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In "A Physician's Guide to Coping with Death and Dying" Jan Swanson and Alan Cooper, a physician and a clinical psychologist with many years of experience, offer insights to help medical students, residents, physicians, nurses, and others become more aware of the different stages in the dying process and learn how to communicate more effectively with patients and their families. They also discuss the ways physicians and other caregivers can learn to reduce their own stress levels and avoid the risk of burnout, allowing them to achieve balance in their lives and be more effective professionally.
Terminal care. --- Physician and patient. --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- End-of-life care --- Terminally ill --- Care of the sick --- Critical care medicine --- Death --- Care and treatment --- Medical care
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Health Communication in Practice: A Case Study Approach offers a comprehensive examination of the complex nature of health-related communication. Modeled on Eileen Berlin Ray's 1993 volume, Case Studies in Health Communication, this text contains detailed case studies that demonstrate in-depth applications of communication theory in real-life situations.With chapters written by medical practitioners as well as communication scholars, the cases included herein cover a variety of topics, populations, contexts and issues in health communication, including:*provider-recipient communication and its importance to subsequent diagnosis and treatment;*decision-making;*social identity, particularly how people redefine and renegotiate their social identity;*communication dynamics within families and with health care providers through unexpected health situations;*delivery of health care; and*health campaigns designed to disseminate health-related information and change behaviors.Reflecting the changes in health communication scholarship and education over the past decade, chapters also explore current topics such as delivering bad news, genetic testing, intercultural communication, grieving families, and international health campaigns. A list of relevant concepts and definitions is included at the end of each case to help students make connections between the scenario and the communication theories it reflects.With its breadth of coverage and applied, practical approach, this timely and insightful text will serve as required reading in courses addressing the application of communication theory in a health-related context.
W 62 Physicians' social relations. Attitude --- Professional-Patient Relations --- Communication --- Patient Care --- Case Reports --- #KVHA:Taalkunde --- #KVHA:Meertalige communicatie --- #KVHA:Gezondheidscommunicatie --- communicatie --- gezondheidszorg --- gezondheidsvoorlichting --- 601.6 --- gezondheidsvoorlichting en -opvoeding --- Communication in medicine --- Communication in public health --- Physician and patient --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- Public health communication --- Public health --- Health communication --- Medical communication --- Medicine
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A philosophical discussion of the doctor-patient relationship that argues for enhanced patient antonomy based on the ethics of physician responsibility and a science of value-based decision making. The principle of patient autonomy dominates the contemporary debate over medical ethics. In this examination of the doctor-patient relationship, physician and philosopher Alfred Tauber argues that the idea of patient autonomy - which was inspired by other rights-based movements of the 1960s - was an extrapolation from political and social philosophy that fails to ground medicine's moral philosophy. He proposes instead a reconfiguration of personal autonomy and a renewed commitment to an ethics of care. In this formulation, physician beneficence and responsibility become powerful means for supporting the autonomy and dignity of patients. Beneficence, Tauber argues, should not be confused with the medical paternalism that fuelled the patient rights movement. Rather, beneficence and responsibility are moral principles that not only are compatible with patient autonomy but strengthen it.
autonomie van de patiënt --- arts-patiëntrelatie --- autonomie du patient --- relation médecin-patient --- Patient participation --- Physician and patient --- Medical ethics --- Autonomy (Philosophy) --- Patient Care --- Patient Rights --- Ethics, Clinical --- Patient Participation --- Personal Autonomy --- Physician-Patient Relations --- Moral and ethical aspects --- ethics --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- Medical cooperation --- Participation --- Therapist and patient --- Philosophy --- Patient participation - United States --- Physician and patient - Moral and ethical aspects - United States --- Medical ethics - United States --- Patient Care - ethics --- Patient Rights - ethics --- Physician-Patient Relations - ethics
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After Harm adds important human dimensions to an issue that has profound consequences for patients and health care providers.
Religion and Medicine --- Physician-Patient Relations --- Ethics --- Medical Errors --- Forgiveness. --- Medical ethics. --- Physician and patient. --- Physicians --- Medical errors --- Errors, Medical --- Medical mishaps --- Mishaps, Medical --- Errors, Scientific --- Medicine --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values --- Medicine and religion --- Religion and medicine --- Pastoral medicine --- Unforgiveness --- Conduct of life --- Absolution --- Amnesty --- Clemency --- Pardon --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- psychology --- Professional ethics. --- Religious aspects. --- Psychological aspects. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Practice --- Moral and ethical aspects
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Cosa si prova a non poter avere un figlio? Quanto è difficile comunicare alla coppia una diagnosi di sterilità? Come affrontare il 70% dei fallimenti delle tecniche di PMA? Come una legge puo' incidere sul futuro di un embrione? Il testo, nato dalla fusione multidisciplinare medica, psicologica e sociologica, vuole riflettere su queste domande e accompagnare il lettore in una nuova forma mentis sulle criticità nella fecondazione assistita. La trama scientifica si accompagna a un linguaggio diretto dove hanno un posto rilevante le emozioni, cosi' centrali in campi quali la ginecologia, la riproduzione e la psicologia dell'infertilità, che vanno al cuore del bisogno psico-sessuale più forte e arcaico: quello riproduttivo. Al centro del volume è la relazione medico-paziente che, nel campo dell'infertilità, è caratterizzata dall'attivazione di forti echi emotivi da parte di entrambi. Conoscere le emozioni della professione d'aiuto e del vissuto dei pazienti contribuisce a sollecitare l'intelligenza emotiva interpersonale, cosi' centrale nella relazione, mobilizzando anche le energie "riproduttive" spesso congelate nelle coppie che si rivolgono alla fecondazione assistita. Il volume, a tale riguardo, propone il protocollo SAHARAI che comprende due metodi inediti (il questionario e il nurse-ring) capaci di intervenire, rispettivamente, nella fase diagnostica e in quella terapeutica della fecondazione. Il delicato percorso di riflessione scientifica proposto nel volume è anche teso a garantire una migliore qualità bio-etica delle procedure in uso. I metodi e le riflessioni proposti sono volti alla riduzione dei disagi psicologici delle coppie e al riequilibrio del rapporto medico-paziente. Dal testo emerge forte una nuova idea di formazione per gli operatori dei centri di fecondazione assistita e un percorso di qualificazione per le nuove figure professionali (gli psicologi addetti alla PMA) in accordo con le nuove direttive della legge.
Reproductive technology. --- Infertility --- Physician and patient --- Psychological aspects. --- Treatment. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- Involuntary childlessness --- Sterility --- Sterility in humans --- Childlessness --- Generative organs --- Fertility, Human --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Assisted reproduction --- Reproduction --- Biotechnology --- Diseases --- Technological innovations --- Psychology, clinical. --- Psychotherapy. --- Reproductive Medicine. --- Medical ethics. --- Health Psychology. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Sociology, general. --- Clinical psychology. --- Psychiatry --- Psychology, Applied --- Psychological tests --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Human reproduction --- Human reproductive health --- Human reproductive medicine --- Reproductive medicine --- Health --- Psychagogy --- Therapy (Psychotherapy) --- Mental illness --- Clinical sociology --- Mental health counseling --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Health aspects --- Treatment --- Health psychology. --- Psychotherapy . --- Reproductive medicine. --- Sociology. --- Social theory --- Social sciences --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology
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Drugs --- Physician and patient --- Patient compliance --- Patients --- Sociology, Medical --- Anthropology --- Drug Prescriptions --- Patient Compliance --- Medication Adherence --- Prescribing --- Social aspects --- Psychology --- psychology --- Self medication --- Automédication --- 354:614 --- -Patient compliance --- -Patients --- -Physician and patient --- Zelfmedicatie --- Relaties arts-patiënt --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- Adherence of patients --- Compliance of patients --- Cooperation of patients --- Patient adherence --- Patient cooperation --- Treatment compliance --- Therapist and patient --- Ministerie van Volksgezondheid --- Compliance with regimen --- 354:614 Ministerie van Volksgezondheid --- Automédication --- 61 --- 614 --- Antropologie --- Geneesmiddelen --- Interpersonal relations --- Sick --- Compliance --- Health behavior --- Medical cooperation --- Drug prescribing --- Prescribing of drugs --- Prescription of drugs --- Chemotherapy --- Openbare gezondheidszorg--(zie ook {351.84}) --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie --- Anthropologie --- Médicaments --- Relations médecin-patient --- Cooperation --- Médicaments --- Relations médecin-patient --- Aspect social --- Drugs - Prescribing --- Patient compliance - Social aspects --- Patients - Psychology --- Patient Compliance - psychology --- Médecine --- Sociologie médicale --- Relations médecin- patient --- médicaments --- Habitudes sanitaires --- Santé --- Usage --- Aspects religieux --- France
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Le droit médical a récemment subi des bouleversements législatifs et jurisprudentiels qui appellent un examen approfondi de la nouvelle physionomie des rapports juridiques entre le médecin et son patient. L’équilibre semble atteint dans une relation que le législateur balise toujours plus précisément. Il en résulte d’inévitables répercussions sur le plan des responsabilités et de l’assurance, matières d’actualité et sensibles parce qu’elles contribuent à façonner la médecine de demain. Le présent ouvrage synthétise l’état actuel de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine en matière de responsabilité médicale, un droit encore prétorien jusqu’à une éventuelle reprise en mains par la loi. Sont envisagés à ce propos les problématiques de la faute et du risque en général, le mépris du consentement du patient en particulier, l’appréciation du dommage par recours à la notion de perte d’une chance, ainsi que le mode de réparation et l’assurance. En amont de l’incident médical et juridique, le lecteur trouvera aussi un commentaire sur la loi sur les droits du patient.
Medical law --- Belgium --- Droit médical --- Medisch recht --- W 32 Laws (General) --- Medical laws and legislation --- Physicians --- Patients --- Médecine --- Médecins --- Malpractice --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Responsabilité professionnelle --- Physician and patient --- medisch recht (biomedisch recht) --- patiëntenrechten (rechten van de patiënt) --- droit médical (droit biomédical) --- droits du patient (droits des malades) --- Belgique --- België --- Médecine --- Médecins --- Responsabilité professionnelle --- Doctor and patient --- Doctor-patient relationships --- Patient and doctor --- Patient and physician --- Patient-doctor relationships --- Patient-physician relationships --- Patients and doctors --- Patients and physicians --- Physician-patient relationships --- Physicians and patients --- Interpersonal relations --- Fear of doctors --- Narrative medicine --- Law, Medical --- Medical personnel --- Medical registration and examination --- Medicine --- Surgeons --- Medical policy --- Medical jurisprudence --- Law and legislation --- diritto sanitario --- право в областта на здравеопазването --- medicinsko pravo --- medisch recht --- medicinos teisė --- Derecho médico --- orvosi jog --- ιατρικό δίκαιο --- drept medical --- Medizinrecht --- lékařské právo --- medical law --- prawo ochrony zdrowia --- liġi medika --- medicīniskās tiesības --- medicinsk rätt --- medicinsk jura --- meditsiiniõigus --- lääketieteellinen lainsäädäntö --- direito médico --- e drejtë mjekësore --- медицинско право --- lekárske právo --- législation médicale --- lékařské zákony --- законодавство од областа на медицината --- Arztrecht --- Derecho sanitario --- lékařská legislativa --- Ärzterecht --- lékařskoprávní legislativa --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- dlí leighis --- Medical laws and legislation - Belgium --- Physician and patient - Belgium --- Droit médical --- DROIT CIVIL BELGE --- RESPONSABILITE MEDICALE --- ASSURANCE RESPONSABILITE MEDICALE --- DROIT DES PERSONNES --- DROIT MEDICAL --- DROIT DU PATIENT
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