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Utviklingstrekkene framover med en stadig økning av antall eldre, gjør utfordringene for pleie-og omsorgstjenestene store med hensyn til å utforme tjenester som samsvarer med brukerenes behov og ressurser. Hensikten med studien er å beskrive og analysere de eldres opplevelse av eget hjelpebehov Det kvalitative forskningsintervju er valgt som datainnsamlingsmetode, og analysert ut fra metoden grounded theory. Ni hjemmeboende eldre, som var avhengig av hjelp flere ganger i døgnet av pleie-og omsorgstjenesten i kommunen, ble intervjuet. "En brukerrettet tjeneste" ble definert som overordnet kjernekategori. Videre framkom tre kategorier som var relatert til kjernekategorien; eldres ressurser og behov, hjelpernes møte med de eldre, og ytre rammer for tjenesten. Konklusjon: Hovedfunnet i studien peker på at de eldre opplever hjelpen de får som lite individuelt tilpasset, uforutsigbar og lite fleksibel. Tross dette, har de eldre vilje og ressurser til å mestresituasjonen, og de ønsker å bo hjemme. Resultatet av denne undersøkelsen kan muligens føre til at tjenestene ser nødvendigheten av en grundigere kartlegging av de eldres ressurser og mestringsevne før hjelpetiltak settes inn, og dermed rette fokus mer mot tiltak som tar hensyn til eldres opplevelse og forebygger ytterligere funksjonssvikt.
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Sociology --- Qualitative research --- Qualitative research. --- Research --- Methodology --- Research. --- Methodology.
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Sociology --- Qualitative research --- Qualitative research. --- Research --- Methodology --- Research. --- Methodology.
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Over the past five years the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research has welcomed research projects by the very best qualitative, organizational researchers in the world. This conference has helped authors develop and hone theoretical ideas in an environment friendly to qualitative methods, and more importantly, has begun to build a community of qualitative researchers that work on organizational and management issues. The authors winning the "Best Presentation Awards" at the Davis Conference over the past five years have contributed chapters to this volume. The ideas in these chapters were "born" before the conference, but were nurtured through dialogue at the conference, and subsequently matured through later interactions among the community of qualitative scholars associated with the conference. As such, this volume represents the fruits of our collective labor as a qualitative research community. This collective and iterative process is a hallmark of qualitative methods, and often leads to a counter-intuitive, "ah-hah" experience for the researcher. This volume showcases some of the very best of those ah-hah experiences from the organizational, qualitative research community.
Organization --- Management --- Qualitative research --- Research
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Sociology --- Qualitative research --- Research --- Methodology
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Management --- Organization --- Qualitative research --- Research
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Sociology --- Qualitative research --- Research --- Methodology
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Asuntos críticos en los métodos de investigación cualitativa es un libro rico y sugerente que aborda algunos de los principales asuntos teóricos relativos a la investigación cualitativa: los métodos de investigación menos conocidos o estudiados (como la etología), los conceptos esenciales de rigor y evaluación, los dilemas en la recopilación de datos o los vicios habituales en la práctica científica. A lo largo de sus páginas se describen las diversas escuelas de fenomenología, así como sus características fundamentales. Además, se formulan algunas preocupaciones éticas que atañen a la integridad científica: ¿qué conjunto de valores morales ha de poseer el investigador?, ¿debe divulgar los propósitos de su investigación?, ¿hay riesgos potenciales para los informantes?, etc. Los capítulos de este volumen tratan asuntos que aún no se han resuelto satisfactoriamente o que se han soslayado en la bibliografía precedente. Dichos capítulos se inician a menudo con un diálogo en que los interlocutores exponen y comentan los distintos conceptos que se van a estudiar. A través de este procedimiento es posible extraer importantes conclusiones sobre la controversia que siempre suscitan las opiniones sobre la materia.
Nursing --- Research --- Methodology. --- Sociology --- Qualitative research.
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The author takes readers on a journey of a large number of issues in designing actual studies of knowing and learning in the classroom, exploring actual data, and putting readers face to face with problems that he actually or possibly encountered, and what he has done or possibly could have done. The reader subsequently sees the results of data collection in the different analyses provided. The author shows how one writes very different studies using the same data sources but very different theoretical assumptions and analytic technique. The author brings his publication experience in very different disciplinesinto play to provide readers with way of experiencing research as praxis. The book is organized around six major themes (sections), in the course of which it develops the practical problems an educational researcher might face in a large variety of settings. The book was written to be used by upper undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in research design and professors who want to have a reference on design and methodology.
Qualitative research. --- Social sciences --- Research --- Methodology.
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Sociology --- Qualitative research --- Publications périodiques. --- Sciences sociales. --- Qualitative research. --- Research --- Methodology --- Research. --- Methodology.
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