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Iron at Winterthur
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0912724633 Year: 2004 Publisher: Ghent Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon

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Les cuisinières d'antan, pour petits et grands
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2960033027 Year: 2004 Publisher: Treignes : DIRE,

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A companion to Latin American film
ISBN: 1281949914 9786611949914 184615278X 1855661063 1855662108 Year: 2004 Publisher: Rochester, NY : Tamesis,

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A history of Latin American cinema, with detailed analysis of the twenty-five best films. Latin American cinema has seen major developments in the past half-century, and some of the most exciting work in contemporary film now originates there. This Companion traces its development from the mid 1890s, with particular attention to the early period when it was dominated by foreign film makers (or foreign models such as Hollywood), through the 1960s when as a genre it found its feet - the New Latin American Cinema movement - and beyond. Detailed analysis of the best twenty-five films of Latin America follows: cast and crew, awards, plots, themes and techniques. The 'Guide to Further Reading' includes important books, articles and Internet sites. FILMS:Que viva México Los olvidados Dos tipos de cuidado Orfeu Negro Memorias del subdesarrollo Lucía El chacal de Nahueltoro Yawar Mallku La batalla de Chile La última cena Pixote: a lei do mais fraco El Norte CamilaLa historia oficial Cartas del parque La tarea Yo, la peor de todas La frontera El viaje Fresa y chocolate Como agua para chocolate Central do Brasil Amores perros Y tu mamá también Cidade de Deus. STEPHEN M. HART is Professor of Hispanic Studies, University College London, and Profesor Honorario, Universidad de San Marcos, Lima.

Slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling : een onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van een herstelgerichte strafrechtsbedeling
ISBN: 9058673731 9789058673732 Year: 2004 Volume: 29 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers

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Restorative justice. --- Victims of crimes. --- Mediation. --- Criminals --- Rehabilitation. --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Belgium --- Mediation --- Restorative justice --- Victims of crimes --- Justitieel welzijnswerk --- slachtofferhulp --- Sociaal werk --- strafbemiddeling --- Strafrecht --- herstelrecht --- strafrecht --- Academic collection --- 343.9 --- 343.9 Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Crime victims --- Victimology --- Victims --- Balanced and restorative justice --- BARJ (Restorative justice) --- Community justice --- Restorative community justice --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Reparation (Criminal justice) --- Good offices (Mediation) --- Conflict management --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Prisoners --- Reform of criminals --- Rehabilitation of criminals --- Corrections --- Alternatives to imprisonment --- Rehabilitation --- 343.8 --- 343 --- Law and legislation --- Criminologie --- Strafrechtspleging --- Herstelrecht --- Slachtofferhulp --- Daders --- Bemiddeling --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- E-books --- Comité P --- slachtoffer --- overeenstemmingsprocedure --- konċiljazzjoni --- conciliation procedure (part of codecision procedure) --- taikinimo procedūra --- egyeztetőbizottsági eljárás --- dohadovací řízení --- procédure de conciliation --- samierināšanas procedūra (daļa no koplēmuma procedūras) --- sovintomenettely --- поступак мирења (део поступка саодлучивања) --- processo de conciliação --- procedura di conciliazione --- procedimiento de conciliación --- διαδικασία συνδιαλλαγής --- procedura e pajtimit (pjesë e procedurës së bashkë-vendimmarrjes) --- dohodovacie riadenie --- помирителна процедура --- forligsprocedure --- procedură de conciliere (parte a procedurii de codecizie) --- постапка на помирување (дел од постапка на соодлучување) --- procedura koncyliacyjna --- postupak usklađivanja (kao dio postupka suodlučivanja) --- Schlichtungsverfahren --- spravni postopek (del postopka soodločanja) --- förlikningsförfarande --- lepitusprotseduur --- помирување --- samierināšana --- bemiddelingsprocedure --- bemiddeling --- forlig --- sovittelukomitea --- procedura pojednawcza --- conciliazione --- dohodovací výbor --- conciliación --- Комитет за помирување --- lepituskomitee --- kumitat ta' konċiljazzjoni --- Taikinimo komitetas --- zmierenie --- sovittelu --- zmierovací výbor --- egyeztetés --- conciliation committee --- comité de conciliación --- Vermittlungsausschuss --- komitet pojednawczy --- comitato di conciliazione --- saskaņošanas procedūra (daļa no koplēmuma procedūras) --- conciliere --- επιτροπή συνδιαλλαγής --- Vermittlung --- усогласување --- egyeztetőbizottság --- comité de conciliação --- dohodovací postup --- forligsudvalg --- συνδιαλλαγή --- comitet de conciliere --- samierināšanas komiteja --- conciliation --- taikinimas --- lepitamine --- förlikningskommitté --- помирителен комитет --- část spolurozhodovací procedury --- förlikning --- spravni odbor --- nukentėjusysis --- vítima --- жртва --- victime --- Opfer --- obeť --- žrtva --- offer --- cietušais --- brottsoffer --- vittima --- žrtev --- victimă --- жертва --- vittma --- ohver --- θύμα --- oběť --- ofiara --- victim --- víctima --- viktimë --- uhri --- sértett --- kannatanu --- cietusī persona --- áldozat --- poškozený --- parte lesa --- Strafrechtspraak --- Dader --- íospartach --- nós imeachta idir-réitigh (cuid de nós imeachta na comhchinnteoireachta) --- помирителна процедура (част от обикновената законодателна процедура) --- zmierovací postup (súčasť riadneho legislatívneho postupu) --- procedura de conciliere (parte a procedurii legislative ordinare) --- egyeztetési eljárás (a rendes jogalkotási eljárás része) --- Schlichtungsverfahren (Teil des ordentlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahrens) --- forligsprocedure (del af den almindelige lovgivningsprocedure) --- postupak mirenja (dio redovnog zakonodavnog postupka) --- sovittelumenettely (osa tavallista lainsäätämismenettelyä) --- procedura di conciliazione (parte della procedura legislativa ordinaria) --- an nós imeachta idir-réitigh (cuid den ghnáthnós imeachta reachtach) --- conciliation procedure (part of ordinary legislative procedure) --- förlikningsförfarande (del av det ordinarie lagstiftningsförfarandet) --- samierināšanas procedūra (daļa no parastās likumdošanas procedūras) --- διαδικασία συνδιαλλαγής (μέρος της συνήθους νομοθετικής διαδικασίας) --- procedura pojednawcza (w ramach zwykłej procedury ustawodawczej) --- taikinimo procedūra (įprastos teisėkūros procedūros dalis) --- processo de conciliação (parte do processo legislativo ordinário) --- procédure de conciliation (partie de la procédure législative ordinaire) --- proċedura ta’ konċiljazzjoni (parti mill-proċedura leġiżlattiva ordinarja) --- spravni postopek (del rednega zakonodajnega postopka) --- dohodovací postup (součást řádného legislativního postupu) --- lepitusprotseduur (seadusandliku tavamenetluse osa) --- procedimiento de conciliación (una de las fases del procedimiento legislativo ordinario) --- Criminals - Rehabilitation.

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