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This is one of 10 studies for the Copenhagen Consensus Project that sought to evaluate the most feasible opportunities to improve welfare globally and alleviate poverty in developing countries. The author argues that phasing out distortionary government subsidies and barriers to international trade will yield an extraordinarily high benefit-cost ratio. A survey is provided of recent estimates using global economy-wide simulation models of the benefits of doing that by way of the current Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations. Even if adjustment costs are several times as large as suggested by available estimates, the benefit-cost ratio from seizing this opportunity exceeds 20. That is much higher than the rewards from regional or bilateral trade agreements or from providing preferential access for least-developed countries' exports to high-income countries. Such reform would simultaneously contribute to alleviating several of the other key challenges reflected in the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.
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Det nordiske samarbejde om genetiske ressourcer er veletableret og har været fremgangsrigt over en lang årrække sideløbende med, at området har fået stadig større strategisk vægt i Nordisk Ministerråd. Det stærke nordiske samarbejde på genressourceområdet har medført, at Norden har kunnet manifestere sig som en kompetent og drivende samarbejdspartner internationalt.Den reviderede fælles strategi for forvaltningen af genetiske ressourcer i fiskeri, jordbrug, skovbrug og levnedsmidler 2005-2008, som præsenteres her, angiver de overordnede sigtelinjer for det nordiske gensamarbejde de kommende år. Grundlaget for strategien er at bevare og bygge videre på det meget vellykkede samarbejde om mangfoldigheden i nordisk jord- og skovbrug samt fortsat udvikling af nye opgaver i relation til ny teknik og viden inden for forvaltning af de genetiske ressourcer i naturen.Strategien bygger på en helhedstankegang i relation til miljøet, fødevarernes oprindelse og deres vej til konsumenterne. En styrkelse af tværsektorielle indsatser er desuden i fokus. Som noget nyt omfatter strategien også de fiskegenetiske ressourcer og giver retningslinier for arbejdet de kommende år for dette område.Strategien skal implementeres bl.a. gennem de nordiske samarbejdsorganer inden for genressourceområdet, Nordisk Genbank (NGB), Nordisk Genbank Husdyr(NGH) og Nordisk Skovbrugs Frø- og Planteråd (NSFP), hvorigennem de nordiske lande har udviklet en stærk forvaltning.
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This is one of 10 studies for the Copenhagen Consensus Project that sought to evaluate the most feasible opportunities to improve welfare globally and alleviate poverty in developing countries. The author argues that phasing out distortionary government subsidies and barriers to international trade will yield an extraordinarily high benefit-cost ratio. A survey is provided of recent estimates using global economy-wide simulation models of the benefits of doing that by way of the current Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations. Even if adjustment costs are several times as large as suggested by available estimates, the benefit-cost ratio from seizing this opportunity exceeds 20. That is much higher than the rewards from regional or bilateral trade agreements or from providing preferential access for least-developed countries' exports to high-income countries. Such reform would simultaneously contribute to alleviating several of the other key challenges reflected in the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.
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Agricultural biotechnology --- Agricultural biotechnology --- Transgenic organisms --- Agricultural innovations
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Agricultural development --- Agricultural development --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural policies --- Agricultural policies --- Development projects --- Development projects --- Romania --- Romania
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Agricultural chemistry --- Agricultural chemicals --- Biochemistry --- Korea (South)
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