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Handbook of sensor networks : algorithms and architectures
ISBN: 0471684724 9780471684725 Year: 2005 Publisher: Hoboken Wiley Interscience

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Striking a balance between theoretical and practical coverage, this comprehensive reference explores a myriad of possible architectures for future commercial, social, and educational applications, and offers insightful information and analyses of critical issues, including: Sensor training and security Embedded operating systems Signal processing and medium access Target location, tracking, and sensor localization Broadcasting, routing, and sensor area coverage Topology construction and maintenance Data-centric protocols and data gathering Time synchronization and calibration Energy scavenging and power sources With exercises throughout, students, researchers, and professionals in computer science, electrical engineering, and telecommunications will find this an essential read to bring themselves up to date on the key challenges affecting the sensors industry.

Mobile computing handbook.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0849319714 Year: 2005 Publisher: Boca Raton Auerbach

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Mobile Computing Handbook explores the challenges in mobile computing and includes the latest insight into the topic. It provides, in 40 chapters written by industry experts, technical information about all aspects of mobile computing, from basic concepts to research-level material, with learned analysis of future directions. This handbook captures the present state of mobile computing and serves as an invaluable source of reference material. Following an introduction and an overview of mobile applications, the book explores location management, location-based services, caching strategies, power management, performance and modeling, security and privacy, and many other subjects.

Integration at middleware level of fault tolerance for distributed systems
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9056826506 Year: 2005 Publisher: Heverlee Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Dankzij de snelle evolutie van de informatietechnologie in de laatste jaren zijn heel wat industriële processen beter en efficienter geworden. Deze evolutie was enkel mogelijk dankzij de foutloze en onafgebroken werking van talloze computersystemen die in onze huidige maatschappij onmisbaar zijn geworden. Deze systemen worden steeds groter en complexer omdat toepassingspecifieke hardwareoplossingen vervangen worden door meer algemene softwareoplossingen. Omdat de afhankelijkheid van deze computersystemen, die bijvoorbeeld worden gebruikt bij de controle en sturing van het elektriciteitsnetwerk, zo groot is, moeten ze zeer betrouwbaar zijn. In veranderende situaties moet het computersysteem correct blijven functioneren. Omdat het systeem blootgesteld wordt aan wisselende omstandigheden is aanpasbaarheid nodig, enerzijds functionele aanpasbaarheid aan wisselende beschikbare middelen, en anderzijds aanpasbaarheid van de methodes om de betrouwbaarheid op peil te houden. Dit proefschrift onderzoekt de nood om de betrouwbaarheid aan te passen aan variërende omstandigheden in het systeem zoals bijvoorbeeld beschikbare middelen of aan de omgeving. Deze aanpassingen, bijvoorbeeld van de kwaliteit van de diensten of van de foutbestendigheidsgraad, laten toe dat het systeem toch nog functioneert, zij het in mindere mate, wanneer er fouten of veranderingen optreden. Zo kan de applicatie langer overleven. Voor toepassingen in ons domein (controle en sturing in elektrische energie systemen) is deze aanpasbaarheid een belangrijke eigenschap om de diensten van het elektriciteitsnetwerk te garanderen. Deze dissertatie stelt oplossingen voor om de foutbestendigheid en de kwaliteit van de dienst te integreren op middleware-niveau in gedistribueerde dynamische systemen. De belasting van het systeem wordt continu gemeten en het systeem wordt hieraan aangepast. Ook met omgevingsfactoren wordt rekening gehouden om een aanpasbaar foutbestendig en veilig systeem te krijgen. Dit proefschrift bespreekt het verband tussen de vertrouwbaarheid en de geobserveerde parameters. Mogelijke acties die dan op basis van de observaties ondernomen kunnen worden, zijn het herstellen van de gegevens of het herstarten van delen van de applicatie (software rejuvenation). Er wordt een voorbeeldtoepassing van aanpasbare foutbestendigheid besproken in een computergrid, waar reeds veel gebruik gemaakt wordt van deze observatiemethodes. Omdat deze aanpasbare foutbestendigheid zich op metingen baseert, worden hiervan ook de verbanden met de veiligheid bestudeerd. The evolution of computers and information technology during recent decades supplies the means to simplify, improve and reduce costs in industry, transportation and almost all fields of public life. At this point, society is committed to using computing systems, and depends on their correct and continuous operation. Besides this increasing reliance on computing systems, other trends should be mentioned, such as the growing scale and complexity of these systems, and the use of common technologies to replace more expensive dedicated ones. Given these trends, the dependability of underlying computing systems, used in infrastructures such as electric power infrastructure, becomes a key issue. Given the dynamic nature of the computational systems the need for adaptation becomes obvious. Not only functional adaptation (e.g. to available resources), but also the adaptation of dependability means (e.g. fault tolerance) is relevant for (critical) infrastructures. This work is focused on the need for the adaptation of dependability means to the dynamic conditions of the environment (system resources and external environment). Such an adaptation, for instance of fault tolerance and quality-of-service, allows a system to continue to provide services (possible degraded ones), even in the case of faults or changes causing system degradation or alteration of the operational environment. As such, survivability of the system can be attained. Control systems, such as those deployed in the monitoring/control of energy transport and distribution (the target application of this work) need to satisfy requirements for dependability and survivability. The scope of this work is to identify and assess solutions to integrate fault tolerance and quality-of-service support at middleware level in (distributed) dynamic systems. The specific contributions cover the incorporation of environmental conditions in fault tolerance mechanisms at middleware level to attain adaptive fault tolerance of target applications. A mechanism is proposed to integrate load monitoring information in the fault tolerance adaptation mechanism. Aspects related to a monitoring-based approach, such as reliability of data, possible adaptation actions triggered by monitoring (recovery, rejuvenation), and security, are also considered. Due to the extensive use of monitoring in Grid, a case analysis for Grid as target application for adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms is presented. Given the reliance on the monitoring of adaptive techniques, the relationships between adaptive fault tolerance and security requirements are also identified. The evolution of computers and information technology during recent decades supplies the means to simplify, improve and reduce costs in industry, transportation and almost all fields of public life. At this point, society is committed to using computing systems, and depends on their correct and continuous operation. Besides this increasing reliance on computing systems, other trends should be mentioned, such as the growing scale and complexity of these systems, and the use of common technologies to replace more expensive dedicated ones. Given these trends, the dependability of underlying computing systems, used in infrastructures such as electric power infrastructure, becomes a key issue. Given the dynamic nature of the computationalsystems the need for adaptation becomes obvious. Not only functional adaptation (e.g. to available resources), but also the adaptation of dependability means (e.g. fault tolerance) is relevant for (critical) infrastructures. This work is focused on the need for the adaptation of dependability means to the dynamic conditions of the environment (system resources and external environment). Such an adaptation, for instance of fault tolerance and quality-of-service, allows a system to continueto provide services (possible degraded ones), even in the case of faults or changes causing system degradation or alteration of the operational environment. As such, survivability of the system can be attained. Control systems, such as those deployed in the monitoring/control of energy transport and distribution (the target application of this work) need to satisfy requirements for dependability and survivability. The scope of this work is to identify and assess solutions to integrate fault tolerance and quality-of-service support at middleware level in (distributed) dynamic systems. The specific contributions cover the incorporation of environmental conditions in fault tolerance mechanisms at middleware level to attain adaptive fault tolerance of target applications. A mechanism is proposed to integrate load monitoring information in the fault tolerance adaptation mechanism. Aspects related to a monitoring-based approach, such as reliability of data, possible adaptation actions triggered by monitoring (recovery, rejuvenation), and security, are also considered. Due to the extensive use of monitoring in Grid, a case analysis for Grid as target application for adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms is presented. Given the reliance on the monitoring of adaptive techniques, the relationships between adaptive fault tolerance and security requirements are also identified.

Handbook of sensor networks : compact wireless and wired sensing systems
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0849319684 9780849319686 Year: 2005 Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press [Chemical Rubber Company],

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"A selection of highly respected professionals and researchers from leading institutions worldwide contribute their expertise to assemble a referential set of 40 brand new, in-depth articles that cover various aspects of sensor networks from basic concepts to research-grade material, including future directions."--Jacket.

Distributed systems : concepts and design
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0321263545 9780321263544 Year: 2005 Publisher: Harlow: Addison-Wesley,

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From mobile phones to the Internet, our lives depend increasingly on distributed systems linking computers and other devices together in a seamless and transparent way. The fourth edition of this best-selling text continues to provide a comprehensive source of material on the principles and practice of distributed computer systems and the exciting new developments based on them, using a wealth of modern case studies to illustrate their design and development.


681.3*C21 --- 681.3*C24 --- 681.3*D47 --- 681.3*H34 --- 681.3*H34 Systems and software: current awareness systems selective dissemination of information SDI information networks question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- Systems and software: current awareness systems selective dissemination of information SDI information networks question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- 681.3*D47 Organization and design: batch processing systems distributed systems hierarchical design interactive systems real-time systems (Operating systems) --- Organization and design: batch processing systems distributed systems hierarchical design interactive systems real-time systems (Operating systems) --- 681.3*C24 Distributed systems: distributed databases distributed applications networkoperating systems --- Distributed systems: distributed databases distributed applications networkoperating systems --- 681.3*C21 Network architecture and design: networks (centralized, circuit switching, distributed, packet, store and forward) network communications netword topology --- Network architecture and design: networks (centralized, circuit switching, distributed, packet, store and forward) network communications netword topology --- gedistribueerde besturing --- dataprocessing --- gedistribueerde systeemarchitecturen --- data processing --- Network architecture and design: networks (centralized, circuit switching, distributed, packet, store and forward); network communications; netword topology --- Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems --- 681.3*C24 Distributed systems: distributed databases; distributed applications; networkoperating systems --- 681.3*C21 Network architecture and design: networks (centralized, circuit switching, distributed, packet, store and forward); network communications; netword topology --- Electronic data processing --- Distributed computer systems in electronic data processing --- Distributed computing --- Distributed processing in electronic data processing --- Computer networks --- 681.3*H34 Systems and software: current awareness systems; selective dissemination of information; SDI; information networks; question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- Systems and software: current awareness systems; selective dissemination of information; SDI; information networks; question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- 681.3*D47 Organization and design: batch processing systems; distributed systems; hierarchical design; interactive systems; real-time systems (Operating systems) --- Organization and design: batch processing systems; distributed systems; hierarchical design; interactive systems; real-time systems (Operating systems) --- Distributed processing --- netwerken --- netwerkbeheer --- computerbeveiliging --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Distributed processing. --- Computerarchitectuur. Operating systems

A networking approach to grid computing
ISBN: 1280265604 9786610265602 0470360445 0471704261 0471704253 9780471704256 0471687561 9780471687566 9780471704263 9781280265600 6610265607 9780470360446 Year: 2005 Publisher: Hoboken, N.J. Wiley-Interscience

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Explores practical advantages of Grid Computing and what is needed by an organization to migrate to this new computing paradigmThis self-contained reference makes both the concepts and applications of grid computing clear and understandable to even non-technical managersExplains the underlying networking mechanism and answers such questions critical to the business enterprise as""What is grid computing?""""How widespread is its present/potential penetration?""""Is it ready for prime time?""""Are there firm standards?""""Is it secure?""""How do we bil

Component-based software development for embedded systems : an overview of current research trends
ISSN: 03029743 ISBN: 9783540306443 3540306447 3540316140 Year: 2005 Volume: 3778 Publisher: Berlin: Springer,

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Embedded systems are ubiquitous. They appear in cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators, consumer electronics, cars, and jets. Some of these embedded s- tems are safety- or security-critical such as in medical equipment, nuclear plants, and X-by-wire control systems in naval, ground and aerospace transportation - hicles. With the continuing shift from hardware to software, embedded systems are increasingly dominated by embedded software. Embedded software is complex. Its engineering inherently involves a mul- disciplinary interplay with the physics of the embedding system or environment. Embedded software also comes in ever larger quantity and diversity. The next generation of premium automobiles will carry around one gigabyte of binary code. The proposed US DDX submarine is e?ectively a ?oating embedded so- ware system, comprising 30 billion lines of code written in over 100 programming languages. Embedded software is expensive. Cost estimates are quoted at around US$15– 30 per line (from commencement to shipping). In the defense realm, costs can range up to $100, while for highly critical applications, such as the Space Shuttle, the cost per line approximates $1,000. In view of the exponential increase in complexity, the projected costs of future embedded software are staggering.

Component software : beyond object-oriented programming
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0201745720 9780201745726 Year: 2005 Publisher: London: Addison-Wesley,

Service-oriented computing : semantics, processes, agents
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0470091487 9780470091487 Year: 2005 Publisher: Chichester: Wiley,

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This comprehensive text_explains the principles and practice of Web services and relates all concepts to practical examples and emerging standards._ Its discussions include: Ontologies Semantic web technologies Peer-to-peer service discovery Service selection Web structure and link analysis Distributed transactions Process modelling Consistency management._ The_application of these technologies_is clearly explained_within the context of_planning, negotiation, contracts, compliance, privacy, and network policies. The_presentation of_the intellectual underpinnings of Web services draws from several key disciplines such as databases, distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and multi-agent systems for techniques and formalisms._ Ideas from these disciplines are united in the context of Web services and service-based applications._ Featuring an accompanying website and teacher's manual that includes a complete set of transparencies for lectures, copies of open-source software for exercises and working implementations, and resources to conduct course projects, this book makes an excellent graduate textbook._ It will also prove an invaluable reference and training tool for_practitioners.


Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Web services --- Web services. --- 681.3*H35 --- 681.3*H34 --- 681.3*D47 --- 681.3*D22 --- 681.3*D211 --- 681.3*D15 --- Internet --- computernetwerken --- programmeertalen --- systeemontwikkeling --- On-line information services: data bank sharing --- Systems and software: current awareness systems; selective dissemination of information; SDI; information networks; question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- Organization and design: batch processing systems; distributed systems; hierarchical design; interactive systems; real-time systems (Operating systems) --- Tools and techniques: decision tables; flow charts; modules and interfaces; programmer workbench; software libraries; structured programming; top-down programming; user interfaces (Software engineering) --- Software architectures: data abstractio, domain-specific architectures, information hiding, languages (e.g. description, interconnection, definition), patterns (e.g. client/server, pipeline, blackboard) --- Software: object-oriented programming --- 681.3*D15 Software: object-oriented programming --- 681.3*D22 Tools and techniques: decision tables; flow charts; modules and interfaces; programmer workbench; software libraries; structured programming; top-down programming; user interfaces (Software engineering) --- 681.3*D47 Organization and design: batch processing systems; distributed systems; hierarchical design; interactive systems; real-time systems (Operating systems) --- 681.3*H35 On-line information services: data bank sharing --- 681.3*H34 Systems and software: current awareness systems; selective dissemination of information; SDI; information networks; question-answering (fact retrieval) systems (Information storage and retrieval) --- Application software --- Cloud computing

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