199278763 9780199278770 9780199278763 9780199278770 Year: 2006 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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This book offers an incisive collection of contemporary research into the problems of crime control and punishment. It has three inter-related aims: to take stock of current thinking on punishment, regulation, and control in the early years of a new century and in the wake of a number of critical junctures, including 9/11, which have transformed the social, political, and cultural environment; to present a selection of the diverse epistemological and methodological frameworks which inform current research; and finally to set out some fruitful directions for the future study of punishment. The contributions to this collection cover some of the most exciting and challenging areas of current research including terrorism and the politics of fear, penality in societies in transition, penal policy and the construction of political identity, the impact of digital culture on modes of compliance, the emergent hegemony of information and surveillance systems, and the evolving politics of victim-hood. Taken together, this work draws connections between local problems of crime control, transnational forms of governance, and the ways in which certain political and jurisprudential discourses have come to dominate policy and practice in western penal systems.

An end to impunity : investigating the 1993 killing of Mexican Archbishop Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, April 6, 2006.

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ISBN: 1849644829 1281750158 9786611750152 1435660757 9781435660755 9781849644822 9780745321325 0745321321 9780745321318 0745321313 9781281750150 Year: 2006 Publisher: London Ann Arbor, MI

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-- A classic book transformed by a philosopher at his strongest --Reviews of the first edition:'Painstaking, comprehensive and unimpassioned.' Anthony Kenny, New Statesman'Bold, tough, direct style ... a pleasure to read.' Mary Warnock, Times Literary Sup

Responsibility and punishment
ISBN: 1281067423 9786611067427 1402041489 1402041470 140209387X Year: 2006 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer,

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Responsibility and Punishment, Third Edition presents a clear-headed defense of retributivism against several long-standing criticisms. In the end, a viable version of retributivism emerges as one which withstands more criticism than competing theories of responsibility and punishment. Extending the problem of wrong doing to collectives and compensation, Corlett explores the matter of reparations for past wrongs in the case of the crimes committed against Native Americans by the United States Government. No other philosophical work on responsibility and punishment exhibits this breadth of scope, as it delves deeply into particular concerns with retributivism, responsibility, and certain areas of compensation. Academicians and professionals in ethics, moral, social, political, and legal philosophy are likely to benefit from this analytical treatment of responsibility and punishment. "In the Third Edition of Responsibility and Punishment, Angelo Corlett has made an outstanding book even better! Corlett's book is distinctive in the way it blends abstract theory with concrete application in a sophisticated way. There is work just on theory, and primarily applied work; but Corlett manages to meld the two in a unique and highly successful way. Highly recommended!" John Martin Fischer, author of "The Metaphysics of Free Will" and "Responsibility and Control". "This provocative and highly insightful piece of work constitutes a novel, significant, and welcome contribution to the literature on the moral justification of punishment. Corlett's development of an original version of retributivism, with special emphasis on principles of proportional punishment, is particularly engaging." Ishtiyaque Haji, author of "Deontic Morality" and "Moral Appraisability". J. Angelo Corlett is Professor of Philosophy & Ethics at San Diego State University, and author of over 75 articles in various leading philosophy and other academic journals, including the books: Analyzing Social Knowledge (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 1996); Terrorism: A Philosophical Analysis (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003), Philosophical Studies Series, Volume 101; Race, Racism, and Reparations (Cornell University Press, 2003). He also serves as the Editor-in –Chief of The Journal of Ethics: An International Philosophical Review (Springer), and is the editor of and contributor to Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick (Macmillan, 1990).

Captured by the media
ISBN: 1299285090 1134008759 1282077376 9786612077371 1843925761 9781134008759 9781843925767 9781134008827 1134008821 9781134008896 1134008899 1843921456 9781843921455 1843921448 9781843921448 9781299285095 9781282077379 6612077379 Year: 2006 Publisher: Cullompton, UK Portland, Or. Willan

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This book turns on the television, opens the newspaper, goes to the cinema and assesses how punishment is performed in media culture, investigating the regimes of penal representation and how they may contribute to a populist and punitive criminological imagination. It places media discourse in prisons firmly within the arena of penal policy and public opinion, suggesting that while Bad Girls, The Shawshank Redemption, internet jail cams, advertising and debates about televising executions continue to ebb and flow in contemporary culture, the persistence of this spectacle of punishment - its c

Punishment and culture : a right to punish?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004151494 9786612602825 9047418026 1282602829 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leiden : Boston : M. Nijhoff

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This volume critically explores the basis and the goal of punishment from the standpoint of the right to punish. Studies and works dedicated to punishment are scarce compared to those dedicated to Crime Theory or some aspect thereof. The book reviews the main doctrines that have dealt with the theme of punishment from Antiquity to the present, not limiting itself to the legal-philosophical sphere but also analyzing the contributions from other social sciences. It then explores how these are reflected in the sphere of Positive Law. Moving from the most abstract and general to the most concrete and specific, various themes relating to the concept of punishment are distinguished. These themes are not exactly equivalent but are, nevertheless, often confused with one another. They are: Punishment; Punitive Practice; Sentence and Penalty. Of these the third – Sentence, which is almost the least generic concept dealt with, having to do with that area of law which basically constitutes Criminal Law – forms the central part of the work. In this section, via a dual structure, the distinction is made between punishments and deterrents, as the prime types of punitive practice, with a distinct historical tradition, diverse bases and functions, around which different sorts of theories and schools have developed. The book ends with a series of critical conclusions as to what, in the opinion of the authors, should be a correct conception of punishment.

Misdaden tegen de mensheid : de internationale strijd tegen straffeloosheid
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ISBN: 9033459531 9789033459535 Year: 2006 Volume: 2 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Waar in het verleden de zwaarste misdrijven in oorlogen en andere conflictsituaties vaak ongestraft bleven, werden de laatste tien jaar heel wat initiatieven genomen om gerechtigheid te doen geschieden. Zo was er o.a. de oprichting van het Joegoslavië- en Rwandatribunaal, de zaak Pinochet, de totstandkoming van het Internationaal Strafhof en de genocidewet. Omdat de problematiek van de straffeloosheid bijzonder actueel blijft, men hoeft maar aan de moeilijke bewijslast in verband met de misdaden van Milosevic te denken, worden in dit boek de verschillende dimensies ervan belicht vanuit een veelvoud aan invalshoeken. Naast enkele informatieve bijdragen en getuigenissen van bevoorrechte spelers en experts wil het boek nader ingaan op ruimere kwesties: de psychologische, ethische en economische verklaringen van misdaden tegen de mensheid, de verschillende vormen van gerechtigheid in postconflictsituaties, de problematiek van duurzame vredesopbouw, de rol van multinationals in conflictgebieden, enz.

Une criminologie de la tradition à l'innovation : en hommage à Georges Kellens
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2804423360 9782804423360 Year: 2006 Publisher: Bruxelles : De Boeck & Larcier,

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La fabrique du droit des sanctions pénales au Conseil de l'Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2110059508 9782110059505 Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris: La Documentation française,

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